FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY OPENS IN BOCA RATON IN 1964 Boca Raton Hews Bldg. Largest Circulation 34S.E. Second St. Of Any Newspaper Phone 395-5121 In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS \ VOL.8 NO. 39 Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida, Thursday, August 22, 1963 16 Pages \. PRICE TEN CENTS $12.5 Million for County In College Building Bonds Florida Atlantic University Blank to Speak at Dedication Woild Receive $8.6 Million State Senator Ralph ca Raton Inlet. Mouw will perform the Florida Atlantic Uni- Jaycees set a pattern Blank Jr. is slated to The Boca Raton "Star Spangled Ban- versity will receive $8.6 for state-wide support be the principal speak- Chamber of Commerce, ner." million and Palm Beach of the bond issue by er at Labor Day cere- which is organizing the "The new bridge, County's junior college passing. a resolution monies dedicating the dedication ceremony, Tom Meredith, presi- will receive $3.9 mil- "unanimously backing new bridge across Bo- said Mayor Joe DeLong dent of the chamber, lion of the state's col- this proposal . .." Rob- will give the response said, "is a genuine as- lege building bond is- ert Agnew,. president of for the city and assist set to Boca Raton and sue, Dr. Kenneth Wil- the local Jaycees, said City to Seek in the ribbon-cutting the Chamber of Com- liams said here Tues- the local group will send ceremony. merce, on behalf of the day. a delegation to the Jay- The chamber's dedi- people of Boca Raton, Williams outlined the cees' conference in Na- Luke Area cation committee is thanks everyone who had problems facing higher ples this weekend to headed by Col. I,H. a hand in its creation. education in Florida and urge statewide support of the bond issue. A 50-acre recreation Gronseth. Others on the We hope all the resi- the county's $12.5 mil- site on Lake Wyman will program include the dents of this area will lion share in a talk be- Agnew said the Boca be sought by the Boca Rev. A.G. Shiphorst, turn out on Labor Day fore the Boca Raton Ju- Raton delegation will Raton City Commission. pastor of First Presby- to witness the dedica- nior Chamber of Com- bring the matter to the Mayor Joe DeLong terian Church, who will tion." merce. floor of the conference Chief Water Plant Operator Gus Hager sits at the new master control panel in made the request, and give the invocation, and The bridge was con- In a vote following andask passage of sim,- the expanded water treatment plant facilities on Northwest 13th street. Al- won the support of other the Rev. Paul Leo Mann- structed by the State William's talk, the local ilar resolutions by Ju- members of the com- ing, pastor of St. Joan Road Department fol- nior Chambers through- though'the new facilities are "mostly" in operation, largely as a result of the of Arc Church, who will lowing negotiations with strain on the plant caused by the recent dry spell, there is still some work to mission, to direct an out the state. appeal to Gov. Farris give the benediction. Arvida Corp. and Schine Board Will Seek "Florida today is. at complete on the expansion project. Bryant for the acre- The Seacrest High Enterprises, Inc., which a crossroads," Wil- age, now held as a ma- School Band, under the led to acquisition of the Hospital Site liams told the Jaycees. terial spoil area by the direction of William necessary right of way. "The path we choose to Florida Inland Naviga- Robinson, will play for It replaced an aging, Appointment of a site follow will lead either to Storms End Dry Spell, Injure 2 tion District. the ceremony. Mrs. Sue single-lane wooden committee to study lo- a place of national cations for a 100-bed were William Harring- DeLong pointed out Mead and Mrs. Lavonne structure. prominence for Florida Rain storms this week at Florida Atlantic Uni- hospital in Boca Ra- or to second-rate sta- broke the area's dry versity were injured ton Jr. of Miami and that with the opening of ton was announced this when a sudden gust of James E. Ashby of Pom- Florida Atlantic Uni- tus, and our choice rests spell . .and a few other versity next year, the Change of School in Offing week by the board of almost entirely on what things. wind Monday toppled the pano Beach. They were trustees of the Debbie- wall. taken to North District need for additional rec- we choose to do about Three workmen who reational facilities will A change of school is kins said, is to even up Rand Foundation. our support of higher sought shelter alongside Hospitalized and re- Hospital after the wall the