Spartans Run 2 miles; sputter in Las Vegas Win $100 Rebels win 30-15 Alumni's 'Fun Run For Grants' PAGE 6 PAGE 5 JD Ti Volume 83, No 8 Serving the San Jose State University Corn MUllity Since 1934 Tuesday, September 11. 1984 SJSU student to compete in Miss America By Mary Green Since gaining the title of Miss Maine, credit for my talent segment," Johnson said. of effervescence," she said. Daily staff writer Johnson has been putting together a ward- She will be playing electric jazz violin. "Williams had to step down for the sake Saturday night Miss America will be robe. Directly after the contest she was sent Johnson recently purchased a plexiglass vio- of the pageant," she said. "It was such a crowned on national television and the win- to New York City and Boston to compile a va- lin in Vermont. She said this is the only one to shame." ner could be SJSU student and Miss Maine riety of outfits. "I felt like a child in a candy be sold in the United States. But Johnson thought the pageant com- 1984 winner Lisa Johnson. store. But after a while it gets boring," she Johnson said the interview portion of the mittee handled the incident efficiently. Johnson, 22, is a senior business major said. "I have been able to put together an ex- pageant will be the most difficult. She said "Within 72 hours the problem was taken care and was the SJSU 1983 Homecoming Queen. quisite wardrobe, one I never imagined 1 she plans to speak her mind and hopes the of." she said. This week she is preparing for the Miss would ever have," she added. judges like it. The majority of her prepara- Contestants in the Miss America Contest America Beauty Pageant in Atlantic City, The beauty pageant will be divided into tion has been reading various newspapers. arrive one week early for rehersals. "We re- N.J. four segments of competition. Swim suit, tal- Many articles and photographs of Miss hearse everyday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m," The pageant will air on NBC at 10 p.m. ent and evening gown are the three on-cam- Maine have been printed since her June vic- Johnson said. Most of the rehearsing is to Johnson, who has dreamed of winning the era segments with the personal interview tory. Two of the photos picture Johnson with practice the different production numbers all title of Miss Maine since she was five years with judges off-camera. The talent competi- former Miss America Vanessa Williams. 51 of the contestants perform in. Each state is old, was crowned June 30 in her home state. tion, which is 50 percent of the total competi- Initial response to the news that Williams represented in the competition and this year, She has said her statement, "I am not a tion, could be one of Johnson's big wins, she posed for nude photoghraphs was one of for the first time, Washington D.C. will be feminist and not angry," helped her win the said. shock for Johnson. "I couldn't believe it until represented. contest. She supports equal rights but prefers Her talent segment has been composed I read it in the newspaper," she said. Once her term as Miss Maine. and possi- to avoid the label of feminist. "I believe entirely by SJSU Associate Prof. Dan Wyman Johnson said she shared a room with Wil- bly Miss America, ends Johnson said she will women can quietly achieve their goals," she and graduate student Jess Reyes, both from liams prior to one of her engagements and return to SJSU to work on her business de- Lisa Johnson said. the Music Department. "1 give them full that she has a great personality. "She is full gree BASS ticket outlet Getting the point ; ' may open at SJSU ., A.S. funding needed to open service By Kevin Mendoza will become one of five BASS distrib- BASS has already made an offer Daily staff writer utors in San Jose. The other four out- to the A.S. to establish a computer SJSU students can be the first lets are: The Record Factory at 1030 terminal on campus, Schneider said. ones in line the next time Pavarotti or Blossom Hill Road, The Record Fac- He emphasized that the ticket outlet the Rolling Stones visit the Bay Area tory at 481 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose would be on a trial basis and that if a proposed Bay Area Seating Serv- Box Office at 912 Town and Country business proceedings are still under ice ticket outlet is installed on cam- Village and Leopold Records at 1941 way. pus Tully Road The initial Associated Students investment will be President It will take four to six weeks for roughly $500, he said. Michael Schneider said Installation of a SJSU may the BASS equipment to be installed special