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IOWA FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1945 .... AaIOOIUSD .... VOLUME m NUMBER 258 tt ee to orm ew ritis inet PETAIN PROSECUTOR Jlpan , ~s . ~Ieet II Big Three Issue Surrender Ulti~alum to Jap~ Ilwo Big len Labor Victory I I I * * * * * * POTSDAM (AP)-The United tinguished from control of, "'W Paralyzed States, Britain and China de­ materials shall be permitlM. Schools Limit' Ousts 'Winnie' manded last night that Japan Eventual Japanese participation "proclaim now the unconditional in world trade relations shall be surrender of aU Japanese armed permitted. for Invasion torces" or undergo "prompt and "The occupying forces of the Registrations With 2·1 Vote utter destruction." allies shall be withdrawn from In an historic joint ultimatum, Japan as soon as these objectives 24 Wanhips Hit President Truman, Generalissimo have been accomplished and there Restrid Entrance Election Swings Chiang Kai-Shek and retiring has been established in accordance Policies to Left In Week of Allied Prime Minister Churchill asserted with the freely-expressed will of Of Women Students Air Strikes at Honshu they "have conferred and agreed the Japanese people a peacefully From Out-of-State On Domestic Front that Japan shall be given the op- inclined and responsible govern- GUAM (AP)-Japan's fie t portunity to end this war." ment." Two Big Ten universities­ LONDON (AP)-Britain 's lay paraJyzed today powerless Clearly stating "our terms" Illinois and Ohio-are restricting Labor party, advocating a so­ under such surrender, the procla- the registration ot out-of-state cialist program for national re­ 10 defend the homelond should mation declared" we will not de- women students beca.use of drastic con s t rut ion, tunningly invasion come soon with 24 ot viate from them. There are no 300 Bombers Set housing shortages. dereatd Prime Minister her best remaining warships alternatives: we shaU brook no The Associated Press in Chi­ ChurchiU's COllservati ve regime delay." cago said last night that housing yesterday, and King George VI damaged or imbedded in the Complete De tructlon Fires in Shanghai facilities at those two schools had IRst night commi ion d Labor mud of Honshu naval bases. "The fuli application of our been reduced to the point where Leader Clement R. Attlee to OnJy the fogs that .rolled in miL:ttary powcr will mean the in- MacArthur's Forces out-of-state women are being ad~ Wednesday, a day aHer' the evitable and complete destruction milted only II they can meet cer­ form 8 new government. first desolating strike by more of the Japanese armed forces and Return to Smash tain qualifications. Churchill, doughty war leader than 1,250 United States and the utter devastation of the Japa- Jap Homeland Unlike the University of Iowa, from Brilain's darke t hour to British carrier planes, saved the nese homeland." Illinois and Ohio are absolutely (inal victory in Europ, had closing their registration books, 'Presented his resignation to the f The terms dcmanded: MANILA (AP)- More than 300 enemy rom another crushing Limiting Japanese sovereignty far east airforce bombers smashed according to The Associated Press. King at Buckingham palace just blow such as Tuesday's, which to the foul' major Japanese home Shanghai's airdromes Wednesday, Reou. In Private Homes a few minutes earlier. damaged three battleships, six )slands "and such minor islands setting raging fires whilc other Iowa is not issuing room alloca­ Churchill's Conservative nalionaJ. alrcrart carriers and five cruisers. I as we determine--carrying out units of General MacArthur's air~ tions in university dormitories, Clement R. AUlee «overnment was swept out 01 Presumably, bad wellther still ANDRE MORNET, above one of I the Cairo declaration forces returned to the attack on but Is Informing out - of- state power by a more than 2-to-l vote. helcl ~he carrier planes aboard I France's ablest criminal Ia.wyers, Elimination o[ Japanese lead­ Japan. women that they can register The LaborUes won & clear-cat lIIelr _ther ships. Adm 1 r a I is the prosecutor in tbe case of ers who embarked on world con­ Japan's hoarded fighter planes with the possibility that they can At a Glance- majority of the new 640-member