Media Contact: Sue Reddy/Duree & Company, Inc. Tel. 954-723-9350 [email protected] Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade Hosted “Where It All Began” Alumni Reunion and Hall of Fame Induction at Marlins Park Miami, Fla. – June 30, 2016 – More than 75 guests enjoyed a day at the ballpark as they celebrated the many accomplIshments of yesteryear’s Boys & GIrls Clubs of MIamI-Dade’s members at the organIzatIon’s second annual AlumnI ReunIon and Hall of Fame InductIon. ThIs year’s event was underwrItten by the MIamI MarlIns at MarlIns Park. SInce It fIrst opened Its doors In 1940, Boys & GIrls Clubs of MIamI-Dade has provIded the dIverse youth of South FlorIda wIth the opportunity to learn, grow and accomplIsh their dreams. Four specIal alumnI were honored thIs year with an afternoon of food, refreshments and celebratIons, including a specIal announcement wIth vIdeo projectIon from Home Plate of each of the Inductees followed by tickets to the MarlIns vs. Cubs game that ImmedIately followed the festivIties courtesy of the Miami MarlIns. The event was emceed by Coach Howard Master, who Is also a member If the Hall of Fame. The four inductees into the AlumnI Hall of Fame were NFL Player DeMarcus Van Dyke, BusInessman and Coach Charles Macgregor “Buddy” Coleman, Jr., Restaurateur Luis GarcIa of GarcIa Seafood GrIlle & Fish Market fame, and ChIropractIc PhysIcIan Dr. Joseph W. Accurso beIng honored In memorIam. DeMarcus Van Dyke attended the Northwest club In early 2000. He was a UnIversIty of Miami graduate where he was a dual sport athlete In football and track. He joIned the NFL In 2011 when he was drafted by the Oakland Raiders. SInce then he’s played for the PIttsburgh Steelers, Kansas CIty Chiefs and Minnesota VIkIngs. Currently he’s a cornerback for the Atlanta Falcons. Charles Macgregor “Buddy” Coleman, Jr. attended the Southwest (Hank KlIne) club In the 1950s where he was a star football player. He’s a graduate of the UnIted States Naval Academy 18th Company. He went on to become a very successful busInessman and football coach. Luis GarcIa attended the Southwest (Hank KlIne) club In the mId 1980s. He’s a former LouisIana State UnIversIty Third Baseman, who together wIth hIs team won the 1991 College World SerIes NCAA TItle. He and his famIly own the famous landmark GarcIa Seafood GrIlle & Fish Market on Miami’s New River. The fourth alumnI was inducted in memoriam. Dr. Joseph W. Accurso attended the Southwest (Hank KlIne) club In the 1950s. He went on to become a physIcIan and for 47 years helped people through hIs chiropractIc centers. RepresentIng the Accurso famIly were his son Joseph Jr. and daughters Amy and JennIfer. The talents, dedIcatIon and skIlls of Boys & GIrls Clubs of MIamI-Dade alumnI have affected the South FlorIda communIty and beyond In the areas of sports, entertaInment, busIness, medIcIne, polItIcs, justice, art, education and more. Although all members’ journeys took their own specIal paths to success, they all started the same: through the lIfe-changIng programs, carIng and compassionate staff, and safety of a local Boys & GIrls Clubs of MIamI-Dade club. About Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade Boys & GIrls Clubs of MIamI-Dade has been servIng youth In the communIty sInce 1940. What once was a sIngle buIldIng and sIte for boys has grown to fIve Clubs servIng thousands of boys and girls year round, provIdIng programs In the areas of character and leadershIp development, educatIonal enhancement, career preparatIon, health and lIfe skIlls, cultural arts and sports, fItness and recreatIon. Club staffIng, InItIatIves, and programs are desIgned to InspIre and enable young people and provIde them wIth the resources to succeed and share In the AmerIcan Dream. For more InformatIon, please visit www.bgcmIa.org. ### EDITOR’S NOTE: Images from the Alumni Event can be found at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cticl4s8461ilk0/AAA_-Ot4PUwUyMvqjVKYRbvFa?dl=0 .
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