A tf Herts fk Number 2 October 1966 Volume 5 CHECK-LIST OP SPORTS AND RECREATION 1965 Supplement Bob Bruce - 1. Competitive sports China SG2080, Congo 523, 531, Cuba a. Aquatics 3G901, Gabon C35, Hungary 1702, (1) Canoeing Khor Pakkan 3GK32, Lebanon 433, Cameroon C58, Hungary 1654, Laos Peru C195-96, Russia 3111, Span­ 120, Panama SGIOil, Romania 1793 ish Sahara 163, 165, Uruguay 723, (2) Living Viet Nam 272 Red China 3G2077, Hungary 1697, (3) Field hockey Malaysia 30, Panama SG1019, Ro­ Laos 119 mania 1791 (4) J'Alai—none (3) Rowing (5) Polo—none Czechoslovakia 1301, Uruguay C279 (6) Rugby--none (4) Sailing (T ) 3o cc6 x* AJman 32, 35, Minkus 52, Minkus Cameroon 418-19, Red China SG2070, 52t, Bahamas 205, 211, Bulgaria Congo 529, 532, Ecuador 740, 743, 1425, Prance 1127, Pujeira 32, Ghana 233-35, Hungary 1652, Khor Italy 910-12, Panama SG1009, Po­ Pakkan SGK35, North Korea SGNK600- land 1324-31 01, Middle Congo 128, Romania (5) Swimming 1790, 1791, Togo C47, Upper Volta Cuba SG900, Ecuador C435, C437, 141, Uruguay 722, Yemen Arab Re­ German Democratic Republic 791, public SGR111 Hungary 1696, Lebanon 431, Mali (8) Table tennis 81, Panama SG1019, United Arab Re­ Red China SG2031-34, Jugoslavia public 245, Uruguay 725 759-60 (6) rVater polo (9) Tennis Hungary 1650, 1703 Hungary B243-51, 1699, Syria C333, (7) Miscellaneous—none Upper Volta 143 b. Ball (10) Volleyball (1) Baseball and softball--none Red China SG2074, Congo 530, 533, (2) Basketball Hungary 1701, Jordan 500-02, Po­ Albania 892-96, Bulgaria 1434, Red land 1362 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Harold Wasserman, 3703 Somerset Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. 90016: Wanted—Haiti Bl, CB1, and CB2 on covers and used copies which show date or place of cancellation; Switzer­ land 290-92 on cover; color proofs of France 817; and die proofs of Monaco 548. A Anton J. HLadik, 5511 uT. 23rd Place, Cicero 50, 111.: Wanted—U. 3. plate blocks with A Lincoln heads, will trade or buy; also wanted--precancelled U. S. blocks from all states and U. S. possessions, will send want list or write what you have with prices. (The classified advertising rate is 2^ per word for a single insertion; names and ad­ dresses are free. Send copy and remittance to Robert M. Bruce, 1457 Cleveland Road, Woo­ ster, Ohio 44691.) Copyright, Sports Philatelists International, 1966 2 CHECK-LIST OF SPORTS AND RECREATION (Cont'd) (11) Miscellaneous Togo 526, Viet Nam 273 Gabon 183, Middle Congo 129, Togo (7) Pole vault 527 Ecuador C438, C440, Fernando Po Combative 234, 236, Guinea 357, Korea 484, (1) Archery Niger 161, North Korea SGNK604, Red China SG2071, San Marino E26-7, Sharjah SG175, Viet Nam 275 Turkey 1671 (8) Relays (2) Boxing Ecuador 739, 742, Poland 1357, Ajman 28, 33, Minkus 51, Minkus 1360, Russia 3071 51t, German Democratic Republic (9) Running 764, B126, North Korea SGNK630, Ajman 27, 29, Minkus 49, Minkus Poland 1356, Sharjah SG176, Upper 49t, Cuba SG951, Czechoslovakia Volta 142, Uruguay C276 1277, 1298, German Democratic Re­ (3) Bull fighting public 790, Greece 832, Guinea Laos 118 356, 358, 360, Hungary 1695, Ma­ (4) Fencing laysia 29, Middle Congo 127, 130, German Democratic Republic B134, Niger 160, Panama 3G1015, SG1016, Hungary 1658, 1700, Lebanon 