16.10.2017 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC THE ROLE OF GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EMERGENCY RESPONSE Unified information and management system in emergency and crisis situations in the Kyrgyz Republic (Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of January 3, 2011 No. 1) ------------ COMPONENT - 1 The unified state duty and dispatch service 112 (Sistema-112) Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 6 October 2011 No. 618 ------------ --------------------------- COMPONENT - 1 Center for Crisis Management (CCCS) Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 3, 2012 No. 224 ------------ --------------------------- MAIN COMPONENTS MAIN COMPONENT - 1 The nation-wide integrated public information and alert system (OXID) 2 ------------ Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 25, 2011. No. 506 1 16.10.2017 Component - 1. Unified state duty and dispatch service 112 (System - 112) The system - 112 is designed for receiving, processing and forwarding of emergency calls arriving at a single telephone number 112, emergency response services (101, 102, 103 and utilities), as well as coordinating the actions of forces and supporting interdepartmental interaction in situations requiring the participation of several operational services. Call center for the northern region Interchangeability Call Center for the Southern of Bishkek (interchangeable) Region of Osh Communication Operators Secure Network Duty and Dispatch Services Duty and Dispatch Services cities (districts) of Naryn, Issyk- cities (districts) of Batken, Osh, Kul, Chui, Talas oblasts and Jalal-Abad oblasts and Osh Bishkek (101, 102, 103 and housing and (101, 102, 103 and housing and communal services) communal services) ES Scheme of system coverage - 112 The system - 112 is implemented: Bishkek; Osh; the city of Karakol; the city of Jalal-Abad; Talas city; - All districts / cities of the Batken and Osh regions. Issyk-Kul District; Toktogul district; Alamudun district 101; Issyk-Ata district 101; Chui rayon (Tokmok city) 101; Бишкек Kemin District 101; Balykchy town 101 Within the framework of the project with UNDP until July 2018: cities / districts of Chui, Issyk-Kul and Jalal-Abad oblasts - 66 AWP Within the framework of the project with the World Bank, 2018-2019: cities / districts of Tallas and Naryn regions - 30 AWP Expansion of CW and DDS in Bishkek, Osh - 12 workstations Emergency Response Units - 5 AWP ‐‐Система System 112112 2 16.10.2017 Component - 3. The national comprehensive system of informing and alerting the public(ОКСИОН) Information on emergencies in the operational management system Persons making a decision to notify the public Possibility of interception of digital and governing bodies: TR-broadcasting of 12 channels - The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the included in the social package Kyrgyz Republic - Leadership of the TsUKS in the Ministry of At the first stage are installed with Emergencies of the Kyrgyz Republic automatic start: - The operative duty officer of the TsUKS in -10 sirens in Bishkek; -6 sirens for Osh; the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the -4 sirens for the city of Karakol. Kyrgyz Republic (outside working hours) Informing the Informing the Mobile information and Automatic start of Points of informing the population in places of mass Telephone and SMS alerts population by population by public alert point street sirens stay of people for managers interception of the intercepting Broadcasting Broadcasting Component - 2. CENTER OF MANAGEMENT IN CRISIS SITUATIONS The CCMC is the body of day-to-day management of a single information management system and is designed to combine the information resources and capabilities of ministries and local government with the aim of operational management in crisis and emergency situations. GOVERNMENT OF THE KR The main tasks of the TSUKS: Ministry of Emergency Situations -preparation of proposals for the use of duty forces and assets; -provision of operational control of the forces of the GOSP; The forces and means of the MES -control over the readiness of operational response units; -informing and informing the public. of the Kyrgyz Republic TsUKS in the MES The MES of the KR Datacenter Datacenter regions and gg. Bishkek, Osh Bishkek Osh Operational management Fire and Rescue Departmental subsystem of the ГСГЗ Territorial subsystem ГСГЗ parts of system Geographical Reservation Rescue service Duty and Dispatch Services ministries and Dispatching points departments of the KR - services of the GK KR: City Councils and State Administrations Troops of GZ -Protection of public order regions and districts: -Medical service -Fire prevention service -Utility services -Energy Services -Energy services Response centers for emergencies -Utility services 6 3 16.10.2017 Module "Geoinformation systems" 4 16.10.2017 Conducted activities on Geoinformation Systems Проведена работа с Департаментом кадастра и регистрации прав на недвижимое имущество при ГРС при ПКР по получению баз данных (пространственные данные) геоинформационных систем. Подготовлены электронные формы паспортизации объектов на территории Кыргызской Республики. 1.По республике имеются 1568 форм. 2.Из них было обработано 1064 форм. 3. Обработанные объект: - объекты соцкульбыта – 130 - медицинское учреждение – 1368 - Распорядительные подстанции 500кВт, 110 кВт – 220 - обл. и рай.электричекие подстанции – 66 - объекты производства – 121 - мосты – 737 - службы ГЗ – 553 - здания айыл окмоту – 424 - управления и отделы МЧС КР – 64 - службы спасения МЧС КР – 27 - населенные пункты – 1809 - мин.транспорта (ДЭПы) – 95 - ветеринарная служба – 71 - по войсковым частям и другие военные формирования – 77 - газовое хозяйство – 17 - ж/д пути, вокзалы и станций – 33 - автовокзалы –42 - дошкольные учреждения – 727 - АЗС – 638 Всего обработанные объекты – 7219 Всего не обработанные объекты – 4173 4.Проведена работа по электронной форме паспортизации объектов на 68%. 5. По программе ArcGis имеются цифровая карта Республики, по следующим слоем: оползни, сел, паводки, камнепад, подтопление, лавина, реки, озера, дороги, села, айылокмоту, район, область. В настоящее время осуществляется: * сбор и обобщение * корректировка данных в программе Exsel конвертация координатных данных в единый формат отображения координат для преобразования в shape-файлы 6. Проводятся работы по созданию и развитию банка данных о чрезвычайных и кризисных ситуациях, ежедневно создаются shape-файлы в программе ArcGis, а также KMZ-файлы по сводным оперативным данным, осуществляется конвертация shape-файлов в KMZ для наглядного отображения ЧС в программе Google Планета NARYN PROJECT 5 16.10.2017 AVALANCHE OSH-BISHKEK 6 16.10.2017 SOFTWARE PACKAGE «IMAGE MEDIA CENTER» Landsat-8 13 SOFTWARE PACKAGE «IMAGE MEDIA CENTER» The obtained results of the thematic processing are formalized in the form the form: visual representation territories Legend statistics charts graphics color scales Metadata text reports outputting data from the attribute table 14 7 16.10.2017 THE IMC SOFTWARE PRODUCT AS A GIS-BASE WILL ALLOW: Visualize any spatial object on an electronic map, while retaining the ability to work with its attributive (tabular) information Conduct spatial analysis (analyze the spatial distribution and influence of objects on each other, obtain exact coordinates of objects) Visualize and control the display of graphical information Conduct measurements and statistical studies Simulate various processes and phenomena, as well as display the results on the map 15 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION 8.
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