. ;.' .' , ...• , ~ .'. '.' ' : .... , . ~-:?HE' ..;~~,~,ONITO R ~o:- : :".,.:. .-:.':~ .,. ..... ". ...~'J\ . .. ...., :.:'" i"i.: ;'~Natiotl~dWeekly ~:~\~O<O~· rei p~Yoted tO,the Interests of the 9~lored ::.' . ..{,'. ... '.';'~ ,',:.- -A,' [.~usQf Nebraska and the West '. \. .~. '. ." .... '. .. AlE REV. JOHN'ALBERT WILLIAMS. Editor .Omaha, Nebraska. Jan. 13. 1917 VoL II. No. 29 (Whole No. 81) :' ..... .":. .' .... ~. .' 't..;..·.o.:.. n.·.s.··.. '.e.·...···,.r.·.··.v.in.':.'g'"·.· •. 1..n.·.t.. ·e·.·r.·.e..·.s.t.s wil}beestablished; thoseorgariiza- SECRETARY LANE WANTS l.. .. tions wishing,to conduct boys' or girls' COBB'S RESIGNATION Editor Takes a Trip; 'f- . club work may. combine~nd jointly .J • ·•.•. of:C6Iored"Americans Omaha to Denver .. ,,' '.' '" ". '. ." . employ a worker with boys and a Washington, D. C.-The Secretary r , .. '. worker with girls to conduct their re- of the Interior has requested Pro- ·'RaceL~aders·l.JrgedToStudy And sp~ctive clubs; and some form of vo- fessor James A. Cobb to show ,reason Holds Conversation With C<Jngenial :'" ·.Apply sOd~t-pr.ogr~m8.ToSpecialeationalguidance will· be instituted why he should not resign hisprofes- And Interesting Fellow-Passen­ ·. 'CivkN~dsof People. for the colored school children of New florship at Howard University. Prof. , gers Enroute Westward. 1. York, thereby directing the chWhert'to Cob served as asisstant director of ;l;H'ENATION:A:I;-URBAN LEAGUE opportunities for occupational train- the Colored Advisory Committee of INCIDENTS AND SIDELIGHTS · .. ,. .' .' . ing and enlarging the field of employ- the National Republican Committee, ". Phinr1:'~ ,-Ext~J\d Its Work' To Many ment now open to colored children. and for :hat reason Secretary Lilne '<;"'E,rigen~I{inkle Finds Colorado MetropoHs Wide cities. Jones '-The Survey. desires his resignation. If Prof. Awake. Renews AC'!uaintance8 ;Tirneiy Advice In The Survey Cobb could have swallowed the treat- And '-feets Former Omahans. ~ ; ...... ..< .. ' Colored Man Appointed ment accorded the race by the 'pres- . During 19i7 Negro leaders shOUld ent administration and worked for it, 'Through the generous kindness of · ·~tu4YsOdal>pr()gramsand. learn to On Board of Education his position would have been safe. It a friend, a prominent Union Pacific 'iJ.PP,ly thoseniostappr~pri.ate to re- jg expected that Howard University railroad official, the .editor had the d.\ic~.teilum. 'h" .' b'erof..'social maladjust-.. New·Yor',k J. an.. 10.-'F'or thelrs'f' t will stand by Cobb and demand that pleasure of a coveted and delightful : :-. · ..... .. ... 893 N b h~ remain. 'ment.sa~(mgtheirpeople.. Special tJrne Since 1 " a egro ecame trip to Denver. The trip was coveted effortsshQurdbe made iii those di-a member of the Board of Education. for I was very anxious to attend the 'rectiOlis'in'whichthe Negro record Monday, when Mayor Mitchell an- consecration of my fellow ordinand, of .C:()lnpar~s ~nfavorablywiththe samenounced appointments to fill the twenty-five years ago and v,',I-I'm • ·.i. ···among theWhites~forexample: (1) eleven vacancies which now exist; personal friend, the Rev. Irving Pe~ke ThE! death rate. with specialreferenc.:e The Mayor apointed D. E. P, Roberts, J(.hnson, D. D., as bishop coadjutor of · to ,inf~ritmoraUtyand dea:thdue to a Negro physician, of 242 West Fifty- the DiocesB of Colorado. Becaus(:r of jiu1rrtotiary'caU$es; '.' (3).' Delinquency third sh~eet, to fill one of tl~~ va- our friendship, I was anxious tOI be am6rig 'idtilts,~withspeCial reference c?