Liberal / Libéral GREEN PARTY / PARTI 30 VERT Harris 16 Alghabra 127 Sahota St. John's East 70 Amos (Brampton North) 40 Anand 128 Saini 79 Anandasangaree 2 Sajjan 29 Garrison 99 Arseneault 165 Saks Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke 61 Arya 67 Samson 142 Atwin 129 Sarai 62 Badawey 37 Scarpaleggia 38 Bagnell 82 Schiefke 26 Bains 28 Davies 60 Mathyssen 23 Schulte NPD / NDP 143 Baker 130 Serré Vancouver Kingsway London—Fanshawe 147 Battiste 33 Sgro 81 Beech 131 Shanahan 76 Bendayan 100 Sheehan 27 Angus 59 Collins 89 Blaikie 15 Bennett 132 Sidhu (Brampton 148 Bessette Timmins—James Bay Victoria Elmwood—Transcona South) 51 Bibeau 158 Sidhu (Brampton 69 Bittle East) 4 Blair 137 Sikand 26 Bains 58 Dhaliwal 88 Dubourg 117 Manly 145Wilson-Raybould 149 Blois 56 Simms 63 Bratina Mississauga—Malton Surrey—Newton Bourassa Nanaimo—Ladysmith Vancouver Granville 108 Sorbara 134 Brière 97 Spengemann 25 Carr 21 Tassi 57 Casey 144 INDÉPENDANT / INDEPENDENT 11 Trudeau 25 Carr 57 Casey 87 Dzerowicz 116 May 172 Tabbara 20 Chagger 159 Turnbull Special Representative for the Prairies Charlottetown Davenport Saanich—Gulf Islands Kitchener South—Hespeler 13 Champagne 160 Van Bynen / Représentant spécial pour les 83 Chen 107 van Koeverden Prairies 84 Cormier 24 Vandal 104 Dabrusin 64 Vandenbeld 24 56 86 115 143 171 78 Damoff Vandal Simms Drouin Maloney Baker Ratansi 71 Vaughan 58 Dhaliwal Northern Affairs / Affaires du Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Glengarry—Prescott—Russell Etobicoke—Lakeshore Etobicoke Centre Don Valley East 77 Virani 85 Dhillon Nord Dame 161 Weiler 150 Dong 18 Wilkinson 86 Drouin 23 Schulte 55 Jones 85 Dhillon 114 Longfield 142 Atwin 170 Sloan 140 Yip 88 Dubourg Seniors / Aînés Labrador Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle Guelph Fredericton Hastings—Lennox and 98 Young 7 Duclos 138 Zahid Addington 65 Duguid 162 Zann 75 Duncan 163 Zuberi (Etobicoke North) 22 McKenna 54 Fillmore 84 Cormier 113 Long 141 Rogers 169 Sangha 87 Dzerowicz Infrastr. & Communities / Halifax Acadie—Bathurst Saint John—Rothesay Bonavista—Burin—Trinity Brampton Centre 31 Easter 135 Ehsassi NDP / NPD Infrastr. & Collectivités 90 El-Khoury 106 Ellis 27 Angus 21 Tassi 53 Housefather 83 Chen 112 Khera 140 Yip 168 91 Erskine-Smith 201 Ashton Labour / Travail Mount Royal Scarborough North Brampton West Scarborough—Agincourt 102 Fergus 344 Bachrach 54 Fillmore 89 Blaikie 92 Finnigan 231 Blaney (North 68 Fisher Island—Powell River) 20 Chagger 52 Jordan 82 Schiefke 111 Khalid 139 Lambropoulos 167 93 Fonseca 230 Boulerice Diversity, Inclusion & Youth / Fish, Oceans & Coast Guard / Vaudreuil—Soulanges Mississauga—Erin Mills Saint-Laurent 45 Fortier 260 Cannings Pêches, Océans & Garde côtière 94 Fragiskatos 59 Collins Diversité, Inclusion & Jeunesse 105 Fraser 28 Davies 166 12 Freeland 259 Duvall 19 Miller 51 Bibeau 81 Beech 110 Jowhari 138 Zahid 34 Fry 29 Garrison Indigenous Serv. / Serv. aux Agri. & Agri-Food / Agri. & Burnaby North—Seymour Richmond Hill Scarborough Centre 46 Garneau 317 Gazan Autochtones Agroalim. 