Gemini Numismatic Auctions X Sunday, January 13th, 2013 Selections from the Randy Haviland Collection Sextus Pompei Julius Ceasar Crawford 511/1 Crawford 452/1 Julius Ceasar Quinarius Julius Ceasar Julius Ceasar Crawford 475/2 Crawford 485/1 Crawford 481/1 Brutus/Eidmar Caius Antonius Mark Antony Crawford 508/3 Crawford 484/1 Crawford 539/1 Octavian Mark Antony Bahrfeldt 105/b Crawford 516/4 Harlan J. Berk LTD Harlan J. Berk B&H Kreindler 312-609-0018 Herb Kreindler [email protected] www.geminiauction.com 631-427-0732 Be Prepared for an Exciting Fall at Künker’s! Fall Auctions 216 – 218 Bidding worldwide from October 8 to October 12, 2012 All the latest auctions at one glance IN COOPERATION possibly Specially selected auction houses Auction Hess-Divonew 322,ad OctoberTK 26, 2012 Collection Dr. Charles F. Wassermann – European Rulers in Gold Simply bid online! NEW Auctions 219 – 222 “Numismatic Rarities” from October 30 to October 31, 2012 First established as a numismatic trading company in 1971, today we have achieved a solid reputation among the leading coin and medal auction houses of Europe. More than 10,000 clients worldwide place their trust in us. You too can benefi t Coin and Gold Trading from our experience of more than 210 successful auctions! Auction House for Coins and Medals www.kuenker.com · [email protected] · Telephone: +49 541 96 20 20 www.sixbid.com – Auction Platform for World & Ancient Numismatic Firms Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG · Gutenbergstrasse 23 · 49076 Osnabrück · Germany DEPARTMENTS FEATURES 7 From the Executive Director Ute Wartenberg Kagan 42 Current Cabinet Activites Robert Wilson Hoge 8 48 From the Collections Manager Dynamic Interactions: on the cover: Portugal. AE, AR and acrylic medal, “2000 um Estado de Espírito,” by João Duarte, 2000. Elena Stolyarik the Medallic Art of João Duarte (ANS 2012.33.18, gift of João Duarte). Peter van Alfen 6 Library News Elizabeth Hahn 9 Book Reviews 62 News 66 Obituaries 32 Caveat Emptor: 67 Upcoming Events A Guide to Responsible Coin Collecting Arnold-Peter Weiss 68 Development Megan Fenselau 22 Ophthalmologia in Nummis Jay M. Galst and Peter van Alfen Contents ANS MAGAZINE Volume 11, Issue 3 From the Executive Director 2012 Ute Wartenberg Kagan Editor The American Numismatic Society Magazine is published Dear Members and Friends, have a hard time acknowledging the crucial role that Peter van Alfen four times a year by the American Numismatic Society. In October 2012, Roger S. Siboni will be handing over collectors play in a variety of archaeological disciplines. Annual subscription rate is $72. Copies are mailed to all his position as ANS President to Sydney F. Martin, our I hope the rift between collectors and some parts of the Managing Editor members of the ANS. Single copy is $18. Overseas airmail current Treasurer. archaeological establishment can be narrowed, as I see Megan Fenselau is an additional cost. A membership in the ANS includes a little progress without more understanding for either subscription to the magazine. To inquire about a subscription Under Mr. Siboni’s leadership, the ANS has become a side. In the meantime, collectors will face a new real- Advertising Editor please contact: ANS Magazine Subscription Dept. much wealthier institution, with a new home at 75 Var- ity, including the ANS staff in their role as collectors Joanne D. Isaac (212) 571-4470 ext 117, [email protected]. All rights ick Street, and has now a substantial internet presence. for the cabinet. A new set of guide lines (available on reserved. No part of this magazine or its cover may be repro- Mr. Siboni took office in 2008 and over the last four our website) has been put in place by the Trustees; it Art Director duced without written consent of the copyright proprietor. years the ANS has focused on improving its website, one requires the curatorial staff and ANS donors to examine Lynn Cole Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Mr. Siboni’s key objectives. The ANS has now a new more closely what objects can be acquired for the collec- of the ANS. Printed in Mexico. library catalogue (DONUM), a superb archival online tions. Such change in practice is difficult for everyone, Design Rocco Piscatello The American Numismatic Society, organized in 1858 database (ARCHER), and an ever improving online but I hope that over time clear guidelines and indeed US Piscatello Design Centre and incorporated in 1865 in New York State, operates as a database of coins and other objects (MANTIS). By mak- laws will be in place to help everyone to enjoy collecting research museum under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code and ing our collections available online, we are able to help ancient and all other coins. Photographer is recognized as a publicly supported organization under our members and the general public in the US and the Alan Roche