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Solaroll proV1des preparation stage, on pro,ects ranging from single· the functions of slorm protection ...security ...privacy ... family homes to multi-slory structures. shade and insulation. And yel, the appearance of our Why are more and more architecls specifying Solaroll ? system is comp mcntary 10 any architeclural design. caw In product d sf n and s rvlce, olaroll Is a shad b tur lhan lhe r st. Austin: H 2056 Stassncy Lane, Austin 78745, 512/282-4831 Corpau Chrfstf: r Co 3833 So. Staples, Su11e 67, Corpus Cho.ti 78411, 512)8518238 Dall4u/Pt. Worth.: 4408 N. Haltom, Ft. Worth 76117, 817/ 485 5013 Harlln1cn: V B n 101 Expressway 77, Harhngen 78550, 512/425 8222 Houston: At V I A 2940 Patio Dr., Houston 77017, 7131643 2677 Lon,vtcw: 105 Gum Spnngs Road, Longview 75602, 214/757 4572 For complete ,nformollon, coll or wnte ~ for our 40 page Techn,col Catalog 553 Solaroll " Shade <:J Shutter Corpora on Pompano Beach. Florida Otcle 3 on Reader IIIQUity Card Tc,as Arctl ect II P"bluht*d s i nme1 ( 'O'.\TU\TS ,.:arl fry 1h, Tr.101 Soc, n of Ar, h t«tJ ('/f,< laJ O'faNUII cHll of tM Tu R,1"" oj rll.c A.m r#c-011 I ,., of M lutt u fH• To11l0, HOUSTON 1/('lft AIA. l•«•lo~ '"'° Pr&-J Jelll PUBLISHER Jolr11LtlSlt EDITOR I.Arn Poul Flllkr MANAGING EDITOR Dr,v/d Brooks ASSOC'IATI! EDITOR RIIY Ydo-"""' C"IRCT LATION MANAGER Lou A 1111 Spr/ltnOM EDITORIAL CONSULTANT· J«t TlsdoJ,. A IA CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Do,ill Br n IAU J.,.,, Coot, Do rd D I n l.orr Good AIA Clo,u IN THE NEWS 30 H,,,,.,,. Ir IAIA Mrc,,,,,I McCollor. P r Papa,t,,.rr, "" A/A Do,,d In a controversial move, Houston's Fourth Ward has been W<>od,<><t RIBA declared historic; Housto11 opens three design centers; San Amo11io co11siders pedestria11 malls. ABOUT THIS ISSUE 39 HOUSTON: HOW AND WHY? 40 Two members of the Housto11 design co11111m11ity- John Kaliski and Peter Zweig- examine the city's paradoxical success and the motivations of people who survive and thrive there. HOUSTON'S CLUSTERS AND THE TEXAS URBAN AGENDA 48 From its 011ce apparent central core physical form. Houston has developed several competing office/retail clusters in the past decade that are now suffering the effects of poor urban design. 40 INNOVATIVE IN-FILL HOUSING 54 Eschewing the general preoccupation with Houston's tall buildings, Austin writer Jim Steely looks toward the other end of the architectural spectrum. Here he examines three examples of the innovative housing being inserted into Houston's near-town neighborhoods William Stern's Wroxton Townhouses (54), Chelsea Architects' Norfolk St. Residences (58). and Arquitectonica's Taggart Townhouses (62). 54 TWO CAMPUSES 66 Mark Hewitt, of the Rice University School of Architecture, compares the architecture and plan of the Rice campus with that of the school across town- the University of Houston­ concluding that the two institutions could team lessons from each other. BOOKS 74 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 98 DAVE BRADEN/MUSINGS 98 66 COMING UP: Next issue, Texas Architect will feature the general design. adaptive reuse and imerior architecwre of TSA Design Awards winners. ON THE COVER: The incongruous urban design 1•isions of Wright and le Corbusier hm•e been blended in llouston to create a city of rowers in a gia111 garden of suburban lawns. 5 MICRO-COTTA TM If the beauty is timeless, it should be made to last over time. 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