MANAGING STATE FORESTS IN EUROPE MANAGING STATE FORESTS IN EUROPE European State Forest Management Organisations (SFMOs) are dynamic and capably managed entities, charged by European governments to effectively manage forest ecosystems − one of Europe’s greatest natural resources − for the benefit of society at large. As those who are actually responsible for making sustainable forest management (SFM) happen, SFMOs maintain an interface with the resource owners (states/governments), the citizens of Europe, the forest-based industries and all other stakeholders affected by forest management. European SFMOs face a wide variety of challenges of a political, institutional and − very often − financial nature. It is therefore important that all opportunities, challenges, limitations and restrictions faced by state forestry are taken into account when further designing policies relevant to forests. Doing this not only at EU level, but also at national and international levels, will result in Copyright © 2016 European State Forest Association. All rights reserved. even further benefits for all Europeans. This brochure is printed on certified paper from sustainably managed sources. 2 3 Every day you benefit from... PREVENTION AND PROTECTION WOOD AND OTHER CLEAN WATER RAW MATERIALS LEARNING FACILITIES GAME, FISH, BERRIES... INNOVATIONS AND NEW PRODUCTS RECREATION SCENERY AND AND WELL-BEING NATURAL LANDSCAPES BIODIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT CLEAN AIR AND OXYGEN SOIL PROTECTION CULTURAL HERITAGE CARBON SEQUESTRATION GREEN AND RENEWABLE ENERGY 4 5 EUROPEAN OUR STATE FOREST STATE FORESTS ASSOCIATION DELIVER The European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR) viable, socially beneficial, culturally valuable and ecologically represents commercially-oriented state forest companies, responsible sustainable forest management. European State Forest Management Organisations adhere • Maintaining a home for biodiversity and protecting enterprises and agencies that have sustainable forest to the principles of sustainable forest management (SFM) endangered species through the management of most of management (SFM) and sustainable wood production as In addition to duly informing its member organisations on EU based on the following three pillars: Europe’s Natura 2000 network and other protected areas major concerns. The Association currently has 30 members topics and issues that are of concern to them, EUSTAFOR • Helping to regulate and control changes in the climate by in 22 European countries. promotes the exchange of know-how and day-to-day field providing carbon sinks and carbon-neutral raw materials experiences between individual members. Not only does 1) ECONOMIC VALUE • Supporting fundamental natural processes such as nutrient EUSTAFOR’s members represent one third of the European this facilitate the future development of sustainable and • Acting as a cornerstone of Europe’s bio-economy, producing and water cycles and protecting the soil Union’s forest area, including the management of 8,3 million multifunctional forest management models, but it allows over 1/3 of the EU’s timber harvest • Maintaining forest infrastructures to make them resilient hectares of protected forests and 7,9 million hectares of for the identification of common positions and experiences, • Creating and maintaining economic prosperity and jobs, to diseases, flooding, erosion and fire hazards forests designated as Natura 2000 areas. Most of their especially as concerns the implementation of European especially in Europe’s rural areas forests have been certified according to FSC or PEFC legislation and political strategies related to forests. • Serving as reliable partners for research and innovation in 3) SOCIAL VALUE standards, or both. Their combined annual harvest amounts the forest-based sector • Offering a significant number of ecosystem services and to approximately 120 million m³ of round timber and together Based on this knowledge, EUSTAFOR has become a capable • Leading the way in providing the necessary conditions for other non-material benefits for the general well-being of the member organisations provide employment for around partner in dialogues with the EU institutions and stakeholders Europe to move towards a bio-based green economy all Europeans 100 000 people. Only 60-70 % of the annual growth of of the forest-based sector. By providing practical and • Provisioning of clean air and water supplies state forests is harvested, thereby ensuring their increasing comprehensive feedback to the EU’s decisional bodies and • Creating and maintaining recreational areas open to the development over time. participating in policy developments at international level, 2) ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE general public for hiking, wildlife observation and other EUSTAFOR is able to make a key contribution to legal and • Acting as forerunners in the use and development of outdoor activities The overall goal of EUSTAFOR is to support and strengthen strategic decisions concerning the sustainable development ecologically