-ncies, present, if it were possible, ",'hen he to the ltee<loL~uchpte"entive:meas- .The' report that the Mayor intended was" inducted into the highest office u~esas,fuaY.be:thr()Wnaround thead-to appoint a Negro to the board was . in'the Church. But neither as JPar- ol~~f:-youth~wholesome amuse- current around' the. offices of the . son' nor editor, would my pocket 'dook ..' ments..emp19yIDent oppqrtunities, yo.,. .Board of Education for the last week pennit me to take~,the trip. cati~ria~~g'ui:da~e;':' .. ' .•.. .... .' .... .'.: .f\-n(L c;iUs~d considerable"djS!cu~.!:!!on. (wm parishone-rs \~'ho are in ar- .. ' ··'L··'·· .'.'::: "···'T·:· .'·'E"· t' ,., d' ··W· '. 'k" Dr. Roberts is the first Negro menF r :.....•_'..l;a~~e.. :o X'....en. <t '.'. beT' of: the:. board.'.SInce tleI letllemen..' .. t rears for the parson's salary and sub- In•.,this·co:unedjon .t~7NationalofSa:iTIuel R. Scotron;who sNved ort ..scribers who owe the editor, ki?dly .. l:-eagti~.?n:,Ur.!J~nCondl.tlons.,among't.hE'Brooklyn' Board of Education take the hint? Oh, thank you, so '. N-egro.e~U811lannlI.~gto ex:t~n.d.jtswork [rom 1894 until1898.much.· The church treasurer. wilI .. to'an mcreasednumber o!cItIes.The",prompt-ly send you a receipt and the · nimost'~~Pt~edented. norlhwardmi-business manager of the Monitor [Will : -gratj~ri -o{N~groes.· to the "l~rge in- DUM'ASPROUD ~;R~~~N BLOOD d0 likewise.) . ······dustrlalcentres has .inadethisexten- I enjoy walking, and as a matter of .' ~i~~ ;,inc~asingly necessiry. Already A few weeks ago a newn:o~el of fact do a great deal of it; but, re111y, tWentycitiesfeeltheinfhienceofthe the great French author, Alexander a~ much as I enjoy a hike, 565 milks- ~en- .leagu··.e·sac.t.i.YI.'ties...Additiorial.· colored DumllS, .,was discovered and '.'h'asre- the distance between Omaha and :i~ciS11WQ~ers\Villhe~ra.itied;sothatceivedconsiderable mention through-ver---':'was just a little too much ior . '. thew~rk.proP9sedcan beprOsilcjlted .Qutthe literary:' wo.rld;· A French. me to undertake to walk at the lim .ted .~~t.~~y:,bY.sympathetiC persons, that writer. in La Revue gatMr,s together . time at my uisposal and especially' at .. knowintimtitely ..the aspirations .pf Bomereminiscl:\ncesrif the great nov- this season of the year. Therefofe, I .; .the·race·.'but ca.;dbe'·handleclwit:h in-··elist. and~lTlot1g the'in is~ the follow~ am exceedingly grateful W my f.ail- ·tenig~~'eandconfidence. .. .. hrg: "it is said 01 Duma:S that he .readfriend for making it PosSible tor ~:,~Zi,,~;;t:~=:'::.ii:es. :;~b:;:;:%i~?:~,,;~;~oi~e~;~:~ ::~~d::::.:::t~d:7i~t, .· .. .m, to l .' hU.··.t~.·~.· ··:.'.·p.reJ·udic.e.·.s .. ~cc;e:ntuat,e... demoilstrate t6.his ':friends t$~t he Some of the incidents and side- ·.ial. may .,..to . ..' .' '. '. ... N~OBLE>,N. JOHNSON :,u.ea:e'piobl~'.