A51-1/1974 I UNIVERSITY OF P. E~I. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARY USE ONL'i Agriculture 1+ Canada II .. 00189 • Research Branch Report 1974 CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE @ INFORMATION CANADA OTTAWA, 1975 Cat. No.: A51-1/1974 CONTENTS Executive of the Research Branch, v Direction de la recherche, v Organization Chart, vi Organigramme, vi Map of Canada, vii Carte du Canada, vii Research Coordinators, viii Coordonnateurs des recherches, viii Administration and Executive Program, ix Administration et Programmes, executif, ix Foreword, x Avant-propos, xi Research Stations (Eastern) Stations de recherches (Est) St. John's West, Nfid., I Charlottetown, P .E.I., 7 Kentville, N.S. 17 Fredericton, N .B., 31 L'Assomption, Que., 41 Lennoxville, Que., 45 Sainte-Foy, Que., 53 Saint-Jean, Que., 65 Delhi, Ont., 73 Harrow, Ont., 79 Ottawa, Ont., 91 Vineland Station, Ont., 107 Research Institutes and Services Instituts et Services de recherches Animal Research Institute, 115 Biosystematics Research Institute, 131 Chemistry and Biology Research Institute, 149 Food Research Institute, 165 Soil Research Institute, 173 Research Institute, London, 189 Engineering Research Service, 197 Ornamentals Research Service, 205 Statistical Research Service, 21 I Research Stations (Western) Stations de recherches (Ouest) Brandon, Man., 2 I7 Morden, Man., 225 Winnipeg, Man., 235 Melfort, Sask., 249 Regina, Sask., 257 Saskatoon, Sask., 265 Swift Current, Sask., 279 Beaverlodge, Alta., 289 Lacombe, Alta., 297 Lethbridge, Alta., 305 Agassiz, B.C., 327 Kamloops, B.C., 333 Sidney, B.C., 339 Summerland, B.C., 343 Vancouver, B.C., 357 Index of Professional Staff and Visiting Scientists, 367 Cadres professionnels et chercheurs invites, 367 Subject Index, 377 Index alphabetique, 377 . iii CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RESEARCH BRANCH I DIRECTOR GENERAL I I i i j i I I ASSISTANT DIRECTOR GENERAL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR GENERAL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR GENERAL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR GENERAL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR GENERAL COORDINATOR INSTITUTES AND SERVICES WESTERN PLANNING & COORDINATION EASTERN ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE PROGRAM ----1-- I RESEARCH C~ORDINATORS I Atlantic Provinces 1 SI. John's West INSTITUTES RESEARCH SERVICES i Morden Charlottetown Beef Cattle Portage 10 Prairie Kenlvifle Animal Engineering Winnipeg Biosystemotics Nappan Fredericton Biosystematil;s Ornamentals Soskolchewon Cereal Crops Melfort Quebec Chemistry and Biology Sfatistical Dairy Cottle Regina L' Assomption Food Entomology Indion Head Lavaltrie Soil Saskatoon Environmental Quality Lennoxville Scott Sointe-Foy London Environment and Resources Swift Current La Pocatiere Field and Oilseed Craps Normandin Alberto Food St-Jean Beoverlodge Frelighsburg Fort Vermi lion Forage Crops L'Acadie Prince George (B.C.l Horticulture Ste-Clothi Ide Lacombe Plant Pathology Vegreville Ontario Lethbridge Sheep, Swine ond Poultry Delhi Harrow Monyberries Soil Fertility Stavely Woods lee Weeds Vauxhall Ottawa Smithfield British Columbia SPECIAL ADVISORS Kapuskasing Agassiz Thunder Bay Abbotsford Vine land Station Kamlaops Economics Sidney Summerland Engineering Crestan Ornamentals December 1974 Kelawna Statistics Vancouver i; t" j~ ~ ~~~ \'. ~jj • z~ \ \ \ (~.' ....•. / ......• / ~ ro" \. "...._! 1.- ..,.... a ;- ~ ..•••....- ..•.•....-..-._ ..-~/. ~ o * 0 '=' 0 FOREWORD The Research Branch report for 1974 is a summary of the research carried out by the compilation of the reports prepared by all scientists of the Research Branch establish- the research establishments. Each report is a ments. summary of the research activities conducted The results and activities reported in this by the scientists and support staff of that publication are all interrelated and constitute particular station, institute, or service. a cohesive agricultural research program. A This 1974 report, together with all pre- companion report, prepared by the Planning vious reports, represents a historical account and Coordination group, is also published of the progress of research in agriculture as each year. This report reviews the Research conducted by the Research Branch of Agri- Branch programs according to objectives and culture Canada. goals. It clearly demonstrates the existence of It will be noted that the Director of each a coherent Research Branch program to establishment includes in the report his own which contributions are made by all research introduction, which states summarily the part establishments located in Canada from coast of the overall Research Branch program for to coast. which he is responsible. All the establish- Two changes in management personnel ments conduct programs that are, to a greater took place during the year. The research or lesser degree, of national interest. In coordination staff was strengthened by the addition, most of the stations also direct their appointment of Dr. R. R. Riel, as Research efforts to regional and local problems. Coordinator (Food). Dr. J. Holme was ap- The research program plans are a result of pointed Director of the Food Research the combined deliberations by the Planning