CONTENTS Preface vii Contributors ix Abbreviations xv A 1 N 1187 B 154 O 1227 C 259 P 1259 D 392 Q 1388 E 463 R 1392 F 562 S 1456 G 625 T 1596 H 713 U 1677 I 822 V 1686 J 882 W 1698 K 993 X 1741 L 1023 Y 1742 M 1085 Z 1744 Illustration Credits 000 v PREFACE o Christians, the Bible is canon, the example, Jesus, God, all of the biblical books) as standard of faith and practice. Accord- well as places and people, even if they just appear Ting to Calvin, it is a mirror of the soul in a single verse in the Bible. !e primary Bible that helps us understand ourselves better. Fur- version used for article titles and content is the ther, the Bible is the Word of God and thus like 2011 revision of the New International Version, a “seed” (Mark 4:1–20) that serves as an agent although articles also cover some of the more of transformation from death to life if planted obscure terms used in the King James Version, in the right soil, a receptive heart. Most signifi- and readings from a wide range of Bible versions cantly, it is the self-revelation of God himself. In are noted. !e dictionary includes visual illustra- the pages of the Bible, we come to know God tions, charts, pictures, and maps to supplement through Jesus Christ, who he is and who we are the articles. In a word, this dictionary is a helpful in relationship with him. !us, the importance resource to support everyday Bible reading as of the Bible for our spiritual formation cannot well as to prepare for group Bible studies or be overestimated. to follow up on sermons, and for many other If we are honest, though, the Bible is not reasons. always easy to understand. !e main message is !e editors wish to thank a number of people clear enough, but much remains obscure. After for their work in bringing this vast project to a all, the books of the Bible come from a variety successful conclusion. We thank Baker Publish- of time periods, are written in a number of dif- ing House, and in particular Jack Kuhatschek, ferent genres and literary styles, and refer to for inviting us to serve as editors of this book. customs that are quite foreign to us. !e places Baker, as always, supported us with their ex- named in the Bible are strange, and the num- cellent staff including Amy Donaldson, Brian ber of people mentioned is virtually countless. Brunsting, Mike Williams, Trinity Graeser, and We are distanced from both the Old and New Brian Vos, the editorial and interior design team. Testaments by vast periods of time and culture. Robert Hand and Robert G. Maccini did an ex- e Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary intends cellent job making sure that the manuscript was to help people read the Bible with increased un- ready for press. And, finally, thanks go to Kim E. derstanding. !e more than six thousand articles Walton for organizing the photos and maps and written by well over one hundred contributors Cheryl Van Andel for the cover design. draw on centuries of scholarship to help make Early in the project Baker hired two of clear what is enigmatic on first reading. !is my students at Westmont College to start dictionary contains articles on major topics (for collecting the many subjects that we cover in vii Preface viii this dictionary. !ank you Shane B. Kelly and writing articles at the end of the process when !omas G. Lengyel for your work as edito- we needed them quickly. rial assistants as well as writing some articles Our heartfelt desire and prayer is that this yourselves. volume will aid our readers in reading the Bible, Indeed, we are very thankful for our writers, not just for intellectual purposes, but so they may all of whom are named in the contributor list. know and obey the God revealed in its pages. We thank you for sharing your knowledge with Tremper Longman III our readers as well as for your timely submis- General Editor sions. While our heartfelt thanks go to all our contributors, special thanks go to Jessie Rain- Peter Enns bow, Karen Traphagen, Susan Michaelson, John Old Testament Editor Michael Stanley, and Timothy Senapatiratne for Mark Strauss the number of articles they took on and/or for New Testament Editor CONTRIBUTORS Stephen J. Andrews, PhD, Professor of Old Tes- Rosalind S. Clarke, PhD student at Highland tament, Hebrew, and Archaeology, Midwest- !eological College, Dingwall, Scotland ern Baptist !eological Seminary, Kansas Bill Coe, MATS, Adjunct Professor of Music City, MO at Southwestern College, Chula Vista, CA Sarah-Jane Austin, !M from Westminster Rob Dalrymple, PhD, Academic Dean, Koinonia !eological Seminary, Glenside, PA Graduate School of !eology, Livermore, CA Karelynne Gerber Ayayo, !D, Assistant Dean John A. Davies, PhD, Principal Emeritus, of the School of Ministry and Associate Presbyterian !eological Centre, Sydney, Professor of Biblical Studies, Palm Beach Australia Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, FL John C. DelHousaye, PhD, Associate Profes- Deron Biles, PhD, Dean of Extension Educa- sor of New Testament, Phoenix Seminary, tion and Associate Professor of Old Testa- Phoenix, AZ ment, Southwestern Baptist !eological Joseph