THE ARMANS of BELMONT & MONROE COUNTIES OHIO, WETZEL COUNTY WEST VIRGINIA and related families Buchners, and Hermans by James M. Dotson 1997 The ARMANS of Belmont & Monroe Counties Ohio, Wetzel County West Virginia by James M. Dotson DATE MICROFILMED ^ ITEM # / PROJECT and G. S. ROLL# CALL* l_/rVe_£_ -f// - nzo9 zb THE ARMANS of BELMONT & MONROE COUNTIES OHIO, WETZEL COUNTY WEST VIRGINIA and related families Buchners, and Hermans by 'cr^y^ James M. Dotson 1997 Copy No. 9A of fsA Printed Ai 6^ (* FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY 35 NORTH WEST TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 84150 The ARMANS of BELMONT & MONROE COUNTIES OHIO, WETZEL COUNTY WEST VIRGINIA and related families BUCHNERS, and HERMANS by James M. Dotson 1997 © 1997 by James M. Dotson. All rights reserved. However it is the author's wish that the information within its covers be used as needed by anyone for any non-copyrighted publication or use; such permission is hereby granted by the author/publisher. MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Published by James M. Dotson 306 Bonanza Way Danville, CA 94526 u Preface and Introduction I am the great-grandson of John Arman (II) and Mary Ros- More recent information from Germany has required still fur­ alena Buchner, having descended through their eldest son Wil­ ther revisions and expansion of the scope of the book. liam Arman who married Emma Fiess, and then through their Information in each chapter will be presented in two for­ daughter, my mother Susie Arman who married my father Er- mats: (1) Textual writing to include sources of information, maps, man Ray Dotson. photographs and other graphic information, followed by (2) I first became interested in genealogy upon my retirement Formal descendants charts (computer generated) starting with twelve years ago, and since then have been researching concur­ the oldest known member of a family line. rently both my paternal and maternal "roots". Since happening I am indeed grateful to all who have been willing to share upon the draft of a family history of my Dotsons written by a their own family information, as well as help research our ear­ Ritchie County friend Barr Wilson, I decided to concentrate on lier generations. For the later, I especially thank Uncle Vic and that line first; this resulted in the publication in 1992 of a jointly Aunt Winnie Arman, who have been especially helpful and gen­ authored Richard Dotson (1752-1847) and his Descendants. erous in sharing their knowledge of the Armans in Wetzel County, Then it was time to do something similar with my maternal and sharing their home with my wife Irma and me on the sev­ line, the Armans and Fiesses. At first I considered doing this eral occasions that we have been in the New Martinsville vicin­ jointly, since there was a common direct line starting with my ity; tramping through the many cemeteries of Wetzel, Belmont grandparents William Arman and Emma Fiess. However since and Monroe counties with Uncle Vic has been lots of fun. finding family information further afield on both sides, I de­ Others who have made special contributions of family in­ cided to do them separately. Hopefully this will help uncover formation include: and preserve family information which will be of interest to Terri Arman Hoke for the Robert Arman family; Hannah present and future generations of both Armans and Fiesses. Redford, Elizabeth Jo Hardt and Jean Shelton for the Alfred Genealogy of the Fiess line was completed first and published Arman line; Hazel Pegg Jackson, Wanda Pegg Heber, Cindy in 1996 as John Fiess and Katharina Moser - their Ancestors and Judi Pegg for the Louise Arman Pegg family. and Descendants. Now for the Armans. For the Nicholas Armann family, Lena Armann Fankhauser, When I first began the Arman book it was to include only Hannah Belle Armann Baranich, and Bessie Armann Stukey. It my direct line of Armans, that is, John Arman II and his ances­ should be noted that many of the Nicholas Armann line prefer tors; but as my research progressed, other Arman lines appeared and use the double "n" spelling, which I have tried to respect (Nicholas), as well as the associated Buchner family. Then I but not always succeeded, and for which I apologize. discovered multiple connections of the Armans to a third fam­ Genealogy is never complete; additional information can ily Hermans, that needed to be included. So the present book always be found; but I now wish to share the information which has been expanded to try to accomplish these further inclusions. is at hand, with all who may be interested in reading this book. Ill HOW THIS BOOK WAS PUBLISHED Publication of