KOMMISSIONEN FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER KOMMISSION DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES COMMISSION DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES COMMISSIONE DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE COMMISSIE VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN EURATOM Årsberetning 1975 PROGRAM BIOLOGI - SUNDHEDSBESKYTTELSE Jahresbericht 1975 PROGRAMM BIOLOGIE - GESUNDHEITSSCHUTZ Annual Report 1975 PROGRAMME BIOLOGY - HEALTH PROTECTION Rapport Annuel 1975 PROGRAMME BIOLOGIE - PROTECTION SANITAIRE Relazione Annuale 1975 PROGRAMMA BIOLOGIA - PROTEZIONE SANITARIA Jaarverslag 1975 PROGRAMMA BIOLOGIE - GEZONDHEIDSBESCHERMING 1975 EUR 5484 d-e-f-i-n KOMMISSIONEN FOR DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER KOMMISSION DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES COMMISSION DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES COMMISSIONE DELLE COMUNITÀ EUROPEE COMMISSIE VAN DE EUROPESE GEMEENSCHAPPEN EURATOM Årsberetning 1975 PROGRAM BIOLOGI - SUNDHEDSBESKYTTELSE Jahresbericht 1975 PROGRAMM BIOLOGIE - GESUNDHEITSSCHUTZ Annual Report 1975 PROGRAMME BIOLOGY - HEALTH PROTECTION Rapport Annuel 1975 PROGRAMME BIOLOGIE - PROTECTION SANITAIRE Relazione Annuale 1975 PROGRAMMA BIOLOGIA - PROTEZIONE SANITARIA Jaarverslag 1975 PROGRAMMA BIOLOGIE - GEZONDHEIDSBESCHERMING 1975 EUR 5484 d-e-f-i-n The annual reports in this volume were prepared under the responsibility of the heads of the research teams, set up under the various contracts, and were submitted in this form to the Commission and its contractual partners. LEGAL NOTICE The Commission of the European Communities is not responsible for the use which could be made of the following information. INHALTSVERZEICHNIS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIERES I. Einleitung/Introduction IX II. Mitglieder des Beratenden Programmausschusses "Biologie - Gesundheitsschutz" Members of the Advisory Committee on Programme Management "Biology - Health Protection" Membres du Comité consultatif en matière de gestion de programmes "Biologie - Protection sanitaire" XXI III. ForschungstStigkeit Strahlenschutz Research in Radiation Protection Recherches en Radioprotection 1. Desimetrie/dosimetry/dosimétrie 101-BIOC TNO Rijswijk (Barendsen/Broerse) - 5 " Univ. Toulouse (Blanc) 9 " GSF, Frankfurt (Pohlit) 13 " GSF, Neuherberg (Jacobi/Burger) 17 " Univ. Strasbourg (Rechenmann) 21 " Univ. Homburg (Muth/Grillmaier) 29 128-BIOUK AERE Harwell (Peirson) 37 129-BIOUK NRPB Harwell (Dolpin) 57 135-BIOUK CEGB Berkeley (Wheatley) 63 143-BIOUK NPL Teddington (Ellis/ Owen) 67 1<+5-BI0F CEA, CEN Fontenay-aux-Roses' (Parmentier) 71 O65-PSTC CEA, CEN Fontenay-aux-Roses (Soudain) 73 " CNEN, Bologna (Busuoli) 77 " CEA, CEN Cadarache (Bricka) 8l " KFA Jülich (Heinzelmann) 91 " GSF, Neuherberg (Burger/Wachsmann) 97 O69-PSTF Univ. Toulouse (Blanc) 101 Oylf-PSTUK AERE Harwell (Peirson) 105 O78-PSTUK CEGB Berkeley (Wheatley) 113 2. Transport von Radionukliden/transport of radionuclides/ cheminement des radionuclides 06I-PSAF CEA,CEN Fontenay-aux-Roses (Lacourly) 117 10^-BIAI CNEN, Fiascherino (Brondi) 131 09^-ΒΙΑΝ ITAL, Viageningen (De Zeeuw) 145 094-s/c 10 Univ. Louvain (Laudelout) I8I O96-BIOB Univ. Louvain (Goffeau) I89 133-BIOUK AERE