Institute. and Coordination group at headquarters, the The increased emphasis on global food Directors and staffs of the research establish- production has stimulated interest in agricul- ments, and the Research Branch Executive. It tural research by numerous agencies other is the task of the Director General and than Agriculture Canada. This interest em- Assistant Directors General to ensure that phasizes the need for cooperative activity programs are conducted according to plan and coordination of research programs con- and are in concert with the objectives and ducted by all organizations involved in goals of the Branch. The responsibility for research of importance to agriculture. how the research is conducted remains with the Directors and scientists of the esta blish- B. B. Migicovsky ments. Thus, this report represents a brief Director General A VANT-PROPOS Le rapport de la Direction de la recherche rapport com porte un bref resume des re- de 1974 est constitue de l'ensemble des cherches effectuees par les chercheurs de rapports prepares par tous les etablissements chacun des etablissements. de recherche. Chacun de ceux-ci est un Les resultats et les activites decrits dans resume des activites menees par les ceue publication sont relies entre eux et chercheurs et Ie personnel de soutien de s'inscrivent dans Ie cadre d'un programme de chaque station, instilUt ou service. recherche agricole coherent. Le groupe de la Le rapport de 1974, comme ceux qui I'ont planification et de la coordination prepare precede, rend compte de I'evolution de la d'autre part un rapport complementaire recherche en agriculture telle qu'elle a ete publie annuellement dans lequel il passe en me nee par la Direction de la recherche du revue les programmes de la Direction selon ministere de l'Agriculture du Canada. les objectifs et les buts. II demontre claire- On notera que Ie directeur de chaq ue ment la coherence des elements du pro- etablissement presente dans son rapport sa gramme global auquel collaborent tous les pro pre introd uction exposant sommairement etablissements de recherche du pays. la tache qui lui revient dans l'ensemble du Deux modifications ont touche Ie person- programme de la Direction de la recherche. nel de direction au cours de I'annee. Le Certains etablissements ont des programmes personnel de la coordination de la recherche qui sont, a des niveaux divers, d'interet a ete renforce par I'arrivee du Dr R. R. Rie! national. De plus, la plupart des stations au poste de coordonnateur des recherches orientent leurs efforts vers la solution des (technologie alimentaire). Le Dr J. Holme a problemes locaux et regionaux. ete nom me directeur de l'Institut de recher- La planification du programme de recher- che sur les aliments. che est Ie fruit des deliberations tenues entre L'importance accrue de la production Ie groupe de la coordination et de la planifi- alimentaire globale a stim ule I'interet de cation du bureau central, les directeurs et les nombreux organismes autres que Ie ministere employes des etablissements de recherche et de I'Agriculture pour la recherche agricole. les administrateurs de la Direction de la Cet interet fait ressortir Ie besoin de coopera- recherche. Le Directeur General et les Di- tion et de coordination des programmes recteurs Generaux adjoints ont la tache de menes a bien par tous les organismes se veiller a ce que les programmes soient menes livrant a des recherches d 'im portance en scIon Ie plan etabli et qu'ils soient conformes agriculture. aux objectifs et buts fixes par la Direction. II appartient aux directeurs et aux chercheurs des etablissements de determiner les moda- Le Directeur General lites d 'execution des recherches. Ainsi, ce B. B. Migicovsky xi Research Station St. John's West, Newfoundland PROFESSIONAL STAFF H. W. R. CHANCEY, B.S.A., M.S.A. Director Entomology Section R. F. MORRIS, B.S.A., M.Sc. Head of Section; Vegetable insects Horticulture Section B. G. PENNEY, B.Sc., M.Sc. Vegetable crops Plant Breeding and Pathology Section K. G. PROUDFOOT, B.Agr., M.Agr. Head of Section; Potato breeding M. C. HAMPSON, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Plant diseases Soils and Agronomy A. F. RAYMENT, B.Sc., M.Sc. Soil fertility Departures P. K. HERINGA Pedology Transferred to Soil Research Institute, Ottawa, April 1974 M. D. SUDOM Pedology Resigned March 1974 RESEARCHSTATION,ST. JOHN'S WEST, NFLD. •• Research Station Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island PROFESSIONAL STAFF L. B. MACLEOD, B.Sc. (Agr.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Director D. A. HUTCHINSON Administrative Officer B. STANFIELD, B.S.A., M.S.A., M.L.S. Librarian Cereal and Tobacco Section J. D. E. STERLING, B.S.A., M.Sc. Head of Section; Breeding (barley) H. W. JOHNSTON, B.Sc. (Agr.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Diseases (cereal) K. E. LELACHEUR, B.Se. (Agr.) Tobacco J. A. MACLEOD, B.Sc. (Agr.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Nutrition (forage and cereal) H. G. NASS, B.SA, M.Sc., Ph.D. Breeding (wheat), physiology (cereal) J. B. SANDERSON, B.Sc. (Agr.) Management (winter cereals and protein crops) I Forage Section C. B. WILLIS, B.Sc. (Agr.), Ph.D. Head of Section; Diseases (forage) W. N. BLACK, B.Sc.
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