82!5 • F:5 C/ JAN6-19 I 0 Est"'b lis l~ect in. l B 3 G. CoLLINS & Co.. HARTFORD, CONN., .ft6lF FORGERS OF IRON AND STEEL FOR HALF A CENTURY ! ~ 'lfANUF'i\CTURERS OF AXES AND EDGE TOOLS, Q.ledges and Mining Too ls, WreiJGhes, Cast Cast­ ' 0 low~, Gang Plo ws, Implements, &. o. _ ~ exact to sample and consumers instructi<m >' -~n:;rr\ilth tidclitr 1 :(~rtl~ ~~ for nvtdllltir!j itt 1fro•t. llllll .f$;tr...t fo•· all ~(nrlu~frh~!i !iolidfrrl. I Plensr• f'XrtmiJu• our la1'f!P e.J.·hibit on ll~rn· e of' ]}fain Building at __,V, 67, wlie1•e Ol'C ;;1w wu .~JH' f'illl e lls of' 0111' wor·lc ets Fo1'yn·s nncl Polis1u: r.~ of l1·on and S teel. NONE OF :l'llE S PEUIJJIEN,o.; ARE 1-'LATED. Attentiun is ab11 called to our Plow Exhibit at ~- Z+ Agri­ cultural Hall. as well as our Eshibit of processes in Steel manufacture and Tool Forging at Gm·ernment Building. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Address all order!i and inquiries tn COLLIN'S cfC. 00-~ 212 WATER STREET, NEW YORK, U.S. A. • PHILADELPHIA. CONNECTICUT ~ uitlt-¢atalogut, Published under tlze sanction o.f the B oard o.f i1Ianagers o.f the Stale o.f Comzectzi:ut, ~ T_ R__ F IO:K::EFtiN""G, AGENT OF THE BOARD. PORTLAND, CONN. _,M-IDDLETOWN, poNN. 1 J'ELTON Bj _}{ING1 j>TEA.M }3ooK AND JoB J'l\!NTEI\._S. 18]6. b • ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEAR 1876, BY T. R. PICKERING, IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON. CONNECTICUT CE:JTE:JNIAL Bo \RD or M \NAGERS. )!DIBERS EX-OFFICIO. CnAs. R. I)IGERSOLL, Gouenw1· of Connecticut, N ew Hnveu. JosEPH R. HAwLEY, u.s. c. a:nnmissione1·, Hartforcl w~r. P. BLARE, u. s. C., Allemate, New Hnve u. HoN. CHAS. R. L'IGERSOLL, President. NATHA)IIEL "WHEELER, Vice-Pt·esidenf. BuRDETT LooMIS, - Vice-President. JoHN E. EARLE, Tteasw·e1·. WM. P. BLAKE, - Secretw·y. NATHANIEL "WHEELER, Bridgeport. FREDERICK J. Kn<GSBURY, Waterbury. EBENEZER LEAJt)IED, Norwich. THO:\IA.S s. )1ARLOR, Brooklyn. LDLL'I W. CoE, Wolcottv:ille. BURDETT J.JOOMIS, Hartforcl J OH)I E. EillLE, New Haveu. THos. R. PICKERING, Portlnucl, Agent of the Bow·cl. Bttilding Committe •. J OHN E. EARLE, New Haven, BvRDETT L oo11rrs, Hartford. lif 0 ' <t; ( v ~ ~ i 0 \ ~~)\ ~0 ~ \_ ,}\ ~ ~ ;:J ~ 0 ill 1-1 ~ ~ ~ 0 li1 ill z s z Ul ' 1 0 0 li1 ::c ~ H. D. BROWN, Architect, ·New Haven. ALoNzo E.>.STOK, Builder, Hartford. c--..--- ~~---- -- )~ ~ f! ~ ~ Oitlttdt ( ltt ~.(ltfttg ~. The Board of Managers of the State of Connecticut desiring to place every faci lity in their power in the way of exhibitors, after careful consideration of the subject and notwithstanding the small appropriation at their command, decided to devote nearly one-third of the sum to the erection and fitting up of this cottage or building-, which is especially designee\ for the use and convenience of Connecticut Exhibitors and Yisitors during the exhibition season. This was the first State building completed on the grounds; its dimensions are thirty feet front by forty feet deep, with a wing or ex­ tension ten feet by twelve feet, a piazza ten feet by twenty feet, and a good sized old-fashioned porch leading into the main room, which is