section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) as confirmed on November 1, 1970. rest of the world. Despite the severe economic recession Readers will notice that this issue has a beautiful spread The original objectives of the ANS, “the collection and during Mr. Siboni’s tenure, the ANS portfolio has done of images of medals, which is our way of thanking the Contributing Staff preservation of coins and medals, the investigation of well, and the ANS has not only survived without staff artist, Joao Duarte, our 2011 J. Sanford Saltus Medal Gilles Bransbourg matters connected therewith, and the popularization of cuts but has been able to add to its curatorial staff group. recipient. We are particular grateful to Prof. Duarte for Barry Bridgewater the science of Numismatics,” have evolved into the mission The financial support that the ANS receives today from donating fifty examples of his medallic art plus another Anna Chang approved by the Society’s governing Council in 1993. our many generous members continues to be the back- dozen coins he designed to our cabinet. This extraordi- Peter Donovan bone of what we do today. The staff and I look forward nary gesture allows us to mount an exhibition, which Dr. Megan Fenselau ISSN 2167-2547 to working with our new President, Syd Martin, on Peter van Alfen is putting together. Prof. Duarte will be Ethan Gruber continuing Roger’s excellent work as President. receiving the award at the ANS on November 6th, and I Elizabeth Hahn hope many of our members will attend this ceremony. Sebastian Heath In this issue, our readers will find an article by our David Hendin American Numismatic Society former Trustee, Dr. Arnold-Peter Weiss, on the issue Finally, we are happy to report that thanks to the gener- David Hill 75 Varick Street Floor 11 of responsible coin collecting. In my introduction to osity of one of our most loyal supporters almost 20,000 Robert Hoge New York, NY 10013 his piece, I discuss some of the issues addressed in Dr. coins of the Huntington Collection have been again Oliver D. Hoover Weiss’s piece. While Dr. Weiss’s article and my intro- placed on long-term loan. In next few issues we will Joanne D. Isaac Telephone duction take a particularly hard look at looting and its bring updates on our renewed work and research on this Ute Wartenberg Kagan 212 571 4470 impact on archaeological sites, they also illustrate that important collection, which had resided for decades as a Sylvia Karges collecting coins is not impossible. Collectors have con- loan at the ANS before being sold by the Hispanic Soci- Andrew Meadows Telefax tributed much to our current knowledge of numismatics ety of America. I hope I speak for many members when I Elena Stolyarik 212 571 4479 Peter van Alfen as a discipline, and I would even go as far as to say that express my heartfelt thanks to our anonymous benefac- Rick Witschonke Internet numismatics as a discipline would not exist without tor for saving such a crucial part of this collection. David Yoon www.numismatics.org collectors. As numismatic scholarship has moved over the last century from classification and cataloguing to a more historical discipline, it has only slowly embraced archaeological methods and concepts. Here academic numismatists like myself are probably at fault for not communicating where the disciplines stand, or indeed Ute Wartenberg Kagan go, more clearly. On the other hand some archaeologists Executive Director Indicia 6 7 From the Executive Director Facing page: Portugal. AE medal, “Every Hour is not the Next,” by João Duarte, 1996. (ANS 2012.33.8, gift of João Duarte) 85 x 100 x 14 mm. (Image not to scale). D YNAMIC inTERACTIONS: the Medallic Art of João Duarte Peter van Alfen Photographs by Alan Roche Portuguese artist João Duarte is the recipient of the So- caliber. This use of the medal as a vehicle of newfound ciety’s 2011 J. Sanford Saltus Award for Signal Achieve- political expression within Portugal coincided as ment in the Art of the Medal. Graduated in 1978 from well with significant post-WWII changes in medallic the Escola Superior de Belas-Artes de Lisboa, with an art (and sculpture) worldwide, as artists everywhere emphasis in plastic arts and sculpture, Prof. Duarte grappled with the meaning of the medal’s numismatic serves on the fine arts faculty of the Universidade de inheritance and its traditional formats, techniques, and Lisboa. Over the course of a highly prolific career, materials. Within a generation, as the political situa- he has focused his energies primarily on sculpture tion quieted, Portuguese artists also began to engage and medallic art producing 45 public art monuments in these questions in a remarkably serious way with located throughout Portugal and a dozen commemora- the result that Portugal soon emerged as an important tive coins for the Portuguese Mint.
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