Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Index to Volume 118 (2010) Bold page numbers indicate illustrations (Issue number 1: 1–104; 2: 105–208; 3: 209–312; 4: 313–416) A Barbuto, Richard V., review by, 284–85 Abbott Iron Company, 332 Bardaglio, Peter, 354, 358 abolitionists, 137, 141–42, 144–45, 148, 159–60, Barker, Gordon S., “Secession and Slavery as a Positive 164–65 Good: The Impact of the Anthony Burns Drama in Adams, Luther, review by, 293–95 Boston on Virginia,” 136–73 Adams, Sean Patrick, review by, 89–90 Barnes, L. Diane, review by, 393–94 Adkins v. School Board of the City of Newport News, 263 Barrow, William, 342 African Americans, 285–87, 293–95 Batchelder, James, 137, 141 boatmen, 333–35 bateaux, 337–38 history, 191–92 Belko, William S., review by, 76–78 sexuality, 354 Bernstein, R. B., review by, 179–80 Alexandria, 253, 263 A Biographical Sketch of the Life of the Late Captain Allen, H. W., 139 Michael Cresap, by John J. Jacob, 120 Allestree, Richard, The Whole Duty of Man, 230 Blair, Francis Preston, 16, 23, 55–56, 64 Allgor, Catherine, A Perfect Union, 7 Blair, James, 220–22, 224 Allison, John, 361 Bland, Richard, 360 almanacs, 226, 230–32 Block, Sharon, 358 Almighty God Created the Races: Christianity, Interracial Rape and Sexual Power in Early America, 357 Marriage, and American Law, by Fay Botham, 188– Blosser, Jacob M., “Pursuing Happiness in Colonial 89 Virginia: Sacred Words, Cheap Print, and Popular Almond, J. Lindsay, 256–57, 259, 265 Religion in the Eighteenth Century,” 210–45 The American Civil War: A Military History, by John review by, 391–92 Keegan, 86–87 Bohannon, Keith S., review by, 185–86 American Colonization Society, 10, 16, 27, 30, 43, 56, Bolton, Charles C., and Brian J. Daugherity, eds., With 60 All Deliberate Speed: Implementing Brown v. Board American Revolution, 179–80, 278–81 of Education, 191–92 naval history, 278–80 Booth, Sherman, 161 An American Turning Point: The Civil War in Virginia, Boston (Mass.), 137, 140, 145–46, 150 366–87 Boston Vigilance Committee, 144 Andrew, Rod, Jr., review by, 290–91 Botham, Fay, Almighty God Created the Races: Anglican Church, 210–45 Christianity, Interracial Marriage, and American Angulo, A. J., William Barton Rogers and the Idea of Law, 188–89 MIT, 89–90 Bradburn, Douglas, The Citizenship Revolution: Politics Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, by David and the Creation of the American Union, 1774– Walker, 148 1804, 280–81 Archer, John R., 361 Braddock, Edward, 177–78 Arlington, 257 Braddock’s March: How the Man Sent to Seize a Arlington National Cemetery, 192–94 Continent Changed American History, by Thomas E. Aron, Stephen, 108 Crocker, 177–78 The Bravest of the Brave: The Correspondence of Stephen B Dodson Ramseur, edited by George G. Kundahl, Baker Elementary School (Richmond), 263 290–91 Barbour, B. J., 141, 158–59, 166 Brent, William, 139 Barbour, James, 24, 54, 58 Brooks, Preston, 159 2 Brothers of a Vow: Secret Fraternal Orders and the Civil War, 82–89, 183–86, 287–91, 366–87, 394–96 Transformation of White Male Culture in Antebellum Confederate enlistment, 287–88 Virginia, by Ami Pflugrad-Jackisch, 393–94 Confederate soldiers, 287–88 Brown, Kathi Ann, Walter Nicklin, and John T. Toler, fortifications, 185–86 250 Years in Fauquier County: A Virginia Story, 91– prisons, 292–93 92 veterans, 186–87 Brown v. Board of Education, 191–92, 248, 258, 264 Clay, Charles, 229 Bruggeman, Seth C., “The Shenandoah River Clay, Henry, 21, 29, 56, 58, 60–61, 64 Gundalow: Reusable Boats in Virginia’s Cloyd, Benjamin G., Haunted by Atrocity: Civil War Nineteenth-Century River Trade,” 314–49 Prisons in American Memory, 292–93 Bruton Parish Church, 210, 225 Cole, William, 360 Bullitt, Thomas, 121 Coles, Edward, 11, 17, 46–48, 52 Burley High School (Charlottesville), 254 Colfax, Richard, 148 Burnet, Gilbert, 216 colonial history, 174–77, 277–78 Burns, Anthony, 136, 136–73, 150 Compromise of 1850, 138–39, 143–44, 164 Butler, Andrew, 160 Confederate States Army, 287–88 Byrd, Harry F., 259, 264–65 Confederate veterans, 186–87 Byrd, William II, 219, 236–38 “‘A Constant Attention’: Dolley Madison and the Byrd organization, 248, 273 Publication of the Papers of James Madison, 1836– Byrne, Frank J., review by, 183–84 1837,” by Holly C. Shulman, 40–70 Constitutional Convention, 6–7, 12, 33, 42 C The Constitutionalist, 332 Caires, Michael T., review by, 394–96 Coons, Phillip, 339–42 Calhoun, John C., 7, 21, 25–30, 60, 140 corn rights, 110, 115 Calloway, Wallace, 268 cotton diplomacy, 183–84 Calloway, William, Dr. and Mrs., 268–69 Crawford, Mitchell, 330 Campbell, James M., Slavery on Trial: Race, Class, and Crawford, William, 121–22, 127–28 Criminal Justice in Antebellum Richmond, Virginia, Cresap, Michael, 106–35 285–87 attitude toward Native Americans, 113–14, 126 Campbell, John, 48 Cresap, Thomas, 