twenty-two feet by thirty feet, with a ceiling about seventeen feet high ; three sides of this room are orna­ mented with a gallery. Leading from this main or reception room is a ladies' parlor and toilet room, a gentlemen's toilet room, a cloak, coat, hat and parcel room, and a private room and office for the managers and their agent. The inside wood work of this building consists chieAy of smoke-stained wood. and in the main room is a peculiar, old style fire-place and mantel. It has a shelf half a yard wide, at a height of about five feet from the Aoor, and about two feet abo\·e this first shelf is a second and narrower one, supported by two compound brackets resting on the lower one. Between the fire-place and the wood work are side pieces and a head piece of Connecticut brown stone. This stone work is surrounded by glazed Earthen Tiles which were made in New Ha,·en especially for this purpose. The middle portion of the outside of the building is co,·ered with scallop-fashioned shingles, the upper portion lathed and plastered, and the lower part weather­ boarded. In the reception room, a book will be kept for Con­ necticut people to register their names in. This building will be found a great convenience to our people-it will be a ren­ dezvous for social gatherings or meetings. A file of Connec­ ticut papers will be kept there, and a bulletin of information, where items of interest to visitors and exhibitors, will be posted; a place where parcels or articles of clothing, or purchases may be left or sent to for safe keeping ; a Post office to which cor­ respondence for exhibitors or visitors may be sent. In fact this cottage shall be, as far as is possible to make it a place where 1"' Connecticut people will feel at home. Tickets, entitling the holder to the priYileges of the Cottage, may be obtained from any member of the Uoard of :\Ianagers. ARTICLES LOXXED OR PROriDED, FREE OF CHARGE, FOR CSE IX TilE CONNECTICUT COTTAGE. Carpet for Ladies' Room, Hrntfonl Carpet Company, Hartford. Sofa-Bedstead, and Reclining Chair, Seidler and May, Hartford. Dressing Case for Ladies' Room, The Furniture l'llf'g. Co., Bridgeport. Gus Fixtures, Bradley & Hubbard ::Uanufacturing Co., West Meriden. Water Cooler, for Ladies' Room, Middletown Plate Co., Middletown. Plated "\Vnre, copy of Elder Brewster's, ":\lay Flower," Tea Set, Meriden Britannia Co., West Meriden. Plate Table Ware, - Hall, Elton & Co., Wallingford. Brass Fender, Andirons, ShoYel nnd Tongs and Mahogany Side Board, 1\Irs. Alfred Hall, Portland. Reading Table, Cnrdand Bouquet Holder, Work Table, Glass and China, - Mrs. T. R Pickering, Portland. r Oil Painting of General Putnam, -- H. L Thomson, Hartford. Game Birds of Connecticut, mounted expre~sly for the Cottage, John H. Sage, Portlautl. A Connecticut Eagle, W. W. Coe, Portland. The "Queen's Arm," with \Yhirh Gen. Putnam shot the Wolf, George F. Tyler. Eight-Day Clock nncl Spinning Wheel, }Irs. S. J. Cowen, Hartford. Settle, made in 176\J. Mrs. 0. H. Whitmore, Hartford. Lounge, ancl Rocker for Ladies' Room, Ladies of ew Haven. Pinno, - 1\Iathushek Piano ::\Innufacturing Co., New