THE VEDIC CIVILIZATION • We know about the Aryans in India from the • Four rivers of Afghanistan are clearly described various Vedic texts, especially the Rig Veda, which in the Rigveda. These are: Kubha, Krumu, Gomati is the earliest specimen of the Indo-European (Gomal), Suvastu (swat). language and the chief source of information on • It consists of ten Mandala or books of which Book the history of this period. II to VII is the easiest portion. Book I and X seem • Many historians have given various theories to have been the latest additions. regarding the original place of the Aryans. • In the Rigvedic period, the dead man’s soul is said However, the Central Asian Theory given by Max to depart to the waters of the plants. Muller, is the most accepted one. It states that the • Since the Aryans came through the mountains, Aryans were semi-nomadic pastoral people around which were considered the dwellingY places of the Caspian Sea in Central Asia. their gods, these are repeatedly mentioned in the • They entered India probably through the Khyber Rigveda. Meru, a mountain beyond the Himalayas, Pass (in the Hindukush Mountains) around 1500 is a happy divine abode in the Mahabharata and B.C. the Puranas. • The Rig Veda has many things in common with • The holy book of Iran ‘Zend Avesta’ indicates entry the Avesta, which is the oldest text in the Iranian of Aryans to India via Iran. language. The two texts use the same names for • The early Aryans did not have to look routes several Gods and even for social classes. to Indian sub-continent; for the Harappans had • The history of the later Vedic period is based mainly crossed the high passes of the Hindukush and on the Vedic texts which were compiled after reached the middle course of the Amu Darya where the age of the Rig Veda. These include the three they had set up a trading post at Shortughai. Vedas – Samveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda and • In the Rigvedic period, the nobles were advised to the Brahamanas, the Aranyakas, the Upanishads eat from the same vessel as the vis for success. and the Sutras. • Metal came to be known as Ayas and Iron as • The collection of the Vedic hymns or mantras were Krishanayas (Black Metal). known as Samhitas. • The Vedic texts may be divided into two broad • For purposes of singing, the prayers of the Rigveda chronological strata: the Early Vedic (1500-1000 were set to tune and this modifi ed collection was B.C.) when most of the hymns of the Rig Veda were known as the Samveda Samhita. composed and the Later Vedic (1000-600 B.C.) when • The Yajurveda contains not only the hymns but the remaining three VedasHRONICLE and their branches were also the rituals which have to accompany their composed. recitation. • The Atharvaveda is completely different from the Early Vedic or Rigvedic Period other three Vedas. It contains charms and spells (1500-1000C B.C.) to ward off evils and diseases. Its contents throw light on the beliefs and practices of the non-Aryans. • The Rig Veda is a collection of prayers offered to Atharvaveda is the most valuable of the Vedas after Agni, Indra, Varuna and other gods by various the Rig Veda for the history and sociology. families of poets and sages. • All the Vedic literature is together called the Shruti • From Rigveda, we come to know that there were and they include apart from the four Vedas, the 33 gods that time who were divided into three Brahamanas, the Aranyakas and the Upanishads. categories viz., heavenly gods, atmospheric god, IAS ACADEM• The Brahamanas are a series of texts that followed and earthly gods. Varuna, Surya, Aditi, Savitri the Vedic samhitas. Each Veda has several were heavenly gods. Indra, Rudra, Maruts etc. were bhramanas attached to it. These are ritual texts. atmospheric gods. Agni, Soma, and Prithvi were • Brahamanas attached to the Rigveda are Aitareya, earthly gods. Kaushitaki (composed by Hotri priest). Brahamanas © Chronicle IAS Academy ANCIENT 13 attached to Samveda are Jamini, Tandyamasha, in India is called the Land of Seven Rivers or Sapta Panchavis, Chhandogya (composed by Udgatri Sindhava (the Indus and the fi ve tributaries and priest). Brahamanas attached to Yajurveda are the Saraswati). Satpatha Brahmana (composed by Adhvaryu Political Organization priest). Brahamanas attached to Atharvaveda are Gopatha Brahamana. • The political organization was of monarchial • The Brahamanas throw light on the socio-political form. The tribe was known as Jan and its king as life of the Aryans and form a sort of explanation of Rajan. He was the leader in battle and protector their religion, especially sacrifi ce. They also contain of the tribe. His offi ce was not hereditary and was ritualistic formulae for the respective Vedas and selected among the clan’s men. The Rajan was not its priests. an absolute monarch, for the government of the • The