V~ &#39; &#39; - - . .. 92 -* - M &#39; --<-- ».~- 0- -- N: . , _ 3 92 1 ._I O ZVImwr....V>V.d:2rm ~ vmmn Guvmrmut * .-§ V; we - 1,. Y. .Eaard:.:m ff, " r~"_ @~-Vnumgprii :3, 19% V 23;",in Ink: Lt Vnvn .4. .a.. s {iii V 1- -O g fv r -I &#39;f 0&#39; &#39; " &#39; : ,_ - *V~w:J11:n V _;;..92,V,;»__,,__, ~ M _ _ . *r+*:1:@§§?:im* .-n > V ~ _ ;/. _ H Q. _~,:."..i. | I A A ~ 0:: 4;.~>-:2 9, 1956, gems iatervfzwrd son»- ::¢r:;ing bar -aigiziing sf an uzzuwai ahjsct abaxut mmprl 5, * V-5- 295u, Wail: drivzwg on 5" we 1 near Herzdensan, Iiar; Eareiina, wit? her wacc, .,r., an esgsioggee 0,1 the W _ caiis in tin-2 ¢.m¢£;r cm Jlpr V 32,. ""¢¢§&#39;.1&#39;@*-°¢<* .395&#39;u,u_ by ~&#39;$&#39;1§.aa&#39;:-v£;s§.&#39;.#r-ViL? WIWMI f §.:::s " revfcms némsrarxium aed iarfi I6, I§§*5;l fravaz ta igr. ..>&#39;z&#39;cm2s prior ta Ewing gm,-ctianed _ror any ovilwr cfcsaiis uiaiciz ::£n?zt Z1: 0; aaistancc 8-:2 thc Airfares "Sn zfaf . miter. .§?m$- it was iiiw st! advises 31 afar;-1 ne :1:-ten Isaac; am: sear: nivscrvcd the abjeaz it, ,;,"*&#39;::fr clha_:.~_:g§* en! :1 it few seeominet:-.r zzy! ght on xprii 6, Z956. SM mated nix.-_:.=1 day! igfztj Venn: she 0ZJse!u~cJ the .s?:y ta be elozriv was? it» started r&#39;az&#39;::Vi:1g.c§>arax2- :::<:1;eIy&#39; 30 sfnutes Q,-"tar" aha Ema eVb:scrk#:rI ¢he¢>z@,;.~=¢::.. .551: V? .-,_ V rcsallcf the ajact had qgnrnaciasa libs-tr car ma i;V!:c~ ¢2r£1>tr&#39;s sivais _:"r¢m ;=tr@£§;;$ aizmd eat» Va Iwighi :a1~§s?§ ska $?;aag;F;£- e ms less than 2,5 fE¬ia She am-ajbltx ta a-utimaéc the Lapsed 9,! " ths object. Size: o¢:;:::r!bz:¢&#39; it as 11::in;z. nus} sqae, baing very - bright wad Ficwinjj Q Iigixi bin: anion It mad: no su.w:d that sh: could hear. Jim aéumeci her fiance wuid -be ab}: tn state i Q ¢:.rc.-cly wfwz-e £?1¢;;&#39; had, wbserwri the abject in .?:&#39;m-in Gare! inn, " V iniwmmh as he Isa»: 112&#39;-1£.h"::_r zafth t?:a£ area. She xmahie ta .-,.. - ..92 ..92 - - _~-&#39;. - J*4§cc-:12 .V V.- &#39; :::;_1;* i&#39;$V§maaV2 .- - -V _pcr£:&#39;n::ni_ . 92&#39; , . _£:;,ror&#39;.*:an£3&#39;a,n.-.--_- - - ~ -*---- -- jg,-_%§___ii!mm;-,¥¥§..~ »._ -1. s - _ _ -~ 1 "&#39;*E..&#39;..!:$&#39;1 -.>.vw-. i - 1 &#39;. .. w- - v V&#39;---. - -» - --» - -- - l - ----_ A -- - U _-> ., .V I . .. .1 ,_._.__._. I _v~ -._.. 92 ._ . Q . _ H ._. I 92&#39;~r ....._ X: ~E =_$92*92 ....- , ~4*f_&92;&#39;_92 V , 3;-<?lX.I - vl§~wl<¢<v- ~i9292¢92 92*@ Q_ V IS? l<I&#39;IIl&#39;92:929292 f _Z-;.,...v.,.,<_. W .. ,-Q, .., . .- ... V._~ . .1 ..V..,... .:. 1» . ~ .->-_» .-N, . ........ -..-... 9_. -: @,,£. ,.__ .