95 Gerretsen 316 Green 47 Gould 30 Harris 42 Guilbeault 343 Hughes 18 Wilkinson 50 Lebouthillier 80 Hutchings 109 Iacono 137 Sikand 165 Saks 6 Hajdu 289 Johns Envir. & Climate Change / Envir. National Revenue / Revenu Long Range Mountains Alfred-Pellan Mississauga—Streetsville York Centre 96 Hardie 200 Julian & Chang. climatique national 43 Holland 202 Kwan 53 Housefather 288 MacGregor 17 Monsef 49 Mendicino 79 Anandasangaree 108 Sorbara 136 Kusmierczyk 164 Ien 48 Hussen 198 Masse Women & Gender Equality & Rural Economic Dev. / 80 Hutchings 60 Mathyssen Femmes & Égalité genres & Dév. économique rural Immig., Ref. & Citizen. / Immig., Scarborough—Rouge Park Vaughan—Woodbridge Windsor—Tecumseh Toronto Centre 109 Iacono 261 McPherson Réf. & Citoyen. 164 Ien 232 Qaqqaq 151 Jaczek 199 Singh 3 Joly 16 Alghabra 48 Hussen 78 Damoff 107 van Koeverden 135 Ehsassi 163 Zuberi 55 Jones Transport / Transports Families, Child. & Social Dev. / Oakville North—Burlington Milton Willowdale Pierrefonds—Dollard 52 Jordan Independent / Famille, Enf. & Dév. social 110 Jowhari Indépendant 152 Kelloway 15 47 77 106 134 162 Bennett Gould Virani Ellis Brière Zann 111 Khalid Crown-Indigenous Rel. / Rel. International Dev. / Dév. Parkdale—High Park Bay of Quinte Sherbrooke Cumberland—Colchester 112 Khera 171 Ratansi 153 Koutrakis 169 Sangha Couronne-Autochtones international 136 Kusmierczyk 170 Sloan 154 Lalonde 172 Tabbara 14 46 76 105 133 161 139 Lambropoulos 145 Wilson-Raybould Lametti Garneau Bendayan Fraser Martinez Ferrada Weiler 14 Lametti Just. & Att. Gen. of Can. / Just. Foreign Affairs / Affaires Outremont Central Nova Hochelaga West Vancouver—Sunshine 73 Lamoureux & proc. gén. du Can. étrangères Coast—Sea to Sky Country 155 Lattanzio Green Party / Parti 101 Lauzon vert 13 Champagne 45 Fortier 75 Duncan 104 Dabrusin 132 Sidhu 160 Van Bynen 9 LeBlanc Innovation, Science & Industry / Middle Class Prosperity / Etobicoke North Toronto—Danforth Brampton South Newmarket—Aurora 50 Lebouthillier 117 Manly Innovation, Sciences & Industie Prospérité classe moyenne 66 Lefebvre 116 May (Saanich— 72 Lightbound Gulf Islands) 113 Long 12 Freeland 44 Ng 74 Petitpas Taylor 103 MacKinnon 131 Shanahan 159 Turnbull 114 Longfield Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance / Sm. Business, Exp. Prom. & Int. Trade / Petite 156 Louis Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe Gatineau Châteauguay—Lacolle Whitby vice-première ministre & ministre des Finances Entrep., Prom. des export., & Comm. Int. (Kitchener—Conestoga) 1 MacAulay (Cardigan) MINISTRES DES CONSEIL / MINISTRY THE 11 Trudeau 43 Holland 73 Lamoureux 102 Fergus 130 Serré 158 Sidhu 103 MacKinnon Prime Minister / Premier Ajax Winnipeg North Hull—Aylmer Nickel Belt Brampton East (Gatineau) LIBERAL / LIBÉRAL 115 Maloney ministre 133 Martinez Ferrada 118 May (Cambridge) 10 Rodriguez 42 Guilbeault 72 Lightbound 101 Lauzon 129 Sarai 157 Powlowski 119 McCrimmon Lead. of Gov. / Lead. du gouv. Canadian Heritage / Louis-Hébert Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation Surrey Centre Thunder Bay—Rainy River 120 McDonald 36 McGuinty Patriomoine canadien 32 McKay 22 McKenna 9 LeBlanc 41 Murray 71 Vaughan 100 Sheehan 128 Saini 156 Louis Queen's Privy Council & Min. Intergov. Affairs / Conseil 121 McKinnon privé de la Reine & min. Affaires intergouv. Dig. Gov. / Gouv. num. Spadina—Fort York Sault Ste. Marie Kitchener Centre Kitchener—Conestoga (Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam) 122 McLeod (Northwest Territories) 8 Qualtrough 40 