PACIFIC TRANSFER 717 Cormorant St. Phone* .ttt. Ml Baggage Store*. H. CAI.WKIJU Pro» VOL. 48 VICTORIA, B. C., MONDAY, JUNK 26, 1916 NO. 149 British and French AUSTRIANS FORCED RUSSIANS SA10 TO About to Strike in WHOLE OF BUKOWINA NOW IS TO BEGIN RETREAT BE 11 TRANSYLVANIA Unison With Allies HELD BY THE CZARS FOBCES; Berlin, June 36 —The lighting Unofficially Reported Troops activity in the weetern theatre on ON TRENTINO FRONT Have Pushed Forward and the front» occupied by the British 2,060 TAKEN AT KIMPOLUNG Crossed Carpathians and the north wing of the French Italians Have Recaptured Asiago and army wag important last night and has been so for the past two Capture of Town in Foothills of Carpathians Several Other Positions, War Office at THREW-, DEFENDERS FROM days, says AS* statement is to-dejr by the army headquarters. Rome Announces; Enemy Forces Falling MOUNTAIN PASSES Completed Conquest of Austrian Province; Back Along a Front of Twenty Miles; SEIZED TRENCHES Several Trains at Station Fell Into Hands King Victor’s Troops Pressing Them Position Short Distance West of Victorious Russian Trodps of Kimpolung Occupied Closely by Russians EAST OF THE MEUSE Some. June 26.—A general retreat of the Austrians in the Tren- b * Two Villages West of Sniatyn, on Pruth, Petrograd. June 29—Russian troops f tlno district oyer a sector about SO miles in extent is announced in a have crossed the Carpathians and have French Gained Some Ground statement issued by the war office to-day. The statement says that entered Transylvania according to an Were Occupied; North of Sutiava Enemy unofficial report received here to-day. Between Fumin and the Italians are pressing the pursuit rigorously. The defenders of the mountain passes Chenois Woods were ejected and foiced to retreat. Abandoned 170 Wagons of Maize, 2,500 The text of the statement follows: If the report be true Gen. BrusilofTs forces are now In a position to menace Tons of Coal and Other Supplies “The enemy, incapable of overcoming our defence, and tu Budapest In the winter of 1*14-16 the OEM. BRUSH-OFF the energetic pressure which we hare been conducting for several Russians were able only to reach t^je GERMANS REPULSED Who has reconquered Bukon for wall of the Carpathians. Russia. days, has been forced to begin a retreat north of the Mandrielle road. The news of the successes are caus­ WEST OF THIAUMONT We have captured the positions of Castelgamberto, Mellette, Monte ing great rejoicing here. They • Petrograd, June 26.—Occupation of the entire Anitriin crown land of Bukowina was announced characterised as the greatest of the Longera, Gallic, Asiago, Casuna and Monte Oengto. Our advance war, and It Is expected they will hasten last night by-the war office. Possession of the province was completed by the capture of the town of continues vigorously close to the heels of the enemy." the end of the great struggle with vic­ Parla, June 24.—In a night attack Kimpolung, in the southern part of Bukowina at the foot of the Carpathians. Mora than 2,000 prisoners tory for Russia and her allies. French troops captured part of a Ger­ were captured. _ man trench between the Fumin and Petrograd. June 2*.—Russian cavalry, Russian forces farther north are pressing along the river Pruth toward Kolomea and have occupied DUKE OF CONNAUGHT after a battle with Austro-Hungarian Chenois woods, east of the Meuse. A ON WAY TO VICTORIA troops, have occupied a position near German attack west of the Thiau- the villages of Kitikohaf and Toulokoff. RUSSIANS ATTACKING Pesoritt, about SH miles west of Kim­ mont works was repulsed, according The text of the official statement issued last night follows: polung, in Bukowina. It Is announced to the statement Issued by the wai Ottawa, June 29.—The Duke of Con­ In.a statement issued by the war of- "West of Sniatyn, on the Pruth, 20 miles northwest of Cserno- naught. accompanied by the Duchess flea office this afternoon. -There was a and Princess Patricia, left this after­ heavy artillery duel west of the Meuse. 