Government of West Bengal OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE& COLLECTOR, BANKURA (Panchayat& Rural Development Section) Administrative Building, 2nd floor, PO &District : Bankura, PIN : 722101 B A N K U R A Ph. No. & Fax – (03242) 254636e-mail : [email protected] Memo No:- 1045/P&RD_BNK Date:- 18/07/2020 NOTIFICATION In terms of order issued by the Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal vide order No. 177-CS/2020, dated. 18/05/2020 & No. 218-CS/2020 dated 30-05-2020 restrictions in the Affected Areas (containment zones) (A Zone), Buffer Zones (B Zone) have been imposed with certain permissible relaxations. Further constitution of revised & broad based containment zone with stricter enforcement of restrictions has been ordered vide No 351/HS/PA/20 dated 07.07.2020 of the Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Hill Affairs & PA Deptts. GoWB. Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred upon the undersigned vide Clause 6(i) of the order of the Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal mentioned above duly delegated by the District Magistrate, Bankura vide memo no. 723(8)/1/Health dated 29/05/2020; the area(s) of Bankura District as mentioned in the attached Annexure are hereby notified as “Broad Based Containment Zones” in terms of letter No 351/HS/PA/20 dated 07.07.2020 of the Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Hill Affairs & PA Deptts. GoWB read with guidelines laid down vide Memo No H&FW/176/20 dated 01.06.2020 of the Health & Family Welfare Department, GoWB. All the directives and clarifications in respect of the Prohibitions, General Advisory and Restrictions/Interventions Applicable for the Affected Area (Containment Zone) as mentioned vide clauses 1,2 &3 of the Order No. 177-CS/2020 dated. 18/05/2020 & Order no. 218-CS/2020 dated 30-05-2020 & restrictions imposed vide letter No 351/HS/PA/20 dated 07.07.2020 of the Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Hill Affairs & PA Deptts. GoWB. will remain applicable for the area(s) notified. This order will take immediate effect. Enclosure: Annexure (Broad Based Containment Zones) Additional District Magistrate (Gen) Bankura Memo No:- 1045/1(20)/P&RD_BNK Date:- 18/07/2020 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the:- 1. Director of Information, West Bengal for kind information and with the request to publish in EgiyeBangla website. 2. Superintendent of Police. Bankura. 3. Addl. District Magistrate (Health), Bankura. 4. Chief Medical Officer of Health, Bankura/Bishnupur Health District. 5. Sub-divisional Officer, Bankura/Khatra/Bishnupur. 6. Superintendent of Excise, Bankura 7. District Information Officer, NIC, Bankura for publication in District website. 8. Officer-in-Charge, Health Section, Bankura. 9. The Administrator, Bankura/Bishnupur/Sonamukhi Municipality. 10. Block Development Officer,…………………..Block. 11. CA to the District Magistrate, Bankura with a request to place it before the authority. Additional District Magistrate (Gen) Bankura List of Broad Based Containment Zone as per Order No. 351/HS/PA/20 dt. 07/07/20 of Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Hill Affairs and P.A. Departments, Government of West Bengal District: Bankura Date : - 18/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward Broad Based Containment Zone Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) Sri Subhabrata