SUPPLEMENT TO THE -HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF THE DUDLEY FAMILY, ILLUS TR .A.TED. BY DEAN D"CDLEY, O.F WAKEFIELD, 'MASS. PFBLISilED BY THE ATTHOR. Copyright by Dean Dudley, 18!1:-.. PREF .A.CE. This Supplement is so intimately connected with the History of the Dudley Families which I have heretofore published that the pages referred to are those of the History unless otherwise desig­ nated. But the Supplement index always relates to the items in this work. There is need of some explanation of the signs and abbreviations herein used : Ante means a page or number in a previous part of this vo1- ume; m. or=, marriage or married; b., born; d., died ;iob., died; unm., unmarried; s.p., without issue; Co., County; re., of age ; v. p., in the lifetime of his fathe1· ; vide, see. Old parch­ ment rolls were often called membranes, abbreviated, "m." The names of persons and places were spelled variously._ I have had engravings made of nearly all the Dudley photographs that have been sent to me, and these portraits are exhibited in this work. It is to be hoped that some reward will be tendered me for so much expense. l\'lost of the persons represented are passed away, but they have generally left descendants or heirs who might carry out their plans and purposet\i. It gratifies me to have a chance to correct old errors and s.et forth new discoveries. Some of the numbers of my Dudley Genealogy and History are nearly all sold. No one should delay sending for such parts as he requires. Always enclose postal orders or bank checks to pay for the work and postage or other_ extra expenses. Be more generous with your money than with your criticisms and useless praise. 1\Iany thanks are due for valuable 1·ecords and all sorts of kind help toward perfecting my arduous undertaking. If I find any more important facts of Dudley history I will plint them on a sheet of paper and mail them fre~ to all the patrons and subscribers. DEAN DrDLEY. CONTENTS. PA.GE Claims of Sir .John de Sutton, 5 Historical and Genealogical, . 6 Pedigree of Gov. Thomas Dudley, . 8 Pedigree of Dudley, Stourton, Clinton, . 8a Ancestors of Robt. Dudley, Earl of Leic., 9 Two Children of Edward, Lord Dudley, K. G., 9 The Clapton Dudleys, . 10 Tablet of Gov. Thos. Dudley in Cambiidge, . 11 Kennebec Purchase, 11 Military Records, . 11 Letter of Gov. Jos. Dudley to John Winthrop, 14 Paul Dudley to Mrs. John Winthrop, 14 Paul Dudley to Wait Winthrop, 15 Wm. Dudley to Mrs. John Winthrop, 16 .John Winthrop, F. R. S., to Paul Dudley, 16 Pau1 Dudley to John Winthrop, F. R. s: 17 .John Winthrop, F. R. S., to his Wife, . 17 Anne ( Dudl~_y) Winthrop to Paul Dudley, 18 Will of John Winthrop, F. R. S. 19 Dudley Estate in England, 19 Dudleys of Russells Hall, 22 Marsh Family of Dudley, 28 Attwood Family of Dudley, . 29 Hnnd Family of Dudley, 30 Dudley, alias Sutton, continued, 30 Descendants of Geoffrey Dudley, Pedigree, 33 Wills and Administrations of Worcester Registry, 35 Will of J obn Purefoy. Esq. 42 Wm. K. Dudley of Monmouth, Me . ., r:~acl, 43 Vessels that Arrived in New England, 1630, 44 Purefoy Family Pedigree, 45 Descendants of Simon3 Bradstreet, Pedigree, . 46 l\'Iaj. Harwood A. Dudley, 47 Marriage of Isaac .Johnson, . 47 Obituary of Llewellyn K. Dudley, . 48 The .Jacobs Family of Salem, Mass., 49 Obituary of Martha Rogers, . 50 Obituary of Wm. S. Gilbert, . 50 Letter of l\Ianrice P. White, . 52 4 COXTEXT8. Letter of Daniel B. Dudley, . 52 Rev. Samuel Dudley's "'idow, Elizabeth, 53 Children of ,v oodbury J. Dudley, 54 Dudleys formerly of Boston, . 54 Obitua1·y of Archdeacon Dudley, 54 Brainard and Hicks Families, 56 Mary Haines' Descendants, Pedigree, 57 Rev. Edward Dudley's Children, 57 David Dudley's Children, Letter of his Daughte1·, 58 Death of ]\frs. Amasa J. Parker, . 59 Langdon Pedigree, 60 Pedigree of Eidlitz and Dudley, 60 Chase Family Pedigree, . 61 Dudleys of Oldtown, Me., 61 John Thomas D~dley, . 62 Nicolls and Pell Families, 63 Nicolls Family Inscriptions, . 63 Comments and Additions, by Robt. Dudley, 64 Pedigree of Dudleys of Ireland, . 64-5 Letter of Robt. Dudley to Mrs. C. C. Hussey. 65 George Dudley's Descendants, 66 Dudley Authors-Recent Publications, 68 Letters of Percival Smith Dudley, . 68 Letter of Mrs. F. W. Tupper, . • 70 Pedigree of "'\Vm. Dudley of Monmouthshire, Eng.. 70-1 Woodbridge-Grafton-:F'enno, 71 Letters of John Dudley of Bath, N. Y . 72 N athaniel8 Dudley's Children, 73 Ancestral Chart, . 74-5 Persons of the Ancestral .Chart, 75 .John Woodbridge Fenno, obituary. 77 Dana Grafton Fenno, 78 Dwight Dudley, 1\1. D ._, . 