Energy Tip of the Day ENERGY CONSERVATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE! If your dryer has an automatic GAZETTE dry cycle, use it. The timed cycles on your dryer can waste energy because they'll continue Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to operate even after your clothes are dry. Also make sure that the outside exhaust vent of your dryer is kept Volume 36 Number 159 Thursday, August 20, 1981 clean. A clogged exhaust will lengthen the amount of time it takes to dry your clothes. Navy F-14s down Libyan jets over Med ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? WASHINGTON (UPI)--Although it has In a report on Libya's Tripoli Meanwhile, the White House says been a little over 24 hours since radio. monitored in Beirut, Libya President Reagan is keeping abreast U.S. Navy pilots downed two Libyan made the revelation yesterday after- of the situation in Los Angeles. - .News jets, the one-minute clash between noon that it shot down the U.S. Presidential spokesman Larry Speak- U.S. and Libyan jet fighters in Navy F-14 jetfighter when eight es says White House counselor Edwin the Mediterranean has set off an American war planes attacked two of Meese and National Security Adviser 'Digest International war of words. its jets. Richard Allen are keeping Reagan The Libyans say the incident en- Libya's news agency said the at- informed. NORTH CAROLINA (UPI)--Tropical storm dangers world peace, but there's tack occurred in its territorial "Dennis" lashed the North Carolina been no reaction of substance by waters. The U.S. says the encount- Speakes has vehemently denied coast with strong winds and heavy the government of Libyan strongman er occurred in international air- reports in "Newsweek" that the U.S. rain early today as it moved along Moammar Khadafy. space over the south-central Medi- naval exercises were the Reagan the Eastern seaboard, half over land However, the Soviets, who sup- terranean Sea. administration's "first direct chal- and half over water. But storm- plied the two Sukhoi-22 fighters The U.S. says there were only two lenge" to Libya, aimed at testing watchers say it appears "Dennis" did that were shot down early yester- U.S. F-14 "Tomcat" fighters in the Khadafy's reaction to American man- most of its damage earlier this week day, call the incident a "Piratical area, one routine naval exercises euvers in the 120-mile limit claim- in Florida, where up to 20 inches action." But so far the Libyans about 60 nautical miles off the ed by Libya. The U.S. recognizes a of rain caused at least one death have neither cut off oil supplies coast of Libya, when they were three-mile limit for naval exercises. and several million dollars in da- nor taken any action against the fired upon by the two Libyan jets. mage. estimated 2,500 oil workers and The two U.S. planes, using Side- Also, Defense Secretary Casper other Americans residing in Libya. winder missiles, responded with Weinberger declared the U.S. planes TOKYO (AP)--California farmers are like fire. had no alternative but to shoot breathing a sign of relief, after Washington has issued an advisory The Pentagon says the two U.S. down the Libyan jets after the Amer- Japan announced it's dropping a pro- to oil firms employing Americans jets, stationed aboard the USS ican jets were fired upon. His com- posed quarantine on produce from to leave because of the "deterior- Nimitz, were taking part in pre- ments were made to a cheering con- the state. Japanese officials had ating conditions" between the U.S. viously announced 6th Fleet exer- vention of the Veterans of Foreign been afraid of importing the Medfly and Tripoli. But, Exxon and Conoco cises when the incident occurred. Wars, yesterday in Philadelphia. along with the produce. But that both say the situation in the North fear was apparently laid to rest African nation is calm, and the after talks yesterday between State Libyan government has promised not Department and Japanese officials. to act against the American workers. 