Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam BBBiiinnndududu Issue No. 42 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications 30 November 2002 Utpannā Ekādaśī, 10 Keśava, 516 Gaurābda Circulation 1,119 • KRISHNA OR VISHNU His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada • A HUNDRED WARNINGS AGAINST MUNDANE MELLOWS Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur • SRI KHANDAVASI MUKUNDA DAS Highlights Highlights Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja KRISHNA OR VISHNU? when they are perfect, can obtain seventy- eight percent of the opulence of Krishna. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta So Krishna is cent percent, Vishnu or Swami Prabhupada Narayan is ninety-four percent, Lord Siva Malati Dasi: Swamiji, I don’t is eighty-four percent, and we, in our understand when you say that perfection are seventy-eight percent. Is you worship Krishna or Vishnu. that clear? I don’t understand if Krishna is Malati Dasi: Well, I don’t understand then why Vishnu or Vishnu is Krishna. you would worship Vishnu and not Krishna. I Srila Prabhupada: There are don’t understand why then you would go to several categories of living Vishnu and not to Krishna if Krishna is higher? entities. Krishna is also a living entity and Srila Prabhupada: Why do you take care of Vishnu is also a living entity. You are also your child? Why not another child? They are a living entity. Lord Siva is also a living also children. entity. Every one of us is. But there are Malati Dasi: Because this child was given to me. categories. Just like in your Montreal city, Srila Prabhupada: You love him. That’s there are hundreds of millions of people. all. Similarly, if you love Krishna, that’s all But some person’s status is higher than right. If you love Vishnu, that is also all others. Similarly, Krishna is the original right. But you cannot derive the same living entity. Govindam ādi-puruam, ādi- result by loving Krishna and by Vishnu. puruam means original. From Him Therefore it is your selection, whom should everything has expanded. Eko bahūnām, He you love. Krishna is cent percent and has expanded Himself into many. Some of Vishnu is ninety-four percent. So if you them are in the Vishnu category. The want to worship or love ninety-four Vishnu category means that they are percent, that is also almost Krishna. But almost equal to Krishna. They have ninety- Krishna is cent percent, pūram. Matta four percent of the opulence of Krishna. paratara nānyat kiñcid asti dhanañjaya [Bg The next category is Siva category. The Siva 7.7]. In Bhagavad-gītā you will find that He category has eighty-four percent of the is the supreme. opulence of Krishna. Then the next aha sarvasya prabhavo matta sarva pravartate category is the Brahma category. The iti matva bhajante mā budhā bhāva-samanvitā Brahma category means the living entities, [Bg. 10.8] é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu Issue Forty-two, Page — 2 “I am the origin of everything, including Krishna. If deviations that impede devotional Vishnu, Brahma, Siva, and the living entities, service (anarthas) have not been expelled then everything.” Iti matvā. So for intelligent chanting of the holy name will never reveal persons, if I have to love, why not love the the form of the Lord. (29) greatest personality, Krishna, who is cent anartha nā gele nāme gua bujhā jaya nā percent perfect? That is your selection. If you anartha nā gele nāme ka-sevā haya nā select ninety-four percent, there is no harm, but the best thing is why not cent percent. Is As long as anarthas remain then chanting that all right? Not yet clear? of the holy name will never produce an un- — Class on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 7.9.10-11. Montreal, 14 July 1968. derstanding of the transcendental qualities of the Lord. As long as anarthas remain then A HUNDRED WARNINGS AGAINST chanting of the holy name will never become MUNDANE MELLOWS direct service to Krishna. (30) Prākta Rasa Śata Dūiī rūpa-gua-līlā-sphūrti nāma chā ā haya nā rūpa-gua-līlā haite ka-nāma haya nā Sri Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada Revelations of the Lord’s transcendental form, qualities, and pastimes are never manifest in Originally published in Sajjana Toaī magazine the absence of His holy name. The holy name during its nineteenth year, 1916-17. of Krishna is never separated from His tran- (Continued from the previous issue) scendental form, qualities, or pastimes. (31) siddhānta vihīna hoile ke citta lāge nā rūpa haite nāma-sphūrti, guru kabhu bole nā sambandha-hīnera kabhu abhidheya haya nā gua haite nāma-sphūrti, guru kabhu bole nā Without knowledge of transcendental truth (siddhānta), no one’s heart can ever be spiri- A genuine spiritual master never asserts that tually attuned with Lord Krishna. Proper ex- revelation of the Lord’s holy name is separate ecution of devotional service in