H56 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 8, 2020 many things, makes the environment Gary, Indiana, Mayor Richard Gordon spired and intrigued by the electoral cleaner, makes healthcare much more Hatcher. and political processes and systems be- affordable and available. Employment, Sadly, Mayor Hatcher passed away at cause of the tenure, political career, we have to do everything for those who the age of 86 on the 13th of December, and outstanding accomplishments of are older, to encourage them to partici- 2019. Although he is no longer with us, Mayor Richard Hatcher. pate in the labor force. Add some his legacy lives on. His legacy, his Mayor Hatcher was a visionary, a ‘‘spiffs,’’ add some benefits. work, his love, his sacrifices continue man who not only talked the talk, but How do we get millennial men that to be felt in these very Halls of Con- he walked the walk. On the streets of are still dramatically underperforming gress, throughout the city hall of Gary, Gary, he was highly visible. in showing up in the labor force? Indiana, and indeed, throughout these With all of that, his vision even sur- About a year ago, we had an amazing State legislative halls, these halls of passed and transcended Gary. In 1972, breakthrough, mathematically-wise, municipal governments in cities all he organized the inaugural and historic millennial females entering the work- across this Nation. National Black Political Convention in force. Mayor Hatcher was one who carved Gary. I was there. I attended. I saw it Every policy that moves through and made a way for African Americans in action. This National Black Polit- here we should test; does this benefit who are elected officials even to this ical Convention convened with two economic growth? very day. When Mayor Hatcher was goals: establishing an independent When we work on immigration pol- first elected mayor of Gary, Indiana, Black political agenda and electing icy, are we doing a talent-based immi- there were but few elected officials of more Black officials to public office. gration system, where we don’t care African American descent in the Na- Never before, not at any time, had this about your religion, your gender, or tion, but there now exists over 10,000 been done. who you cuddle with or anything like African American elected officials. In Over 8,000 individual American citi- that? We care about the economic vi- some supernatural sense, because of zens attended this historic occasion, tality you bring to our society. the hard work, the insight, the cour- including some who are icons even How do we encourage family forma- age, and the commitment of Mayor today in our Nation, including Rev- tion? Hatcher, his sterling example, we all erend Jesse Louis Jackson, Coretta Think of that. This one article here stand on the shoulders of Mayor Rich- Scott King, Betty Shabazz, Bobby talks about only 12 States actually had ard Gordon Hatcher. Seale, and my colleague from Chicago, positive birth rates over the previous Mayor Hatcher’s surprise victory Congressman DANNY K. DAVIS. Many, year. over the political machine in Gary, In- many others were involved, inspired, I know we get caught up in today’s diana, in 1967 was indeed a watershed educated, and learned the value of the shiny object; you know, whether it is moment for Black political participa- vote and heard for the first time that a the we hate the President side of this tion in this Nation. Along with the voteless people is a hopeless people, all room, or we feel we are stuck defend- election of Mayor Carl Stokes, the first because of the single vision of this one ing. And we are completely missing African American mayor of Cleveland, American giant, Mayor Richard Gor- what is going to end up driving all pub- Ohio, Mayor Hatcher became the first don Hatcher. lic policy in the next couple of years, Black mayor of a major U.S. city, the Mr. Speaker, I am honored and hum- and that is the fact that we are going city of Gary, Indiana. bled to speak in this well about this to be crushed by our debt. Mr. Speaker, in his two decades of giant of a man, telling all who have a There is a path. My fear is this cur- service as Gary’s mayor, Mayor Hatch- listening ear and a seeing eye about rent Congress, are we actually capable er fought valiantly in his beloved Gary the work of Mayor Hatcher and that of doing complex policy, lots of com- and throughout his beloved Nation for historic National Black Political Con- plex policy on every issue, and seeing it fair political representation for those vention. It was not just fighting the as a unified theory to maximize eco- whose voices had been previously dis- windmills, Don Quixote-like. It pro- nomic vitality so we actually have the missed, disregarded, and downright ig- duced results. receipts, so we keep the promises that nored for most of American history. At the time of this convention, there we go home and tell our constituents When Mayor Hatcher was elected to were just 14 African American Mem- we are working for? But, yet, then we lead a deeply segregated Gary, Indiana, bers of Congress, just 14. Today, there come here and we deny basic math. only two of the city’s department are 56 African American Members of Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance heads were African Americans, in a Congress, 56 living and breathing, hard- of my time. city that was actually over 50 percent working Members of this Congress who African American. Within 10 years of f are a result of the vision of Mayor Mayor Hatcher’s tenure as mayor, 25 of Hatcher and who were inspired by his b 1815 Gary’s 40 department heads were Afri- life and what he had accomplished. can Americans. HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY He was our inspiration. He gave all of Finally, Mr. Speaker, those who OF RICHARD GORDON HATCHER us an exceedingly high standard that worked for Gary’s government began to we live by even today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under look more like Gary’s citizens, those the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- who were supposed to be working on b 1830 uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Illi- behalf of the citizens of Gary, Indiana. Mayor Richard Gordon Hatcher nois (Mr. RUSH) is recognized for 60 As mayor of Gary, Mayor Hatcher spurred a wave of Black civic partici- minutes as the designee of the major- worked very closely with his congres- pation that reverberated all through- ity leader. sional delegation and the Democratic out America. In 1973, just 1 year, 365 Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, it is my dis- administration in the White House. He days, after the Gary convention, De- tinct honor and privilege to come be- secured millions of dollars in Federal troit elected its first African American fore the House this evening to cele- funding for job training programs for mayor, Mayor Coleman Young, Atlanta brate the memory of a major trail- Gary’s citizens and subsidized housing elected its first African American blazer in our Nation, one who was a for Gary’s citizens, building up a vi- mayor, Mayor Maynard Jackson, and fierce crusader for justice and equality, brant economy in his beloved city of Los Angeles elected its first African an American who was a quiet man, Gary, similarly and singlehandedly, in American mayor, Mayor Tom Bradley. with a quiet demeanor, but a giant in some instances, ensuring that those All across this Nation, major cities all terms of his accomplishments, his communities that were previously un- across this Nation saw a witness, and courage, and the things he did not only derserved received their fair share of participated and celebrated the elec- for his local constituency, the city of city services, Federal funding, and Fed- tion of mayors in major cities all Gary, Indiana, but the African Amer- eral dollars. across this Nation. ican community and America at large. Mayor Hatcher’s herculean efforts to The legacy, the inspiration, the ex- Mr. Speaker, I am speaking of the ensure fair representation extended far ample, the instruction just didn’t stop one and only, the first Black mayor of beyond Gary. As a young man, I was in- in 1973. Even some 10 years later, VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:45 Jan 09, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08JA7.078 H08JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE January 8, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H57 Mayor Harold Washington was elected Again, he was a man who was not a It was through this value that he be- mayor of the city of Chicago following self-promoter. He was quiet, in some came a trailblazer for the city of Gary the Gary model. sense professorial, in some sense laid and our Nation. It was also through his Congressman DAVIS and I were on the back, but a mighty, mighty, mighty, selfless leadership and desire to bring front lines in Mayor Washington’s elec- mighty warrior, a mighty man, a giant. other people along that led to count- tion. He challenged us to register 50,000 I am just grateful for all that he has less other trailblazers for civil rights. new voters, and we rose up to the chal- done for this Nation, all that he has One of those trailblazers who was in- lenge, a la just like being cognizant of done for poor people all across this Na- spired by Richard Gordon Hatcher, as what was going on in Gary, Indiana.
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