Harwell (Morgan) 197 137-BIOUK MAFF, Lowestoft (Mitchell) 201 3. Genetische Wirkungen/hereditary effects/ effets héréditaires 122­BIODK Univ. Aarhus (Marcker/Westergaard) 209 102­BIAN TNO/RU Leiden (Rörsch) 213 " TNO/RU Leiden (Sobels) 223 " TNO/RU Leiden (van der Eb) 247 099­BIAB ULB, Bruxelles (Brächet) 253 130­BIOEIR Univ. Dublin (Winder) 271 127­BI0EIR Univ. Galway (Houghton) 277 123­BIOC Univ. Sussex/TNO Rijswijk Univ. Rotterdam/Univ. Leiden (Bootsma/Bridges) 281 119­BIOUK Univ. Swansea (Parry) 291 111­BIOI Univ. Milano/Univ. Pisa (Magni/Loprieno) 319 126­BIOF Fond. Curie, Paris (Latarjet) 325 131­BIOUK NRPB Harwell (Dolphin) 335 13't­BIOUK AERE Harwell (Peirson) 341 112­BIOI Univ. Pavia (Fraccaro) 347 097­BIOF INRA, Dijon (Dalebroux) 349 12^-ΒΙ0ϋΚ Carlsberg Lab., Copenhagen (Von Wettstein) 357 120-BIODK Finsen Institute, Copenhagen (Faber) 361 146-BIOI Univ. Roma (Fasella) 363 1^2-BIOUK PCL, London (Holt) 365 T+8-BI0EIR Techno, Dublin (Taaffe, Malone) 371 Tt7-BI0F CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette (Devoret) 375 1^-BIOF CEA, CEN Fontenay-aux-Roses (Le Go) 379 136-BIOI Univ. Roma (Olivieri) 383 125-BIOI Univ. Pavia (Falaschi) 401 't. Kurzzeitwirkungen/short-term effects/ effets à court terme O88-BIAC EORTC 407 " Claude Bernard (Mathé) 415 " Mario Negri (Garattini) 433 " Univ. Ulm (Fliedner) 443 " TNO Rijswijk (Van Bekkum) 467 " ULB, Bruxelles (Tagnon) 473 089-BIAD GSF, München (Thierfelder) 479 IO8-BIOI CNEN, CSN Casaccia (Doria) 489 O93-BIOB ULB, Bruxelles (Dumont) 495 1^9-BION TNO, Rijswijk, (Betel) 501 5. Langzeitwirkungen/long-term effects/ effets à long terme 095-BI0B CEN, Mol (Maisin) 505 090-BIAD GSF, Neuherberg (GSssner/Hug) 523 O63-PSTD DKFZ, Heidelberg (Scheer) 539 100-BIAF CEA, CEN Fontenay-aux-Roses (Lafuma) 553 I32-3IOUK NRPB Harwell (Dolphin) 565 O76-PSTUK AERE Harwell (Morgan/Chamberlain) 569 O62-PSTI ENEL, Torino (Farulla) · O92-3IOC EULEP 577 O9I-3IOC ICRP 593 6. Gruppe Biologie Ispra/biology group lepra/ groupe de biologie lepra 595 IV. ForschungstStigkeit Anwendungen Lanwirtschaft Research en Applications in Agriculture Recherches relatives aux Applications agronomiques 1. Mutagenese, Boden-Pflanzen Beziehungen, Strahlen• analyse , Lebensmittelkonservierung/Mutagenesis, soil-plant relations, radiation analysis, food conservation/Mutagenèse, relations sols-plantes, analyse par rayonnement, conservation des aliments 09^-BIAN ITAL, Wageningen (De Zeeuw) 623 s/c 01 Univ. Strasbourg (Rechenmann) 701 s/c 02 Univ. Nijmegen (Linskens) 707 s/c 03 Univ. Wageningen (Sneep) 719 s/c Oh CNEN, CSN Casaccia (Cervigni) 729 s/c 05 I.S.C., Roma (Bianchi) 741 s/c 06 Univ. Bari (Scarascia-Mugnozza) 747 s/c 07 Univ. Bonn (Gottschalk) 753 s/c 08 GSF, Grünbach (Gaul) 769 s/c 09 GSF, Hannover (Kühn) 779 s/c 11 Univ. Modena (Carafoli) 785 138-BIODK AEC Ris/f (Sandfaer) 787 139-BIODK AEC Ris¿ (Sandfaer) 793 141-BIOEIR Agricult. Inst., Moorepark (O'Connor) 797 2. Zellkulturen/cell culture/culture de cellules 106-BIOI Univ. Pisa (D'Amato) 803 117-BIOD FU Berlin (Reinert) 807 107-BIOI CNEN, CSN Casaccia (Cervigni) 813 118-BIOD GSF, Grünbach (Gaul) 825 Bericht 1975 verspätet eingetroffen, siehe Ende Band II. Report 1975 arrived late, see end of volume II. Rapport 1975 arrivé en retard, voir fin du volume II. 3. Radioentomologie/radioentomology/radioentomologie 