'Take to heart' these studies Conflicting reports center around NEW YORK (UPI)--On the medical front It is estimated 25 to 50 million NEW YORK (UPI)--A UN de-colonization the flash dogfight. are two items that sports enthus- women worldwide use the pill, in- committee will vote today on a re- The U.S. claims to have brought iasts and users of the birth con- cluding five to eight million in solution co-sponsored by Cuba and down the two Libyan planes after trol pill should take to heart. the United States. Syria, urging the U.S. to grant in- they attacked two American war jets A Harvard Medical School profess- dependence to Puerto Rico. During unprovoked. Libya claims a U.S. or says spectator sports could be the three-day debate, Puerto Rico plane attacked first, and that Lib- fatal for "do or die" fans. Airport X-rays could nationalists lashed out at the U.S. an American Dr. Thomas Graboys says the emot- denying island residents their return fire downed F-14.ya's ional stress of agonizing over a "elementary rights" as citizens. Libya has made no mention of crucial game can produce irregular plane losses. The U.S. denies Lib- heartbeats, which for already weak Damage exposed film WASHINGTON (AP)--A government re- ya downed a U.S. aircraft. individuals could be a prelude to view of the March 30th attempted assassination of President Reagan re- fatal complications. NEW YORK (UPI)--Airport X-ray sec- Graboys cited the case of a 54- leased yesterday credits four Secret urity devises apparently can harm Service men with "exemplary perform- year-old Boston Celtics fan and undeveloped photographic film. Airline travel safe says former heart attack victim. The ance," but found glaring gaps in That, according to tests done by the security system. Among the unnamed fan became so excited during UPI. last winter's NBA Playoffs that he recommendations for tightening Pilots' union president experienced what Graboys says could The FAA is considering changing presidential protection--an auto- have been "sudden death" through its rules to allow signs at air- matic buildup of security in the WASHINGTON (UPI)--The head of the impaired circulation. ports warning that X-ray screening aftermath of a threat. nation's airline pilots' union has In another study published in the "may damage ordinary undeveloped called on President Reagan to show re- film." New England Journal of Medicine, KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)--The death "compassion" to the 12,000 striking searchers have issued another health Airport signs now only say X-ray toll reached 112 yesterday in the air controllers in order to end the advisory on the pill. and scientific film needs to be July 17th collapse of two walkways walkout, now in its third week. Researchers say women who have removed from baggage before screen- at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. A used the oral contraceptive for 10 schoolteacher died of J.J. O'Donnell, president of the ing. The UPI tests found black-and- 32-year-old years or more are three times more she suffered in the 33,000-member Commercial Pilots white film affected after repeated head injuries likely than non-pill users to suffer collapse. A hospital spokeswoman Union, believes the standoff is not scannings.while color film was heart attacks. And the study says Jean Carver had been in in the country's best interests if unusable after being x-rayed six says Cathy it doesn't matter if the long-term times or more. a coma ever since the accident. it means a reduction in the air con- users have discontinued the pill's trol system at the nation's airports. use, the threat is still there. But O'Donnell also says that the present arrangement, in which mili- tary controllers are replacing the Scientists seek out 10th strikers, is safe. O'Donnell accuses controllers' solar system planet nion president Robert Poli of using scare tactics in claiming that the Reagan administration's refusal to WASHINGTON (UPI)--Brace your tri- reinstate the strikers is endanger- pods and hold onto your telescopes. ing airline passengers. The solar system may have 10 planets not nine. So far, the search for the pos- New phone number for sible planet has been conducted mainly by numbers, with scientists at the U.S. Naval Observatory feed- ing assumptions into an IBM comput- Base weather forecasts er. But now, with the computer help- Sthe Naval Oceanography Command ing to point the way, scientists L'achment, Guantanamo Bay, announ-- plan to do a "trial" search of the ces a new phone number for the de- night sky. This is according to partment's recorded weather fore- Kenneth Seidelman, who is director casts, which becomes operational on of the observatory's Nautical Al- Friday, Aug. 21. manac Office. He expects the first peek to take place in the next The new number is: 64213. couple of months. If there really.is a 10th planet CUBAN SOLDIERS FROM THE "FRONTIER BRIGADE" have been spending a lot In addition to providing daily out there, the discovery will mark weather forecasts, callers will al- the first of its kind since Pluto of time cleaning-up the area around the North East Gate. Speculation that the reason behind this effort was the presence of U.S. so receive information on astronom- was captured on film more than 50 exists media earlier this week. (Official U.S. Navy photo.) ical and tidal data. years ago.
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