WASHlNGTON GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HENRY LANDES, State Geologist BULLETIN No. 4 Cement Materials and Industry IN THE State of Washington By SOLON SHEDD, Ph. D. Assistant State Geologist, and Professor of Geology, State College of Washington • • 01.YMPIA, WASH,: FRANK M. LAMBORN,..,. PUBLIC PRINTER, 1918 BOARD OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Governor ERNEST LISTER, Chairman. Lieutenant Governor Louis F. HART. State T1·easurer EDWARD l\fEATH, Secretary. President T. F. KANE. President E. A. BRYAN. HENRY LANDES, State Geologi,st. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Governor Ernest Lister, Chairman, atnd Me1nbers of the Board of Geok>gical Survey: GENTLEMEN-I have the honor to submit herewith a report entitled "Cement Materials and Industry in the State of W asb­ ington," by Solon Shedd, wit~ the recommendation that it be printed as Bulletin No. 4 of the Survey reports. Very respectfully, lliNltY LANDES, State Geologist. University Station, Seattle, Oct. 1, 191~. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paf]O PREFACE ..................................................... 11 LIST OF PLATES.............................................. 9 CHAPTER I. GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF THE HYDRAULIC CE~fE'NTS 13 Pozzuolana . 13 Hydraulic limes . 14 Natural cements . 14 Portland cements. 15 Constituents of the hydraullc compounds. 15 Silica . 16 Alumina . 18 Ferric oxide . 20 Lime .................................................... 21 Magnesia . 22 Alkalies . 23 Sulphur . 24 Carbon dioxide and water. 24 Other compounds In cement ............................... 25 CHAPTER II. RAw MATERIALS OF TlIE CEMENT INDUSTBY ......••. 26 Pozzuolana cement ........................................ 26 Natural pozzuolana ..................................... 26 Artificial pozzuolana ...................... .............. 28 Natural cement ................ ........................... 32 Portland cement . 34 Calcareous materials . 35 Cement rocks . 37 Limestone . 38 Chalk . 39 Marl . 40 Alkali waste . 42 Arglllaceous materials . 42 Clay . 43 Shale . 47 CHAPTER Ill. CoMPOSI'l'ION OF LIMESTONES. CLAYS AND SRA.LES •• 51 Limestone ................................................. 61 Chemical composition .................................... 51 Mineralogical composition ......................... ..... 62 Origin .................................................. 53 Impurities In ........................................... 64 Silica ............................ ... •................. 64 Iron ................................................. 55 Alumina ............................................. 56 Organic matter ....................... .. ............ 66 Alkalies ............................. ............ .... 56 Sulphur ................ ............................ 56 ?.farls ...................................................... 57 Travertine and calcareous sinter ............................. 57 6 Tahu of Cor,,te·nts CHAPTER III. CoMPOSITION OF L IMESTONES, ETC.- Continuea. Pa110 Chalk . 57 Clay and shale. 57 Origin of clay. 58 Residual clays . 60 Transported clays . 60 Estuarine . 61 Glacial . 61 Marine . ... 61 Lacustrine . 62 Flood plain and terrace................................. 62 Impurities Jn clays and shales. 62 Clays . 62 Shales . 64 CHAPTER IV. HISTORY OF THE CEMENT l l\1)USTBY . 66 Development in Europe..... .... .. ........................... 66 Development in the United States............................ 68 Development in Washington. 72 Portland cement . 73 Use of the term.. 73 Composition and constitution . 76 CHAPTER V. EXAlliJN ATION OF CEMENT MATERIALS ANO LoOATJON OF PLANT ............................................ 80 Chemical composition of materials ......................... .. 80 Physical character of materials .......................... ... 81 Amount of material available ................................ 81 Location of material with reference to transportation facilltles .. 81 Location of deposits with reference to fuel supply ............. 82 Location of deposits with reference to markets ............... 83 Examination of deposits of cement materials ................. 83 Limestone .................................. .......... 84 Clay ....... ..... ..... .................... .... ......... 85 Shale ................................................... 87 Location of factory. 87 CHAPTER VI. MANlJFACTURE OF PORTt,AND CE11tENT ..........•... 90 Winning of lime materials . ..... ............. .. .... ....... 90 Winning of clays ............................................ 91 Haulage of raw materials to factory .......................... 93 Crushing of the raw materials ............................... 94 Drying of raw materials ..............•....................... 96 Intermediate grindJng ..... .... .... ......................... 98 Fine grinding . 101 Proportioning the raw mixture ............................... 102 Burning the mixture .......................................... 109 Grinding the clinker. 111 CHAPTER VII. CEMENT M4TERtALS OF EAS'l'ERN WASIDNGTON. • • . 112 Asotin County . 112 Topography . 112 Geology . 112 Lime Hill cement deposits ................................. 113 Table of Contents 7 CHAPTER VII. CEMENT MATERIALS OF EASTERN WASfilNGTON-Oont. Stevens County ............................................. p1Ko Topography . 120 Geology . 120 Colville Valley . 121 Springdale . 123 Valley ................................................ 123 Chewelah . 127 Blue Creek . 129 Addy ................................................. 129 Colville . 132 l\.fiU Creek . 136 Clugston Creek . 137 Stranger Creek ....................................... 139 Columbia River Valley .................................... 141 Kettle Falls . 141 :Marcus . .. 146 Evans ........................................ , . 146 Bossburg . 148 Ryan .............. .................................. 163 Northport .......... ................................. 164 Deep Creek . 159 Ferry County . 160 Orient .................................................... 160 Okanogan County ............................................. 162 Chesaw . ... 162 Riverside . 165 Havtlla . 168 Wauconda ................................................ 169 Chelan County ............ • .................................. 170 Wenatchee ................................................ 171 Chelan ................................................... 172 Spokane County ...................... ...................... 175 International Portland Cement Company ................... 175 Pend Oreille County. 179 Topography . 179 Geology . ..
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