relationship from His form. A genuine spiritual master to Krishna (abhidheya) is impossible if one never claims that revelation of the Lord’s holy lacks knowledge of his relationship with name is separate from His qualities. (32) Krishna (sambandha). (26) SRI KHANDAVASI MUKUNDA DAS sambandha-vihīna jana prayojana pāya nā ku-siddhānte vyasta jana ka-sevā kare nā Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja One who lacks knowledge of sambandha, his Sri Khandavasi Mukunda Das was the doctor or her relationship with Krishna, can never of the Muslim king Nawab Hussain Shah. attain prayojana, the supreme goal of life (pure According to Haridas Das in his Gauīya love of Godhead, ka-prema). One who is Vaiava Abhidhān, after perceiving the exalted distracted by bogus philosophical conclusions spiritual position of Mukunda Das, the king freed about devotional service is not performing him from his service and Mukunda was able to actual devotional service to Sri Krishna. (27) leave for Nabadwip where he met Sri Chaitanya siddhānta-alasa jana anartha to’ chā e nā Mahaprabhu. The date of Mukunda’s appearance ja e ka bhrama kori’ ka-sevā kare nā is not known, but the Abhidhān gives the day of One who is lazy in properly understanding his disappearance as the rāsa-pūrimā, the full vaiava philosophical conclusions can never moon day of the month of Kartika. become free from anarthas, unwanted bad hab- Caitanya-caritāmta (ādi 10.78) describes its and philosophical misconceptions that im- that Mukunda Das and his son Raghunandan pede devotional service. One who mistakes Thakur were the thirty-ninth branch of the tree Krishna as belonging to the material plane can of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. never render actual service to the Lord. (28) In his purport to that verse, Srila Prabhupada ka-nāme bhakta kabhu ja a-buddhi kare nā has described: anartha nā gele nāme rūpa dekhā deya nā Sri Mukunda Das was the son of Narayan Das A genuine devotee never maintains materi- and eldest brother of Narahari Sarkar. His second alistic conceptions about the holy name of brother’s name was Madhav Das and his son was Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu Issue Forty-two, Page — 3 named Raghunandan Das. Descendants of When Mahaprabhu heard this, He was very Raghunandan Das still live four miles west of pleased. He said, “Yes, yā hā haite ka-bhakti Katwa in the village named Sri Khanda, where sei guru haya — He who gives us ka-bhakti Raghunandan Das used to live. Raghunandan is guru.” (Cc. madhya 15.115-117) had one son named Kanai, who had two sons— Khandavasi Mukunda Das was a Madan Ray, who was a disciple of Narahari bādaśāha, Thakura, and Vamsivadan. It is estimated that at physician in the court of the least four hundred men descended in this dynasty. Muslim ruler, but that was only external. All their names are recorded in the village of Sri In his heart he was always fixed at the lotus Khanda. In the Gaura-gaoddeśa-dīpikā (175) feet of Krishna. He was always thinking of it is stated that the gopī whose name was Vrinda- Krishna. He was a dear devotee of Krishna devi became Mukunda Das, lived in Sri Khanda because in ka-līlā he is Vrinda-devi. village, and was very dear to Sri Chaitanya Once Mukunda Das was sitting on a chair Mahaprabhu. His wonderful devotion and love before the bādaśāha, the Muslim ruler. for Krishna are described in the Caitanya- Mukunda Das was giving some caritāmta, madhya-līlā, chapter fifteen. prescription for medicines. They were The following comments by Sri Srimad Gour talking about diseases and the medical Govinda Swami on the above purport are treatment for them. At that time a servant excerpted from Chapter 8 of the forthcoming of the bādaśāha came with an umbrella book “Mathura Meets Vrindaban” from Gopal made of peacock feathers and held it over Jiu Publications: the head of the Muslim ruler. As soon as The wonderful devotion and love for Krishna Mukunda Das saw the peacock feathers he of Khandavasi Mukunda Das are described in became ecstatic, because the peacock Caitanya-caritāmta, madhya-līlā, chapter feathers reminded him of Krishna. Only fifteen. His son, Raghunandan, is also a very Krishna wears a peacock feather. No one dear devotee of Mahaprabhu and a pure else can put on a peacock feather. As soon ka-bhakta, a very dear devotee of Krishna. as Mukunda Das saw it he became so In texts 113 and 114 of that chapter it is ecstatic that he fainted and fell from the described that in fun Mahaprabhu once chair onto the ground. The bādaśāha asked Mukunda Das, “You are the father and thought, “What happened to this vaidya, Raghunandan is your son, or is physician? He might have met his death.” Raghunandan your father and you are his The Muslim ruler got down from his seat son? Please tell Me definitely who is father and sprinkled water over Mukunda’s face.
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