Libdb4.5 Python-Zope.Security Python-Zope.Location 0. Python-Zope

Libdb4.5 Python-Zope.Security Python-Zope.Location 0. Python-Zope

librainbow0c2 libthai-dev libjaxp1.3-java-gcj 0. libhugs-base-bundled 0. 0. libxmlezout1-dev gnuift libibverbs-dev libcpan-checksums-perl libfile-desktopentry-perl gnustep-base-common lxsession gnustep-gui-common 0. 0. 0. gnomoradio 0. 0. libdatrie-dev 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.08163265306 0. 0. libxalan2-java-gcj 0. 2.27272727273 0. 0. 0. liblog4ada1-dev 0. 0. 0. mpi-default-dev gcj-4.4-jdk ecj 0. lxde-core lxpanel 0. python-ldb 0. 0. hugs 0. 0. gnuift-perl libroboradio0c2 libm17n-dev 4.08163265306 libfile-basedir-perl paw-common gnustep-base-runtime 0. 0. libcompress-bzip2-perl 0. 2.24719101124 gnustep-gui-runtime 0. 0. python-syfi0 python-poker-engine 0. mindi-busybox libisc60 libevent-core-1.4-2 libdts-dev 0. 0. 0. libnamespace-clean-perl 0. libmagickcore-dev 0. 0. lxde-common libxerces2-java-gcj mono-mcs mono-1.0-devel mono-1.0-gac libopenmpi-dev libnarval1-dev 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. kxterm 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libbind9-60 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.892857142857 samba4 python-samba libgnustep-base1.19 libhugs-haskell98-bundled libgnustep-gui0.16 0. 0. 0. 0. libxml-handler-trees-perl 0. libcpan-inject-perl libdatetime-event-recurrence-perl libfile-mimeinfo-perl libdjvulibre-dev 3.07692307692 libgjs0 apg python-poker-network 0. python-kaa-imlib2 0. 0. 0. ecj-gcj gcj-4.4-jre-lib 0. liba52-0.7.4-dev fp-units-multimedia 0. cernlib-core 0.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libmono-system-web2.0-cil 0.892857142857 0. 0. 0. libisccc60 python-swiginac 0. syfi-bin 3.07692307692 libb-hooks-endofscope-perl 0. 0. paw-demos gnumed-common 0. 0. 0. 0. parted mindi 0. libgearman-dev libevent-dev libarray-diff-perl 0.0. 0. libtest-yaml-meta-perl 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. freevo-data paw++ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libmagickwand-dev 1.3986013986 python-tdb python-pypoker-eval libdca-dev 0. 0. libdns64 libplplot-ada 4.8951048951 0. prime-dict 0. 0. 0. libdatetime-event-ical-perl python-freevo freevo 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libecj-java-gcj libgcj10-dev matchbox-panel-manager libooolib-perl libvariable-magic-perl libisccfg60 syfi-doc paw 0. 0. 0. 0. libgme0 python-pgm mutter gnome-shell 0. 0. 0. 0. libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl libmagick++-dev libmono-sqlite2.0-cil 0. libgdiplus 0. libevent-extra-1.4-2 nano 0. 0. lsdvd 0. python-couchdb python-enchant gnumed-client uno-libs3 erlang-observer 0. 0. 2. matchbox-keyboard 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libtext-bidi-perl liblqr-1-0-dev 0. libdatetime-format-ical-perl python-alsaaudio pike7.6-reference pike7.6-doc pike7.6-manual libtulip-ogl-dev 0. 0. libdigest-bubblebabble-perl 4.8951048951 0. libsuikyo-ruby1.8 prime 0. 1.3986013986 libcgi-untaint-email-perl 0. 3.8961038961 0. libmodule-extractuse-perl 0. libqhull-dev libplplot-dev 0. 0. 0. kdebase-runtime-data libtest-yaml-valid-perl php5-tidy docvert librsvg2-bin 0. 0. 0. erlang-common-test erlang-debugger python-moovida 0. moovida-plugins-bad python-gpod 1. 0.980392156863 0. 0. bulmacont bulmacont-plugins 0. 