NimJtl' communique today, Issued llgee) Marshal Oenri Philippe Pe- quest, and destruction of Japanese came out of hiding for the first find rooms in private homes. While House Curbs house of commons. aboat an bour earUer than usual, taln. one-time Vichy chief of state war-making power. time in weeks and intercepted Illinois reported a shortage of To the world at large, this elec­ deal~ IGlely wHh small land-based who Is on trial for his life on ae­ . To Occupy JaPlin Liberators as they swept in over 325 rooms for women. lion meant no change in Britain's aerial strikes. cusatlons 01 Intelligence with the Unauthorized Trips "Points in Japanese territorY to northern Kyushu where the im­ Out-of-state women students, policies for carrying through the enemy and ploUing against the who have not previously attended Today's war against Japan and building However, there still was no in­ portant air center of Tsuiki was security of France. Mornet gained be designated by the allies shall dicaUon that Admiral Halsey had left wrapped in flames and rocked Illinois, are not being admitted Abroad by Officials the peace of Europe. These were fame during World War I when be occupied" until a new order of withdrawn his fleet f['Om Japanese by repeated explosions. to the university for the 1945- not at issue. he obtained the conviction of Mata "peace, security and justice" shaU waters. Certain it was that ships The attack on Shanghai's net­ 46 academic year unless: I WASHINGTON (AP) - The But it did swing Britain defin­ Olltl. glamorous Spy who was ex­ be established. lowan- of his Third fleet plowed the far work of airfields was the fourth 1. A permit to enter was issued While House put a damper yester­ itely left domestically, and It ecuted. "We do not intend that the Ja­ western Pacific close to the enemy panese shall be ensia ved as a race heavy raid in a week on that base prior to July I, 1945. day on "junket" plans of many swept Crom the world stage and from the councils of the Big Three homeland, ready to let fly with or destroyed as a nation," the pro­ of Japan's waning air power on 2. At least one of their parents Clement Attlee* * directed * to form mombers of congress who had another man-made typhoon of * * * clamation asserted, "but stern the Asiatic mainland. is an alumnus of the university. hot>ed to spend the congressional lhe ebullient Churchill-Britain's new British government aeter great leader during the European bombs, rockets, torpedoes and bul­ justice shall be meted out to all Japs Cha.lIenge Raid 3. They plan to live with rela­ overwhelming Labor victory in recess louring the world. In cffect the President said stay war. iets when weather permits. 'Pelain Plots ' war criminals, inclUding those In the attempt to check the raid tives in Champaign-Urbana who election. In 15 day. of relentless slugging, who have visited cruelties upon on the home island of Kyushu, at do not regularly rent rooms to stu­ home or pay your own expenses Into his place stepped small, bald soft-spoken Atlee, leader of Admiral NImUz' n a val forces our prisoners." least seven Japanese fighters out dents. Japan's neet powerle!t) to meet unless the trip has formal approval lhe Labor party and the apparent ...,h Tuesday had sunk or dam­ Japanese military forces, after o[ 30 that rose to challenge were 4. Such applicants have been invasion. of congress . An estimat d 100 hmlSe mem­ ptemillr-Ji~iinate. lied 620 Jllpanese ships-warships For Control' being dis.!r m~d, "shall _be perl shot down. A,.!l ~i.8.h!h PTobllhly awarded a scbolarship or fellow­ Churchill escaped personal de­ 1M _ballt vessels - and de­ miT.tea 0 return to t eil' homes was destroy d. ship by recognized agencies to aid bers had arranged oIricial and un­ University of illinois, University o!flcial foreign tours b tween now feat, beln« re~urned to a commons .froyed /If dalll4Ked 778 planes. with the opportunity to lead The Liberators, losing one plane, them in obtaining a higher educa­ of Ohio restrict registration of Witness Testifies peaceful and productive Jives," bored in doggedly over the criss­ tion. and the re-opening of congress on seat from which he will lead the Results of Wednesday's Inter­ out-of-state women students.
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