DEDICATED TO THE NEEDS OF ECORD INDUSTRY NOVEMBER 5, 1977$1.75 eWorld: Rolling Stones HITS OF THE WEEK SINGLES SLEEPERS ALBUMS ANDY GIBB, "(LOVE IS) THICKER THAN WATER" DAN FOGELBERG, "NETHER LANDS" (prod. by COMMODORES, "LIVE!" The groupis (prod. by Barry Gibb, Albhy Galuten Dal Focelberg & Norbert Putnam) on a hot streak that has taken them & Karl Richardson) (writers:B. & A. (writer:Fogelberg) (Hickory Grove, to the top of the r&b and pop charts Gibb) (Stigwood/Andy Gibb/Joye/ ASCAP) (4:37). The title track from andthislivedoubleset comesjust Hugh & Barbara Gibb/Unichappell, Fogelberg's latest album is the sec- at the right time to cement that popu- EMI)(3:18). The follow-up tothe ond single from it, a thoughtful bal- larity.With new versions of favorites years most successful debut single lad that sounds like a statement of like"Slippery When Wet,-"Easy," flowswitha lighttouchanda be ief. A long, orchestrated bridge 'Brick House'' and "IFeel Sanctified, - clever chorus/hook. It sounds like a connects the verses. Epic/Full Moon the sextet should enjoy its biggestIp pop natural. RSO 883 (Polydor). 8-50462. to date. Motown M9 894A2 (11.98). MARILYN McCOO AND BILLY DAVIS, JR., "WON- DON McLEAN, "PRIME TIME" (prod. by John ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA, "OUT OF DERFUL" (prod. by Frank E. Wilson) Peters) (writer: McLean) (Unart/Ben- THE BLUE." Four sides of new studio ma- (writers: Banks -Hampton) (Irvin, BMI) ny Bird, BMI) (3:29). McLean's sin- terial wrapped inan attractivesci-fi (3:43). This ballad, somewhat remi- gleisa rock'nroll song with a designedpackageshouldcarrythe niscent of "Love's Theme,- provides honky-tonk flavor and a good deal group through the Xmas season in fine a fine vehicle for the vocal trade-offs 0of strong and ironic social commen- form.Jeff Lynne's material maintains that arethisduo'strademark. A tary. Written to refer to any city,it his usual high standard with songs like good rhythm arrangement contrib- departs from his familiar style, but "Turn To Stone," ''Sweet Talkin' Wo- utes an extra spark. Pop and r&b at- couldwinhim new fans.Arista man" and NightIntheCity."Jet tention are likely. ABC 12316. 0234. JTLA-823-L2 (UA) (11.98). NATALIE COLE, "OUR LOVE" (prod. by Charles SAMANTHA SANG, "EMOTION"(prod.by VARIOUS ARTISTS, "INTERGALACTIC Jackson & Marvin Yancy)(writers: Ba-ry Gibb, Albhy Galuten & Karl TOURING BAND." The year was 3035 same as prod.)(Jay's Enterprises/ Richardson) (writers:B. & R. Gibb) and the Vibra Corporation, who first in- Chappell, ASCAP) (3:57). A ballad (BarryGibb/Flamm/Stigwood/Uni- stigatedcolonizationoftheplanets that builds subtly, this single shows chappell, BMI)(3:43). Speaking of came up with the idea of an interga- 0off Cole's voice well and is one of the Bee Gees, they're all over this lactic touring band. ThisIptells the JacksonandYancy'sbetterpro- deput single by a breathy female story in pictures and music with an all- duction efforts. The rhythm section, singer.Hertreatment ofawell- starline-up of singers and musicians entering late in the song, still makes crcfted song seems justright.Pri- ranging from Arthur Brown to Ben E. its presence felt. Capitol 4509. vate Stock 178. King. Passport PB 9823 (Arista) (7.98). KENNY ROGERS, "SWEET MUSIC MAN" (prod. NICK GILDER, "RATED 'X' " (prod. by Stuart BLACK OAK, "RACE WITH THE DEVIL." IMOby Larry Butler & Kenny Rogers) (wri- Alan Love & Nick Gilder)(writers: A new line-up and a new record label ter:Rogers)(JollyRogers, ASCAP) Gi der -McCulloch) (Beechwood, BMI) distinguishes this Ip by the group. The (4:17).Rogers probably wrote this (3:06). Thisteasingrocker,with title song, originally recorded by Gun, song with one star or anotherin echoes ofT.Rex,isGilder's best is a fiery introduction that sets the pace, mind, butitcould apply to many. sirce"RoxyRoller,"andshould picked up by songs like "Daisy" and Itsapretty ballad with thought - bLild on the gains made by that "Rainbow.- An extended seven minute provoking lyrics, and pop and coun- sir gle. Its subject is a hook in itself, versionof Buddy Holly's"Not Fade try radio should certify that it ranks and the tongue-in-cheek treatment Away" is an unusual touch. Capricorn withhis best. United Artists1095. helps. Chrysalis 2174. 