432, SGI018, Romania 1789, 1791, Rus­ Philippines 943, Poland 1353, Uru­ sia 3088, Ryukyu Islands 131, guay C278 Sharjah SG174, Togo 528, Uruguay (5) Judo C277, Yemen Arab Republic SGR112 Ajman 30, 34, Minkus 52, Minkus (10) Shot put 52t, Guinea 359, Mali 82, Yemen Cuba SG947, Ecuador 738, 741, Hun­ Arab Republic SGR114 gary 1651, North Korea SGNK608, (6) Rifle and pistol Russia 3089 Albania 809-13, German Democratic (11) Walking—none Republic B135, Hungary 1649, Leba­ (12) Miscellaneous—none non 0425, Romania 1748-53, Uruguay f. Winter 280 (1) Bob-sledding—none (7) Wrestling (2) Hockey Ecuador C435, C437, Hungary 1656, Finland 427, Russia 2998, 3012, North Korea SGNK625, Syria C335, (3) Ice skating Yemen Arab Republic SGR115 Hungary B256, Russia 2999, 3016, (8) Miscellaneous Switzerland 470 Ryukyu Islands 126, 127 (4) Skiing Racing Chile 350, C259 (1) Auto—none (5) Miscellaneous--none (2) Bicycle g. Miscellaneous Red China SG2076, Czechoslovakia (1) Ancient games and contests 1280, Ecuador C436, C439, Khor Mexico 965-66, C309-11 Fakkan SGK33, Middle Congo 131, (2) Badminton—none Panama SGI012, Philippines 939-41, (3) Calisthenics—none Russia 3072, 3087, San Marino 609- (4) Gliding 11, Uruguay 724 Turkey 1634 (3) Horse (5) Gymnastics Bulgaria 1445-49, United Arab Re­ Ajman 31, 36, Austria 750-51, Bul­ public 247 garia 1430-31, Red China SG2073, (4) Motorcycle—none Cuba SG902, Czechoslovakia 1273, (5) Miscellaneous—none 1276, 1279, 1300, 1302, Ecuador Track and field C435, 0437, Hungary 1648, 1698, (1) Broad (long) Jump Japan 852, Lebanon C426, Panama Ecuador C438, C440, Niger 162, Po­ SGI013, SG1017, Romania 1791, Rus­ land 1361, Sharjah SG178 sia 3073, 3086, Venezuela C899, (2) Discus (6) Native games Cuba SG946, Czechoslovakia 1297, Gilbert and Ellice Islands 101, Ecuador 738, 741, North Korea Laos 118-21, Malaysia 28 SGNK606, Togo 525, United States (7) Parachuting 1262, Yemen Arab Republic SGR113 Spain 1340, Turkey 1633 (3) Hammer throw (8) Riding Cuba SG950, Ecuador 738, 741, Hun­ Bulgaria 1444, Czechoslovakia gary 1655, Russia 3090 1296, German Democratic Republic (4) High jump 789, Hungary 1647, Khor Fakkan Cuba SG949, Ecuador C438, 0440, SGK36, Lebanon C424, Mongolia North Korea SGNK607, Russia 3089, SG367, #G368, Panama SGI010, Sharjah SG177 SG1014, Yemen Arab Republic SGR116 (5) Hurdles (9) Roller skating—none Red China SG2078, Cuba SG903, (10) Weight lifting SG945, Czechoslovakia 1281, Ecua­ Bulgaria 1432, Red China SG2079, dor C438, C440, Haiti SB51-4, Ni­ Czechoslovakia 1299, Ecuador C435, ger 159, Poland 1359, Russia 0437, Guinea 355, Haiti B35-7, 3090 Hungary 1653, Khor Pakkan SGK34, (6) Javelin Persia 1359, Poland 1355, Syria Red China SG2072, Cuba SG948, 0334 Ecuador 738, 741, Hungary 1657 (11) Mlscellaneous--none North Korea SGNK605, Russia 3088 2. Active recreation CHECK-LIST OP SPORTS AND RECREATION (Cont'd) a. Boating Non-Olympic-sanctioned regional com­ Cameroons C58, Yemen Arab Republic petitions SGR63, SGR64 (1) African Games b. Cycling and touring Congo 528-33, Gabon 183, C35, Bulgaria 1433, 1435, Kenya, Uganda, Mall 81-2, Middle Congo 127-31, and Tanganyika 148-51, Netherlands B398 Niger 159-62, Togo 525-28, C46, c. Pishing and hunting Upper Volta 141-43 Abu Dhabi 12-4, Albania 856-61, Czecho­ (a) African Soccer Cup