Author Index A Brahe, Tycho, 65 Abegg, Richard, 118 Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard, 113 Alexander the Great, 32 Butlerov, Aleksandr Mihajlovič, 89 Alkindus, al-Sabah, 40 Al-Ihmimi, 40 C Al-Razi, Abu Bekr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya, Cannizzaro, Stanislao, 111 42 Carnap, Rudolf, 10 Al-Sabah, Abu Jusuf Jakub ibn Ishak, Cartesius, René Descartes, 48 Alkindus, 40 Carus, Titus, Lucretius, 27 Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, 24 Cavendish, Henry, 59 Anaximander of Miletus, 21 Cimabue (painter), 25 Anaximenes of Miletus, 21 Cleopatra of Alexandria, 35 Angelico, Beato, Fra. Angelico, 25, 26 Comarius, 33 Aquinas, St. Thomas, 25, 43 Comenius, Jan Amoš Komenski, 52 Aristotle of Stagira, 22 Comte, Auguste, 10 Arrhenius, Svante August, 109 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 11 Averroes, Ibn-Ružd, 40 Cosimo il Vecchio, 48 Avicena, Ibn-Sina, 40 Couper, Archibald Scott, 89 Avogadro, Amedeo, 111 Cram, Donald James, 133 Crum Brown, Alexander, 90 B Bacon, Roger, Doctor Mirabilis, 43 D Balaban, Alexandru, 114 Dalton, John, 74 Bayen, Pierre, 57 Davy, Humphry, 85 Bellosztenecz, Ivan, 27 Democritus of Abdera, 24 Berthollet, Claude Louis, 69, 75 de Morveau, Louis-Bernard Guyton, 69 Berzelius, Jöns Jacob, 28, 81 Descartes, René, Cartesius, 48 Biot, Jean Baptist, 105 Döbereiner, Johan, 97 Black, Joseph, 59 Doctor Mirabilis, Roger Bacon, 43 Boerhaave, Hermann, 49 Duhem, Pierre, 11, 12 Bohr, Niels, 118 Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre, 85 Bolus of Mendes, 35 Born, Max, 108 E Bošković, Rugjer Josip, 50 Eco, Umberto, 41 Boyle, Robert, 53, 60 Empedocles of Akragas (Agrigento), 21 Bragg, Sir William Henry, 114 Epicurus of Samos, 26 Bragg, Sir William Lawrence, 114 Euler, Leonhard, 103 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer 143 Nature Switzerland AG 2021 H. Vančik, Philosophy of Chemistry, Integrated Science 2, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69224-7 144 Author Index F Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 49, 66 Faraday, Michael, 113 Lapworth, Arthur, 128 Ficino, Marsilio, 27, 42 Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 13, 57, 64 Fourcroy, Antoine François, 69, 82 LeBel, Joseph Achille, 104 Le Châtelier, Henry Louis, 110 G Lennard-Jones, John, 135 Galvani, Luigi Aloisio, 110 Leucippus of Miletus, 24 Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 112 Lewis, Gilbert Newton, 117, 125 Geber, Jabir, 42 Libavius, Andreas, 52 Gerhard, Charles Frédéric, 86 Liebig, Justus, 84 Gödel, Kurt Friedrich, 90 Locke, John, 10 Graovac, Ante, 114 London, Fritz Wolfgang, 119 Guldberg, Cato Maximilian, 109 Loschmidt, Johann Josef, 111 Gutman, Ivan, 114 Lothar Meyer, Julius, 98 H M Hales, Stephen, 60 Mach, Ernst, 10 Hammond, Georg Simms, 133 Macquer, Pierre-Joseph, 58 Harary, Frank, 114 Mariotte, Edme, 60 Hartlib, Samuel, 52 Mary Jewish, 35 Hegel, G. W. F., 9 Maxwell, James Clark, 55 Heisenberg, Werner, 119, 122 Mayow, John, 60 Heitler, Walter Heinrich, 119 Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovič, 98, 100 Helmont, van Helmont, 45 Millikan, Robert Andrews, 113 Hendrickson, James B., 133 Mitscherlich, Eilhard, 81 Heraclitus of Efez, 21 Morse, Harmon Northrop, 109 Hermes Trismegistos, 40, 41 Mulliken, Robert Sanderson, 135 Hosoya, Haruo, 114 Hückel, Erich, 135 N Hughes, Edward David, 132 