Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document Planning and Regeneration Services Representations and Borough of Poole Response Contents Questions & Responses Page Question 1: Soundness of the Site Specific Allocations & Development Management Policies DPD 1 - 4 Question 2: General Comments 4 - 9 Question 3: Proposals Map 4 - 11 Question 4: Policy DM1 - Design 11 - 18 Question 5: Policy DM2 - Heritage Assets 18 - 21 Question 6: Policy DM3 - Shopping 21 - 27 Question 7: Policy DM7 - Coastal Zone 27 - 31 Question 8: Ashley Cross Local Centre 31 Question 9: Policy SSA2 - Bournemouth & Poole College Playing Field, North Road 31 -33 Question 10: Policy DM5 - Tourism & the Evening Economy 33 - 36 Question 11: Policy SSA3 - Fleets Corner & Sopers Lane 36 - 40 Question 12: Policy SSA4 - Crown Closures Ltd, Lake Road 40 - 41 Question 13: Policy SSA5 - Land at Sembcorp Bournemouth Water Ltd, Water Treatment Works, Francis Ave 41 - 44 Question 14: Policy SSA6 - Sterte Ave West, Sterte Ave 44 Question 15: Policy SSA7 - The Regeneration Area - Urban Design 44 - 48 Question 16: Policy SSA8 - The Regeneration Area - Infrastructure 48 - 51 Question 17: Policy SSA9 - The Regeneration Area - Land between Poole Bridge & Twin Sail Bridge 51 - 53 Question 18: Policy SSA10 - The Regeneration Area - Land on Hamworthy side of the Black Water Channel 53 - 55 Question 19: Policy SSA11 - Lagland Street 55 - 56 Questions & Responses Page Question 20: Policy SSA12 - Goods Yard 56 - 59 Question 21: Policy SSA13 - Land at Lifeboat Quay 59 - 60 Question 22: Policy SSA14 - Former East Quay Depot & Quay Thistle Hotel 60 - 62 Question 23: Policy SSA15 - Land at Park Lake Road 62 - 63 Question 24: Policy DM6 - Accommodation for an Ageing Population 63 - 67 Question 25: Policy DM7 - Talbot Village - House in Multiple Occupation 67 Question 26: Policy SSA16 - Bournemouth & Poole college site, Constitution Hill Road 67 Question 27: Policy SSA17 - St Mary’s Hospital, St Mary’s Road 68 Question 28: Policy SSA18 - Bourne House, Langside Ave 68 Question 29: Policy SSA19 - Land sout of Wallisdown Road, Talbot Village 68 - 70 Question 30: Policy DM8 - Accessibility & Safety 70 - 73 Question 31: Policy DM9 - Demand Management 73 - 74 Question 32: Policy SSA21 - Facilities for Park & Ride 74 - 76 Question 33: Policy SSA21 - Local Centres - Priorities for Investment 76 Question 34: Policy SSA22 - Hamworthy - Redevelopment Site 77 Question 35: Policy SSA23 - Ashley Road Local Centre 77 Question 36: Policy DM10 - Green Infrastructure & Biodiversity 77 - 82 Question 37: Policy SSA37 - Upton Country Park 83 Question 38: Policy SSA38 - Major Developed Sites in the Green Belt 83 - 85 Question 39: Monitoring Framework 85 Appendix 1: Schedule of Saved Policies 85 - 86 Question 1: Soundness of the Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD Representation ID 103: Meghann Downing, Highways Agency Yes. The Agency is submitting a separate response to the Delivering Poole‟s Infrastructure DPD, in which we state our The „Delivering Poole‟s Infrastructure‟ DPD provides for funding of belief that mitigation on the SRN should be included in funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy, where improvements to the A31 to be delivered through CIL contributions. appropriate. If this does not happen then we are concerned that improvements to the A31 may become undeliverable, and This will address the concerns of the Highways Agency in respect to that in such a scenario we would be forced to object to future development which had a negative impact upon the SRN. In future development which will have a negative impact on the Strategic our response to the Site Specific Allocations DPD we have assumed that a resolution will be found to the concerns Highway Network. surrounding the Infrastructure DPD, and have therefore based our comments on that assumption. If changes are made to the assumptions in the infrastructure DPD about what CIL will contribute to, then there may be a requirement to make changes to the references to infrastructure requirements within the Site Specific Allocations DPD. Representation ID 146: Mr Geoff Cross (Savills) on behalf of W.H.White and Landowners No, the document is considered unsound for the reasons set out below, and should be changed to incorporate a policy for The Core Strategy at para. 1.6 sets out a timeframe for its review, to reserve employment land at North Poole. Need for a policy for reserve employment land at North Poole Whilst the draft reflect progress on its delivery. It is anticipated that this review would proposals map accompanying the DPD has an allocation for the North Poole safeguarding land, the policy reference is in be carried out in time to have a revised Core Strategy by not later than core strategy PCS30. This is the section of the core strategy which deals with green belt policy. Para. 6.166 identifies that the mid-point of the plan period (i.e. 2016). “the RSS has not identified