... JULY 7, 1972 25 CENTS A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE .Labor peace as demands= OUT· "• ... -.::. " Militant/Fred Holstead 1200 delegates and observers attended largest labor ~antiwar confer:ence -page 11 ." .U.S .. bombing· raids · hit. .North -Vietnamese dikes -page 3 - British workers victim of £ devaluation/ 4 How to defeat anti-abortion forces/13 ··. 35,000 constru~tion ·workers march/ 24. · ·THIS .WEEK'S .. MEXICAN PRESIDENT' GREETED BY PICKETS: Pres­ months in a military prison. On June 11 he went on ident Luis Echeverria of Mexico was met by protest dem­ trial before a military tribunal on charges of evading MILITANT onstrations demanding freedom for political prisoners in the draft. Neuman, a member of the Israeli Socialist Or~ 3 ·U.S. bombs steel mill, Mexico on June 18 and 19 in San Antonio and Los An- ganization, has been singled out from among the thou­ geles. ' sands of young Israelis who avoid military service for dikes Echeverria served as secretary of state during the Diaz religious or personal reasons because of his unwilling­ 4 British pound devalued Ordaz regime, when hundreds of students. were gunned ness to serve in an army of occupation and "to par­ 5 7,000 in. N.Y. gay pride down by police and soldiers in Mexico City in 1968. ticipate in the oppression of another nation." action He was president during the June 10, 1971, massacre A petition on Neuman's behalf will appear as an ad­ 8U. N. environment con­ of students by right-wing gangs. Many Mexican student vertisement in the Jerusalem Post. It is being circulated activists are still in prison, along, with trade unionists, ference in the U.S. by the Committee on New Altematives in writers, and others who have opposed the Mexican gov­ the Middle East, 339 Lafayette St., New York, N.Y. Wallace: no friend of 9 ernment. 10012. Telephone: (212) 475-4300. working people The San Antonio demonstration drew about 150 people, 10 Debate on Chile: How mostly Chicanos. It was called by the Committee to Free · CITY OFFICIALS TESTIFY IN MJ\.YE TRIAL: The to achieve socialism All Political Prisoners and was joined by supporters of trial of Michael Maye, president of the New York Uni­ 11 Unionists demand Out the U.S. Committee for Justice to Latin American Po­ formed Firefighters Association, on charges of beating litical Prisoners (US LA). In Los Angeles, 2 00 people Morty Manfor<;l of the Gay Activists Alliance began June Now! turned out, also mainly Chicanos, in a protest called 23. 12 Irish republicans on by CASA-Hermandad General de Trabajadores and joined Among those who have testified that they saw Maye red-baiting by USLA supporters. assault Manford are: John P. Scanlon, assistant admin­ 13 How to defeat anti­ istrator of the Economic Development Administration; Je­ abortion forces rome Kretchmer, New York City Environmental Protec­ 14 Pulley in Seattle, Port­ tion administrator; Leonard N. Cohe~ deputy borough president of Manhattan; and Mark Steinberg, a former land aide to Mayor Lindsay. 15 SWP ballot drive m~ves · .·ahead VFW OUT TO SAVE DEMOCRACY AGAIN: A Veterans 16 Chicano socialists an­ of Foreign Wars convention meeting in Minneapolis has swer red-baiting announced that "The advocacy of the homosexual group is repugnant to the best interests of society.... it should 17 Language struggle in be condemned and checked in every way possible as Quebec dangerous to the morals and. well-being of the nation." 18 Meany on strikes and Furthermore, "the advocacy of homosexuality could help Vietnam to undermine our 1lemocracy." , 1'9 YSA recognition fight The June 7 issue of Tlie Advocate reports that this in Fla. San Antonio picket line greeted Echeverria with reactionary resolution on homosexuality was prepared and introduce.d by the Reverend Joseph B. Head. The Carlos Feliciano ac­ shouts of "Libertad," "Chicano Power," and "Free 21 last time the good reverend headed a fight for democracy the Prisoners." quitted was when he tried to get the.1969 convention of the Young 24 35,000 construction work­ Socialist Alliance banned from the University of Minne­ JUDGE SET TO RAILROAD RUCHELL MAGEE: Judge sota campus. ers march in Po. Morton R. Colvin of San Francisco has been appointed to preside over the trial of RucheU Magee for murder, GRADUATION 1972: Although graduation ceremonies 2 In Brief kidnapping, and conspiracy. The trial will be held in this year were calmer than S()me in the past, signs of 6 In Our Opi~ion . San Francisco. radicalism were not lacking. At Columbia University, Letters At a recent pretrial hearing, Militant correspondent Michc Dr. William J. McGill, the school's president, called the ael Schreiber reports, Colvin announced he will not allow' 1 war in Vietnam "a cancer" and said ''our involvement f. 7 The Great Society Magee to defend himself in court. Magee had previously in the war must cease immediately." Several hundred The Militant gets around been granted the right to act as co-counsel by Judge· Leon- . 