A TaxonomicRevision of the genusMaireana (Chenopodiaceae) Bv P. G. Wilson Abstract . A la)\onomicrevision i. proridedfor lhegenus Mdlreafia (Chenopodiaceae) \{hrcha\ circumscribedincludes lhe Auslralian specier pre\iously placed in rhe genus.r(aclrra. Nine speciesand onesubspecies are deicribedas new; 48 new combinationsare made. The Australiangineaa within the subtribeKochiinae are briefly describedand their relationshipsdjscussed. Inhoduction The genus Maireana, as here delimited, encompassesthose species of Australian Chenopodiaceaewhich have commonly been placed in the genus Kochia. There appear to the author to be strong reasons, based on mor- phological data, for considering the Australian species to be distinct from Kochiq s.str. (a predominantly northern hemisphere genus) and the acceptalce of this distinction appears on strictly taxonomic grounds to be necessary. The alternative, that of continuing to consider the Australian speciesas con- generic with the Kochi.t species of the northern hemisphere, raises problems of nomenclature with unsettling consequences. It has always been recognised that Kochia and Bassra(both in the strict sense)are very closely allied and were consideredby most authorsin the 19thcentury, and in severalrecent European floras, to be congeneric. This synonymy is taxonomically sound, and thus, if it is considered that the Australian taxa here referred to Maireana are in fact true speciesof Kochia, and the latter genus is consideredby European botanists to be congeneric with Bassra, then it follows that the Australian taxa in turn will have to be transferred to the last genus, it being the earliest. In addition to the comDlicationoutlined above it is here consideredthat the Australian speciescommonly placed in Bassia ate in fact generically dis- tinct and should, for the most part, be transferred lo Sclerolaena. A situation 'Kochiq' could thus arise in which the Australian speciesof were placed in 'Bassia' Bassia and most of the 80+ Australian speciesof \\ere traosferred to Sclerolaen.t. Although the author considers that the accaptanceof the genus Sclerolaenq is both necessary and inevitable, he does not consider it either taxonomically sound, or from the practical viewpoint, desirable,to transfer the Australian Kaclrra species to Bassia. Historical Suyey of the Use of the Names Kochia analBassia The genus Bassia was described by Allioni in 1766. It was based on the specieslater known as Bassia muticata (L.) Aschers., a plant in which short spinesdevelop on the back of the perianth segmentswhen in fruit. The genusKochia was describedby Roth in 1801. It was basedon the one species K. arenaria (Maerklin) Roth (: K. lanifora (Gmel.) Borbas). In this speciesthe perianthsegments give riseto short, horizontal,chartaceous, wing-like outgrowths. Later in l80l (or 1802?)