this book is another example of "desk­ top publishing". Typically this involves an author sitting down at a computer, writing the text, then laying out the pages into "camera ready" format for reproduction of the desired number of copies by a printing process; typically, the printing process involves the preparation of "printing plates" for off-set printing of the text and half-toned photographs; or alternately, reproduc­ tion can be done on a copy machine, before collation and bind­ ing into book form. Publication of this book followed the typical method in text preparation but differed however in subsequent steps. In­ stead of photographically half-toning the photographs, they were instead digitized into computer format by means of a scanning process; this step permitted direct reproduction of multiple cop­ ies on the high-speed computer printer "Docutech"; all book copies are thus an original output from the computer printer. This method permits a small number of copies to be produced economically. Soft-cover binding was done using a so-called "Fastback" method. iv Contents page Preface and Introduction iii Contents v Chap. I Early Armans- from Germany to Belmont County Ohio 1 Chap. II John Arman I 21 Chap. Ill Nicholas Armann 25 Chap. IV Elisabeth Arman Herman 103 Chap. V John Arman II 119 Chap. VI Buchners 257 Appendix 295 Index 301 Chapter I Early Armans - from Germany to Belmont County Ohio Early Arman(n)s in Germany man b. 1785 fits the female age group 50-60; we have not iden­ Research of German parish records shows our Arman an­ tified the female age 70-80; Elisabeth b. 1816 has no correspond­ cestors to be living in Judenbach, Saxony (Thuringen) Ger­ ing age group; at age 24, she was probably living elsewhere. many as early as 1741 with the birth of Johann Nikol Armann. George Arman was not found in the census records of 1850 It was his son George Arman b. 1788, with his family, that emi­ nor 1860, but as shown in later chapters his two sons, John and grated to Belmont County Ohio in the 1830s. This family in­ Nicholas, and their mother Barbara were enumerated in York cluded his wife Barbara Ziegenfelder, daughter Elisabeth b. 1816, Township of Belmont County. and sons John (I) b. 1819 and Nicholas b. 1825. In 1850 John Arman I b. 1819, was living with a neighbor, Further interesting details of how this information was ob­ Jacob Boger. tained, and the results of the German research, are shown in 1850 census Ohio, Belmont Co York Twp 12 Sept 1850 later sections of this chapter. Arman John 28 M Labour b.p.. Germany enumerated with Jacob Boger, b.p. Wertenberg Ohio Census Records of 1840 and 1850 By 1850, Nicholas Armann b. 1825, had married and was The first census record of our Armans in Belmont County living with his family - including mother and nephew - in Bel­ was in 1840, when George Arman was enumerated as head-of- mont County household in Washington Township. 1850 census Ohio, Belmont Co York Twp 12 Sept 1850 1840 census Ohio, Belmont Co Washington Twp Dwl 114 Fam 117 George Annan Males age 15-20 2 Nicholas Arm 25 M Farmer $1000 Germany Catherine Arm 26 F Germany 60-70 1 *-han? 3 F Ohio Females age 50-60 1 George 2 M Ohio 70-80 1 **John Harmon 9 M Ohio It may be noted that John Arman I, b. 1819, and Nicholas BarbryArm 65 F Germany Armann b. 1825, both fit into the age group 15-20; that George * This is Juliana Arman b. 23 Dec 1847, d. 27 Feb 1860 Arman b. 1788 fits into the male group 60-70, and Barbara Ar­ **John Arman II b. 1841 son of Elisabeth Armann prior to her marriage to John Herman 2 The ARMANS of BELMONT & MONROE COUNTIES OHIO, WETZEL COUNTY WEST VIRGINIA By 1850 Elisabeth Armann had married (April 1841) a John Other Records of siblings John Arman I, Nicholas Ar­ Harman (Herman); we did not find a census record for her in mann and Elisabeth Arman Herman: 1850, but did later in 1860. (1) John Armani In the 1860 census of Ohio, Monroe Co Switzerland Twp. A marriage record in Ohio Co WV shows John Arman I p. 10 Cameron, dwl no. 66, fam. no 68: married to Regina Shance 18 June 1854. Land deeds were found JohnHarmann 53 m Master tailor $500 $100 Bavaria of both John Arman and Nicholas Armann in Belmont Co Ohio; •Johanna 44 f wife Saxony Germany we have been unable to trace the whereabouts of this early John **Johannajr 16 f child OH Arman I and Regina after selling their real estate in Belmont Mary 12 f OH Henry 5 m OH County in 1865. * Johanna Elisabeth Ernestine Armann Herman b. 1816 (2) Nicholas Armann """Identified as Hannah Harman, b. 1844 Nicholas Armann married Catherine Lapp in 1845; they re­ mained in Belmont County and had nine children.
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