phone line, the installation of soon become a distributor of tickets on campus once the funding is ap- the terminal, and the purchase of for major concerts and sporting proved, Schneider said. ticket paper are included in this ini- events if the Special Allocations Com- At the A.S. Board of Directors' tial cost, Schneider said. mittee approves funding for the in- meeting last Wednesday, all of the stallation of BASS equipment. A.S. board members supported the idea of The monthly costs to rent the ter- Controller Sharon Olivier said an on-campus BASS outlet. minal and to use the special data Schneider is scheduled to approach Schneider said he and other phone line that connects the outlet to the committee on Monday. board members agreed to pursue a the BASS system will be about 6200. BASS is a computerized ticket deal with BASS as part of their cam- Employee costs will add to that system that provides tickets through paign promises last spring. The A.S. monthly expense, he said. various BASS outlets in the Bay will receive all profits and the ticket In order for the A.S. to make a Area. outlet will be located in the Student profit, 3,000 tickets must be sold per If Special Allocations approves Union A.S. Business Office if the deal month, he said. The A.S. will receive funding for the project, the university goes through, he said. a 40 cent profit on each ticket sold. Weekly changes format News magazine now to publish twice a month By Dewane Van Leuven that much money," Gibino said. said. "We want students to start call- Daily staff writer The paper will still be called the ing it the 'Independent,' since it will Thanks in part to a $10,000 alloca- Independent Weekly, hut the no longer come out weekly." tion from the Associated Students The format of the Independent Board of Directors, the financially 'The first few issues Weekly will remain basically the troubled Independent Weekly will same. "The first few issues will con- publish its first issue of the semester will contain mostly tain mostly feature stories," Gibino Sept. 19. said. "However, we also want fiction But a major change occurred at feature stories. stories, and later on in the semester the Weekly this semester. Instead of we expect to have some creative coming out once a week, as it always However, we also writing students submit some fiction has, it will come out biweekly. want fiction stories, stories." Sam Gibino, editor and publisher Gibino also wants the paper to of the Weekly, said the paper in- and later on in the expand beyond the SJSU campus and curred a $6,000 debt last semester into downtown San Jose. and, faced with that and a lack of ad- semester we expect program right vertising revenues, would probably "We have a pilot will deliver the not have been published without the now," he said. "We to have some Weekly to a few stores allocation from the A.S. Board. Independent area, and see what Jean Lenart, A.S. business offi- creative writing in the downtown reaction is. If it is favorable, we cer, said the $10,000 allocated to the the expand (it) into the greater Weekly came from the A.S. budget. students submit will downtown area." Gibino said that the 910,003 will the newspaper has had be used only to publish the paper, not some fiction stories.' So far, trouble getting advertising. to pay off the $6,000 debt. Sam Gibino, "Hopefully, we can pay (the Independent Weekly Editor "The first issue will be tough for Gene Lieb Daily staff photographer debt off with the ad revenues we re- ads, but I expect the advertising situ ceive during the year." he said 'Weekly' %ill be de-emphasized on ation to get better as the semester Though her fellow archers may have re- stuck to her ground Monday to get extra "910,000 dollars a year comes out the front page goes on," Gibino said. treated, SJSC student Arleen Arimura pointers from a student assistant. to $5,000 dollars a semester, and we "Most people just call the Inde- "We're looking forward to a good should be able to remain solvent with pendent Weekly the 'Weekly,' he semester," he said. Staff and wire report University of Utah and UC-Berkeley the infraction was committed." A University of Oregon fresh- are among a few colleges that now UC-Berkeley began work penal- Cheating man caught plagiarizing two Eng- force student cheaters to do penance ties last school year, and Oregon lish papers last spring got the ex- with forced campus or community and Utah have imposed them for the pected "F" grade for cheating, service - putting in time at day past several years.
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