f; - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1968 PAGE TWENTY ifllanrlifBtfr lEtt^nins Ul;, Averagie Daily Net Preas Rm For The Week Ended ■ A Vacation Story Hour wlU be The Weather February 17, 1968 . About Town held tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. in SAVE CASH ON (HL Chance of snow flurrieg to­ the Junior Room at Mary Chen­ iEattrljPfitpr lEupmtm llrralii night. Low 10 to 15. Tomorrow 'Riree Manchestm- studentB ey Library. MQas Mkrlon Jesse- ^ ^ p 200 GeL Minimum fair. High In 20s. are on ■the dean'* Vat at Un> man and Mrs. James Miller, 1 0 0 15,534 ton OoUeg«, Schenectady, N.T. both of the library staff, will Manchetter^—A City of Village 'Charm They are Jetffrey P. Clarke, sen­ tell stories of "Dr. Doolittle,” 84 HOUR NOnOB FOR DELIVERY ior, son of Mr. and iMts. tOdgar "Wlnnle-the-Pooh,” and other VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 119 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1968 (Cteeelfled Advetileing on Pege 17) Clarke of 51 Plytnouth lan e; books. Hie event, which Is open PRICE SEVEN CENTS Jeffrey H. Nielsen, junior, son to chlldrm age 4 to 8, will last Of y ir. and Mrs. John Nielson 46 minutes. CASH OIL CO. of iO Harlan S t; and Roy F. t e l e p h o n e 889-7018 Wiese, freshman, son o f Mr. Clergy Week will be observed e a s t HARTFORD — MANCHESTER and Mrs. Walter Wiese of 198 tomorrow at 12:16 p.m. at a A B A Votes High S t meeting of the Manchester Clvl- 84 HOUR BURNER SERVlOB tan Chib at Willie’s Steak Allied Pilots Army Spec. 4. Richard F. House. Mierabers will attend Miailaney, son of Mr. and Mrs. with their spiritual advisore. For Curbs Daniel F. Maloney o f 186 Irving St. was recently assigned as a The Women’s Society of Com­ policeman with Hdqts. Co., U.S. munity Baptist Church will meet On News Locate Enemy Army Camp Carroll Depot, Ko­ tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Affenfion! rea. church. Everett Van Dyne will CHICAGO (AP) — The Amer­ discuss plans for the new Edu­ READING IMPROVEMENT GLASSES ican Bar Association haa en­ Dani^ P. Bourque, son of cational Building. Members of dorsed recommendations that Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bourque the Estelle Carpenter Circle will BEGINNING MARCH 4. 1968 judges, lawyers and policemen of 40 Lyndale St., is on S>e serve as hostesses. Members of restrict the flow of Information Gun Positions dean's list at Assumption Col­ the Reed-Eaton Circle are In AFTERNOON and EVEOTNO CLASSES about criminal cases. lege, Worcester, Mass., where charge of devotions. But news officials, turned SAIGON (AP) — South Viet­ Military spokesmen said the he is a sophomore. He is a grad- Classes for ELEMENTARY and HIGH SCHOOL stndents In down in their plea for a year's namese military headquarters Communists broke contact after itttite of Fast Catholic High Remedial Reading (Phonics, Understanding, etc.). Study reported today that aerial ob­ nearly two hours of heavy fight­ Manchester Rotary Club and delay for study, predicted new School, and was /president of his Skills, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Speed, OoUege Board Test servers had sighted several ing and tried to pull out to the Klwanis Club of Manchester will battles in the courts and tstate class. legislatures . Communist anti-aircraft guns northeast. U.S. helicopter gun- have a Joint meeting tomorrow Preparation and General Beading Efilclenoy. Said one, J. Edward Murray menacing a section of Saigon's ships raked their positions. at 6:30 p.m. at the Manchester ★ SmaU Glasses ★ Pre-TesUng Program ★ OertUled Teacher# Richard A. Larson, son of Mr. of the American Society of Tan Son Nhut Air Base. South Widely spaced, two more ene­ Country Club to honor the and Mrs. Ernest Larson of 39 Newspaper Edtlors, “ The press Vietnamese bombers were sent my rockets exploded at the Tan acredltatlcm of the Manchester Andor Rd.; and Todd G. Met­ Acadotnlc Roading ImprovmMitt Conitr, Inc. will have no recourse but to to destroy them. Son Nhut base. A 122mm missile calf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chamber of Commerce. A Vietnamese .spokesman said 98 E. CENTER STREET Next to Oavey’s fight back.” hit about noon and wounded a George Metcalf of 4 Margaret T»^ recommendations, put the gun positions were spotted civilian, believed to be Viet­ 2 Rd., are on the dean’s Hat at David J. Flynn, son of Lt. MANCHESTER, CONN. Telephone 648-9947 forward by a press-trial advi­ about 2yt miles south of the air namese. Another, believed to be Bryant College of Business Ad­ Ool. and Mrs. William F. Flynn sory committee headed by Jus­ base, one of the busiest In the of the same size, landed