- "Don't ever dare to take your . ojlege as a matter of course— SET ASIDE TIME oecause, like democracy and freedom, many people you;II FOR VOTING — never know anything about have broken their hearts to AND GET THERE I get it for "you." Seventeen New Inaugu MIT Ph ysician Seplacements In Formal Dinner To rate To Deliver College Facul ty American Heritage Collection Averill Lecture Seventeen professors and instruc- Dr. J. Howard Means, Professor tors have been added to the Colby Emeritus of the Harvard Medical faculty or are replaci ng pos itions of Dinner in Foss Dinin g Hall to Include Various School, will 'be the first *of this former faculty members. year's Averill Lecturers on October In the English department are Prominen t People from Colby and Art World 12. Colin M'acK'ay, Eugene Jellison, Dr. Means possesses the rare Joseph Yokelson, and Robert Clark. combination of 'being 'a great phy- Professor MacKay, assistant pro- sician and a man of many different fessor Of English, received his A.B. interests. He has had many years and M.A. from Brown Univ. He of experience in the medical field will receive Ms 'Ph. D. from Brown and a distinguished list of honors. in June, 1957. Previously he was His home is in Boston and his edu- an instructor at Brown from 1949- cation consisted of Harvard Uni- 52 and at Dderfield from 1953-56. versity and the Harvard Medical Mr.' Jellison,, an ins tructor in dra- School. He Was the Howard Jack- matics is a Colby graduate and a son physician - of Clinical Medicine former instructor . here in 1953-54. at Harvard Medical School, Chief He received his M.A. from UCLA, Of Medical Services at Massachu- and was assistant there in 1954-56. setts General Hospital, a consult- From 1949-50 he was Community ant 'at many medical schools in Theatre Director of the Knox The- Japan , Europe and South America, atre Guild. a Medical Corps man in World War " . Mr. Yokelson, instructor in Eng- I, and President 'of the As .eolation lis h, received his A.B. at Brooklyn of U. S. Physicians. At the mo- College and is now candidate for his ment he is on the sltlaff of MIT. Ph. D. at Brown where he also re- Besides his work in medicine, Dr. ceived his M. A. From 1945-47 he Means,.'has written many books fc one served in .the U. S. Army, followed of which concerns the subject of by six years, 1950-56,.. as instructor socialized medicine. On this con- at Brown. Mr. Clarke, instructor troversial subject he has taken a in English, is beginning his teach- 'stand for socialized medicine and ing career here. He received his •his lecture may be on this topic. A. B. from 'University of Connecti- Beyond the writing of book's, he has cut and his M. A. from Boston Uni- 'found the time to make frequent versity. contributions to medical journals. In the Department of Modern His writings 'have shown him to be Languages are Emily Brady, assist- particularly ' interested in liberal ant processor in Spanish, and Chris- .arts education as preparation for topher Kendris, instructor"""-'lii work in tlie" professions. French.. Professor Brady received On Thursday evening, October both A.B. and M.A. from the Uni- 11, Dr. Means will meet "with the versity of Syracuse. She also holds Mr. and Mrs. Jeite, donors of the. American Heritage -Art Collection, examine examples of scrimshaw, pre-imed'ical studten'ts at the home certificates from the universities of which is the art of makirigXpictures.,on a sperm whale' s teeth or lower jawbone or of carving useful df Dr. Bixler. His lecture prom- Havana, 'Chile, and Brazil. Her ises to be of great value for every one of the pictures in the collection. teaching career includes instructor or decorative objects from them. In the background is student at Colby whether he is a ¦¦ ¦ at Utica College, 1946-47, Universi- ' . ' • / • ' photo by Longley Studio medical student or not. ty of Santiago, 1948-50, Columbia, The American Heritage Collection will be officially unveiled at a Continued on Page 'Eight f ormal dinner^to be held in the Foss Hall Dining Room Wednesday Law School Exams evening, October 10. President Bixler will preside at the dinner. Goodbye God? Reli gious Telecast Speakers will include Mr. Neil Leonard, Chairman of the Board of Given in November Trustees, who will deliver the formal acceptance speech ; Mr. John Todrank 's Topic Byard , and Mrs. Nina Fletcher Lttle, who will speak about the The Law School Admission Test Sunda y by Bixler required Of applicants for admission Professor Gustlave Todrank, a new To television watchers: there's a collection. Guests 'at the dinner member of the religion department to 'a