0. libtulip-dev matchbox matchbox-panel 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. libaopalliance-java 0. libmono2.0-cil 0. gir1.0-mutter-2.29 libwildmidi0 gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0. 0. 2.5974025974 0. libdc1394-22-dev 0. python-desktopcouch-records desktopcouch 0. 0. 0. libcgi-untaint-date-perl 0. 0. libtulip-qt4-dev erlang-test-server liblinux-dvb-perl 2.06718346253 libsary-ruby1.8 gnumed-doc libglib2.0-data nautilus nautilus-data libcommons-modeler-java 0. 4. 0. 0. 0. liblogback-java libhyphen0 0. 0. 2. ure libgtkglext1-ruby libpango1-ruby wesnoth-trow 0. 0. wesnoth-thot libnet-dns-sec-perl libmime-base32-perl moovida-plugins-good xmltv-util libxmltv-perl libplplot-fortran9 2.5974025974 matchbox-desktop 0. 0. 0. libpoe-component-pubsub-perl 0. 0. 0. libmaypole-perl 0. libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl 0. oxygen-icon-theme kdebase-runtime wesnoth-tsg matchbox-common python-ooolib 2.32558139535 1. octave-signal wesnoth-sotbe libaccess-bridge-java 0. librsvg2-ruby 1. 0. 0. libclass-c3-perl libjamon-java dmz-cursor-theme 0. 0. 0. gnome-user-guide phpgroupware-0.9.16-phpgwapi 0. phpgroupware-0.9.16-core-base 0. couchdb libblkid-dev libparted0-dev libdevmapper-dev libmimic0 gnome-utils 0. libgtk-mozembed-ruby 0. 0. 0. file-roller 0.0. 0. libdate-simple-perl 0. libquartz-java 0. libplayerwkb3.0-dev libplayerdrivers3.0-dev 0. 2.58397932817 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libgraphite3 0. octave-communications octave-communications-common desktop-base 4. libaccess-bridge-java-jni 0. 0. wesnoth-ttb 1.19047619048 0. libalgorithm-c3-perl 0. 0. libred5-java gnome-themes 0. gcalctool 0. 0. hamster-applet libhttp-server-simplelibipc-pubsub-perl-recorder-perl 0. wesnoth-sof libcrypt-openssl-dsa-perl 0. libhttp-cache-transparent-perl python-lazr.uri 0. ruby-gnome2 libvte-ruby libdbm-deep-perl 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.19047619048 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. gconf-defaults-service 0. 0. libmro-compat-perl octave-specfun 0. libclass-dbi-pager-perl 0. libknotificationitem-1-1 openjdk-6-jre libspring-aop-2.5-java libsuper-perl 0. 0. 0. obexd-client 0. 0. 0. gnome-bluetooth plasma-widget-folderview libpoe-filter-xml-perl libpoe-component-jabber-perl libio-tee-perl 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libgnomevfs2-ruby wesnoth wesnoth-utbs 0. libpoe-component-client-dns-perl 0. 0. 0. gnome-system-monitor 0. seahorse-plugins wesnoth-nr 0.0. 0. odbcinst libspring-context-support-2.5-java 0. phpgroupware-0.9.16-preferences 0. 0. 0.0. 0. phpgroupware-0.9.16-setup libplayerjpeg3.0-dev libart2-ruby 0. courier-authdaemon courier-base courier-authlib-userdb 0. 0.0. 0. 0. 0. python-lazr.restfulclient 0. python-launchpadlib 0. libscalar-defer-perl0. 0. 1.49253731343 gconf-editor kwrite kfind 0. libmina2-java libparrot2.0.0 0. 0.0. 0. 0. libtest-email-perl 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libextutils-command-perl 0. 0. 3.125 odbcinst1debian2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libatk1-ruby 0. 0. libxmlrpc3-server-java cheese 0. libgnomecanvas2-ruby 0. 4.6875 kde-window-manager 0. libjifty-dbi-perl 0. kdelibs-data libpoe-component-client-http-perl wesnoth-aoi 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. wesnoth-low 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. liblingua-stem-snowball-da-perl libparrot-dev parrot-minimal 0. unixodbc 0. 