the North Poole sites as an area of search for new development. However this land offers the The Core Strategy Inspectors Report set out views in respect of the only significant contingency for employment development should the need for further employment land be identified. This supply of employment land and the role of safeguarded land at North land will remain as safeguarded land until such time as it can be clearly demonstrated that the employment requirements Poole in particular. The Inspector was of the opinion that this matter for the conurbation to 2026 as identified by the RSS can be met without this land needing to be considered. The core would need revisiting in the near future. strategy hearing inspector recommended that the land should be safeguarded as potential future employment land unless The Inspector commented on the effect of the „credit crunch‟, but at the it could be clearly demonstrated that it was not needed for employment requirements up to 2026. Policy PCS30 states time was uncertain as to its duration and the difficulties it would cause “within Poole the SE Dorset green belt will continue to follow the existing built-up edge. No changes are proposed to the the economy. Monitoring has shown that little new development is boundary from that shown in the Local Plan 1st Alteration 204. Land at North Poole will continue to be treated as taking place and existing vacant employment land is not currently safeguarded land until such time as it is determined that it would not be needed to help meet the employment land being taken up. Average completions on allocated employment land is requirements of the conurbation.” currently running a little over the average of 1.5ha per annum set out in Poole Council has sought to regard this land as if it were green belt land. However that is incorrect. This land is not in the Core Strategy indicators and targets – thus there is at present no green belt and therefore its safeguarding is as reserve employment land. This correct interpretation has been used by imperative to bring forward any additional employment land to meet Poole‟s planning officers in their published reports and recommendation in relation to the Poole Town Football Club projected need over the plan period. planning application for a football stadium on the reserve employment land site. They correctly refer to this land as the Allied to this is the work currently being undertaken jointly by all Dorset reserve employment land at North Poole and go on to argue that the land is of strategic significance and therefore should authorities, to review the Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Workspace not be released for non-employment development. Stephen Thorne (head of planning and regeneration) is quoted as Strategy employment land forecast based on a lower growth scenario saying after members approved the Poole Town Football Club application (PTFC) on 22 April 2011 that members also than the aspirational figure used for the Draft RSS. This could well made it clear that the remainder of the land should be safeguarded for future employment use in accordance with the have the effect of identifying a lower forecast requirement for Council‟s Core Strategy. In this respect he was endorsing his policy team‟s comments and analysis of the reserve employment land across the county. When completed in the early employment land‟s importance. His report to the PTFC Planning Committee explained that the football club‟s application autumn, this work will inform a conurbation-wide approach to the could compromise land identified as potentially being necessary to deliver the economic prosperity of Poole and the South availability and role of employment land in meeting forecast 1 East Dorset sub region as a whole. This was reflected in his recommended reason for refusal which stated that the requirements. proposed football club development would be „‟incompatible with the purposes of safeguarding the land.... (at North Poole Whilst the matter of safeguarded land at North Poole is currently on which the proposal was made) .....and as such would result in the loss of employment land, identified in 2009 is addressed though the Core Strategy Green Belt policy PCS 30, it is requiring protection in the event it would have a strategic role in delivering economic generating employment within the considered that this provides an appropriate policy framework for this borough and South East Dorset‟. We therefore have a situation where the policy protecting the strategic employment area until such time as the review of Core Strategy is undertaken. reserve land at North poole is contained within the green belt part of the core strategy. No policy is proposed to provide In the light of current economic conditions, it is not considered that a detail as to how and when the North Poole reserve employment land might be needed for development.
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