Men’s and women’s cross country teams have Hermes- like speed. Page 22. theBARUCH COLLEGE, THEticker CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK VOLUME 92 • ISSUE 9 WWW.THETICKER.ORG NOVEMBER 5, 2007 Foul play in secretary election Laptop BY MAYA KASHYAP AND stolen, MIKHAIL SEDOV NEWS EDITOR AND FEATURES EDITOR Monnica Honrade, a 21-year-old student cross country runner, unanimously won last Tuesday’s in-house elec- tion for the Undergraduate Student security Government’s secretary. She re- placed Leidy Ovando, who resigned earlier in October after being over- threatened whelmed with classes and an in- ternship. However, the fairness of n Theft at CUNY this election was questioned after Honrade was in charge of promot- exposes students ing the vacant seat while simultane- ously running unopposed. Facing and alumni the risk of garnering competitors, did she provide enough awareness BY SHERRY MAZZOCCHI that the position was up for grabs? SENIOR STAFF WRITER “I personally didn’t,” Honrade admitted. She recalled, however, At the end of October, the City that some USG offi cials let infor- University of New York informed mation out by word-of-mouth. over 23,000 students and former She also noted that Carl Aylman, students, who were recipients of fi - director of student life, announced nancial aid, that they were victims the vacancy as part of the weekly e- of identity theft. Around Monday, mail from the offi ce of student life. Oct. 15, a laptop with the names “Th e e-mail blast actually went out and social security numbers of stu- to 16,000 people,” Aylman noted. dents who received the Academic “It’s probably more eff ective than if Competency Grant was stolen from they put ads and fl yers on bulletin CUNY premises. boards.” Th e laptop contained a fi le with But one senator, who spoke names, social security numbers, on condition of anonymity in fear citizenship status, GPA and the ex- pected family contribution toward SEE ELECTION PAGE 2 ILLUSTRATION BY DUSTIN WINEGAR tuition of the student recipients of the Academic Competency Grant throughout the CUNY system. Th e fi le did not contain addresses or any family income information. Harvey Shifter, a spokesperson KPMG DREAM Act not a reality for CUNY’s Financial Aid offi ce, described the laptop as inoperable. “When you turned it on,” he said, surveys BY JANA KASPERKEVIC “you would get a blue screen.” In SENIOR STAFF WRITER addition, he said the fi le was pass- word protected. On Wednesday, Oct. 24, just A blue screen does not neces- Baruch days after Baruch students dis- sarily mean that data is irretriev- cussed the possibilities off ered by able, however. Development, Relief and Educa- Richard Holowczak, associate tion for Alien Minors Act (DREAM professor in the computer infor- students Act) during the advocacy work- mation studies program at Baruch shop, “Struggling to Learn, Edu- College, said software programs do cando con Restricciones,” the Sen- not need to be running in order to ate struck down the DREAM Act obtain data from fi les. “You could BY CLAIRE LUI with a vote of 52-44. Sen. Richard attach a hard disk and read all of SENIOR STAFF WRITER J. Durbin, fi ve-year-long sponsor the data off that way.” of the act, called the bill’s failure a He also said that the inviola- A recent KPMG survey of busi- “sad and troubling moment in [the bility of password protection var- ness students from across the na- American history].” ies widely, depending on the pro- tion reveals career opportunities as In March 2006, Walter Bar- gram. the number one reason for choos- rientos wrote for Th e Ticker that, Instructions on recovering ing an employer. “In CUNY alone, which has a long passwords and software programs KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and history of providing higher educa- designed specifi cally f o r advisory fi rm surveyed 50 schools tion to immigrant families, there this purpose are across the nation. are offi cially 3,000 undocumented widely avail- With a total of 358 participants, students who are education them- able on the Baruch College had the highest selves with the hope of one day be- internet. number of respondents and was ing able to work.” USATODAY.COM the only school to have a separate Th e DREAM Act will allow the press release. Th e survey was ad- illegal students at Baruch College ministered online and was intro- to put their education to proper use Senator Richard J. Durbin, an avid supporter of the DREAM Act. duced to students through local at a legal job after graduation and campus recruiters and career cen- provide them with an opportunity Th e act would have applied to before age 16, had graduated from ters at the various schools. to advance their careers and lead a students who had lived in United high school or equivalent, had no life without a constant fear of being States for at least fi ve years before SEE KPMG PAGE 10 deported. its enactment, had entered U.S. SEE SENATE PAGE 2 SEE COMPUTER PAGE 2 INDEX FEATURES ARTS LEISURE ADVERTISING Opinion . 