sound silvicultural methods of sustainable • Maintaining scenic and natural heritage areas of cultural state forest management organisations throughout Europe, of Europe’s forests. forest management that allow forest ecosystems to adapt value helping them to maintain and enhance their economically to climate change • Provisioning of wild food and game 6 7 Wood is all around you! CLOTHES FURNITURE HOUSES AND BUILDINGS BIOENERGY LOUDSPEAKERS PACKAGES (BIOCOMPOSITES) HEATING TOYS BOOKS AND LEAFLETS MEDICINE AND BIOFUELS COSMETICS FOOD 8 9 EUSTAFOR MEMBERS Broad Leaf AUSTRIA GERMANY LITHUANIA Österreichische Bundesforste AG Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR Generalinė miškų urėdija Pummergasse 10 - 12 Tillystraße 2 Aplinkos ministerijos 3002 Purkersdorf, Austria 93053 Regensburg, Germany A. Juozapavičiaus str. 9 Conifer www.bundesforste.at www.baysf.de 09311 Vilnius, Lithuania 4900 BELGIUM Landesbetrieb ForstBW www.gmu.lt Kernerplatz 10 Natuurinvest NORWAY State Forest Area 1007 Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw 70182 Stuttgart, Germany Statskog Managed by Members FINLAND www.forstbw.de Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 22 Søren R. Thornæs vei 10 (thousands of hectares) 3118 1000 Brussels, Belgium Landesbetrieb Forst Brandenburg 7800 Namsos, Norway NORWAY www.natuurinvest.be Zeppelinstraße 136 www.statskog.no Total all members: 14471 Potsdam, Germany 37 336 thousand hectares BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA www.forst.brandenburg.de POLAND SWEDEN ŠGD “Hercegbosanske Šume” d.o.o. Landesforst Mecklenburg-Vorpommern AöR Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne LASY PAŃSTWOWE 941 Splitska bb Fritz-Reuter-Platz 9 Dyrekcja Generalna Lasów Państwowych ESTONIA 80320 Kupres, Bosnia & Herzegovina 17139 Malchin, Germany ul. Grójecka nr 127 www.hbsume.ba www.wald-mw.de 02-124 Warsaw, Poland 1407 BULGARIA Niedersächsische Landesforsten www.lasy.gov.pl LATVIA Министерство на земеделието и храните Husarenstraße 75 ROMANIA Ministry of Agriculture and Food 38102 Braunschweig, Germany ROMSILVA LITHUANIA State Forest Enterprises Department www.landesforsten.de Soseaua Petricani, nr. 9A, sectorul 2 397 Hristo Botev Blvd.55 Landesforstbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt 023841 Bucharest, Romania 1037 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria Lennéstraße 6 www.rosilva.ro 692 39112 Magdeburg, Germany 7294 Six Bulgarian State Forest Organisations SLOVAKIA IRELAND 2218 Southwest: www.uzdp.bg www.landesforstbetrieb.sachsen-anhalt.de LESY Slovenskej republiky, š. p. UNITED KINDOM 42.3 Southcentral: www.ucdp-smolian.com ThüringenForst AöR Námestie SNP 8 Hallesche Straße 16 POLAND Southeast: www.uidp-sliven.com 975 66 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic GERMANY 1200 Northwest: www.szdp.bg 99085 Erfurt, Germany www.lesy.sk www.thueringenforst.de BELGIUM Northcentral: www.scdp.bg SLOVENIA Northeast: www.dpshumen.bg HUNGARY Sklad kmetijskih zemljišč in gozdov Republike Slovenije CZECH REPUBLIC Földművelésügyi Minisztérium CROATIA Dunajska cesta 58 893 Hrvatske Šume d.o.o. Kossuth Lajos tér 11 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 510 SLOVAKIA 1707 Ljudevita Farkaša Vukotinovića 2 1055 Budapest, Hungary www.s-kzg.si www.kormany.hu/en/ministry-of-agriculture AUSTRIA 10000 Zagreb, Croatia SWEDEN www.hrsume.hr IRELAND HUNGARY 3203 Sveaskog AB 330 2019 Coillte FRANCE* CZECH REPUBLIC Torsgatan 4 SLOVENIA Lesy České republiky, s. p. Dublin Road 10522 Stockholm, Sweden CROATIA 1075 Přemyslova 1106 Newtownmountkennedy www.sveaskog.se ROMANIA Co. Wicklow, Ireland ITALY 50168 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic UNITED KINGDOM 234 BOSNIA- www.lesycr.cz www.coillte.ie Forest Enterprise England (Forestry Commission) HERZEGOVINA 2909 ESTONIA ITALY 620 Bristol Business Park Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskus (RMK) Associazione Nazionale delle Coldharbour Lane 210 BULGARIA Toompuiestee 24 Attività Regionali Forestali (ANARF) BS16 1EJ Bristol, England (UK) 10149 Tallinn, Estonia c/o Veneto Agricoltura www.forestry.gov.uk www.rmk.ee Viale dell’Università, 14 Forest Enterprise Scotland (Forestry Commission) 35020 Legnaro (PD), Italy 1 Highlander Way FINLAND www.anarf.org Metsähallitus IV2 7GB Inverness, Scotland (UK) Vernissakatu 4 LATVIA www.forestry.gov.uk 01300 Vantaa, Finland Latvijas valsts meži (LVM) Natural Resources Wales www.metsa.fi Vaiņodes Street 1 Government Buildings 1004 Riga, Latvia Rhodfa Padarn FRANCE www.lvm.lv Llanbadarn Fawr Office National des Forêts (ONF) SY23 3UR Aberystwyth Ceredigion, Wales (UK) Avenue de Saint-Mandé 2 www.naturalresourceswales.gov.uk 75570 Paris Cedex 12, France www.onf.fr * The state forest area managed in French overseas departments (2 503 700 ha) is not included in the above map 10 11 European State Forest Association European Forestry House Rue du Luxembourg 66 | 1000 Brussels, Belgium Telephone: +32 (0)2 239 23 00 | FAX: +32 (0)2 219 21 91 Email: [email protected] www.eustafor.eu.
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