SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Development, Environment and Leisure Directorate REPORT TO CITY CENTRE SOUTH DATE 19/02/2007 AND EAST PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS AREA BOARD REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS Lucy Bond 0114 2734556 CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS Chris Heeley TEL NO: 0114 2736329 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 04/00793/FUL Abbeydale Road South 7 Dore Sheffield 05/04421/FUL Longs Of Sheffield 17 Huntingtower Road Sheffield S11 7GS 05/04737/OUT Site Of 1-31a Market Square 26 Sheffield S13 7JX 06/00625/FUL Site Of Universe Works 38 97 Mary Street Sheffield S1 4RT 06/00626/CAC Site Of Universe Works 54 97 Mary Street Sheffield S1 4RT 06/01770/FUL 52-54 West Street 60 Sheffield S1 4EP 06/03411/FUL Murray Building, Arley Street And 65 Boston Street Sheffield 06/04024/LBC Murray Building, Arley Street And 74 Boston Street Sheffield 06/03412/FUL Land Between 534 And 546 77 Abbeydale Road Sheffield S7 1TD 3 06/03451/FUL Land Between Barrow Road And Meadowhall 87 Road Barrow Road Sheffield 06/03732/REM Land To The West Of Acres Hill Road And 97 Adjacent To Staniforth Road Sheffield 06/03791/FUL Land Between 15 And 23 109 Abbey Lane Sheffield (Numbered 19 Abbey Lane) 06/03799/FUL Hall Lane Farm 113 Totley Hall Lane Sheffield S17 4AA 06/03802/CAC Hall Lane Farm 128 Totley Hall Lane Sheffield S17 4AA 06/03877/CHU 170-172 Queens Road 133 Beighton Sheffield S20 1DW 06/04095/FUL Sheffield Hallam University 138 Squash Court Building Collegiate Crescent Sheffield S10 2BJ 06/04102/CAC Sheffield Hallam University Squash Court Building 149 Collegiate Crescent Sheffield S10 2BJ 06/04333/FUL Kelham Island 154 Sheffield S3 8RY 4 06/04487/FUL 474 Ecclesall Road 163 Sheffield S11 8PX 06/04532/FUL Site Of 484 City Road 170 Sheffield S2 1GD 06/04753/FUL Site Of 362-364 Myrtle Road 181 Sheffield S2 3HS 5 6 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Head Of Planning, Transport And Highways, Development, Environment And Leisure To The City Centre South and East Planning And Highways Area Board Date Of Meeting: 19/02/2007 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 04/00793/FUL Application Type A Full Planning Application Proposal Alterations to vicarage to form 4 flats and erection of 31 flats in 4 blocks with associated car parking (Site of 234 and 234A Abbeydale Road South) Location Abbeydale Road South Dore Sheffield Date Received 02/03/2004 Team SOUTH Applicant/Agent D Housley And Co Recommendation Refuse For the following reason(s): 1 The Local Planning Authority consider that a development of the scale and density proposed would result in the overdevelopment of the site which would harm the character and appearance of the area, including the adjoining Area of Special Character and the setting of the former vicarage and nearby Listed Buildings. The buildings would unacceptably dominate the former vicarage and introduce design features that do not respect the form of the original building which would be detrimental to the setting of the building. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies BE5, BE15, BE19 and H14(a) of the adopted Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. 2 The Local Planning Authority consider that the proposed development would result in the loss of mature trees and landscaping and create pressure for subsequent pruning/removal of trees of high amenity value. Such losses 7 would detract from the visual amenities of the locality and the setting of the former vicarage, nearby listed buildings and the adjoining Area of Special Character. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies BE6, BE19 and GE15 of the adopted Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. 3 The Local Planning Authority consider that the use of the proposed means of vehicular access/egress to and from the site would, in the absence of improvements to safeguard vehicles turning into the site and into the Twentywell Lane, be detrimental to the safety of road users and the free and safe flow of traffic in Abbeydale Road South. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policy H14(d) of the adopted Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. 4 The proposed development does not include provision for cycle parking or car parking provision for people with disabilities. Improvements are required to assist the manoeuvres of service vehicles, footways into the site are of substandard width and the gradient of the ramp to the upper tier of the proposed car park is substandard. In the absence of suitable provision of these facilities, the proposed development is contrary to Policies BE9 and H14(d) of the adopted Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. 