\.In:"th.e::·caseiof'thehad·.3:NeEt'Q ·footman~;Helllways ..... '. ... ,. light-s of this ddightful - t,rip, lnay ,ftlatioti8h;ip qf Negroes with t4e whiteseemed;vetY"ptoudof the fact t.hat NOhieJ~' Joh~on the 'world's prove.oi interest to Moniwr readers. ..... ~ities, gr~aiest qolor~d Sc;e~n '-,... people in AD:lencan thid is par-he 'had Afi'icati blood·in llls·velns." . 8tar, as Am .1 over bold in thinking this?[ Ii :ticularlyti'i,Ie.~.·:.rn New' Xorl(ci~Y"; '.' '.' .'....•. .' '. "L.ittl~:ae~r"plaYing opposite Ruth ,!lO, ,It ,must he charged to the wann . where the 1~~s.. w9rk·in theya.r:, 'COLORED FA~MER HEADS ...•. Stonehouse: alid JaCk~MiilhalIin,the welcome OlU' readers s-ave my article!! .'fo.. c:Ol~red :di!~r.ic~lJ is:~h~~od.eLfQr '" K.t\NS~S·JNST.ITUTE '5~~eer RedFe~th~r 'U~iverS~rfeatiire; -on my trip to' Memphis. Those 'of ';:: u.e 8Ctivitjes'hl other~~~ities;itj~ .'. .' -'-'-'-' .' 'HFighting>ForL9ve/~yest¢ ay;Jan. course, dealt:with scenes and custpms ". Doped that 4,~¥ing.:~e:yea.r 1!)1~~17., ·Lawrenc~;Ka~.• ·J~n.' 4.~Ed\v~rd 2; at the' J?ario.r~heatre~·<()n Dougl~s lessfamili~rt?an ... t.h. O. se,.of the, wrle~t; the Jjrookl~coJ!imr~t.i~t;'\Vill;:c~~'0o/e:,H:meY;-~acknowledged to' he one .of St., 0111 aha. N~b. '. ':,,"'. but I an~ mdmed to thmk that our: iadepeDdent alld ·~fliium~.:etltire re,~ thew·ost,capable:scIentifiCfarmersiii~.. .' ., vtryfamiliarity with ,~hings nea1.~t, lponlibiW" ·fo.r th,···,e.',.:,.*..o,.•.·.,r.•~:·.:r.:l,·.. n B,''.1'"o.·.().kly.n,··•.•· .D.'..tug-Ills.· 'c.o.u~~y; 'was r.,~c.en~ly,elec.te4 ." .' '.' •. .0'" . .' 'CK' nUL" RS"home makes us· overlookmueh that IS. ,,~ .. , .. ·PORTRAlT.S F .. BL..A· ' ··· :, , E., '.' . '.,. '. "j .. that • definite 'moveme~t<t()···.. r.ed,~ge .p~'eBjderit .. 'o~~t:lie.IJouglas¢ounty:farm~. m... 0.._st :.in.,·.. t.er...estfng.,.in.·.s....fi'iu.·'.;,'.·.,·.':.c.'t.i.".,e. an..:d.·jn•. -....,:.. "".' . .. ...,.'., . '" . ,,,; I.' M.H .. '., . "d "ulSGOVERED IN'EGYPT , . the hish .infant. mortatJ~y.'~~OP~1~¢""er,s·,Jne's\ltute. .r;~ . at'V~rlsa ~~a- . .' _.,_-:_.._ spna~on:al.f dOll~t~~Qwho"N'l~ i IS' gro babies in. N~ Yl5rk :\vilFl:>e:.i~,t~ateof~he~ansasU)liversit(in;the.. '.;' . '.' . .... .,: •... 'mth;voubut att'oromary trip db,,-,* .' ~:= :~ h;=:l::rf;~~r:~~~;~~~:.~~:'i\O~~~fJ9teaa;~... ~~:~"a.memb.. ,ro(an~n ~~L::'e';;j::lr "f~~~tit!,~~&lti'..~~:i\,~?~~t~; .:;::~; .~ . ~'... Breaste~;;.~t~e2v9r14:fa~pus m~yr:isalways ofinterei;~ ... Courti Work Howse or other penal in';,' .: ':" .-.... - ", .... archeol"to full to .; stitutlona' will be established; in"co- C.()~O~EI?~t~N"'SUB~;... ·· .' .1: •. ::o~~~..Lap~L~~i,~n~is~~:a~pounces the ;dis- 'me.<-'A h~eliul1dred'riille:trip on'the'···· o~on with the Babies' Welfare <{'-:;:':.~7". MARINE VICTiMS c6very.of toe ~studio;Of '~n EgyptianrailZ:C:;ad":fUfu1~hes me ~th'eri~ugh,;' A.uociatlon, the AS80ciation' of Day " 'L, --- " portraIt sculptor belongmg to 1400 matter to write sufficient I~COpy-" toi.~-i Nunerla and other organi~ations. a Washington, D. C.~The· British 'B. C. ,It was called the house of 'fill a good sized newspaper. The'" .'. day uureery will be established in the stock'transport, RuB.sian, which was "chief sculptor, 'Thutmoae!' All of next time you go down town on the Cola.bua. Hill ~tion; in ~ooperation sunk, by a' Gennan U boat Dec~mber the portraits are.
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