Page 2 Thursday, June 8, 2000 The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION Franks, Corzine Are Victorious In U.S. Senate Primary Races By FRED ROSSI and MELISSA known compared to Mr. Corzine when voters chose Mr. Franks over his oppo- BETKOWSKI considering his opponent’s massive nents in Bergen, Burlington, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times broadcast media blitz, Mr. Franks said Cumberland, Hunterdon, Middlesex, KENILWORTH – An all Union voters around the state will be asking Monmouth, Morris, Somerset and County United States Senate race will what kind of a Republican he is. Union Counties. be waged this November following Emphasizing that he is “a Bob Franks Mr. Gormley won in Atlantic, Tuesday night’s victories by Congress- Republican,” the four-term congress- Camden, Cape May, Gloucester, Mer- man Bob Franks and retired Goldman man said he shared the views of several cer, Ocean, Salem and Sussex Coun- Sachs Chairman Jon Corzine. prominent Republicans. Like Gover- ties. Mr. Treffinger took Essex, Hudson Congressman Franks, speaking af- nor Christine Todd Whitman, he said and Passaic Counties. Mr. Sabrin did ter midnight to a few hundred cheering he was committed to the preservation not win a county. supporters at the Kenilworth Inn, of open space. Like former President On the Democratic side, Mr. Corzine shortly after claiming victory, fired the Ronald Reagan, he said he was a fiscal shattered the previous national record opening salvo of the coming election conservative. for spending on a campaign, which campaign against Mr. Corzine. Like retired General Colin Powell, was $30 million, spent by Republican He called himself “the candidate with Mr. Franks said he would work to en- Michael Huffington in his 1994 losing the experience and the values that sure that all children “have the same bid for the Senate from California. This money can’t buy.” opportunity to enjoy the American time, the price was right for Mr. Corzine. Unofficial tallies showed Mr. Franks dream that I had.” And he allied him- From the earliest returns in the ahead with 95,650, versus 92,130 for self with former Presidential candidate evening, just after the polls closed, Mr. Atlantic County Assemblyman Will- Senator John McCain by saying he Corzine jumped out to a commanding iam L. Gormley, 35.4-34.1 in terms of would continue to fight “for real and lead over Mr. Florio, and he never percentages. Trailing the two top vote comprehensive campaign finance re- looked back. getters was Essex County Executive form.” At approximately 10:30 p.m., Mr. James Treffinger, with 47,843, or 17.7 Mr. Franks, who served as state Re- Florio conceded defeat and announced percent, and Murray Sabrin, 34,192, or publican Party Chairman prior to win- that he was looking forward to working 12.7 percent. ning his congressional seat in 1992, with Mr. Corzine, the man he had once The enthusiasm of his Mr. Franks’ said “a Bob Franks Republican is inde- accused of trying to buy the Senate backers grew steadily throughout the pendent — of everyone except the seat, to “make sure we have a Demo- evening, from early nervousness — as people who send him to Washington.” cratic Senator in November.” Republi- Lynn Kolibaba for The Westfield Leader and The Times initial returns showed Mr. Franks trail- VICTORY?...Celebrating their apparent victory at Connelly Headquarters in Green Brook were Maryanne S. Connelly’s He briefly recounted some of his cans have not won a Senate seat in 28 campaign volunteers, left to right, Samir Qureshi, Matt Barlas, Rebecca Grandi, Steve Redlinger and Tim McHugh. ing Mr. Gormley in the Republican achievements, including welfare reform years. Primary by a nearly three-to-one mar- and helping to write “the first balanced Mr. Florio also expressed a desire to gin — to loud cheers shortly after 11 budget in a generation,” and laid out maintain civility throughout the elec- p.m. when television monitors showed some of the issues he will stress in the tion process. the race a virtual tie. fall campaign, including fighting for A Florio Campaign spokesman told Former Governor Kean Urges GOP In East Brunswick, Mr. Corzine more local control of schools, ending The Westfield Leader and The Times of vowed that investing in America will the marriage tax, and “common sense Scotch Plains-Fanwood that Mr. Florio, be the central theme of his fall cam- gun control.” “is very proud of the campaign he ran Faithful to Unite for Fall Elections paign. Mr. Corzine defeated former The Congressman, who challenged and the issues that were addressed. He Governor Jim Florio, 245,650 (58 per- Mr. Corzine to a series of 21 debates is looking forward to working with By PAUL J. PEYTON John