Haven. "Cymbell1t," Cabinet, Org~tn, -- Shoninger Organ Co., New H~tven. E1nthen-Ware Tiles for Fire-place, American Enamel and Decorating Co., New Haven. Connecticut Register, for use of Connecticut visitors and friends, made expressly for the Cottage, and presented by The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., Hartford. ·water Cooler, for main room, Jo ·eph Scheider & Co., Portland. Bird Cnges, - Hendryx & Bartholomew, Ansonia. Paper nnd Envelopes, printed with cut of Cottage, Plimpton Mnnufi•cturing Co., Hartford. Nickel Plated Coffee Urn, Manning Bowman & Co., W. Meriden. Lawn l\Iower, Hill's Archimedean Lawn Mower Co., Hartford. Bwnze Ornaments, Ed. l\Iiller & Co., W. Meriden. Well Sm'ep, nnd ''Old Oaken Bucket,., Harley Case, Portland. -, .Sundry Articles made of the ·wood of the "Charter Oak" Tree, John II. Most, Old Saybrook. I ALPHABETICAL LIST -OF- CONNECTIC UT EXHIBITORS. AMERICA r ENAMEL & DECORATING CO., 3205 . NEW HAVEN . Decorated Enamel Tiles. Fire Place of the Connectimt Cottage. AMERICAN SHOVEL CO., 3876. BIRMINGHAM. Steel Shm·els. fifain, P. 68. AMERICAN HOSIERY CO., 5239. NEW BRITA!:\'. Knit Goods of Wool, Merino, and Cotton. Jlfai11, F. 68. AMERICAN SUSPENDER CO., 5824. \VATERBURY. Suspenders and Webbing. Main, F. 68. ANSONIA BRASS & COPPER CO., 3986. ANSONIA. Clocks, Sheet Metal, \Vire, Brass and Copper goods and Kettles. llfain, T. 54, and N 57· ARMSTRO G, F. 6or2. BRIDGEPORT. Metallic Ventilated Garters and Elastics, Drill Chucks and Lathe Dogs. fifain, F. 72 and ;}[achinery C. 29. 8 CONNECTICUT GUIDE-CATALOGUE. ATWOOD & RICHMOND, 5439· BROOKLYN. Silk Machine Twist, all colors. Main, H. 77· AUTOMATIC BOOK SEWI "G MACHI E CO., 386o. MILFORD. Book and Pamphlet Wire-Stitching, and Magnetic Lasting Machines. Machinery, F. 33, AMERICA! 'EEDLE & FISH HOOK CO., 5175. NEW HAVEN. Withdrawn. BAILEY, L. & CO., 4819. HARTFORD. Planes and other Bench Tools. 11-:fain, 1\~ 68. BARTON, W. E., 8628. EAST HA~IPTON. Sleigh, and other Bells. Jl-fain, 1\~ ]I. BARNUM, RICHARDSON & CO., 3514. LDIE ROCK. Chilled Iron Car \Vheels, Charcoal Pig Iron and Iron Ores. ,lfacltinery, E. 7 I-72. BELDING BROS. & CO., 69. ROCKVILLE. Cocoons, Raw Silk, Silk Twist, Sewing, Embroidery and Saddler's Silk. Main, H. 76. BENEDICT & BURNHAM MF'G CO., 2481. WATERBURY. Sheet Brass, German Sih·er, Brass Tubing, \Vire and Rods, Lamp Burners, &c. ,lfai1z, T. 6I. BEARDSLEY SCYTHE CO., 5377. WEST WINSTED. Scythes. Agricultural, T. 25. ------- BEVIN BROS., MF'G CO., z6h EA T HA:IIPTO:-<. Hand, Table, Sleigh, and other Bells. Jlfain, N 72. CONNECTICl'T Gl'IDE-CATALOGL'F.. 9 BILLINGS & SPENCER CO., THE, 1835. HARTFORD. Breech-loading Fire Arms, Drop Forgings, Small Tools, and Sewing Machine Shuttles. llfain H 72, and Macltinery, Transept, near Corliss Engine. BIGELOW & CO., H. B., 4402. NEW HAVEN. Portable and Stationary Engines. llfacltinery, D. 70-7 r. BLAKE CRUSHER CO., 203. NEW HAVEN. Stone and Ore Crusher. Macltinery, A. 83. BLAKE BROS., HARDWARE CO., 4127. NEW HAVEN. Builders, Cabinet Makers, and Carriage Maker's Hardware. Main, P. 69. BLANCHARD & LIPPITT, 5240.
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