-. .1.»-. ._ »...: 92..».a¥f .- .-3». <- ~ ,.a¢&#39;:2I::>.".=.: , . " Z _92 " V ,-. > . _ A _ -.. ,. ._.,,;w 4,-. _ - zcrc £4; azaclasea B Ieticr is the Q;&#39;;:s:;e 9; $pac§_a2;:_-_V;=¥, 92. ,.Iauasiga¬;i;mu in this matwr. &#39; __, »~r 1- °""""&#39;""~*&#39;-~ 4g..@V;.w;V¢;....._V .._- $1&#39;. i.i§i§:!f[I.ffF ~ _ -@- .-... - .-.._. ...92-r ._.H ..Y&#39;@._-. + - .V . ;:;~~ .~ ---~--2 -- IR u ,,_ 0 _;.&#39; 1 ob - . --4--.¢..__..J ..r_»-.,2._&#39; _ _. oil _ .- . - I -.,,- --..»,_.--__" J ""&#39; me-m Q . - . 4 ~ - &#39;~L3 Lrlélnwaran - fl J I J J! {V ¢_ _ £:&#39;Z!:Wss IS-£7: .{».I.-££=?wIs . 3-2l . _ -~ -* 11- .,V__,.¥§,.i~ T &#39;-V V-- &#39;V~ ,5?V! £1 .£}"£o::r£1&#39;z1c:n¢L£&#39;3c1I;0:zt.;. r .. g,fj- |f5.Z1.&#39;.=Iuf&#39;.-&#39;<msz§»e:$jg&#39; . > &#39; -» 1" " 1 . ~ 92 Q . §av - ° &#39;_ ~__ ,.>. _&#39;--<>-._ r -- "_ y"#&#39;.,._ _ _ 92 -&#39; .. - . _ _ _ V ~ + . 92 _ V, . " .. .- . &#39;9; _.,:*;..:-92 --_ 3.-:2; V _92_.»._.¢" _ . <-~ 3 1} "0. 0 Of Q? .£"&#39;92nI;_ .-1} D;-_-M:-,,.-, +,- Q1 at .,q_...;nagg~__-.._.,@-_92__.~g .-re ,v*-_q| .@-- I§Q$qn>=p:? - n v , 0~- 0 _&#39; 1} . .;&#39; -- __,92 gQR§¬ _ D; fbbqycry 21 I 1358 1Q§g¬» _ &#39;1 &9292 , -it" J - a 0 -Q v Q-.»-, ,DEx 2 I "L _ &#39;2 , ,_! .- I .921 &#39; 1 . .» 6 &#39;92 *~...-P -__ V I-,:. .9 .7 &#39;5 !__j.&#39; C .&#39;_.&#39;.?I ,>_..;}__ I _ -. ~. ., ,rJ;£,f-_.: -. _ _&#39; &#39; I b,r;ngj;e h J, h.d-chuse§ta _&#39; . 4 -0 ber Rickard: " " Your letter dated February 12, 1356, hag been received, and I atncerclp appreciate the interest prunpting gnu t» write I wish iv advise that n~ matter such as ya: descrihcd was ever revarted u the iii. Sincsrgly puurs, Q I» 17- Edpar §&#39;q&#39;rI,r~I i Jnn Sdpar Hoover Bireéivr ra_csrj.-_1_,m.-rm - -"J [-1- -1 0 .0 Flu! ai n 2 am --= -~--.-1., - &#39; 0 Q ~ _ 1&#39;,-J1 J _;&#39; l£c.LF>:unuIui 4 F§5§%§§?¥if ,i % IP53 I "£113! I-G &#39; .-7-.w::*.~. 3" &#39; T Titan ____. lamina Nikola »-.- brim |*u:uu_......_,_ A. in Eleni .1. -&#39; Bk-___ Q / $01.55,: . L &#39;|&#39;-13: N 1; 2 , .-3 -?» 92".1 .1?"u , H:tf2£l1§J56 wuu-toal _ &#39; 16* T &#39; ., -E1-1" 55" -&#39;_ &#39; .~92 :! &#39; Springfielo §unduyFob &#39;9 Maasaohuoo*ti._12,1956. _ &#39; r _ f; .. Hr. J Edrar Hoover, &#39;*L:- to Fbderal Bureau of Investigation, n * Washington, D.C. r _ - 7;&#39;1- ~_ .7~r- "Z - _4.