6 Business . 8 To place an advertisement, Features. 12 contact Edward Drakhlis at Arts . 15 (646) 312-4713 or e-mail Safe sex options that everyone Leisure . 18 A questionable link between Avenged Sevenfold’s new [email protected]. can take pleasure in. Calendar . 21 abortion and breast cancer. album falls short. Sports . 22 Page 13. Page 15. Page 18. NewsPAGE 2 I THE TICKER NEWS NOVEMBER 5, 2007 Computer theft Election mishandled ß CONTINUED FROM FRONT it’s just a bunch of excuses, but I [did] what I could, they did what of being “ruined, blacklisted and they could.” Two weeks after the never trusted,” charged the direc- offi cial announcement of the va- endangers thousands tor’s e-mail was not enough. “Th at cancy on Oct. 30, the legislators as- is not suffi cient advertising for the sembled for a vote. vacancy,” the senator declared. “Th e whole voting thing was “Th e e-mail never gave details as to kind of a joke, I feel, because ev- when the election would be held or eryone was just laughing. She even anything.” nominated herself, which you can’t In an interview last week, Hon- do,” said Brand, 21, political science rade attempted to explain the major. “Anthony [Hernandez, USG discrepancy. “It’s a mistake that President] kept asking, ‘Anybody I made that I didn’t have time to running against her?’ Of course, no make the fl yers, to print them out one was going to do that.” and to post them up around the Not only was the vote public, school,” she said. Looking back but Honrade was present in the at her inaction, the new secretary room. Her presence created an at- said she thought to herself, “Oh, my mosphere of pressure for those like God, this [refl ects] so bad on me.” Brand, who was intimidated. “Hon- However, advertisements had estly, I didn’t want to vote for her,” been placed for three open senato- the senator recalls, “But I wasn’t rial positions and one treasurer by going to not vote for her because Ovando. Th e advertisement, de- she was right there.” signed by Honrade, ran in the Sept. However, Aylman said there was 4 issue of Th e Ticker, more than two no wrongdoing in the election pro- weeks prior to in-house elections. cess. “If you have a contested elec- While serving as a senator be- tion, they go to executive session fore last week’s victory, Honrade and you talk about the candidates. founded USG’s marketing team, a Th e reason you do that is you don’t student volunteer group in charge want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but of promoting the organization’s she was the only one.” events. Th e group’s work has in- Honrade, who sees her new po- volved developing the new USG sition as a “bridge between the stu- website as well as advertising va- dents and USG,” wants to exceed cant positions. what is normally expected from a For this position, however, the secretary, such as taking minutes standards deviated. “We never re- and keeping records. As the lead- ally advertised it — I don’t think,” er of the marketing team, she has said Holdyn Brand, a senator who pledged to popularize the organi- is also part of the marketing team. zation and make Baruch College “I guess, maybe she forgot.” a greener place. Honrade plans to Honrade said she was caught advocate energy conservation on up in midterms and cross crountry campus. “It always pisses me off championships. “I also had other when I see [a lot of] paper,” she things to pick up and I was really admits. “I just want the USG to be stressed out,” she recalled. “I know more eff ective to the students.” Senate vetoes legalization act ß CONTINUED FROM FRONT policy the White House made clear [President George W.] Bush has a criminal record as well as those number of problems with the bill, who have completed two years of including creating a ‘special class college or served in the military for of illegal aliens’ and off ering a per- two years. Many students who ful- petual amnesty, rather than a one- ILLUSTRATION BY EDWARD DRAKHLIS fi ll these criteria live in New York time forgiveness.” Yet, the threat of ß CONTINUED FROM FRONT A fraud alert requires a credit She immediately went online will attend CUNY in the future be- a veto never came from the White card company or a business to and put alerts on her accounts and cause of its accessibility.
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