R. Dodson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Seminary, Fort Worth, TX Biblical Studies, Ouachita Baptist Univer- Michael F. Bird, PhD, Lecturer in !eology sity, Arkadelphia, AR and Bible, Crossway College, Queensland, Jason Driesbach, PhD student at Hebrew Uni- Australia versity of Jerusalem, Israel Tony Bird, PhD, Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Ben C. Dunson, PhD, Sessional Assistant Pro- Presbyterian !eological College, Mel- fessor of Religion and !eology, Redeemer bourne, Australia University College, Ancaster, Ontario, Dave L. Bland, PhD, Professor of Homilet- Canada ics and DMin Director, Harding School of J. Scott Duvall, PhD, Professor of New Testa- !eology, Memphis, TN ment and J. C. and Mae Fuller Chair of Bib- Art Boulet, graduate student at Columbia Uni- lical Studies, Ouachita Baptist University, versity, New York, NY Arkadelphia, AR Norah Caudill, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Pro- Seth Ehorn, PhD candidate at University of Ed- fessor of Old Testament, Fuller !eological inburgh, New College, Edinburgh, Scotland Seminary, Pasadena, CA, and Faculty As- Peter Enns, PhD from Harvard University, sociate of Old Testament, Bethel Seminary, Cambridge, MA; Biblical Scholar and Au- San Diego, CA thor, Lansdale, PA ix Contributors x Paul S. Evans, PhD, Assistant Professor of Old Studies, Ouachita Baptist University, Arka- Testament, McMaster Divinity College, delphia, AR Hamilton, Ontario, Canada N. Blake Hearson, PhD, Assistant Professor Charles Farhadian, PhD, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Midwest- of World Religions and Christian Mission, ern Baptist !eological Seminary, Kansas Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA City, MO Jerad File, M! student at Southwestern Baptist Tim Henderson, PhD candidate, Adjunct Pro- !eological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX fessor of New Testament, Bethel Seminary, David Firth, PhD, Director of Extension Stud- St. Paul, MN ies, St. Johns College, Nottingham, England Renate Viveen Hood, PhD, Associate Profes- Daniel Fletcher, PhD candidate at Westminster sor of Christian Studies, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX !eological Seminary, Glenside, PA; Instruc- tor, Eastern University, St. Davids, PA Douglas S. Huffman, PhD, Professor and As- sociate Dean of Biblical and !eological Douglas Geringer, PhD candidate, Associate Studies, Talbot School of !eology, La Mi- Professor of New Testament Language and rada, CA Literature, Associate Dean of Talbot School of !eology, Biola University, La Mirada, CA Scott Hummel, PhD, Vice President for Insti- tutional Advancement and Church Relations Greg Goswell, PhD, Biblical Studies Lecturer, and Professor of Religion, William Carey Presbyterian !eological College, Mel- University, Hattiesburg, MS bourne, Australia David Jackson, PhD, Head of Biblical Studies, Scott Gray, DMin student at Southwestern William Carey Christian School, Prestons, Baptist !eological Seminary, Fort Worth, NSW, Australia, and Honorary Associ- TX; Pastor, Sycamore Baptist Church, De- ate, School of Historical and Philosophi- catur, TX cal Inquiry, University of Sydney, Sydney, Brad Gregory, PhD, Assistant Professor of Australia Scripture, University of Scranton, Scran- Scott Jackson, PhD, Associate Professor of ton, PA Christian Ministries, Ouachita Baptist Uni- David P. Griffin, PhD student at University of versity, Arkadelphia, AR Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Joshua T. James, PhD candidate at Fuller !eo- Norris Grubbs, PhD, Associate Professor of logical Seminary, Pasadena, CA New Testament and Greek, Senior Associ- Stephen Janssen, PhD candidate, Adjunct ate Dean of Extension Center System, New Professor of Biblical Education, Cedarville Orleans Baptist !eological Seminary, New University, Cedarville, OH Orleans, LA Joanne J. Jung, PhD, Associate Professor of Bib- Joel Hamme, PhD candidate, Adjunct Profes- lical Studies and !eology, Talbot School of sor of Hebrew, Fuller !eological Seminary, !eology, La Mirada, CA Pasadena, CA !omas Keene, PhD, Lecturer in New Testa- Micah Haney, PhD candidate, Adjunct Profes- ment, Westminster !eological Seminary, sor of Old Testament, Azusa Pacific Univer- Glenside, PA sity, Azusa, CA Shane B. Kelly, BA from Westmont College, Matthew S. Harmon, PhD, Professor of New Santa Barbara, CA Testament Studies, Grace College and !eo- Dongsu Kim, PhD, Professor of Bible and logical Seminary, Winona Lake, IN !eology, Nyack College, New York, NY J. Daniel Hays, PhD, Professor of Biblical Stud- JinKyu Kim, PhD, Professor of Old Testament, ies and Dean of Pruet School of Christian Baekseok University, Cheonan, South Korea xi Contributors Koowon Kim, PhD, Faculty, Reformed !eo- Steven Mason, PhD, Provost and Dean of logical Seminary, Seoul, South Korea Faculty for Academic Affairs and Associate Yoon-Hee Kim, PhD, Associate Professor of Professor of Biblical Studies, LeTourneau Old Testament, Torch Trinity Graduate University, Longview, TX School of !eology, Seoul, South Korea Nathan Mastnjak, graduate student at Univer- John F.
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