8 By ·Any Means Necessary Columbia and Barnard students marched in protest of ard Ginsburg, who presided over pretrial. hearings in the war. '' 10 Women: The Insurgent Marin Co\inty before ordering the trial moved to San Students at the State University of New York at Al­ Majority · Francisco. Judge Colvin insisted that according to his bany devoted their 1972 yearbook to such topics as the 14 72 Socialist Campaign own "interpretation"·· o( the. Marin County transcripts, war in Vietnam, gay liberation, women's liberation, and Ginsburg never made the ruling on co-counsel! 20·1n Review the Black struggle. Repeated throughout the 46 pages Magee requested that he be granted an interview with 21 The National Picket Line of smiling seniors at the end of the book is the picture the press to counter continuing prejudicial publicity. Judge of the severed head of a young Vietnamese revolutionary. Colvin responded that he would keep Magee from speak­ WORLD OUTLOOK ing to reporters by reimposing the "MacGuire gag rule." 1 New Zealand socialists Magee pointed out, however, that the gag rule had be­ . fight exclusion from come legally void when Judge E. Warren MacGuire was successfully removed for cause last December. Magee said Labour Party he will prepare a brief to challenge Judge Colvin for 2 Interview with Peng Shu­ prejudice at a later hearing. tse on 'Great Cultural Revolution' NEW JERSEY PRISONERS IN PROTEST: The New 3 New information on York Tinles reported June 26• that 520 of the 820 pris­ oners at Rahway, N.J., have begun a work stoppage frame-up of Bukovsky aimed at gaining reforms in the parole system. While 4 C.atastrophe could result admitting that the protest. has been peaceful, prison of­ from bombing of dikes ficials let it be known that "the work stoppage was be­ ing studied in the light of potential penalties. .." Mili A suit on behalf of all inmates in Lewisburg Federal Commencement at Columbia University Penitentiary in Pennsylvania, accusing prison adminis­ trators of meting out illegal and improper punishment in connection with a similar work stoppage there last AMA SHIFTS STAND ON MARIJUANA: The conser­ THE MILITANT February, was dismissed by a federal judge on June 26. v.ative American Medical Association substantially soft­ VOLUME 36/NUMBER 26 The American Civil Liberties Union has announced that ened its position on marijuana on June 20. Although JULY7, 1972 it will appeal the decision. stopping short of the demand for legalization, the AMA CLOSING NEWS DATE_..:JUNE 28, 1972 took a stand similar to that of the National Commis­ THEY GIVETH WITH ONE HAND AND TAKETH sion on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, calling for an end· Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS . to felony charges for the possession of small amounts Mol'!ogi11g Editor: DOUG JENNESS. AWAY WITH THE OTHER: The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that students have the right to organize po­ of marijuana. The AMA resolution stated, "there is no Business Manager: SHARON CABANISS evidence supporting the idea that marijuana leads to vio­ Southwest Bureau: HARRY RI.NG litical' groups on state college and university campuses even if their philosophy is considered "abhorrent" by lence, aggressive behavior or crime." Published weekly by The Militol'!t Publishl11g Ass' n., state officials. The June 2 6 ,ruling stemmed from a suit 14 Charles Lone, New York, N.Y. 10014. Phone: Edito­ filed against Connecticut Central State College by Stu­ MARIJUANA REFERENDUM TO BE ON· CALIFOR­ rial Office (212) 243-6392; Business Office (212) 929- dents for a Democratic Society (SDS). The college had NIA BALLOT: A June 27 Associated Press dispatch from. 3486. Sacramento reports: "An initiative to legalize the private Southwest Bureau: 11071/2 N. Western Ave., Los ·refused to grant SDS a charter as a campus organiza­ tion. use of marijuana has qualified for the November bal· Angeles, Calif. 90029. Phone: (213) 463-1917. lot, the Secretary of State's office said today." Second-doss postage paid ot New York, N.Y. Sub­ Meanwhile, in a 5-to-4 decision, the Court also ruled scription: Domestic, $6 a year; foreign, $9. By first-doss that owners of large shopping malls have the right to moil: domestic and Conodo, $26; all other countries, bar political leafletting on their property, despite the fact THE MILITANT GETS REPRINTED: The May issue $42. Air printe.d molter: domestic ond Canada, $33; that such malls serve as public facilities. of Tumbril, a newspaper published in Providence, R. I., Latin America and Europe, $40; Africa, Australia, Asia . ran on its front page an article by Dick Roberts on Nix­ (including USSR), $50.
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