Newlands, John Alexander, 98 Humboldt, Alexander Heinrich von, 112 Newton, Isaac, 49 Hund, Friedrich Hermann, 135 O I of Ockham, William, 66 Ibn-Rujd, Averroes, 40 Oppenheimer, Robert, 108 Ibn-Sina, Abdulah, Avicena, 40 Origen, Adamantius, 34 Ingold, Christopher Kelk, 128 Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm, 12, 109 Iustinianus, emperor, 36 P J Paracelsus, 44 Jabir, Geber, 41 Parmenides of Enea, 24 Parson, Alfred Lauck, 123 K Pasteur, Louis, 104 Kant, Immanuel, 9 Pauling, Linus, 135 Kekulé, Friedrich August von Stradonitz, 89 Paul of Taranto, 42 Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, 113 Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp, 109 Komenski, Jan Amoš Commenius, bishop, 52 Planck, Max, 55 Kossel, Walther, 123 Plato of Athens, 22 Kuhn, Thomas, 12 Pletone, Georgio Gemisto, 42, 48 Plotinus, 11 L Plutarch, 33 Ladenburg, Albert, 93 Polany, Michael, 139 Lakatos, Imre, 11 Popper, Karl, 10 Langmuir, Irving, 124 Pristley, Joseph, 64 Author Index 145 Proust, Joseph Louis, 75 Thales of Miletus, 21 Prout, William, 111 Theophilius, bishop, 36 Pseudo-Democritus, 35 Thiele, Johannes, 130 Pseudo-Geber, 42 Thomas, St. Acquinas, 25, 43 Pythagoras, 24 Thomson, Sir Joseph John, 12, 113 Trinajstić, Nenad, 114 Q Quine, Willard van Orman, 94 V Valentinus, Basilius, 43 R van der Waals, Johannes Diderik, 51 Randić, Milan, 114 van Fraassen, Bas, 136 Raoult, François-Marie, 108 van’t Hoff, Jacobus Henricus, 105, 106 Reichenbach, Hans, 10 Volta, Alessandro, 85, 110 Robinson, Robert, 128 von Laue, Max, 114 Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 113 von Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 103 Russel, Bertrand, 11 Rutherford, Ernest, 111 W Waage, Peter, 109 S Werner, Alfred, 106 Saccas, Ammonius, 11 Whitehead, Afred North, 11 Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 65 Wiener, Harry, 114 Schlick, Moritz, 10 Williamson, Alexander William, 86 Schrödinger, Erwin, 119 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 10 Slater, John, 135 Wöhler, Friedrich, 81, 82 Stahl, Georg Ernst, 56 Würtz, Charles Adolph, 86 St. Albertus Magnus, 43 Z T Zosimos of Papanopolis, 35 Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens, 48 Subject Index A Book of Secret over Secrets, 42 Ad hoc, theory and hypothesis, 57, 70, 73, 78, Book of Secrets (The Secret), 42 94, 129, 130 Aether, Quintessence, 24 C Affinity, 9 Calx (oxide), 66 Affinity, attractive, mechanical, 50 Categories, Hegel’s, 9 Affinity chemical, 50, 85, 110, 113, 117–119 Categories of mind, Kant’s, 9 Affinity, elective, 50, 86 Cathode, 110 Air, dephlogistonized, 65 Cause-effect, 5 Air, fire, flammable, 59, 65, 66 Ceteris paribus, 59–61, 64, 70, 74, 111 Air, fixed, 59 Chemeia, 33 Air, phlogistonized, 57 Chemic, 9 Air (principle), 21, 45 Chemical affinity, see affinity Alchemy, 14, 23, 31, 34, 36, 37, 39–45, 48, 52, Chemical dualism, see dualism 53, 56 Chemical formula, see formula Alexandria, 31, 37, 41, 45 Chemical graph, 114 Alexandrian protochemisry, 31, 37, 39, 42 Chemical kinetics, 108, 128 Al-ixir, elixir, 42 Chemistry (etymology), 33 Al-kali, 43 Chirality, 93, 103–106, 115 Aloisia, aloisis, 28 Classification of chemical reactions, 133 Ambix, 35 Classifications of substances, 33, 50, 69, 86, Amount (of substance), 111–113 133 Analogy, 2, 9, 12, 15, 34, 36, 37, 51, 64, 69, Classification, the method, 54, 64, 119 73, 79–81, 83–85, 