number of leading American program Sunday that you will include trustees, representatives Colby, will speak Sunday at 7 "this. R0TC Phil osoph Law Schools, will be given at more 'at should make a point to s«e. of the 'faculty, _he- President and y The tih'an 100 centers throughout the P.M. in Lorimer Chapel. He will be time is 1 :30 t'o 2 :00 P.M. , the sta- Vice President of the Student Gov- 'the guest of Student Christian : United States' on 'the mornings of 'the tions are WMTW (Channel 8) and ernment, !frien'ds of the college, Course Instituted A'ssooi'atlion. Dr. Todrank' Nov. 10, 1956, Feb. 16, May 4, and s topic, WA'BI (Channel 5). The subject : members Of Itihe college administra- "With this now philosophy course "Can We Really Say August 10, 1957. During 1955-56 Goodbye, '"¦Faiths Of Other Lands." The tion, and many prominent figures we shall have more and more "phil- God?" ought to prompt a rigorous over ll jOOOO 'applicants took 'this man lecturing, Dr. J. Seelye Bixler.. in the „r_ world. osophizing" on the campus than discussion. test, and their scores were sent to Dr. Bixl'er began this series of The ®tuden't)s and 'faculty members over bdfore and shall be that, much over 100 law schools. Tomorrow, Saturday, a. group of programs Sept. 9 and th'ey will con- will have It/heir ifirst opportunity to ndarer our goal of a liberal educa- 15 students will leave the Women's tinue until December 16. The sub- view 'the collection at a special tion with philosophy as its core and A candidate must make soparato Union at 2 :30 to go to tho Fairfield jects of the lectures range from the showing to bo held Thursday eve- center. '' :' With I 'flhi s. grtvftifyirig application for admission to each Center SCethodis. Church. Thoy religions of early m'an' •'through ning, October 11, from sovon to statement Dr. Bixler showed- that law school of his choice and should will wash windows and scrub walls those of Egypt, Greece, Home, In- oighlt P.M. Mrs, Little will bo oh he has been a primary force behind inquire of each whether it wishes in order to m'ako the rural church him to take dia, China, Japan, Persia, and Ara- hand to talk further about the col- the 'intrdduc'bi'on df the new Air 'the Law School Admis- a more pleasant pl'aco to worship. bia. To illustrate, his (talks', -Dr. lection. Refreshments will he serv- Science Philosophy course. This sion Test 'and when, Since many This activity should be an excellent Bixlor uses slides and articles of ed. The 'first public viewing will course, compulsory for 'all sopho- law schools select their freshmen opportunity to liavo fun while work- classes in the spring preceding religious significance, Besides be- bo hold from dighlt lto nine Thursday mores 'taking AFROTC is identical ing for 'a good Oauso. thoir entrance, candidates 'for admis- ing of great interest to 'the casual evening. The Collection will subse- wi th the regular sophomore course If more than 15 report for action, observer, 'bho programs aro designed quently be on permanent display in in philosophy. Therefore, all Col- sion to noxt year's classes aro ad- a projodt to work on the outdoor vised ordinarily to take either tho for a definite purpose. They can tho lounges of Foss. and Woodman by males will have philosophy dur- dh'apol will bo organised . November or the February if be used by some toward academic Halls. ing their four years on Mayflower 'test, Last Sunday more than 80 stu- possible, credit. Mrs, Little of Bnyoklino, Mass., Hill. dents attended tho SCA picnic at Teachers in Maine, ' New Hamp- is Consultant. i(;6 tho Abby Aldrich Dr. Bixlor continued : v"For somo Tho Law School Admission Tost, China Lake. Tho combination of shire and Yovmont oan uso this pro- Rockefeller Folk Art Collection in timo, wo have boon so'ru'fciniaing our prepared and administered , by Edu- excellent wdnJUhor, a beauti ful spot, gram as a course, giving them two Williamsburg, . Va. She has writ- Air Force ROTC program. Here at cational Tostling Service, 'feature an envig-rating swim, softball, vol- •credits toward oorM'fioation . Each ton nummorous articles on wrdhitoc- Colby wo have persistently hold 'that objective questions measuring ver- leyball, good food , and a vesper ser- wook thoy am soht a sot of ques- turial, ¦af t and antiquarian subjects a collogo must train its students bal apti'tudes and reasoning abili- vice proved a grand beginning for tions, which they answer with tho for ANTIQUES 'magaKino. In addi- for n'ow "siibu'nJtiiOns and tho specific ty . rnit/lVer than acquired informa- tho year.
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