about ministration, Providence, R.I. of Ankara, Turkey, and grand­ tice Paul C. Reardon of Massa­ world, which came under heavy dusk between two runways. son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. chusetts’ Supreme Judicial rocket attack Sunday during the Sources at the base said no cas­ Miss Sharon I. Douton, daugh­ Robinson, 220 Henry St., was Court, were adopted by a voice communists' "second wave" of­ ualties or damage were report­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. David F. presented with an Eagle Scout vote Monday by the ABA’s poli­ fensive. ed. award recently by Troop 382, Douton of 80 Bretton Rd., re­ cy-setting House of Delegates. A government spokesman Unofficial reports circulated Site 23, Ankara. He also re­ cently was pledged to Alpha Phi Minutes before, the delegates sold he did not know definitely that the CJommunlsts were plan­ ceived the Bronze Palm Award. sorority at Bucknell University, turned down by a 176-68 vote an how many grnis were spotted. ning another attack tonight on Lewisburg, Pa. He will be 16 on Feb. 29. Brig. appeal by three top news execu­ He said they were seen 2% the South Vietnamese capital, a Gen. G.V. Williams of Ankara tives that action be put off while hours after a battalion of South city of nearly 3 million people. Members of Mystic Review made the presentations. studies are made of the effects Vietnamese Rangers petroling The Viet Cong were reported to will meet tomorrow night at 7 on jurors of newspaper, radio Saigon’s western suburbs ran have distributed leaflets in sev­ at Callahan’s Funeral Home, A public symposium, "A New One and television accounts of Into a Communist force of un­ eral sections of the Gia Dinh 1602 Main St., East Hartford, Door to Open,” will be present­ crime. known size in the same area. suburbs threatening an attack to pay respects to Mrs. John ed by the Hartford College for "There is no good reascxi for Fighting Intensified, and anoth­ and urging the people to support J. Sohlsky, who was a member Women Community Service Pro­ delay,” Reardon said during the er battalion of Rangers moved them in an uprising. Police and of the society. A regular meet­ ject, Tuesday, Feb. 27 from Week two-hour debate. And J .Edward into reinforce. military units already are on a 10:15 a.m. to 2:80 p.m. at College Open House Attracts 400 Visitors Lumbard of the U.S. Circuit ing will be held at 8 at the Odd / Warriors Willingly Wield Weapons full alert. Fellows’ Hall. CenUnel Hill Hall, Hartford. Court In New York City said the The "second wave” Commu­ More than 400 persons turned out for the open house at Man­ story 30,000 square-foot building that now houses 1,200 of the news media would only return I H A L E Captain of the Washington Birthday Sales team, John Misseri nist offensive last weekend has Miss Ruth Rhodes, daughter Sgt. Sean J. Ryan was re­ chester Community College’s new Hartford Rd. campus fa­ college’s 1,500 students. The former Hartford Electric Light Only! In a year with talk of new stud­ explained, “ For a serious sales success Thursday, we have to subsided, but there was no as­ Co. buildlnjg began serving as a temporauy home for the col­ Failure of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rhodes cently assigned as a supply in­ cilities yesterday afternoon, college officials reported. A few ii s i n c e ies. Jones in the white feathers, fluffs up his men in a practice beat down high prices with the cheapest weapons we can find. surance it wouldn’t heat up lege in September after a complete renovation. The facility of 15 Plymouth Lane, recently ventory spedeltst with a unit among the steady stream of visitors are pictured here in the "What £we the surveys going sales offensive. To maintain low prices, their sales secret, the That includes lunch boxes.” (Herald photo by Pinto) again. Intelligence reports of the MlUtery Airlllt Ocm- lobby as they look over displays depicting life at the college, is being leased from developer Alexander Jarvis for a period |i|i||||ji|liii!iil iiiililiiiijiililiiiii to show?” he asked. "Are they was named to the dean’s list ait team is using an empty lunch box as a football. Captain Jones reaching the U.S. Mission said Colby Jimtor College, New Lon­ mand at McGuire AFB, N. J. He set up especially for the occasion. Faculty and student repre­ of five years. (Herald photo by Pinto). going to tell us that human na­ O f Heart that in the Mekgon Delta prov­ don, N.H. previously served at Da Nang, sentatives served as hosts and guides for the tour of the three- ture has changed?” ince of Kien Hoa, the Viet Cong Vietnam.
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