niE va riu s 105(1 :26-37, 1991 Page 26 The Southeastern Brazilian Muricidae Collected by * RV Marion-Dusfresne in 1987, with the Description of Three New Species Roland 11 «mart Research Associate Institut Royal B-3400 Landen (Ezemaal). BELGIt M ABSTRACT For references to original descriptions not indicated here, the reader is referred to Rad win and D Attilio Twenty-five species of Muricidae are recorded from south­ (1976). eastern Brazil, including eight species of Muricinae, nine of Plie number of dead collected specimens is followed Muricopsinae, one of Ergalataxinae, one of Ocenebrinae, lour by ‘dd ’; the number ol live collected specimens is iden­ of Trophoninae, and two of Typhinae A short discussion is given for each species. Three uru species are described Der­ tified by ‘V’. 0 momurex leali n sp differs from related taxa by the presence l ile following institutional abbreviations are used: of 5 varices on its last teleoconch whorl and bv its different MCZ, Museum ol Comparative Zoology, Cambridge; 0 intritacalx; Favartia varimutabilis n.sp is compared with / MNHN, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris; MORO, alveata, from which it differs by the erratic placement of the Museu Oceanogralico de Rio Grande; USNM, National varices and by its multispira! protoconch; Trophon mucrone Museum ol Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. n.sp differs from T. lacunellus, T. dabneyi, and 7' limicola Prefixes lor station data denote collecting equipment: by its spiral sculpture, rounded teleoconch whorls, paucispira! CB, Blake trawl; CP, beani trawl; DC, dredge. protoconch, and number of axial lamellae. Two species remain unidentified and are listed as Muricopsis (?Murexsul) sp. and Favartia (Favartia ) sp. Drupa didyma Schwongel, 1943 is syn- SYSTEMATICS onymized with Trachypollia turricula (von Malt/an. 1884). Family MURICIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 Key uords: Muricidae; Brazil; Dermomurex, Favartia, Tro­ Subfamily MURICINAE Rafinesque, 1815 phon; new species. Chicoreus (Siratus) coltrorum Yokes, 1990 Type locality: lilia de Itaparica, Bahia, Brazil. C hicoreus (Siratus) coltrorum Yokes, 1990127, figs. 7-13. INTRODUCTION (ligure 3) The material examined was dredged or trawled off the Material examined: Southeastern Brazil, stri. DC26, Yi- southeastern coast of Brazil during the Expedition MD55 toria Bank. 20°21'S, 36°59'\V, 97 m (2 dd); stri DC27, carried out by the R.V. Marion-Dufresne in May 1987, Montague Bank, 20°26'S, 36°42'W, 81 m (1 dd); stn. as a joint project of Museum National dHistoire Natu­ DC40, Davis Bank. 20°40'S, 34°41\V, 60 m (5 dd); stri. relle (MNHN), Paris, and Universidade Santa Ursula, Rio DC43, Depressa Bank, 20°51'S, 33°45'\\, 63 m (2 dd); de Janeiro. Drs. A Guille and F. Roumos were cruise stn DC47, Columbia Bank. 20°42'S, 32°13'W, 94-105 m leac ers. Drs. P. Bouchet, J. Leai and B. Meli vier sorted (5 dd); stn. DC*48, Columbia Bank, 20°44'S, 32°08'\V, the gastropod material ori board. Muricidae were col­ 250-300 iii (I dd); stn DC,'50, Columbia Bank. 20°44'S, lected from 34 to 1,575 m, mostly along a series of sea­ 31°50'W, 95-120 m (3 dd); stn. DC82, 18°56'S. 37°52'\Y\ mounts running perpendicular to the Brazilian coast, 85-105 m (1 dd). between 18°50 and 23°47'S. Most of species collected are already known to occur off the Brazilian coast; Chi­ A recently described and often misidentified species, coreus (Siratus) consuelae (Verrili, 1950), Poirieria (Pa­ C. coltrorum is superficially similar to C. consuelae ( Yer- zinotus) stimpsonii (Dali. 1889), Pygmaepterys ger­ rill. 1950) and may be distinguished mainly by the dif­ mainae Vokesand D Attilio, 1980, and Trophon verrillii ferent protoconch (figures 3, 4). The protoconch of C. Bush, 1893. however, represent new Brazilian records. coltrorum has V/z rounded whorls while C. consuelae A report ori the deep-water Volutidae collected during has a conical protoconch consisting of 2‘4 w horls; other the same cruise has been already published (Leai & differences are minimal. Only empty shells were col­ Bouchet. 