112–14 Campbell, Julie A., The Horse in Virginia: An Illustrated Crèvecoeur, Michel-Guillaume Jean de, 110–11 History, 296–98 criminals, 285–87 Cannibals All, by George Fitzhugh, 153 Crittenden, John J., 28, 61, 64 Capitol (U.S.), 19 Crocker, Thomas E., Braddock’s March: How the Man Carey and Lea, 45–47, 49 Sent to Seize a Continent Changed American History, Carmichael, Peter S., review by, 80–82 177–78 Catsam, Derek Charles, review by, 191–92 Cureton, James, 361 Causten, Anna Payne, 63 Curtis, George T., 163 Chandler Junior High School (Richmond), 268–69 Cushing, Caleb, 165 Charity Lodge #111 (Harpers Ferry), 339, 339–41, Cutts, Anna, 63 342 Cutts, Dolley, 63 Charleston Mercury, 142, 149, 153 Cutts, James Madison, 50, 54 Charlottesville, 254, 257, 266 Cutts, Mary, 63 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 326 Cutts, Richard, 11 Chesapeake Bay, 189–91 Chesson, Michael B., review by, 182–83 D Cimbala, Paul A., and Randall M. Miller, eds., The Daily South Carolinian, 144 Great Task Remaining Before Us: Reconstruction as Daugherity, Brian J., and Charles C. Bolton, eds., With America’s Continuing Civil War, 394–96 All Deliberate Speed: Implementing Brown v. Board The Citizenship Revolution: Politics and the Creation of of Education, 191–92 the American Union, 1774–1804, by Douglas review by, 188–89 Bradburn, 280–81 Davies, Samuel, 217 civil rights, 293–95 Davis, Jefferson, 147 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 269–71 Defebio, Theo, Mrs., 252 3 Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Ford, Lacy K., The Mind of a Patriot: Patrick Henry and Liberties, 250–51, 256 the World of Ideas, 78–80 Arlington Chapter, 256 Foushee, William, 355, 362 Deliver Us From Evil: The Slavery Question in the Old Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth and Eugene D. Genovese, South, by Lacy K. Ford, 78–80 Slavery in White and Black: Class and Race in the Dew, Thomas R., 147 Southern Slaveholders’ New World Order, 80–82 diplomatic history, 277–78 The Fragile Fabric of Union: Cotton, Federal Politics, and Doddridge, Joseph, 109–11 the Global Origins of the Civil War, by Brian Dotson, Rand, review by, 84–86 Schoen, 183–84 Douglas, Stephen, 147 Franklin, Benjamin, 216 Douglas, William, 228 fraternal organizations, 393–94 Douglass, Frederick, 151, 160, 163, 165 Freeman, Watson, 141 Duck, Stephen, 234 French and Indian War, 177–78 Dunbar School (Lynchburg), 255 frontier settlers, 106–35 Dunmore, Lord (John Murray), 119, 124–27, 129 Fugitive Slave Law, 138–40, 143, 145–47, 152, 160– Dunmore’s War, 117, 121, 125, 128 64 Dusinberre, William, Strategies for Survival: fugitive slaves, 138–39 Recollections of Bondage in Antebellum Virginia, 182–83 G Gabriel’s Rebellion, 351–52, 356, 358 E Gage, Thomas, 115, 117, 119 E. C. Glass High School (Lynchburg), 255 Gallagher, Gary W. and Joan Waugh, eds., Wars within economic history, 183–84, 189–91 a War: Controversy and Conflict over the American Edgar Allan Poe, by Kevin J. Hayes, 180–81 Civil War, 82–84 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of Garland, Benjamin, 162 1965, 270–71 Garrison, William Lloyd, 148, 160–61, 163, 166 Ely, Melvin, Israel on the Appamattox, 316, 333 Gary, Thomas, 360 environmental history, 189–91 Gatewood, Charles, 330 Eshelman, Ralph E., Scott S. Sheads, and Donald R. Gatewood, John, 323–24, 327–28 Hickey, The War of 1812 in the Chesapeake: A Gatewood, Wright, 330 Reference Guide to Historic Sites in Maryland, Genovese, Eugene D. and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, 284–85 Slavery in White and Black: Class and Race in the Eskridge, Sara K., “Virginia’s Pupil Placement Board Southern Slaveholders’ New World Order, 80–82 and the Practical Applications of Massive George Washington’s Great Gamble and the Sea Battle Resistance, 1956–1966,” 246–76 that Won the American Revolution, by James L. Evans, Emory G., A Topping People: The Rise and Nelson, 278–80 Decline of Virginia’s Old Political Elite, 1680–1790, Georgia Platform, 138–39, 162 71–72 Giberne, Isaac William, 219 Everett, Edward, 42 Glover, Joshua, 161–62 Glover, Lorri, review by, 174–75 F Godwin, Mills, Jr., 271–72 Farley, Andrew, 249 Golladay, David, 323–24, 327–28 Farrand, Max, 33 egondolas. gundalows se Fauquier, Francis, 114, 117 Graves Junior High School (Richmond), 268–69 Fauquier County, 91–92 Gray Plan, 248 Ferrari, Mary, review by, 388–89 The Great Task Remaining Before Us: Reconstruction as Fink, Mike, 332 America’s Continuing Civil War, edited by Paul A. Fithian, Philip Vickers, 219 Cimbala and Randall M. Miller, 394–96 Fitzhugh, George, 147, 149, 153–54 The Great Triumvirate: George Washington, Thomas Cannibals All, 153 Jefferson, and James Madison in the Eyes of Their Sociology for the South, or the Failure of Free Society, Contemporaries, by John P.
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