95, 97, 101, 102, Complexity, 1, 3–8, 17, 21, 24, 33, 40, 108, 133, 140 135, 139–141 Anode, 110 Composition, 3, 28, 69, 74–76, 78, 81–84, 86, Arithmetic, 13, 28, 42, 48, 97, 98 88, 91, 95, 97, 102, 106, 108, 113 Astronomy, 11–13, 27, 34, 40, 42 Concept, scientific, 10, 12, 49, 55, 56, 78 Atom, physical, chemical, 3, 124 Conceptual particles, 56, 106 Aurifactors, 33, 36 Conceptual structure, 106 Aurifictor, 36 Conceptual substance, 56 Avogadro constant, 111, 113 Constitution, 83, 88, 89, 91, 103, 104, 106, 114, 128, 129, 131, 132 B Constitutional formula, see formula Bikos, 35 Contingency, 27 Bimolecular reations, 109 Continuity, 25, 31 Bohr theory of atoms, 123 Correlation, method of correlation, 60 Bohr theory of molecules molecule, 122 Counter-valence, 118, 120 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer 147 Nature Switzerland AG 2021 H. Vančik, Philosophy of Chemistry, Integrated Science 2, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69224-7 148 Subject Index Criticism, 53 F Faraday constant, 113 D Fire air, 65 Dalton’s law on multiple ratios of masses, 76, Fire (principle), 21, 28 112 Fixed air, 59 Dalton’s law on partial, 76 Flammable air, 59, 65, 66 Danziger Physik, 9 Form (Aristotle), 140 Darwinists, 5 Formula, chemical, 79, 84, 90, 102, 104, 114, Deduction, 11, 12, 103, 115 117, 126, 131, 136 Deductivism, 13 Foundations of Chemistry, 13 Delocalization (of electrons), 127 Function (biological), 140, 141 Dephlogistonized air, 65 Function (wave-function), 15, 135 Determinism, 27, 28, 47, 49 Dialectics, 10 G Diffraction of X-rays, 114 Geometry, 13, 28, 34, 42, 48, 134, 135 Discontinuous, 24, 26 Gondishapur, 40 Discrete, 24, 26, 27, 50, 60, 73 Great Work (Opus magnum), 33 Dualism, chemical, 28, 76, 110 Gödel’s theorem, 91 E H Eclecticism, 49 Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty, 15, 135 Eka-aluminium, 101 Hermeticism, 41, 42 Eka-boron, 101 HOCUS-POCUS, 35 Eka-silicon, 101 Holism, 1, 3 Elective affinity, 50, 86 Homologous series, 95, 97 Electrode, 85, 86, 110 Hydrogen, 3, 7, 51, 59, 65, 66, 76, 77, 80, Electron, 4, 15, 43, 44, 78, 103, 108, 113, 83–86, 88, 89, 92, 110–113, 120, 121, 117–119 123, 129, 130, 134 Electrons delocalized, 127, 131 Hyle (in Aristotelean philosophy), 13, 24 Electrons non-bonding, 126, 127 Hypothesis, auxiliary, ad hoc, 131 Elemental event, 27 Elemental substance (stuff), 65 I Element, principle, 28 Identity (primary, secondary), 25 Elixir, al-ixir, 42 Incommensurability, 47, 48 Empirical constructivism, 136 Indeterminism, 27 Empiricism, 10, 11, 13, 53 Induction, 10, 11, 91, 103, 115 Energy of chemical bond, 6, 7, 121, 122 Inductive sciences, 10 Epistemology, 5, 8, 12, 17, 37, 44, 60, 61, 64, In medio centri, 28 70, 74, 77–80, 84, 97, 101, 102, International Society for Philosophy of 108–110, 113, 114, 119, 121, 122 Chemistry, 13 Equivalent mass, 76 Invisible College, 52 Esoteric, 14, 36, 42, 45 Irreversibility, 21 Essence, 5, 24 Isolated systems, 60, 61, 74 Exact sciences (Kant), 9 Isomer, 83, 92–94, 105 Exoteric, 14, 36 Isomorphy, 81 Experiment, 11, 13–15, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 32–35, 37, 43–45, 49, 50, 52, 53, K 56–61, 63–66, 74, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, Karlsruhe congress, 112 93, 94, 104, 105, 108, 110, 128, 129, Kerotakis, 35, 36 135 Khem, 33 Subject Index
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