I am involved in the drafting of a Civil Code and I am employer. Accordingly it is planned to produce this also responsible for the Civil and Economic Group. book so as to explain the principles of labor law This group includes the officer who is working with concerning the rights and obligations of employers the Economic Dispute Resolution Center (EDRC). and employees. Arising from these activities, I am writing a Handbook on Economic Dispute officers, staff, and other people in society will have Resolution (EDR). This book is very important for knowledge of the basic principles of law relating to people who want to run a business. Since Lao PDR the Resolution of Economic Disputes and labor law, enacted the law on Resolution in 2005 we have not and they can be practical and implement this law in had a Handbook to implement this law. their duties. As a result, in this time it has been difficult for The People’s Supreme Court has the responsibility official staff to deal with such cases. Now we have for drafting the laws concerning children. This law completed 80% of writing of the book and we was promulgated by the decree of the President predict that it will be completed at the beginning of of State. Since 2014 we have been preparing the 2016. drafting of a mediation decree and also writing a Children’s Handbook. We continue researching labor law in order to prepare commentary on the book relating to Labor In the future we will try to set up juvenile courts in Law. There is a large problem in Lao PDR when the local areas by establishing a mobile court. This employees are working in a factory and they have no plan aims to help provide the population with easy knowledge about labor law, so are unable to utilize access to judicial proceedings. their rights in order to claim their benefits from their Combating Juvenile Involvement in Crime and Other Social Ills in Malaysia Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye is Vice-Chairman of the violence all pointed to an urgent need to address the Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF). He country’s social capital. Unless and until Malaysia was the elected State Legislative Assemblyman succeeded in boosting social capital, no amount for Bukit Nenas, Selangor from 1969 to 1974 and of economic development could strengthen the served as Member of Parliament for Kuala Lumpur social fabric in the face of new challenges. This was Bandar Bukit Bintang from 1974 to 1990. He has why it was important for Malaysia to balance rapid served as Member of the Special Royal Commission economic growth with moral and societal values. to enhance the operations and management of the Royal Malaysian Police. Social ills were the symptom of an unhappy society. Many factors had been blamed for causing social Lee attended the 2011 Adelaide Forum as leader of ills, including the lack of parental supervision, lack of a three member team from Malaysia. moral education, urbanization and the oft-discussed delinquent behaviour of teenagers. The nation’s rapid This report has been provided by the MCPF. economic and technological development was not matched by moral and human development. No one Lee Lam Thye has called on all Malaysians to adopt could deny the importance of ICT in the information a zero tolerance for crime by participating actively age but at the same time there was need to realize in all crime prevention activities. He said that an the necessity to promote the development of morals issue of major concern was the “culture of violence” and values which were essential to make Malaysia a which seemed to be gaining a foothold in society. fully developed nation. Economic and technological The recent spate of violent crimes was certainly not development could not be at the expense of moral characteristic of society and its causes needed to be and human development which was crucially needed identified and addressed. He said that crime today to enable the country to cope with the many social affected all races and does not distinguish race and maladies besetting its society. gender, and as such it was time for all Malaysians to stay united in their determination to fight crime, Lee said that the easy availability of pornographic which began with crime prevention awareness. materials was, he believed one of the main factors for the increase in sexual crimes. Pornographic The MCPF is of the view that drug addiction is one materials through pirated VCDs sold cheaply of the major causes of many crimes, snatch thefts, everywhere were not the only problem. There house break-ins etc, and that unless there was was also the addiction to cybersex, sex aids, success in addressing the issue of drug abuse, pornographic websites etc leading to the corruption many drug-related crimes would continue to occur. of young minds and also marital woes. There was The serious crime rates, the unresolved drug also a problem of ecstasy pills and other menace, indiscipline in schools and the culture of stimulants being easily available at A just society through crime prevention entertainment spots which had gone unabated. aims to create awareness among students and the community on safety as well as crime prevention. He said that there was the need to tackle crime Lee Lam Thye complimented the students for from various fronts. On the Educational front there actively promoting crime and safety awareness was a need for continuous awareness programmes among the community. to reach out to all strata of society and educate youths and teenagers to keep away from social “It is crucial that the younger generations recognise ills. Schools needed to tighten discipline with the importance of initiating efficient crime prevention the help of teachers, parents and the authorities programmes. These can contribute significantly in concerned. Parents should never abdicate their minimising crime and increasing safety among the responsibility in the upbringing of their children and people,” he said in his speech. needed to always think about them and their safety outside their homes and schools. They could not The six-day campaign included activities such as be unconcerned about the problems of growing visits to the Cheras Fire and Rescue Department children and must play their role to guide them to and Kajang Prison. Other activities included a grow up as good and useful individuals. self-defence demonstration workshop, a crime prevention talk by the police, and an exhibition on He also said that the Government must go all out crime prevention and safety awareness. to enforce the laws in the interest of law and order and crime prevention. The laws should not only be The launch also saw UCSI students taking oaths enforced but enforced without fear or favour. as new members of the Crime Prevention Club. If an increase in crime rate was part of the price The ceremony was also attended by Kuala of progress, then society would have to nip this Lumpur Crime Prevention and Safety Community negative aspect of development. The prime concern Department head ACP Mohd Firdaus Abdullah was with regard to the emergence of many social ills and Kuala Lumpur Fire and Rescue Department afflicting youths and teenagers. Parents could not director senior assistant fire commissioner Khirudin be unconcerned about such unhealthy development Drahman. The UCSI Crime Prevention Club was and had to play their role to guide their children to established under the leadership of student and club grow up as good and healthy individuals. president Jimmy Tan. It now consists of 23 cabinet members and 50 active members. Meanwhile, the UCSI University’s Crime Prevention Lee (back row, Club celebrated its first-year anniversary with the sixth from the left) poses for launch of a campaign. UCSI is a multi-campus a group photo private university in Kuala Lumpur. The club is the after launching first of its kind to be set up by a private university the campaign together with the MCPF. The annual Crime at UCSI Prevention and Safety Awareness Campaign 2015 University Moves to Ban Firearms in Papua New Guinea In a speech to the General police. “My thinking is that we should ban firearms Assembly of the United Nations completely in the country,” he was quoted as saying on 1 October 2015 by the Hon in the Post Courier newspaper. “You don’t need Rimbink Pato, Minister for Foreign firearms to control law and order in the country. It Affairs and Immigration of Papua is about respect of the community, respect of the New Guinea said that the illicit trade policemen and women.” in small arms and light weapons remained a serious threat to national and global A BBC report posted on 4 August 2015 said that peace, security and development. He told the residents had faced high rates of violent crime for Assembly that PNG had prioritized policy initiatives years, with its two main cities registering homicide and programs to curb the importation and trading of rates which were among the highest in the world. firearms. The second city of Lae had an estimated 66 Hon Rimbink Pato, Minister for Foreign Affairs PNG, murders per 100,000 people in 2010, compared to addressing the General Assembly of the UN a global average of fewer than seven. Gun crime had been on the rise since 2008, according to a World In August it was announced by Prime Minister Peter Bank study. It noted that rounding up the country’s O’Neill that officials were drawing up legislation that firearms would be a difficult task, as thousands of would outlaw firearms, and that he thought they guns belonging to the police or the armed should be removed from both civilians and the A just society through crime prevention.
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