Aranyakas are forest books that are treaties tribe was in part the responsibility of the tribal on mysticism and philosophy and are concluding councils like sabhas, samitis, gana and vidhata. portion of the Brahamanas. They explain the Even women attended gana and vidhata only. metaphysics and symbolism of sacrifi ce. They lay • Many clans (Vish) formed a tribe. The basic social emphasis not on sacrifi ce but on meditation. They unit was the Kula or the family and the Kulapa was are infact opposed to sacrifi ce and many of the the head of the family. ritualistic practices. Their stress is on moral virtues. • The king was assisted by a number of offi cers of They form a bridge between the way of the works which Purohita was the most important.Y Next (karma-marga, advocated by the Brahamanas) and important functionary was the Senani (leader the way of knowledge (gyan-marga, advocated of the army) even though there was no regular by the Upanishads). Some important Aranyakas or standing army. The military technique of the are Aitreya Aranyaka, Kaushitaki Aryanka and Aryans was much advanced. The Aryans succeeded Taittiriya Aranyaka. everywhere because they possessed chariots driven • The Upanishads contain philosophical speculations. by horses. They are generally called Vedanta which means the • There was no regular revenue system and the end of the Vedas. One reason is that they came at kingdom was maintained by voluntary tribute the end of the Vedic period or that they were taught (Bali) of his subjects and booty won in battle. at the end of the Vedic instruction. These texts were Social Life compiled around 600 B.C. and criticized the rituals and laid stress on the values of right belief and • The term Varna was used for colour, the Aryans knowledge. They emphasized that the knowledge being fair and the Dasas dark. of the self and the atma should be acquired and the • Family was the basic unit of society and was relation of atma with Brahma should be properly patriarchal in nature. But women enjoyed equal understood. power with men. Marriage was usually monogamous • The ten Upanishads are: Ishopanishat, and indissoluble, but there are a few instances of Kenopanishat, Kathopanishat, Parshnopanishat, polyandry, levirate and widow marriage. There are Mandukopanishat, Koushikopanishat, no examples of child-marriage. The marriageable Thaittariyopanishat, Chandogyopanishat and age seems to have been 16 to 17. Brihadaranyaopanishat.HRONICLE These are commentaries • Both dowry and bride price were recognized appended to the Aranyakas and deal mainly with during the Early Vedic period. philosophy and religion. • The word ‘Arya’ came to refer to any person who • The Smriti areC the auxiliary treatises of the Vedas was respected. or their supplements. It refers to that literature • Aryans were fond of soma, sura, food and dresses. that has been passed on from one generation to the Soma was drunk at sacrifi ces and its use was other. Manusmriti written by Manu is the oldest of sanctifi ed by religion. Sura was purely secular and all the Smritis. more potent and was disapproved by the priestly • The Puranas are 18 in number, of which the poets. Bhagawat Purana and Vishnu Purana are the most • Throughout the Vedic period, education was important. imparted orally. Unlike the Harappans, the Aryans IAS ACADEMdo not seem to have a system of writing. Geographical Spread • The early Aryans settled in eastern Afghanistan, • The Aryans loved music and played the flute, modern Pakistan, Punjab and parts of western U.P. lute and harp. There are references to singing and The whole region in which the Aryans fi rst settled dancing girls. People also delighted in gambling. © Chronicle IAS Academy ANCIENT 14 They enjoyed chariot racing. Both men and women • From Brihadaranyaka Upanishad we get the fi rst wore ornaments. exposition of the doctrine of transmigration of soul. Economy Later Vedic Period/Painted Grey Ware • Their bronze smiths were highly skilled and Phase (1000-600 B.C.) produced tools and weapons much superior to those of Harappa culture. There were artisans like Geographical Spread carpenters, weavers, cobblers, potters, etc. • They reveal that the Aryans expanded from Punjab • Aryans followed a mixed economy – pastoral and over the whole of western U.P. covered by the agricultural – in which cattle played a predominant Ganga-Yamuna doab. part. Most of their wars were fought for cow (most • In the beginning, they cleared the land by burning; important form of wealth). Cattle were in fact a sort later with the use of iron tools which became of currency and values were reckoned in heads common by 1000-800 B.C. of cattle (man’s life was equivalent to that of 100 • In Later Vedic period, many great cities like Videha, cows), but they were not held sacred at the time.
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