Is that a new fine arts casino? Tips for off campus students Read more on page 9 Read more on page 5 September 6, 2013 Volume 85 Issue 3 echo.snu.edu TheEcho 6612 NW 42nd St. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 491-6382 Dr. Kyzer named New Chief Academic Officer Macy Sliman, Staff Writer Oklahoma City University. She has the university. Her coming to a new On July 9, 2013, the Southern a Bachelor of Science in Biology role will be one of the most seam- Nazarene University Board of Education, class of 1988, as well as less and easy transitions of any ma- Trustees announced the promo- a Master of Arts in Communica- jor administrative change we have tion of Dr. Melany Kyzer to the tion Education, class of 1984, from made in recent times. I wish her position of Chief Academic Offi- BNC. Kyzer is also licensed by the every success in this next phase of cer with a unanimous vote. state of Oklahoma Bar Association her service to Southern Nazarene Dr. Kyzer is SNU Alum and to practice law since 2009. University.” has been an active member of the Kyzer has also been awarded On top of it all, Kyzer is also campus community for the past 28 many highly esteemed awards for involved in a number of other off- years. She has worked in numer- her acts of service, such as Out- campus activities. She dedicates ous positions all over campus, the standing Alumni for SNU in 2009, some of her time to serve as a Pre- most recent being Dean of the Dean’s List for Law School at OCU Law Advisor since 2011. She is also College of Humanities since 2011. in 2007, CALI Award for OCU a member of the SNU School of Before that, she served as the Di- Law School in 2007 and Manager Children Board, On-line Instructor rector of Housing, the Director of the Year for SNU in 1992. Training, SNU School of Educa- of Academic Services, Director In the Press Release of her pro- tion, Bias Review Committee, New of Community Life and Resident motion, President Gresham had Student Institute Faculty Mentor Director, along with teaching as something to say about this devot- and Senior Celebration Master of professor for the odd class for the ed member of the community: Ceremonies. To continue this ex- Photo from snu.edu English Department. “For nearly three decades, Dr. tensive list, she is also a Spiritual any First Church of the Nazarene Not only is Dr. Kyzer qualified Melany Kyzer has been a vital part Development Pod Leader, a part and the National Communication for this position by experience of this educational community. She of the MacNair Scholars, College Association. Currently, she is also alone, but she also has the educa- embodies the heart and soul of this Days faculty panel, Sheep Factory the Executive Director for the tion to back it up. In 2008, she re- institution and will contribute in a Missions and Committee Service. Oklahoma Speech Theater and ceived her Juris Doctor from the major way to the next chapter of Kyzer is also a member of Beth- Communication Association. Student representatives on university committees Grace Williams, Business Manager they are still there to represent the recommends changes to the faculty mends curricula changes within the Every fall before classes start, needs, goals and desires of the stu- when appropriate. General Education program. your Student Government Asso- dent body. If you have any ideas, ciation nominates students to sit suggestions or input that relate to Student Representatives: Emily Student Representative: on a variety of councils and repre- the goals of the following councils, Gammill and Ben Siems Courtney Redwine sent the voice of the student body. do not hesitate to let your student Many students are unaware that representative know. You have a General Education Council: Athletic Committee: Sets guide- these councils exist, let alone that voice on campus; you only have to Monitors the effectiveness of the lines for the number and extent of they have fellow student sitting on know how to use it. general education courses in light the varsity athletic programs the these councils. Although these stu- Academic Council: Studies and of the objectives of the program University can adequately maintain. dents are oftentimes not allowed reviews all phases of academic and University. Reviews all General to give input unless directly asked, policy/procedure, curricula and Education curricula and recom- Continued on page 3 9.6.13 NEWS 2 So we get a free laptop when we come to SNU... Photo from snu.edu Grace Williams, Business Manager til August or even January, meaning counter problems because the later for the student to take it there than During the first semester at that months of warranty are being you bring [it] the more likely it is the staff. For the most part, the SNU, the freshman all receive a wasted while no one is using the that the warranty has run out. Plus, laptop center can take care of re- laptop as part of the tuition (and laptop. Fujitsu, however, doesn’t the laptop center is willing to pro- pairs the quickest and cheapest way an optional, upgrade with purchas- start the warranty until the student vide some services that we won’t possible because when computers es) and are told to go to the laptop picks up the laptop. We had a huge advertise for free on a case by case are returned or are replaced for center for any problems. So how problem with the Lenovo Think- basis.Spills and accidents are not only one malfunctioning part then does this system work? pad last year and were almost out covered under warranty, but we will those broken parts become parts Each Spring, Mark Murray, direc- of warranty when we discovered it. still help you fix it.” machines for the University. tor of SNU’s laptop center, speaks This lead us to seriously consider The laptop center is a Fujitsu re- The laptop center is becoming with representatives from different an alternate company.” pair center, so almost all repairs on the place for any computer issues laptop companies to choose the The warranty is so important be- the Fujitsu laptop can be done in regardless of whether it is a soft- free laptop for the new students in cause it means that if something is house. If a repair needs to be done ware or hardware issue. I.T. is cur- the upcoming academic year. The found to be wrong with a comput- off site, the laptop center will take rently the place for issues such as criteria that Murray looks for is the er that was not caused by accidental care of all details (including getting resetting your active directory pass- warranty and quality of computer damage, then it can be repaired or your computer to the service loca- word or moodle problems, but it for the budget he receives. replaced free of charge. The laptop tion) to find you the cheapest deal can be confusing to remember the “The warranty was the major center is here to help complete or on repairs, if you leave your com- distinction so the laptop center will factor in choosing the Fujitsu facilitate all repairs whether a stu- puter with them. The exception is now be the place for students to laptop this year. We typically buy dent is under warranty or not. often for Mac computers because get all help on their laptops. computers in May or June but Murray said, “Bring your com- the Apple store is easily accessible Email support is available at sup- don’t give them to the students un- puter to laptop as soon as you en- to students, and it is usually faster [email protected] Campus Question Question: Why the switch from iPrint to Papercut (webprint.snu.edu)? Answer: Mr. Mark Murray, Director of the Laptop Center, responds: “I.T. makes these deci- sions, but they had very good reasons to switch to Papercut. The old iPrint system be- came completely incompatible for Mac computers. Plus, papercut allows you to print from any wireless device (phones, tablets, etc.), while it is logged into SNU wifi, to any printer that students have access to without installing it.” If you need help using the new printing system, watch the instructional video at http://help.snu.edu/instructional-vid- 9.6.13 NEWS 3 Low gas prices around SNU and nationally Ashlynn McGuire, Staff Writer ton has to get gas every week. Cheap is a relative term when it “I prefer to get gas in Oklahoma comes to college students. Among City because it is much cheaper,” the things that can be cheap and she said. expensive, gas prices play a part in On a Nationwide scale, many their everyday lives. different issues influence the num- There are three gas stations that bers. are the cheapest, as well as closest According to Brad Tuttle of to the campus. TIME Magazine via, as of January The cheapest gas station is 09, 2013 the national regular gas 7-Eleven located on 8001 NW average price is $3.30. In 2012 gas 23rd Oklahoma City, OK. The prices around the country reached regular gas price is $3.29 and is 2.7 the highest point of $4 a gallon of miles away from campus. regular gas. At this point, Tuttle The second closest and cheap- says it will repeat the same as last est station is Valero (Flash Mart year in the fluctuation of prices.
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