-__~&#39;____ _ . Door Mr. Hoovor:- """&#39; suppose that you could I know enlighton that you mo are on a very t1 following busy mn but subgect.do you of age and am a student My name at i.a Technical andHigh ohool here am in5 years Springfio1d,Massachusotta. L &#39; Recently I bennmo very interested in one of the most amazing vomas of our time, the phonomena of the flying _ sauoors. In o book which i have joi rén, entitled flying _ saucers uncensored" written by Harold T. W11k1ns,tho author tells of many oases and aightlngs of flying saucers which correspondents around the world have sent him. " One story which he reooivod from a correspondent in Caligornia, tells the story of two men who supposedly oame from Venus and wont to a Los Angelou journalist in March 1953.nThaao men did , ahrung thlnnn which nwo aomoono so suspicious that he auppo- sadly contacted-the F.B.I., whioh is supposed tohove sent an investigtor to find out What ns going on,but in some otrango nwoy tho Venuslnno by uning t81p2bh1O power or some strange 92facu1ty of previwion did not return to the office again. It Ins Q said that tho F.B.I. woo novor ah}o to fin them fov.quost1on- 1!! E ,0 I wonder if this _ story is true, and if you renily not1f1ed.I know of you were notified you couldn&#39;t 92| . ; wereme anyting about the inciont but I am vary curious. E A _ - tall - Could you posaibiy toll me at you were noti-5} F IF star? is truo. - n n"~=*==<-i=1 Q. I would appreciate hearing from you. 1 Yours truly, _ . " / _.92&#39;-Q- Fl _&#39;~._:5".:-.-I. ~< , _ . _ &#39; .<»v.»,~;,_-q_,L§,..- ,-_ 1 ,:s_ _, 9,15,.-_. H . ._..*___ ._ ._-_ .,,,,.. - -»- _ * &#39;1 n *_ ;,_.._¬....~ ».é..,_, &#39; &#39; ~ V " - _ , ._,92_ ___ , . n - »» re-~~Y I 7-... - . HUTE . -4&#39; 7&#39; v-1 1! ugijbdéu &#39;2&#39;.-;.; D. H _ ~ . ,! mm. ~ . llmm K g 1 FLORIDA I M, ;V L V ___¢.i /. &#39; 69}?/in L A ff- / . _ ,*»*M»-v /4»/v*-»~=~..:,&#39;:.-__._,, .&#39;>. .1-*_¬~=2.l?.//-Pv of/ .15 K-_&#39;4£J ""&#39;-unnL.q___-.-nI"" .> "&#39; "&#39; 4 *V§¢_4¢&#39; . _ *2 1 &#39; , 25 K ;z;>llf /CW ¢ /5 . 3 V L:-{~ Q... 1 &#39;92 &#39; . » - 9&#39; .1. "7. -&#39; C1-Z-WC./" " _ &#39;~- . H. _ _ I 7K If-f&92 . &#39;I r, - , 1 , &#39;?I *- 1. &#39; &#39;"&#39; __ _ * . T - g M I> I fl. -I - L/I5.",2 l./ ": i &#39;1 I; I &#39; &#39;_,-5? 1&#39;&#39; /{_&#39;*kJ:&#39;,,__.1&#39;f J _-_ 4% I I I .1 I&#39; ________,,_,_,..-~--n &#39;4 ,1-;__, ,_.... .__,M {I L; 17&#39;:/_ &#39;. _,$ C- 4 &#39;I _ /J - ;,,*__,.! tr __...,.»&#39;L/{_.1__-i 6,4! 1 I1Q . _ r an _ Iv .? -- &#39; 1&#39;1 /F 1 T ""1 * .-Ip / V " &#39;" I &#39;.5?»-/?-1-» ....4»:»:~»&#39;-<2L».:~,=>1¢""m;,7.¢-*",- J I _ ¢&#39; R ~ -&#39; __~_ J" . ;- _} &#39; &#39; a »r__ " - .. t . rd: _ L.-* .
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