(and in the samevolume of the same periodical) Maerklin described the genus Willemetia; he based it on two species, W. arenaria (Maerklin) Maerklin (: K. Ianiflora (Gmel.) "Sa/sola Borbas) and W. Ianata Maerklin which was based on lanifora Lrtn." (: K. lanifora) but provided a description for the latter which correctly applies to Bassia hyssopilblia (Pall.) Volk. Robert Brown (1810)discussed the taxonomy of Ihe Kochia group and suggested (but did not adopt the suggestion) that it could be divided into two genera, the genus focira containing those specieswith spiny appendages '(LZ.6I) esoql uosBeJeql onbr8leg te essms 'acueJC e1e1druo3eJoJJ 'leruuo{ :(9681) r€urs pu" 'eurtselud'eu{g erolg'tsod:(ZggI) eroll eqcslna('lsnlll 'JeuBeA\ :(6481) srlBluolJo "roll 'rerssrog err seldruexg xalduroc srqtr u1 selcedseqt IIE epnlcur ol olLlJoX etueu eql pesn fll?nsn e^sq pu" lcuqsrp ,{llecr.reue8ere zr4rox pue (uofsdoutlp4 Jo) DtssDglr-LII uoqseSSns eq1 peldecce 're,re,tro11 'lJutlstp (,{lluoooJlrtun) lou e,req serog uredorng Jo slelrJ^\ lsour s" oltltoy snrai eq] peur"tar eq lnq (lg/ l) qLrr.q3-DapuaLlJ Jo rrorlcos" s" (.llv ,rsi]l78rosF eroJareql puB) troltsdoulqry Jeprsuocot peueJord (0ggl pur 'Jp"d 'll 'surB.rqv 0l.gt) ru?qluog (tt6l) salBts lsnllJ pue (9961) p71:9 'U 06:Z'l S S n ero6 ul ul,ll l htr era^\ os op ot sroqlne lsel aql Jo o^\t {lqrssod :urnbortr,{q peldop€ esuesarJ:} ur stsru?loq,{Jnlual qt6l lsoul,{q posn eJe.,!d olq)oX puB uoltsdouultg saluuu oql "Joue? lJurlsrp eq ol pcJoplsuocuerJl[ \'\zL6r) 00t-86'SI tI : lB elrqsleS3^runuaeu eosuorlsenb lernlelcuetr|ou l€l[urs ? uo uolssncsrp " JoC) 'llv ,is.rrgr rltr,{\ cueueguoJ euroceq ,{eql uo4"cgrdflolf,ol s,utnboltl fq ueql 'Jelt"l er]J :DtqJoX qtr,rdcueue?uoJ auoceq uoltsdoutqtg J! 'JatUroJ pue otlauallll4 sauuu eql uaql oql JI (euo sr elaql uoq,r) uorlduc -sep eqt,{q pepuelurteqt.ro'ertl?u eql ,{q 01 parrejerserceds lerll eq plnoqs ' ed,{l eql leq} popuetur sr tr roqtaq,r J"alJ lou sr lJ u sr snueSE ,.sarcads '(serJeds Jo eru?u " Jo ed,{t eq1-, luq} se}els N g'J'l eql Jo 0I elrruv roqto eql Sulpnlrxe fiq) orlawalprlq 3o ed.{1ope1aqt se (ttgl) urnboy,rtr(q pepeles s€^\ lsql (pelrc elu?u Jrseq eql ol fldde tou prp qcrq^\ lnq) uortducsep srql 'llv ,{q paro^oJ sercedseqt s"^\ 1r puu trlsrrgr sercedse o1 serldde ,{lsnorlqo ',olouol 'sarceds Jo 'oltlJox /11, puolas eqlJo url{JeetrAl,{q ue,tr8 uorldrrcsep eqj- snue8 aql ol Suolaq ot peJaprsuo3^\ou eJ" (pesn selu?tl orll ol s€) qJtq,r.]o iurl{Je"W qtoq ,{q pelrJ eJo.^\sorJads o,{\} 'a^oqs pelou sV elntelcuou.roN It?Jru"log Jo epoJ lErrorteurelul aql Jo uorletetdrelur aqt uo pus uorlecgrd,{1 -olcel 'l{Je"tr str uo spuedap l olpluallll eureu eql go uorlzrrlddr eq1 ueqlpr.o,r Llortsdou rq eru"u eq] pu' erelurlraelr!"tT'l.li".X,l,11filT$.:j olauta tl4 Jo ru,{uouoq ? sB pepreSersrl)reut\l olplua t/14 (ZtlI) u?urx?-l JI,(06/l) Dua latpox 3o rutruou,{s e eq o} pa.roprsuor ,(11uaunc snruerlloJ otawa rll elueuoql oslBsr eraql lnq'(02 elrrtr" (Z/61)ernt€lrualuoN .toq epoJ 'urolul) ,(tuoud Jo ,tor,r.1olurod eqt ruo.rjpelcefer eq o1eJo.;e:aq} st pur serceds .urllle€l4tr € Jo uorluu8rsepdrrlrun I su pepte6e: eq ueJ elues s.Jo{JeN elletrlallll roJ un^olr ueutorr E se uoltsdounpE euelr eqt paqsrlqnd ,leruellr^& -ie.,{osfq elrrlll7 aqt ot etoulooJ " rrr 'eroJereqt("ttgl) urnbot{ (06/I) JeIJoN Jo 1eq1jo ur,{uouroq let€l ? su,f..url{leet\ ottaluafll4 elueu eql t€rll (tt8l) leutollrl\-re,{og .