0191 (Polydor) (6.98). AmericanRadioHistory.Com Ni1u,9Of Throrth Elektra Records SpecialImmediate Album Edition 6E 112 OU We BringIt To You AsIt Happens Available Next Week. AmericanRadioHistory.Com Dedicated to the Needs Of the Music/Record Industry NOVEMBER 5, 1977 Klein Testifies at College Market Poses Major Challenge for Retailers Tax Evasion Trial By MIKE FALCON and SAM SUTHERLAND an early test for specific musical By ALAN WOLMARK (The second in a series of reports on the campus marketplace, the styles and new artists remains un- NEW YORK - With testimony following continues RW's survey of manufacturers and retailers, this changed. at the income tax evasion trial of week highlighting the key problems and procedures in reaching the RW's surveyoflabelstaffers Abkco Industries president Allen student customer, and the special challenges facing retailers, on -cam- andretailpersonnelpoints up Kleindrawing toa closelast pus and off, in college communities.) students'sustainedinterest in week, Klein took the stand refut- LOS ANGELES-Acknowledged As reviewed last week, labels AOR and classical product (the ing the tax dodging charges and by record companies and retail- are divided over whether to serv- latter category, while stilla mi- theimplicationsresulting from ers alike as a key record and tape ice college media and track cam- nority ranking has perennially en- formerAbkcoemployee, Pete customer, the college student to- pus sales as part of their overall joyed a substantially wider share Bennett's earlier allegations. day provides the music industrysales, marketing and promotion of market on campus), while jazz Three weeks ago Bennett, guaran- with a discretetargetmarket effort,or segregate all campus - product continues to show a re- (Continued on page 24) while posing unique problems fororiented programs under a sepa-surgence and many students are thelocalretailer,including therate college program. However, among the first buyers supporting Singles Sales Index disruption of seasonal sales pat- both record companies and rack new wave releases. Reaches All -Time High terns and conventional product and retail accounts covering col- ScottBurn,nationalcollege mix as monitored in non -college lege communities maintain that promotiondirectoratElektra/ By LENNY BEER locations. the student's traditional value asAsylum, sees the college market Debby Boone (Warner -Curb) as a "natural" for jazz exposure. continues to dominate The Sin- "We're placing alot of empha- gles Chartinthe same manner Government Readies Jukebox Regulations sis on jazz," explained Burn, "but that Fleetwood Mac (WB) has con- By MICHAELSHAIN right now we're basically concen- trolled The Album Chart. Her sin- WASHINGTON - Theper- been free of performance royalty gle, "You Light Up trating on the Walrus reporting forming rights societies and the liability since their inventionin stations, making sure they've got Chart My Life," has now nation's jukebox owners and op- the late 1800s. That liability ex- recorded four con- the product. If they're playing the Analysis erators are locked ina dispute emption was wiped out last year record, we then call the local pro- secutiveweeksat over how far new governmentby the new copyrightrevision motion rep to make certain the the top and thereis no end in regulations ought to go inac- act. The new law prescribes a record is in the market. sight as it is number one in every counting for the location,size, major market except for Denver and charges per play of nearlyyearly performance royalty, to be there are a couple and is outselling the #2 record, half a million machines. splitbetween musicpublishers of major distinctions between the college audience and the overall Heatwave, by almost two to one. The U.S. Copyright Officeis and composers, of $8 per ma- As a matter of fact, the Boone expectedwithinthenextfew chine. Last week (25), the rights 18-24 year -old demographic sec- record is so big that The Record weekstopromulgatethefirst organizations-BMI, ASCAP, and tor, "in that they're sort of a more World Sales Index for singles has federalrulesgoverning theli- SESAC-and the jukebox opera-captive audience that does buy (Continued on page 6) censing of jukeboxes, which have tors testified before a panel of records.It's simply another ave- Copyright Office officials on how nue of exposure for artists.If I tightly those rules governing re- don't sell a lot of records at some of these colleges, at least I'm ex- porting requirements should beposing them by getting airplay, drawn. ThE RECORD WORLD SFILES INDEX Regulations must be and that's where Iconcentrate a written by the end of the year lot of times. Although we service ild3ums SiNIGLE when the new law goesinto them with all sorts of product, it's * Sales Sept. Oct.Oct.Oct.Oct.Oct. * SalesSept. Oct.Oct.Oct.Oct.Oct. effect and, by that time, every basically those artists who are not Ind x 24 1 8 15 22 29 Index 24 1 8 15 22 29 (Continued on page 62) 200.0 200.0 190. (Continued on page 28) 180.0 180.0 Everybody's Takes to the Road 160.0 160.0 34.4 With Mobile Managers Convention 140.0 140.0 By MIKE FALCON LOS ANGELES - Everybody's 120.0 California, examining the opera- 120.0 Records, the Northwestretail tions of manufacturers and dis- 100.0 100.0 chain known for innovative ap- tributors. proaches to marketing and strong Firsthand Awareness 80.0 80.0 social concerns, took to the road "We feel you learn more by with their 1977 managers con- being there, rather than having 60.0 60.0 vention beginning Oct.
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