student load at the The committee's ap- ported in fair condition collapsed on them. increase. in the offing for many education." a freshly-mortared wall In other action at Boca Raton students, schools. pointment follows re- Calling attention to an The showers, which Tuesday's meeting, the according to an an- Bus transportation ceipt by the foundation "emergency" in facili- Felice Institute Elects started Sunday, had City Commission: nouncement by Howell will be provided with the of a feasibility study ties for higher educa- brought a total of 4.32 AUTHORIZED a new L. Watkins, superintend, schedule to; toe announc- prepared by Hillman- tion, Williams listed inches of rain to Boca contract for mainte- dent of public instruc- ed before the start of Jones Associates. A three elements which he St@ver t© N®ti®fi@I Post Raton before Wednes- nance of the city's radio tion of Palm Beach the term. foundation announce- said created the situa- day afternoon. communications equip- County. Boca Raton High ment said the commit- tion. Det. D.C. Stover of ment. James Ambrose Students in grades one School, for students in tee would consider pre- Williams said the Boca Raton was elected Chief Water Plant through six and who last grades seven through vious offers of land do- Operator Gus Hager of Boca Raton won the problem was caused by a national vice president new contract. year attended the Boca 10, will serve the areas nations. "the phenomenal in- of the Southern Police said more than two and Raton School and who of both elementary Also appointed was a half inches of rain RETURNED to the crease in the number Institute Alumni at the live in Boca Raton Park, schools. an architectural com- of ... college age stu- institute's annual re- were recorded here in a Planning and Zoning Boca Raton Square, Pal- Students in the area mittee to make recom- training session last three and one half hour Commission a propos- dents; the current de- metto Park Terrace, east of the Intracoas- mendations to the board mand for a kind of ed- week in Columbia, S.C. period beginning at 3:30 ed change in front-yard Country Club Village, tal Waterway and north on selection of an ar- p.m. Monday. He said it setback requirements in ucation that was large- Stover, a veteran po- Paradise Palms, Uni- of a point two miles chitect for the project. ly unknown 20 years ago, lice officer and a 1954 was the heaviest rain- the R-B-A business versity Park and west from Boca Raton School The Hillman-Jones fall here since. June 16 zone. Further clarifica- in order to produce men graduate of the insti- to, and including U.S. (north boundary of Sun report advised a mini- and women with the tute, attended the re- when a 1.81-inch rain- tion was sought by the 441 to the West Del- and Surf) will continue mum 30-acre site with fall was recorded. Commission. to attend Plumosa Ele- skills that are now in training session on ray Road, will attend 40 acres preferred. A demand; and the fact funds provided by a cit- Showers Sunday and RECEIVED letters the J.C. Mitchell School. mentary School, Delray site on or adjacent to izens committee after Tuesday boosted the to- and telegrams from 58 Junior High and Sea- that Florida has for The change in bound- Florida Atlantic Uni- many years lagged be- the City Commission tal to 4.32 inches. (Continued on page 7A) crest High School. versity was advised. refused to appropriate aries and transfer, Wat- hind in providing even city funds for the trip. Det. D.C. Stover the year-to-year expan- Stover is also a grad- sion thac was needed." uate of the John E. Reid County Intelligence Unit He said the bond is- and Assoc. Polygraph and is active in the Tri- sue, which will total $75 Training School and County Intelligence Unit million for the state, served for 11 years with and the Broward County will "construct vital fa- the Charleston, W. Va,, Intelligence Unit. Sto- cilities on the campus- police department where ver is secretary of the es of 23 junior colleges, he was lieutenant of de- Palm Beach County Po- five universities, a new tectives prior to moving lice Chiefs' Assn. and a university, and a new to Boca Raton. state college." member of the Ameri- Cost of the issue he He is a charter mem- can- Academy of Poly- pegged at "one dollar ber of the Palm Beach graph Examiners. per person, per year." Financing of the bonds will be tied to the state's Planning Starts for City's Annual utility taxes, Williams explained, and will not Christmas Lights and Decorations require new taxes.
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