80 Langdon Sketches, 81 Roberts-Parker, . ~:2 Pruyn-Erdng, 82 Hon .•John Langdon, K3 New Additions, Changes, ~tc., 84 Index of Illustrations, Portraits, etc .. 87 Index to this Supplement. Dt::DLEY GENEALOGY. CLAIMS OF SIR JOHN DE SUTTON. ( See pedigree pp. 122-3.) At a court held Tuesday after Feast of St. James, 35 Edw. III. ( 1361-2.) Ce.~trfo.. .John de Sutton, knight, lord of the manor* of Malpas, ga,?e to the Earl two marks •'pro dami-is .(lufs replegiandis" and he claimed for himself and for the heirs of his body and of the body of Katrine, formerly his wife, to have the "iew of frankpledge at l\lalpas and whatsoever pertained to it, from all lands and tene­ ments and residents within his demesne and fee in the vills of Malpas, Castilton, Shokelach, Grafton, Streton, Barton, Chol­ legh, Parva, Aldreshey, Brexon, Bykerton, and 12 other vills named. And he claimed within his manor Inthangthef, Outfang­ thef, Pelf, Gallows, Pillory, Stipites, Tumbrell and Thew, and he claimed to hold Castel Shokelach within the said manor as his castle, walled, and fossed, and crenellated, and to have "passa­ gium" (toll) at Castelton, Shoghlach, in the place called le Tolyate. And he claimed view of frankpledge at Chirche Cristel­ ton of all manors and residents in Chirch Cristelton, Littel Cris­ telton and Rowe Cristelton. He also claimed a fair a11d market and a court called Monynday Court, and a passagium at Malpas and another at Tussyngbam, m. ii 4. Page 18. At the court held on the Tuesday the Feast of St. Barnabas, 38 E. III. Oestria. Joh1r, son of John de Sutton. chivaler, and Richard de Duddeleye, chivaler, and .Isabella his wife in a plea that they should warrant to him a moiety of the fourth part of the manor of Mal pas except a messuage and ( as before) which the Sheriff had heen ordered to take into the Earl's hand, land belonging to the said Richard and Isabella to the value of the tenements claimed, aud to summon them for this court; and the attorney of .John de Sutton stated that Richard and Isabella had put in an essoin de servltfo Regis, and had produeed in court a bill ( unam billarn) which was in these words; ,~ Richard de Duddeleye whom together with Isabella his wife, .John, son of .John de Sutton, chivaler, called to warranty, is in the King's service~ and the said Isabella is likewise in the King's service, because she was the nurse of Philippa the Queen, and he produced also iu court a writ of privy seal addressed to the .Justice of Chester, stating that the King: having been given to l'l.nderstand that Richard de Duddeley, chivaler, and Isabella his wife, in a plea pending in the county of Chester, between his beloYed and faithful .John de Delves, chiva­ ler, and Isabella his wife, and in which ,John, son of .John <ll' * Manor means Barony here. Sl:PPLE)[ENT TO Sutton, had called them to warranty at the court held on the Tuesday, the Feast of St. Barnabas next coming, had essoined themselves as in our service in order to cause delav, we now sig­ nify that the said Richard and Isabella his wife will not be in o~r service on the said Tuesday. Dated from ,vestminster; 3d .rune, :28 E. III. The essoines were therefore annulled, and it w~-.s considered that John de Delves and Isabella his wife should recover seisin of said moiety and that .John. son of .John, should be compensated for the lands of Richard and Isabella. -From JVm. Salt Oullectionx, XVI., pp. 15-18. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. From the Anierican Historical Register of Apri'.l, 1897. See page 46 Histoty of Dudley Family. DuDLEY.-In your September (18H6) number Leo Culleton says, "The compiler of the Dudley, of Mas­ sachusetts, pedigree deduced the an('estry of Governor Thomas Dudley from a Mr. Dudley of Newington, Surrey, Eng." This is a novel statement. No historian has made such a pedigree. I am the histor­ ian of the Dudley families in England and America. In my History and Genealogy of the Dudleys I have given _a pedigree of the ABMs oF Newington branch. But I do not deduce noY. ,JOSEPH DUDLEY. 1 Governor Thomas from that line or house. His father was a Captain Roger Dudley, a warrior in Queen Elizabeth's time, and appears to have been slain in the battle of Ivry, under Henry IV. of France. The English were then help­ ing Henry to establish his throne. This Captain Roger Dudley was probably the son of John Dudley, citizen and draper of Lon­ don, being a member of the Drapers' Company or Guild. .John's l. Sir N. H. Nicholas savs that Sire .John and Rire Richarde de Soitoue hore a green lion on a golden shield in 1308.
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