5 The Local Planning Authority consider that the proposed development represents an overdevelopment of the site with insufficient external amenity space and privacy for residents, poor outlook, including over adjoining third party land and an oppressive environment to the main living areas to units A8 and A10. The proposed development is thereby contrary to Policies H5(b), H14(c) and H15(b) of the adopted Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. 6 The proposed development does not include sufficient provision for people with disabilities. No units have been demonstrated to provide suitable accommodation for wheelchair users, access to the communal amenity space is severely restricted and there is no provision of suitable car parking spaces. In the absence of suitable provision for people with disabilities, the proposed development is contrary to Policies BE5(i), BE9(f) and H15(a) of the adopted Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. 8 Site Location © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 10018816. 2005 INTRODUCTION Formal and informal proposals for this site have been the subject of protracted negotiations over the last 3-4 years. This application was expected to have been amended following extensive discussions last year. However, an impasse appears to have been reached and the application remains as originally submitted in March 2004. LOCATION AND PROPOSAL The site is occupied by a Victorian former vicarage and a modern two storey dwellinghouse built on land formerly within the grounds of the vicarage. The two properties lie between the private driveway to the adjoining Abbeydale Park Tennis Club and a bridle path in Water Lane. Beyond Water Lane are Grade II listed 9 almshouses (Woodland View). Immediately to the rear of the site is the car park to Abbeydale Park Tennis Club beyond which are tennis courts. There is a car showroom directly opposite the site between the junction with Twentywell Lane and a PO sorting office. Next to the sorting office is St John’s Church (Grade ii listed). On the opposite side of the Twentywell Lane junction is a complex of c.1970 four storey flats in Ladies Spring Drive. The application is to demolish the modern dwelling and convert the former vicarage to 4 flats (2 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed). An elongated 2½ storey block is proposed to be linked to the rear of the vicarage extending beyond the principal elevations to provide 13 flats (12 x 2 bed and 1 x 3 bed). The existing shared means of vehicular access to the site is to be moved approximately 22 metres to the south- west (closer to the tennis club entrance) and 3 storey blocks are proposed to either side providing a further 18 x 2 bed flats. 14 surface level car parking spaces are proposed in addition to 30 spaces provided in a two tier car park to the rear of the larger 3 storey block. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY An outline application to replace the former vicarage (No234) with 30 flats indicatively shown in a ‘V’ shaped 4 storey arrangement was withdrawn in June 2003 (ref.03/01228/OUT). The application was due to be recommended for refusal on the grounds of overdevelopment, harm to the setting of nearby listed buildings and an Area of Special Character, unsatisfactory car parking provision and impact on highway safety, loss of trees, loss of privacy, noise and disturbance and overbearing on the adjoining property (234A). An application for a development of 4 detached dwellinghouses on the site of tennis courts to the rear of the informal car park to the adjoining Abbeydale Park Tennis Club is currently being considered (ref.06/03803/FUL). The proposals include the formal laying out and extension of the car park, widening of the lower portion of the existing drive access, cutting back of vegetation in front of No234 to improve visibility and the extension and upgrading of the clubhouse. The dwelling at 234A was granted planning permission in 1987 (ref.86/2388P). SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIONS 18 letters of representation have been received, together with a 170 signature petition. Objections have also been received from the Dore Village Society, Councillor Keith Hill and Councillor Anne Smith. The representations include strong concerns from the occupiers of No234A. The representations are summarised below: Principle of development - Will feed trend of replacing
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