DeSimone, county GOP waged in the Seventh District, along cent) to 178,761 (42.1 percent) in the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times Committee Secretary, told The with the U.S. Senate campaign. this fall, one in each of the state’s Corzine and the rest of New Jersey’s GARWOOD — Republicans had Democratic Senate Primary, a race into counties, said his Democratic oppo- Democratic Party for a clean sweep in Leader and The Times that Mr. “I think it is a lot easier the second which Mr. Corzine pumped $33 mil- nent was “out of touch” with the aver- November.” the opportunity to meet with Con- McDermott is a “man of his word. time around,” said Freeholder candi- lion of his own money. age citizen and said Mr. Corzine’s pro- Mr. Corzine took the stage at close to gressional and Union County candi- You can take it (his word) to the date Wally K. Shackell, Jr., former At Franks headquarters, the hotel posals “will wipe out the budget sur- 11 p.m. and told his supporters that his dates prior to the Primary election bank.” Cranford Mayor and Committeeman. ballroom erupted in loud cheers at 11:30 plus.” campaign has taken an important next May 31 at a cocktail party sponsored Mr. McDermott, in acknowledg- Mr. Shackell and running-mate Albert p.m. when Mr. Franks took a slim lead. Assemblyman Bagger referred to Mr. step. The candidate, a Summit resident by the Union County Republican ing words of thanks from the GOP Dill, a former Summit City Council- Among the well-wishers were a num- Franks as “our strongest and most ex- who has never been elected to public Committee. faithful, noted that, “Politics is a man, ran last year for the board. ber of state and local GOP luminaries, perienced candidate.” He said New office, seemed at times to be at a loss The event also served as a send off science of making government work. They are joined on the ticket this including State Senate President Jerseyans “will have to think whether it for words, but said that he felt very to Frank X. McDermott who is retir- If you didn’t have good politics, you year on the ticket by Freeholder hope- Donald T. DiFrancesco, Assemblyman is wrong that someone (Mr. Corzine) strongly about having his party’s sup- ing this year as Union County Re- wouldn’t have government.” ful Esther D. Guzman-Malcolm and Richard H. Bagger, several county Re- spend that much money in an effort to port. He remarked that he only wished publican Chairman after 11 years. In his keynote address, Former County Clerk candidate Eric Urbano. publican chairmen, Westfield Town essentially buy a seat in the United to say “thank you” to all those who Mr. McDermott was reelected to Governor Kean spoke about the im- They will face incumbent Free- Council members Janis Fried States Senate.” supported him. the post in 1998 over Anthony portance of the Republican Party holders Alexander Mirabella, Weinstein, Neil F. Sullivan and Mat- Mr. DiFrancesco told The Westfield He announced that his efforts have DiGiovanni of Union in a fiercely thew P. Albano, and Scotch Plains coming together for the November Deborah Scanlon and Chester Leader and The Times that, “It was a only just begun, and that he looks for- contested election. Members of the elections. Holmes in November. Mr. Urbano is Councilman William F. McClintock, stupendous win for Bob Franks. He ward to the opportunity to invest in county committee will elect a new Jr. He noted the main fundamentals running against County Clerk Joanne worked long and hard to get it, and he America and its future. chairman and officer slate this Tues- of the GOP: smaller government; Rajoppi. Admitting he begins the General deserves it.” Talking about Mr. Florio, Mr. Corzine day, June 13, at its convention to be Election campaign as a relative un- lower federal income taxes; a strong “I think it is a lot easier the second Looking at how the victory was won, said he respected his opponent’s “fight- held in the Westfield Town Council national defense; preservation of time around,” Mr. Shackell said of ing spirit,” and called his challenger a chambers. open space and equal opportunity for this year’s campaign. gracious competitor. Former New Jersey Governor Tho- At Florio headquarters in Cherry Hill, all Americans through strong schools. Mr. Dill said he and his running- mas H. Kean, the keynote speaker “There are a few things we dis- mates will be focusing their cam- the former governor vowed to “make for the event, noted that Mr. sure we have a Democratic Senator in agree on,’” he stated. “Why in the paigns on the size of Union County McDermott served in the state As- world do we spend so much time government, among other things.
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