Chakraborty, WBCS(Exe.), House of Anup Mal of Punja Village,Ghosh Para of 1 Bankura Sadar Bankura-II Junbedia Block Development Officer, Bankura - II 06/07/2020 Panja Village Development Block. (Mobile no. 9475900058) Sanjay Senapati, WBCS(Exe), Block Development Officer, 2 Khatra Khatra Dhanara Dhanara Singh Para,Dhanara village 07/07/2020 Khatra Development Block, Mobile No. 8373052840 Entire Chatradanga (Purnapani Chhota tung) Subhadeep Palit, WBCS (Exe), 3 Khatra Ranibandh Barikul Vill.:- Chatradanga Block Development Officer, 07/07/2020 ,Vill.:- Parashya, Velabandhi. Ranibandh, Mobile No. - 8373052842 House Goutam Banerjee, Brahman Para, Junbedia Kalpathar,House of Dilip Mukherjee, Maharaj Banerjee, Mihir Chatterjee, Durgadas Banerjee, Manoj Mukherjee, Chirokumar Mukherjee, Debdas Sri. Biplab Kr. Roy, WBCS(Exe), Block Banerjee, Shibdas Mukherjee, Shisir Mukherjee, Development Officer, Bankura-I Development 4 Bankura Sadar Bankura-I Kalpathar 07/07/2020 Maya Mukherjee, Samir Mukherjee, Duradas Block Mukherjee, Abhay Charan Mukherjee, Subhasis Mobile No.9475900057 Mukherjee, Arun Chatterjee, Uttam Mukherjee, Naren Bouri, Chandi Bouri, Debdas Bouri, Ashimananda Goswami and Mantu Mukherjee From the house of Surajit Haldar to the house of Ranjit Bepari and the house of Uttam Mistree at Pally Shree colony, Majher Mana, PS - Barjora, From the Sri Bhaskar Ray, WBCS(Exe), Block 5 Bankura Sadar Barjora Pakhanna house of Sankar Das, West to house of Ajoy Biswas Development Officer, Barjora Development 07/07/2020 (East) and the house of Jayanta Roy (North) to the Block, Mobile No. 8373052836 house of Gouranga Naskar (South) at Pally Shree colony, PS - Barjora Page 1 of 11 List of Broad Based Containment Zone as per Order No. 351/HS/PA/20 dt. 07/07/20 of Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Hill Affairs and P.A. Departments, Government of West Bengal District: Bankura Date : - 18/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward Broad Based Containment Zone Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) Sri Sanglap Banerjee, WBCS (Exe.), Block 6 Khatra Sarenga Bikrampur Village-Jamsole,Village-Jamsole Development Officer, Sarenga, Mob No- 07/07/2020 7076200629 Sri. Sanjib Das,WBCS(Exe) 7 Khatra Raipur Matgoda Matgoda,Matgoda Block Development Officer 08/07/2020 Raipur, Mobile No. - 9073938589 Sri. Sanjib Das,WBCS(Exe) 8 Khatra Raipur Fulkushma Fulkushma,Fulkushma Block Development Officer 08/07/2020 Raipur, Mobile No. - 9073938589 House of Debashis Nandi, House of Bistupada Nandi, Srikanta Pal, Pintu Nandi, Asitbaran Nandi, Dhananjoy Nandi, Budhdhadeb Ghosh, Beleswar Manasi Bhadra Chakrabarti. W.B.C.S(Exe.), 9 Bishnupur Indas Akui-I Ghosh, Palashchandra Ghosh , Sourav Pal, Haradhan BDO, Indas Dev. Block 08/07/2020 Pal, Helo Nandi, Santu Nandi, Laltu Nandi of Vill- Mobile No-9475900083 Bonki,Ghosh Para, Berghosh (Sahaspur GP), Gobindapur Bazar H/O Saifuddin Bayen, H/O Moinuddin Jalal & Hanif Manish Nandy, WBCS (Exe.), Block 10 Khatra Indpur Gourbazar Jalal (Neighbours), Mohisdobra Muslimpara Football Development Officer, Indpur, Bankura 08/07/2020 Ground To Jyoti Dalal House Cont. 8348942366 House of Mittan Mahanta, Vill - Dubraji, House of - Asish Mahanta , Lalchand Mahanta, Milan Karmakar, Sri. Biplab Kr. Roy, WBCS(Exe), Block Jiten Mahanta , Fatik Mahanta , Dilip Mahanta, Development Officer, Bankura-I Development 11 Bankura Bankura - I Jagadalla-II 08/07/2020 Kashinath