1989). lected Rios (1985:82) reports this species from Brazil (as R Houart, 1991 Page 27 Siratus consuelae), from Atol das Rocas, Fernando de Noronha; Rio Grande do Norte to Espirito Santo. Chicoreus (Siratus) consuelae (Verril, 1950) (figure 4) Material examined: Southeastern Brazil, stn 1X52, Martin Vaz Island, 20°29'S. 28°5FW, 64-80 in (3 dd); stn. 1X59. Trindade Island, 20°30'S, 29°19'\V, 52-60 in (1 dd). Similar Io C. coltrorum (see above), the species is re­ ported from off the coast of Texas to ( 'liratao and in the Lesser Antilles (Voices, 1990 129 Chicoreus (Siratus) tenuivaricosus (Dautzenberg, 1927) (figures 18, 19) Material examined: Southeastern Brazil, stn. CB90, 19°34'S, 39°34'W, 34 in (33dd) (6 lv); stn. CB92, 19°34'S, 2 38°55'W, 340-360 m (1 dd) (I lv). Figures I, 2. Intritacalx uii last teleoconch whorl (scale bars Many specimens, mostly juveniles, were collected from 0.5 limi). I. Dermomurex (Trialatella) oxum Petuch 2. Der­ station CB90 in dead and live condition. Two specimens, momurex (Trialatella) leali n.sp. of which one was alive, were taken from station CB92, in 340-360 m; this record is probably based on specimens thai had remained entangled in the net ol a previous Abrolhos Islands. The present record extends the geo­ haul (stn. CB90), and this bathymetrical range requires graphical range further southward. confirmation. The radula is muricine, with a lateral sickle-shaped Dermomurex (Trialatella) oxum Petuch, 1979 tooth, and a central tooth with 3 major and 2 minor cusps (figures 1, 26) (figures 18-19). Dermomurex (Trialatella) oxum Petuch. 1979:517, fig IE, F. Type locality: 2 kui east of Santa Barbara Island, Abrol­ Aspella morchi Radwin and DAttilio, 1976 hos Archipelago, Bahia State, Brazil, 17°57'S, 38°41'W, (figures 9, IO, 29) iii 25 iii. Material examined: Southeastern Brazil, stn DC22, Vi­ Material examined: Southeastern Brazil, stn. DC22, Vi­ toria Bank, 20°32'S, 38°11'W, 52 iii (4 lv); stri. DC40, toria Bank, 20°32'S, 38°1 FW, 52 ni (1 dd); stn. DC40, Davis Bank, 20°40'S, 34°41'W, 60 iii (1 lv); stn. DC41, Davis Bank, 20°40'S, 34°41'W, 60 m (2 lv); stn. DC82, Davis Bank, 20°39'S, 34°43'W, 58-70 m (2 lv). 18°56'S, 37°52'W, 85-105 iii (1 lv). Plie paucispira! protoconch (figures 9, IO) had not The largest shell is 15.5 mm long (figure 26), while previously been figured. The cancellate intritacalx is well Petuch mentions 13 nini for his largest specimen (ho- illustrated by Radwin and D Altila» (1976:223, lig. 167). lotype). A specimen with 6 teleoconch whorls, and broken pro­ toconch. (MNHN station DC40 figure 29' is io mm Dermomurex (Trialatella) leali n sp long, while the maximum length given by Radwin and D’Attilio is of 6.6 mm Previouslv known from Natal Ba\ (figures 2, 5, 27, 28) 0 m (type locality), Fortaleza (Cerea) (Radwin & D Attilio, Type material: Holotype MORG 26457. 9.5 x 5.6 nini, 1976) and kapmoan (Bahia) (coli. R. Houart). southeastern Brazil, stn. DC22, Vitoria Bank, 20°32'S, 38°11'W, 52 m (dd). Aspella senex Dali, 1903 Description: Shell 9.5 nini in length, roundly-fusiform. Spire moderate!) high, with 1.5 protoconch whorls and Material examined: Southern Brazil, stn DC22, Vitoria 4 convex teleoconch whorls (subadult). Suture deeply Bank, 20°32'S. 38°1FW, 52 ui (1 dd). impressed. Protoconch whorls rounded. Axial ornamen­ The geographical range reported by Radwin and tation of first teleoconch whorl consisting of 5 ribs, second D’Attilio (1976:25) includes North Carolina and the Gulf whorl ol 6 ribs, third whorl of 7 ribs. Last teleoconch of Mexico. Rios (1985:87) reported this species from the whorl with 4 weak, lightly rounded varices. No other Page 28 THE VU TILL S, Vol. 105. No. 1 Figure* 3-17. Protocorn lis sc.i!«* hars 0 5 mui). 3. C hicoreus (Siratus) coltrorum Vokes, sin. IK 26 4. Chicoreus (Siratus) consuelae Verrili stn IK ~)2 5. Dermomurex (Trialatella) leali n sp., Iiolotype MORG 20-457. stn IK'22 6. 7. Poirieria (Pazinotus) stimpsonii (Dali), siri DCS2 B. Muricopsis (?Murexsul) sp., sin DC35 c>, IO. Aspella morchi Radwin & DAttilio, stri. DC MO. I I. Muricopsis (Risomurex) netoi beana (Pilsbryi, stn IK 22 12. Favartia (Caribiella) varimutabilis n.sp. Iiolotype MORG 26458, stri IK 15 13. Favartia Favartia sp stn DC.'35 14. Trophon aculeatus Watson, stn CB104 15, 16. Trophon mucrone n.sp., parat\pe MORO 26459. stri IK 70 17. Siphonochelus (Siphonochelus) riosi (Bertsch & D Attilio), stri CB104 Figures 18-25. Badidae (scale bars figures 20. 22. 24 20 jini; figures 21. 23. 25: IO gui; figure 18: I(K) gui; figure 19: 50 gui), 18, 19. Chicoreus (Siratus) tenuivaricosus (Dautzenbergi, stri CP90 20. 21. Favartia (Caribiella) varimutabilis n.sp., paratype NINII N. 22. 23. Trachypollia turricula (von Mat/an), stri IX :34 24, 25. Siphonochelus (Siphonochelus) riosi ( Bertschi & DAttilio). stn CB 104 Page 30 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 105, No. 1 R Hoiiart, 1991 Page 31 axial sculpture. No apparent spiral sculpture except thick, Poirieria (Pazinotus) stimpsonii (Dali. 1889» whitish intritacalx, strongly reticulate when thin surface (figures 6, 7, 32) layer partially removed, otherwise minutely sculptured Material examined: Southeastern Brazil, stn I)C -22 Yi with sharp axial striae (figure 2). toria Bank, 20°32'S, 38°H'W, 52 m (2 dd); stn CB79. Aperture broad, roundly-ovate. Columellar lip smooth, 19°02'S. 37°48'W, 1,500-1,575(1 dd); stri DC82.
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