slovakia 1314, Prance 1115, French Cameroons 418-19, Ghana 233-35 Polynesia C36, Mongolia SG365, SG366, (2) Arab Games 3G369, Poland 1384, Romania 1797-1801, Khor Fakkan 3GK32-6, Sharjah 1814, Tanzania 15 SG174-78, United Arab Republic d. Hiking and camping 244-47 Central African Republic 56-7, Prance (a) Volleyball 1119, Mexico C305, Qatar 54, 55, 57, Jordan 500-02 58, 59, 60 (3) Asian e. Mountain climbing (a) Cycling Red China SG2035-39, India 404, Ro­ Philippines 939-41 mania 1792, Switzerland 467-68 (4) Balkan Games f. Riding Greece 830-32 Mongolia 3G370, Turkey 1672 (a) Basketball g. Shooting--none Albania 892--96 h. Swimming (6; European Games Albania 801, 826, Czechoslovakia 1274, (c) Basketball French Polynesia C36, Indonesia B186, Bulgaria 1434 B188, St. Vincent 227 (d) Boxing i. Winter sports German Democratic Republic 764, Czechoslovakia 1278 C126 Specific competitions (e) Canoeing a. Olympic Games Romania 1793 Ajman 27-36, Guinea 355-60, C65, Haiti (f) Figure-skating B35-7, CB51-4, Jordan C29-34, 3G579- Russia 2999 84, Khor Pakkan SGK3-5, Lebanon 431- (g) Hockey 33, C424-26, Mexico 965-66, C309-H, Russia 3012 Ras Al Khaima 3G12-4, Syria C333-35, (n) Shooting Uruguay 722-25, C276-81 Albania 809-13, Romania 1748- b. Supplementary Olympic Games 53 Bulgaria 1392, Czechoslovakia 1296- (q. Weight lifting 302, Hungary 1647-58, Panama SG1009- Bulgaria 1432 19, SG1025, Paraguay Minkus 1326, Min­ (8) GANEFO Games kus 1333, Poland 1355-62, Watar 62, (a) Asian Football Games 68, Yemen SGR68-70, SGR91-3, Yemen North Korea SGNK600--01 Arab Republic SGR111-16 (ID South East Asian Games c. Olympic-santioned regional competi­ Malaysia 28-30 tions National competitions (3) Bolivarian Games Red China SG2070-80, Cuba SG900-03, Ecuador 733-44, C435-40 Czechoslovakia 1273-77, Japan 352-53, d. Pseudo-Clympic Korea 484, Romania 1789-92, Russia United Arab Republic 244-47 3071-73, San Marino 609-11 e. Non-Olympic-sanctioned world competi­ h. Miscellaneous competitions tion Austria 750-51, Bulgaria 1433, 1435, (5) Basketball Czechoslovakia 1314, Kenya, Uganda, Peru 0195-96, Russia 3111 and Tanganyika 148-51, Russia 3088-90 (7) Bicycling Unidentified competitions Czechoslovakia 1380 Czechoslovakia 1281, Hungary 1695- (10) Figure-skating 1703, Russia 3086-87 Russia 3016, Switzerland 470 4. Mi scellaneous (14) Gymnastics a. Athletes (generalized) Bulgaria 1430-31, Czechoslovakia Guinea 356, Russia 3071-73, Viet Nam 1279 274 (16) Hockey, Ice b. Awards and trophies Finland 427, Russia 2998, 3012 Albania 896, Bulgaria 1392, Cameroons (20) Modern pentathlon 418-19, Czechoslovakia 1296-302, Ger­ German Democratic Republic 789- man Democratic Republic 764, B126, 91, B134-35 Ghana 234, 235, Greece 830, 831, Hun­ (26) Sailing gary 1647-58, B249, B250, Jordan 500- Italy 910-12, Poland 1324-31 02, Panama SG1019-29, Poland 1353-62, (32) Table tennis Russia 3071-73 Red China SG2031-34, Jugoslavia Officials 759-60 Hungary I656, 1658 (37) Weight lifting Parades and ceremonies Persia 1359 Red China SG2075 (38) Miscellaneous Personnel French Polynesia C36 (1) Athletes 4 CHECK-LIST OF SPORTS AND RECREATION (Cont'd) Hungary B249, B251, Philippines Albania 872, Czechoslovakia 1298, 943 1299, 1301, Greece 832, Guinea 360, h.
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