Anand 70 Amos 99 Arseneault 127 Sahota 155 Lattanzio 146 Mendès Employ., Workforce Dev. & Dis. Incl. / Emploi, Publ. Services & Proc. / Pontiac Madawaska—Restigouche Brampton North Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel Dév. main-d'oeuvre & Inc. pers. hand. 49 Mendicino Services publ. et & App. 19 Miller 17 Monsef 123 Morrissey 7 Duclos 39 Oliphant 69 Bittle 98 Young 126 Romanado 154 Lalonde 41 Murray Treasury Board / Conseil du Don Valley West St. Catharines London West Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne Orléans 44 Ng Trésor 124 O'Connell 39 Oliphant 5 O'Regan 6 Hajdu 38 Bagnell 68 Fisher 97 Spengemann 125 Robillard 153 Koutrakis 74 Petitpas Taylor Health / Santé Yukon Dartmouth—Cole Harbour Mississauga—Lakeshore Marc-Aurèle-Fortin Vimy 157 Powlowski 8 Qualtrough 35 Regan 5 O'Regan 37 Scarpaleggia 67 Samson 96 Hardie 124 O'Connell 152 Kelloway 125 Robillard 10 Rodriguez Nat. Resources / Ress. Lac-Saint-Louis Sackville—Preston— Fleetwood—Port Kells Pickering—Uxbridge Cape Breton—Canso 141 Rogers naturelles Chezzetcook 126 Romanado 4 Blair 36 McGuinty 66 Lefebvre 95 Gerretsen 123 Morrissey 151 Jaczek Pub. Safety & Emerg. Prep. / Ottawa South Sudbury Kingston and the Islands Egmont Markham—Stouffville Sécurité pub. & Protec. civile 3 Joly 35 Regan 65 Duguid 94 Fragiskatos 122 McLeod 150 Dong Economic Dev. & Off. Lang / Halifax West Winnipeg South London North Centre Northwest Territories Don Valley North Dév. économique & Lang. off. 2 Sajjan 34 Fry 64 Vandenbeld 93 Fonseca 121 McKinnon 149 Blois National Defence / Défense Vancouver Centre Ottawa West—Nepean Mississauga East—Cooksville Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam Kings—Hants nationale 1 MacAulay 33 Sgro 63 Bratina 92 Finnigan 120 McDonald 148 Bessette Veterans Affairs / Anciens Humber River—Black Creek Hamilton East—Stoney Creek Miramichi—Grand Lake Avalon Brome—Missisquoi Comb. 32 McKay 62 Badawey 91 Erskine-Smith 119 McCrimmon 147 Battiste Scarborough—Guildwood Niagara Centre Beaches—East York Kanata—Carleton Sydney—Victoria 31 Easter 61 Arya 90 El-Khoury 118 May 146 Mendès Malpeque Nepean Laval—Les Îles Cambridge Brossard—Saint-Lambert Rota Speaker / Président PLAN A 43/2-9 2021-06-11 Conservative / 202 Kwan Conservateur Vancouver East 282 Beaulieu 294 Aboultaif 197 Bergeron 201 Ashton 320 Aitchison 315 Bérubé 186 Albas 193 Blanchet Churchill—Keewatinook Aski 236 Alleslev 310 Blanchette- 235 Allison Joncas 295 Arnold 283 Boudrias NPD / NDP 204 Baldinelli 312 Brunelle-Duceppe 232 Qaqqaq 200 Julian 292 Barlow 284 Chabot Nunavut New Westminster—Burnaby 213 Barrett 287 Champoux 309 Benzen 339 Charbonneau 184 Bergen 226 DeBellefeuille 208 Berthold 261 McPherson 231 Blaney 199 Singh 286 Desbiens 174 Bezan 340 Desilets Edmonton Strathcona North Island—Powell River Burnaby South 263 Blaney 196 Fortin (Bellechasse—Les 256 Gaudreau Etchemins—Lévis) 225 Gill 268 Block 257 Larouche 317 Gazan 289 Johns 260 Cannings 230 Boulerice 198 Masse 251 Bragdon 311 Lemire Winnipeg Centre Courtenay—Alberni South Okanagan—West Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie Windsor West 190 Brassard 338 Marcil Kootenay 264 Calkins 227 Michaud 252 Carrie 195 Normandin 248 Chiu 344 316 288 259 229 197 228 Pauzé Bachrach
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