8 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, 3rAT 20, 1917. TO gXCHAXGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. WOK BALE. TOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. ft I WANT TO TRADE Pianos. Organs and Mimical Instruments. Ftarnlture for Sale. Poultry. Automobiles. Automobile. Automobile. L MY FINE FARM AND STOCK. WESTERN Am & widow and cannot handle so SPECIAL TALKING MACHINE SALE. SALVAGE COMPANY. A. M. FERGUSON CO, largo & property; have 160 acres rich silt During we COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHINGS. START CHICKS RIGHT. The first few Leading bottom land was covered with alder the past few months have SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. weeks Is the critical time. Then Dr. Hess Portland's Used Car Dealer. that taken in a number of machines on new 9x12.9 carpet, .cost Poultry Pan-a-ce- -a OPEN SUNDAY". and vine maple; 90 acres are now cleared Victrolas. Grafonolas and Edison Diamond Bunahar Wilton purpose. serves an excellent Cadillac Eight, good as new; If you $2.50 yd., in fine condition, $1.23 yd.: Let chicks regu- high-clas- WE HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED And In cultivation; 10 more practically Disc Phonographs. We offer them as fol- English larly, the little have it want a s automobile don't miss cleared, balance in pasture fit to farm lows, early dining suite consisting? of so they will digest and assimilate bargain. $1175: $475 a no overflow, beautifu-- each machine carrying a year's 8 chairs, china closet, buffet and their food. Nothing else you can de will this Price teruis TO SELL OUR when cleared; guarantee and. Including 24 records: round $90, for so cash, balance $70 per month. trout stream on place, macadam road, 4Vi $11.50; extension table, cost new ,help mt:ch to get them safely past the New Chevrolet touring cars road- o firat-cias- g Regular $35 Edison Phonograph. $5u; 9x12 Bigelow rug. Ori- when and miles to town; house, $5 down, $1 week. Axminster time diarrhoea and bowel trouble sters. Price to close out baTnre of stock large dairy barn, stanchions 32 head, and ental design, cost $45. in good condition, kills oft little chicks by the score. If you $578; $200 $33 per mo. USED CARS & Regular $45 Edison Phonograph. $13.50; $22.50: 8.3x10.6 rug. $14.50: terms down, balance USED CARS. holds 1O0 tons hay; fine heavy team. $5 down, $1 body Brussels do not find it msk"s and keeps chicks Buick Light Six. excellent condition. Jersey cows, complete ma- week. $20 Morris chair for $8: upholstered healthy and makes them grow faster ind $925: per chinery, including manure spreader, po- Regular $75 Edison, wooden horn, fine couches, $2 to $5; Morris rockers, new but develop better. Just return the empty terms $375 cash, bal&nc $55 , REGARDLESS OF PRICE. rig. cabinet and 60 records; cost $122.50; price slightly damaged, $8.50; $40 sectional packages to get your month. Now Is the time to buy your car;. tato digger, Interest In threshing $37.75; $5 down, $1 week. money the dealer and Huirk Light Six. driven only 4OO0 miles; If you want a cheap car to Cash price $17,000; want smaller farm to bookcases, in golden oak, for $20; $12 back. For sale by all dealers in 1917 $950;-term- s Jst Regular $100 Columbia disc machine, full-siz- e model. Price $400 cash, knock In. we you h $12,000, balance on time. 13. McCheaney, rubber bathtub for $5; large poultry supplies. - balance $55 per month. around have it? if 7102. wooden horn, only $37.50; $7.50 down, $4 settees, $3 to $5; -- by -- want a good, honest 5 or 332 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main monthly. in. ft. LICE KILLS of chicks. Get Buick Big Six; would make great car for we HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO velvet rug, $7.50; genuine mahogany Na- thousands little highway con car to tour in. have it; if 49 $11.00 Vanophone disc machine, $5.50. poleon bed. $16; 5x7 rugs. $3; 18x2.6 a package of Dr. Hess Instant Louse Kil triDs: excellent mechanical you want a real classy car, cheap, . we ex- fluff ler. your early, dition; all good tires. Will sacrifice for come SAVE PLACER MINE (6 CLAIMS). Don't forget are the largest hall fluff rug, $6; 9x12 Smith's Axminster Start Jouse battle which $875; $50 per to ua Compare our prices clusive talking machine house In the city rug, used two months, for $20; 9x12 used will mean chick contentment all Summer terms $350 down, balance with others. Buy where you can COW CREEK, BAKER COUNTY, carrying entirely new stock of all kinds. Bagdad long. For sale by all dealers in poultry mont h. save money. If you buy your car FROM f Wilton rug for $15; 8.3x10.0 Hart- Buick Four, model C : newly painted, EQUIPPED READY TO GO TO WORK, See our new store, new