{q pelurod se,t urnbo111,{q rod"d eql reUe ^l oqs 'rc^o,roH 1no 1r Dlplua rll ellleu relel eqt ldope ot ,{lEssocou3r pe,leqeq (eyggy) ulnbotr{ uoseel srqt .rol 'e€ecelodesoql ur snue8 e '(I//l) sno€uur-Ixe 3rueo1 zrsszg ru,(uoruoq slr Jo osn luatlnf, uaqt eql Jo esnrceq slstueloq ,{rnluec tll6t pltrl ro,{tr?e,{q dn uelel lou s".r (9911)ruorllv r/.r.rrBreulEu eqJ '(,ottatua11t1, s? eur€u puoceseql llads eq) sloqln? luur8uo lroqt Jo suollualur aql qlr,{\ relloq p.roll" ol setueu erll Jo uor}"Jrldd" s.u,rolg pesre.,re.rure8e 1nq c:aue8 eleledas ur pccrld eq plnoqs sarf,edsjo sdnor8 o,trl osoqt leql uorlsaF8nss.u,^\olB lJeqou patdope (etegl) uopuel-urnbo14 '(SE .sorueu 9€81) Ie ta Jnlg ,{q pa,rolloJ osl" sE.{\ernt"lruarou srql 'soSepuedde eserltJo uor:t"crldde s.u,A\oJBpeste^al snql ag ,{urds qlr,rAosoql aDttaMa tll uorlces eqt pue sa8upuaddeelrl-eleJs qlr,,lrsarceds esoql Surureluor 'suorlJas aDlLpoX uorlJes eql o,\u olur lr papr^rp tnq dl.ot? aLpo)l-p6sog eqt .J Je,'oJ o1,Dltpox erueu eql Sursn ur u,Lto:g pe,nol1o;(6791) Jnoqepal C 'trluJlsnv ur luaseJd ?uraq se sercedsotUJoX pe?e -se8eprredde -pueddr ,(urds,(ueesruSocer lou prp aH snooerquolu pessessod (urog urrlcrlsny eqt sloquour eJe,r rJ3rq,u)ql!^\ eq serJedsaql 'se8rpuedde Jo tlBep llv snourJquou qlr,( asoql Suruteluoc olpLua lll snue8 erlt pu" writers adopted the name Kocltia was, as is pointed out above, the confusion as to the legitimacy of the earlier name Bassia All. It appears that F. Mueller ( I 882a and I 882b) was the first to recognisethe priority of the latter name over .BassiaKoenig. He was followed by Baillon (1887),O. Kuntze (1891),Volkens (1893),and by many later botanists,who have, however,circumscribed the genus in various ways. Hermann (1956), for instance, made Kochia a section of Bassiqwhile Allen (1961)retained it as a separategenus. The Australian specieswhich are customarily referred to the ger:usKochia have generally had an uneventful nomenclatural history. Robert Brown (1810) described the first two Australian species(K. breifolia and K. aphylla), and suggestedthat they could belong to the genus Willenetia. These were transfened to Solsola by Sprengel (1825) (who did not recognise the genus Kochia as being distinct), but, except for one speciesin Maireana, they, and most of the other species which have been described later, have otherwise been acceptedas belonging to the genus Koclrra (apart from the re-arrangement of a few specieswith controversial amnities). The genusMaireana Moquin (1840)was basedon the specresM. tomentosa Moq. The generic name was acceptedby Mueller (1859) who established in it the section Aste,'ocarpuswith the one species M. stelligera F. M:uell. This specieswas subsequently (1869) transferred by him to Echinopsilon while in the same paper he made Maireana a section of Kochia and included in it those speciesof the latter genuswith a simple wing. Volkens (1893)made Maireqna a section of -BasJlaand included in it M. stelligerq, in which decision he was obviously following Mueller in his paper of 1859. Thus apart from the one speciesdescribed by Mueller, which was basedon a plant soon removed to another genus, the rame Mairea a has not been accepted at the generic level subsequentto the two publicationsby Moquin. The Australian specieswhich are currently referred by Australian authors to the genus Bqssiq haye been placed in several different genera by different workers.
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