CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 23 WEST BENGAL DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART XIII-B VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT NADIA DISTRICT S. N. GHOSH of the Indian Administrative Servi~e DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS WEST BENGAL Price: (Inland) Rs. 15·00 Paise ( Foreiga ) £ ,1-75 or ,5 $ 40 Cents PUBLISHED BY THE CONTROLLER, GOVERNMENT PRINTING, WEST BENGAL AND PRINTED BY JOYMA KALI PRESS 90 B. C. ROAD, BURDWAN-?13101 CONTENTS Foreword Vfl Preface IX Acknowledgements Xl Map of tbe District . XITI Important Statistics . XIV Analytical Note and Analysis of Data 1-20 District Primary Census Abstract 22· ( Police Station-wise, Total, Rural, Urban ) , Police Station-wise Primary Census Abstract 1. Karimpur Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 37 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 40 2. T~hatta Police Statien (a) Alphabetical list of villages 50 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 52 3. Kaliganj Police Station' (a) Alphabetical list of villages 58 (b) '.image-wise Primary Census Abstract 60 4. Nakasipara Police Station (a) Alpha~eticallist of villages 68 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 70 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract 76 ( For Statutory To'V"n ward-wise,) 5. Chapra Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 78 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 80 6 Krishnaganj Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 87 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 88 7. Krishoagar Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 92 fb) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 94 Cc) Town-wise Primary Gensus Abstr,act 104 ( For Statutory Town ward-wise) IV &. Nabadwip Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 107 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 108 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract 110 ( For Satutory Town ward-wise) 9. Sailtipur Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 112 (b) Village:wise Primary C~nsus Abstract 114 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract 120 ( For Statutory Town ward-wise) 10 Hanskhali Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 122, (b) . Village-~Primary Census Abstract 1?4 (c) Town-wise Prima.ry Census Abstract 128 ( For Statutory Town ward-wise) 11. Ranaghat Police 'Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 131 (b)/ Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 134 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract· ( For Satutory Town ward-wise) 146 12 Chak~a folice Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 149 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 152 ""c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract 160 ( For Sta1!utory TOl[lln ward-wise) 13 Kalyani Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 163 (b) Village~wise Primary Census Abs:ract 164 (c) Town-wise Primary Census Abstract 166 ( For Statutory Town ward-wise) 14. Haringhata Police Station (a) Alphabetical list of villages 168 (b) Village-wise Primary Census Abstract 170 (c) Town-wise Primary Census' Abstract 144 ( For Statutory Town ward-wise) v Appendix Total Population, ScheduledtCaste Population and Scheduled Tribe Population-Urban Block-wise 177 District Primary Census Abstract of Schedule.. Castes 199 District Primary Census Abstract of Schednled Tribes 208 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-West Bengal 217 Annexure 1. District Primary Census Abstract-Birnagar Urban Agglomeration 220 2. District Primary Censcs Abstract for S~heduled Castes 224 3 .. District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Trbies 226 Maps 1. Karimpur Police Station 231 2. Tehatta Police Station 233 3. Kaliganj Police Station 235 4. Nakasipara Police Station 237 5. Chapra Police Station 239 6. Krishnaganj Police Sration 241 7. Krishnagar Police Station 243 8. Nabadwip Police Station 245 9. Santipur Police Station 247 10. Hanskhali Police Station 249 11. Ranaghat Police Station 251 12. Chakdaha Police Station 253 13. Kalyani Police Station 255 14. Haringhata Police Statior 257 FOREWORD The district census handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census OrganJsation on behalf of the . State Governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia uSed -for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and r-egional plans and as an aid to t?istrict administration. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas and ward­ wise for each city or town, It also provides data on' infrastructure ,and amenities in villages and towns, etc. The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in thFee parts. Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to viBage and town PCA and Part-e comprised analylical report, administrative statistics, dis~riet census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing. While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought-together in the village directory with the instruction that-in case an ameni tv is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the -amenity. is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaus1!v,.e data "_.1 on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is, expecttd to help ':lot only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the proces of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimu'm Needs Programme. Such new items of 'information as adult literacy centres, Primary health suqcentres, and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have 'an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been intro~uced to' examine the correlation of the amenities with the population and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages. where no amenities are available and according to th~ proportion of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population to the total population has also been made with this view in mind. VIII The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providjng information on a few new items.. A new state· ment on civic and other· amenities in slums in Class_l and Class_H towns (Statem~nt IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improvemer,t of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in statement' IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult I~teracy classes/centres under educational facilities in statement V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into considerations. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population iii a few statem,ents also serves this purpose. The f6fmat of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census. In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been so designed that Part - A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part-B, the PCA of villages and tOwns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Police Station/Town levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note sUPPOlted by a number of inset tables based on PCA and non census data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and Police Station level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been insertied at appropriate places, to further enhance the value of the publication. This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation The data have been collected and compiled in the stat~ under the direction of Shri S. N. Ghos!'t, I A S, tile Director of Census Operations, West Bengal on behalf of the State Qovern­ ment which.has borne the cost of printing The task of planning, designing and co·ordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General ( Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data received from Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headqualters under the guidance of Shri IVI.M.
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