stock and new ford Wilton rug for $20; used art squares, suppllea Guaranteed. $250 from us you are buying from an old $100 TO $300. A LITTLE CASH OR FAIR TRADE demonstrating rooms. " room fine condition. Price $575: terms establishment one will stand D MACHINE CO.. size. $2.50 to $5; cook stoves. $5 to FOR ROUP use Dr. Hess' Roup Remedy. Get down, balance $30 per month. by you that GOOD EQUITY. CITY OR FAKil, HYATT TALKING $15; gas water heaters, $5 to $7.50; camp it irom my dealers. Buick Touring, model B 37; a cracker-Jac- k after selling you. MIGHT PAY LITTLE CASH. 331 A Morrison St. stoves, square bal- Opposite Portland Hotel. $1.25 to $3; extension buy at $675: terms $275 down, II MAKE OFFER. tables, $3 to $7.50; round extension tables, S. C. WHITE ance $40 per month. 20 CARS TO SELECT FROM. ALSO SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $7.50 to $27.50: sideboards and buffets. LEGHORNS. Cadillac delivery car, all new car NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. 000 OREGON HOMEBUTLDERS" Be a producer; raise chickens; our fa- tires: BROADWAY AND COUCH STREETS. SHARES $.175 Kimball upright cash $ 95 $7.50 to $30; dressers of all kinds, prices mous strain, settings only $1, la In finest condition. Price $375; terms RUNABOUTS TO LIMOUSIVES. U STOCK. $."HI0 Weber upright cash 100 range from $3 up; Iron and brass beds, per Incubator $150 cash, balance $20 per month. ALSO ' $375 Emerson upright cash. 65 $1.75 and up: library tables, good selec- lots $5 100; barred Rock eggs $2 per Oakland Light Six, newly painted. A 4 PROVEN CRANBERRY LAND $350 square 85 $4 to $15: $4.75 setting. McKenna Park Poultry Farm. ACRES Emerson .cash tion. ladies' decks, to McKenna ave. st-- snap at $675. tl NEAR NAHGOTTA. WASH. $275 H. C. Fischer square cash 20 $12.50: davenport beds, $18 to $18; and Lombard sts., Johns Overland tourlnr. model 83; like new. THE WINTON CO, ADDRESS C. F. EPPINGER. $ 90 parlor organ ............. .cash 12 painted porch rockers, $1.50 to $3; lawn carllne. Columbia 814. Prlco $575; terms $230 down, balance $30 P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. $125 parlor organ cash 20 mowers, $2 to $3.50; refrigerators. $5 to WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy- - per month. 23d and "Washington. ai Pianos stored, 50c monthly. We buy and $15. Garden tools cheap, and several other laying inoganized) stocks, fs per 108 for Baby Grand Chevrolet, used only three only. 100 4th st.. Wash, st. bargains. April. May delivery guar- cost $865. Will $700; a. sell for cash at aud June. Safe weeks:easy sacrifice for Main 4244. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAN- D 7 For customers we pack, anteed. terms. WHY BUY A PIANO crate and ship free of charge. Free deliv- The Pioneer Hatchery. Cal. 1912 Cadillac roadster: starting and DANDY Knabe, Haines Bros., Behnlng, Schaff ery everywhere city. us a call. Petaluma. IlghrTng system. " $450: terms to suit. Double hammerless Stevens' shotgun Bros., Franklin and other famous pianos in the Give AN extra 400 S. C. W. Leghorn baby chicks; Price new; over tl any- Is usually asked WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. Ford Sedan, almost cost worth $50 new; for poultry, stock or sold here for less than 061-56- 3 Washington, corner 17th St. bargain for the lot. McKenna Park Poul- $900. Will sell for $625; terms If desired. REDUCE THE HIGH COST give cash difference. Even- for used instruments. CONVENIENT try 727 Chamber of Commerce. 0; thing. Take or Our New Location. ,, Farm. Hudson some car for $1000 cash ings, room 2, 428 Alder. PAYMENT PLAN. INVESTIGATE. Both Phones. Main 4522. or terms. of your car. See ua about putting I LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO.. second-han- d cars on a 800 SHARES Oregon Home Builders stock. Piano Store 7th Floor. FOR QUICK SALE Monarch range, small THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red pul We have eight Ford truck attachment and commer- Exchange for diamond or Vlctrola. BC lets and Elliott-cockere- very fine laying In stock today, including touring cars and cial body; any size built to order. A following in- gas range, gas burner, kerosene 1913 to 1918 models. Prices Expert repairing. 894, Oregonlan. AT SACRIFICE, the band 10 gals, kindling, ted- strain; also, settings, 15 for 75c. Phone roadsters. bal- HEMPHILL'S USED CAR CENTER Firestone tires, struments, all in first-clas- s shape: 2 cor- heater, kerosene, from $250 to $323; terms $100 cash, tubes and accessories; storage by A USED metal combined medical chair and case, der, garden tools, child's swing, child's East 1138. or 806 Morris st. ance easy terms. have for saie a number of Dodges.
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