4719 witx, our troops as they advanced occupied the villages of Kilikhoff ALONG THE STOKHOD noon on a farewell visit to western The text of the statement follows: DUKE OF Canada, where he will Inspect the and Toulekhof. Hughes and Vernon military campa SIR ROGER CASEMENT "In the eArgonne an enemy attack “On the evening of June 23 the town of Kimpolung was taken Broke Up All German Assaults and spend a fortnight at UftufV and on one of our small posts at La Pille after intense fighting. Sixty officers and 3,000 men were taken pria, X In That. Part of a week at Victoria His Royal High­ Morte was repulsed with hand gren­ VICEROY OF IRELAND ness will be back in Ottawa on ades. oners, and seven machine guns were captured. At the railway sta­ August A. IS NOW BEFORE JURY “On the left bink of the Meuse the * Volhynia artillery duel was particularly lively tion whole trains were captured. In the region of Dead man's Hill. Expected He Will Represent “With the capture of the towns of Kimpolung and Knty-Wisntts, "On the right bank a German attack we took possession of the whole of Bukowina. SHRAPNEL KILLED delivered last night on our positions King in Part Under _ ENEMY’S RESERVES Case Against Him Outlined by west of the Thlaumont works wat “It was found that during a hurried retirement in the region of Home Rule Attorney General; Pleaded com plot si y checked by our Infantry and tiie Many station, north of Safiava, the enemy left behind 88 empty WERE HURLED BACK artillery fire. During a local opera­ MAJ.-GEN. MERCER Not Guilty tion between the woods of Fumin and wagons, 170 wagons of mais# and about 2^00 tons of anthracite, be­ Chenois we seised some elements of German trenches. Ottawa. June 29.—His Royal High­ sides structural materials, great reserves of fodder and other booty." London, June 29.— -Officer» who "In other sectors there were artillery ness the Duke oiX&flMVSbt "»ay go ''Southeast of Svinlsky enemy hare arrived at Kiev.- eaya Reuter*» Lieut. Gooderham, His Aide, Vmdon. June W — At 10.lt o'clock actions." from his post In Canada to Ireland to opened a heavy fire in the region of the this morning a clerk In the court of Petrograd correspondent, “describe Was With Him to Artillery Activity. represent royal authority there. village of Pustonyty. They then took the breaking of all the GerWitui attacks the lord chief Justice called out “The The official communication issued The Duke t >-<lay began a farewell ALLIES ON VERGE ' the offensive, but were repulsed with on the Russian trunt along the titukhod the Last____ Kins va air Rocsr Casement," and tho................................ trial of the knight who la accused' '>f . ,, tour of Inspection of Canadian units river. Large reserves launched by the "West of Radslvlloff one of our regi­ having Instigated the Irish n-l*"!!iun, ™ training fur overseas .service. He will Germans were buried back by the Rus­ was under war. Vlucount Reading, the '"fa"'nr d * OF GREAT VICTORY ments got a footing In enemy trenches sians, who now are on the offensive. lord chief Justice, and Justice» Avery ( *h® d“y'- .9? the . leave Canada for Britain In October, and captured four officers and 202 men. German prisoners who were recently Toronto. June 24.—All doubt as to the and Horrldgw. In bright scarlet rob,., ^l“^ju:tlv.lty1 J" ”* going straight to the seat of govern­ The enemy then concentrated their fire on the French front describe the Rue fete of Major-General Malcolm 8. and powdered wigs, took their eeata ! ??_** *__**• L>vadmun * 1,111 Bnd Lhat- ment | and obliged us to retire from the cap­ stan gunfire on the Stokhod as an In' Mercer. C. B.. the highoet Canadian tancourt. The called and Sir Rog*r The Imperial legislation necessary to tured trenches to our positions. We femo similar to that at Verdun. officer lost in battle thus far. "On the right hank the bombard­ Hungary Next Field for Con­ cleared to-day by the receipt of a post Casement was brought in to answer to establish representative government In retained the prisoners and succeeded "Farther south, in the Vladimir ment redoubled In force from five card from Lieut. L. Gooderham. bis the“ charge of high *treason the southern counties or Ireland under quering Armies Under In repulsing all counter-attacks. Volynski and Hokal regions, combined o'clock In the afternoon on the Mr. Lloyd George's scheme of home "An enemy aeroplane squadron threw enemy onslaught* are proving equally aide-de-camp, now a prisoner in Ger­ The Indictment followed in legal tors of Trol-de-Terre and Fleury. points that returned against • Colonel rule will be through parliament about Gen. Brusiloff bombs on Roudnya and Potchalevska." Ineffective and costly. The enemy evt many. He wrote to hie parents herei "There was no event of Importance Arthur Lynch, who fought against the the date the Duke of Connaught Is Northern Front. dent!y shrinks at no sacrifice to retain "I am now a prisoner and en route on the rest of the front, with the ex­ British In the Boer war His chief timed to land on side. communications with Kovel and Lem­ to a detention camp. I have b< ception of the usual cannonading." Of the northern part of the front, ae treated very well Indeed by my cap­ counsel, Alexander Sullivan, of Dublin, Private advices which have reached The Belgian communication said: Petrograd, June 29.—“On to Buda far as Riga, the report said: berg.
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