0. 0. gnome-backgrounds libjifty-perl python-wadllib 0. sound-juicer 0. gnome-desktop-environment 0. gnome-user-share libuim6 0. 0. libtest-www-declare-perl 2.43902439024 0. 0. 0. 0. gnome-screensaver 0. libpoe-component-sslify-perl 0. 0. 0. libsnowball-swedish-perl libcflow-perl cl-trivial-gray-streams 0. 0. 0. libuim-data 0. 0. 0. wesnoth-did 0. 0. kdebase-apps kde-minimalksysguard kdebase-workspace wesnoth-l 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. parrot libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl 0. phpgroupware-0.9.16-admin 0. phpgroupware libavahi-qt3-1 kdelibs4c2a flowscan-cuflow 0. 3.25203252033 0. 0. 0. alacarte 0. uim-common 0. 0. libsub-override-perl wesnoth-httt wesnoth-ei liblingua-pt-stemmer-perl 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. libapache2-mod-dnssd libemail-mime-createhtml-perl 0. cl-usocket cl-flexi-streams 0. libfile-spec-perl 0. 0. 4.87804878049 gnome-disk-utility libobject-declare-perl libboulder-perl 0. 0. 0. 0. libwsdl4j-java libaxis-java libcommons-discovery-java gnome-nettool 0. libdevel-refactor-perl libclass-virtual-perl 0. 0. 0. 0. liborlite-migrate-perl 0. 0. libglacier2-33 klipper 0. 0. totem-plugins udisks 3.22580645161 0. 0. 0. cl-irc 0. 0. libarts1c2a libapp-cli-perl 0. gnome-media 0. libconfigreader-perl libicestorm33 libfreeze33 0. libpolkit-backend-1-0 vino 0. 0. 3.02419354839 gnome-netstatus-applet 0. 0. brasero 0. libtie-array-sorted-perl dolphin kdepasswd 0. 0. libplucene-perl gnome-mime-data libopencascade-modeling-dev libdevel-dumpvar-perl libemail-folder-perl 0. 0. 0.816326530612 1.32325141777 libcgi-cookie-splitter-perl libicegrid33 0. libsgutils2-2 libparse-errorstring-perl-perl 0. kdegames-card-data 0. libsamba-hostconfig-dev libhtml-table-perl 4.08163265306 kbreakout 0. 0. 0. libgretl1 gretl gretl-common kappfinder xblast-tnt-images xblast-tnt xblast-tnt-models libgnomevfs2-0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.31826741996 0. kbounce libbit-vector-minimal-perl libpython3.1 0. liblingua-stem-perl kdegames-mahjongg-data 0. 3.87755102041 0. libopencascade-foundation-dev 0. 3.22580645161 3.23232323232 0. 0. libnet-patricia-perl 0. 0. 0.189035916824 libpixman-1-dev kblocks 0.604838709677 0. 0. 3.0303030303 gvfs libgnome2-0 libgnome2-common 0. 4.71092077088 0.642398286938 python3-dev 0. 3.09278350515 libtevent-dev 0. 0. libgnomevfs2-common flowscan 0. console-setup ltsp-client-core nbd-client 0. 0. 0.816326530612 debian-edu-artwork libdebug-client-perl 0. 0. libmapi-dev kdesnake 0. libpango1.0-dev kblackbox 1.00502512563 libopencascade-ocaf-lite-dev 0. libtext-german-perl python3.1-dev 2.0618556701 4.08163265306 libgdu0 1.42857142857 libxcb-atom1 0. 0. libpentaho-reporting-flow-engine-java-openoffice.org0. 0. 0. busybox live-initramfs user-setup libsnowball-norwegian-perl 0. 0. ack-grep padre 0. kdiamond 3.23232323232 0. libparse-exuberantctags-perl libscalapack-mpi-dev 4.12371134021 kbattleship openjade libcairo2-dev libdcerpc-dev 0. 0.606060606061 0. 0. libsamba-util-dev 2.0618556701 libparted0debian1 0. 0.980392156863 0. 0. libuno-cli-ure1.0-cil libuno-cli-oootypes1.0-cil xresprobe debian-edu-config 2.01005025126 0.

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