114-BIOD BLA Bodenkultur, München (Haisch) · 833 105-BIOI Univ. Padova (Zangheri) 837 115-BIOD Univ. Mainz (Laven) 855 O98-BION I.P.O. Wageningen (Ticheler) 859 IO7-BIOI CNEN, CSN Casaccia (Cervigni) 865 V. ForschungstStigkeit Anwendungen Medizin Research on Applications in Medicine Recherches relatives aux Applications médicales 1, Nuklearmedizin/nuclear medicine/médecine nucléaire 116-BIOD Univ. Ulm (Adam) 877 110-BIOI Univ. Pisa (Donato) 883 089-BIAD GSF, München (Thierfelder) 901 14O-BI0EIR Univ. Dublin (Duffy) 907 2. Neutronendosimetrie/neutron dosimetry/dosimétrie des neutrons 113-BIOC GSF, Neuherberg (Burger) 911 " GSF, Frankfurt (Pohlit) 915 " MRC, London (Vonberg/Bewley) 919 " TNO, Rijswijk (Broerse) 923 " ICRU (Wyckoff) 927 " European Neutron Dosimetry Intercomparison Project (ENDIP) 929 VI. Koordinierungstätigkeit Coordination Activités de coordination 946 IV. FORSCHUNGSTÄTIGKEIT ANWENDUNGEN LANDWIRTSCHAFT RESEARCH ON APPLICATIONS IN AGRICULTURE RECHERCHES RELATIVES AUX APPLICATIONS AGRONOMIQUES MUTAGENESE, BODEN-PFLANZEN BEZIEHUNGEN, STRAHLENANALYSE, LEBENSMITTELKONSERVIERUNG MUTAGENESIS, SOIL-PLANT RELATIONS, RADIATION ANALYSIS, FOOD CONSERVATION MUTAGENESE, RELATIONS SOLS-PLANTES, ANALYSE PAR RAYONNEMENT, CONSERVATION ALIMENTS — 623 — Contractant van de Commissie: Institute of the Association EURATOM-ITAL, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Nummer van het contract: 09Ί-72-1 ΒΙΑΝ Hoofd van de groepen voor onderzoek: Dr.Ir. D. de Zeeuw. Algemeen onderwerp van het contract: APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR METHODS IN AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY - behaviour of natural -chemical elements and pollutants in soils. - uptake, transport, accumulation, redistribution of mineral elements and pollutants in plants. - mutation breeding, incompatibility, mutagenesis. - food irradiation. - genetic control of insect pests. - development of nuclear methods for agriculture, environmental and plant-biological research. Algemene omschrijving van de uitgevoerde werkzaamheden: In the soils and plant parts of the 1975 programme, the following topics were deal t wi th: - the working out of a preliminary simulation model of the behaviour of the fumigant methylbromide in soils and first experiments on the uptake of Br" by lettuce. - a mathematical model describes the influence of the nutrient concentration of the solution in the surroundings of a root, of root growth and plant growth on uptake rates. Appropriate mixtures of synthetic resins, simulating a soil, became available. Maize plants were grown under controlled conditions for the purpose of collecting basic data (1) in relation tò the working out of a further improved model and (2) about rates of growth, transpiration and ¡on absorption. A two compartment growth chamber has been built. ­ further study of various aspects of the kinetics of NHz, and NOj uptake and of the redistribution of Ν in plants for protein filling of seeds. Uptake of major nutrients is now better understood on the basis of an improved theoretical model. ­ preliminary experiments comparing the uptake by spinach of free Cd and of Cd complexed by a ligand­clay. Topics of interest for mutation breeding,

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