Mahanta, Taraknath Mahanta, Heludas Block Mahanta, Baren Mahanta, Debu Mahanta, Brindaban Mobile No.9475900057 Mahanta, Iswar Mahanta Page 2 of 11 List of Broad Based Containment Zone as per Order No. 351/HS/PA/20 dt. 07/07/20 of Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Hill Affairs and P.A. Departments, Government of West Bengal District: Bankura Date : - 18/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward Broad Based Containment Zone Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) House of Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Haritoki Bagan Cottage Road, Kenduadihi, Bankura, Ward No. 15, Surrounding of House of Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Sri Sisutosh Pramanik, Bankura 12 Bankura Ward No-15 covered by the houses of Goutam Kr. Goswami, Dipu WBCS (Exe.) 08/07/2020 Municipality Goswami, Tripti Goswami, Dipankar Das, Swapan DMDC (HQ), Bankura Moi, Haritoki Bagan Cottage Road, Kenduadihi, Bankura, Ward No. 15 House of Munna Das, S/O-Prabhu Das, Gopalganj & Surrounding 04 houses, From mor of Lohar para to Sri Shyamaprasad Mukherjee, Bishnupur entrance of house of Soumitra Sen (Pvt. Tutor) Chairperson , 13 Bishnupur Ward No-14 08/07/2020 Municipality Landmark-Nurses quarter.On the right upto Bagdipara Board of Administrators. covering all interlying quarters. On the left covering Mobile No-9434744949 50 (fifty) odd houses adjusent to kargapara. 1. House of Md. Nurul Amin at Morar Village 2. House of Arif Billah Bayen. Snehasis Dutta, WBCS(Exe), 3. House of Guljar Bayen. 14 Bishnupur Bishnupur Morar BDO, Bishnupur Dev. Block 09/07/2020 4. House of Jasimuddin Bayen Mobile No. 9434754746 ,Morar Bayen Para,Morar mondal para,morar amzad more,morar layek para & post office. Page 3 of 11 List of Broad Based Containment Zone as per Order No. 351/HS/PA/20 dt. 07/07/20 of Additional Chief Secretary, Home & Hill Affairs and P.A. Departments, Government of West Bengal District: Bankura Date : - 18/07/2020 Last date of Sl Containment (14 Sub-Division Block/Municipality G.P./Ward Broad Based Containment Zone Incidence Commander No. Days from following date) 1) House of Asit Ghosh, 2) House of Prabir Ghosh, 3) House of Shyamsundar Bauri, 4) House of Bhaskar Ghosh, 5) House of Badal Bauri,1) House of Pravakar Ghosh, 2) House of Sankar Ghosh, 3) House of Susanta Ghosh 4) House of Ranajit Ghosh, 5) House of Gopal Ghosh, 6) House of Sisir Ghosh,1) House of Prosanna Mukherjee, WBCS(Exe), Asit Ghosh, 2) House of Prabir Ghosh, 3) House of 15 Bishnupur Patrasayer Hamirpur BDO, Patrasayer Dev. Block 09/07/2020 Shyamsundar Bauri, 4) House of Bhaskar Ghosh, 5) Mobile No. 9475900082 House of Badal Bauri" 7) House of Uttam Ghosh, 8) House of Tapan Ghosh, 9) House of Bishnupada Ghosh, 10) House of Utpal Ghosh, 11) House of Madhusudan Ghosh, 12) House of Sailen Ghosh, 13) House of Goutam Bauri, 14) House of Ashok Ghosh," House of Sankar Nayek, House of Barun Nayek, Snehasis Dutta, WBCS(Exe), BDO, Bishnupur 16 Bishnupur Bishnupur Bhara House of chandan Nayek, House of Jiban Nayek, 11/07/2020 Dev. Block Mobile No. 9434754746 House of Prabhas Nayek, Entire Nayekpara Jabapada Bhuin's house to Chandrakanta Mardunnya's house in Dubrakone Village, North - Bimal Kumar Sharma, WBCS (Exe) Block Sibdas Bhuin's House to 17 Bankura Sadar Onda Punisole Development Officer , Onda 11/07/2020 South - Anada Bhuin's House to Ph.
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