EAST STAFFORDSHIRE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BODY A G E N D A OPEN SECTION Thursday 27th June 2013 1pm – 3pm Hill Street Health & Well-being Centre, Burton upon Trent Lead Time 1. Apologies Chair 13:00 2. Declarations of Interest Chair If an Executive member has any pecuniary/non-pecuniary interest in any contract, proposed contract or other matter under consideration at this meeting, he/she shall disclose the fact to the Chair and shall not take part in the consideration or discussion of the matter or vote on any question with respect to it. 3. Minutes of Meeting held on 23rd May 2013 Paper Chair 13:02 4. Actions from Meeting held 23rd May 2013 Paper Chair 13:05 5. Chair’s Report Paper Chair 13:10 6. Accountable Officer’s Report Paper Tony Bruce 13:20 Strategic Matters 7. Primary Care Development Plan Paper Sarah Laing 13:30 8. Staffordshire Health & Well-being Strategy Paper Charles Pidsley 13:35 Quality & Safety 9. Quality Report Paper H Johnstone 13:45 Performance 10. Finance Report Paper Wendy Kerr 14:00 11. Performance Report Paper Wendy Kerr 14:10 12. QIPP Monitoring Paper Sarah Laing 14:20 Governance 13. PCT Operational Hand-over Paper Wendy Kerr 14:30 14. Issues Arising from Governing Body requiring Verbal All 14:40 entry on CCG Risk Register 15. Minutes of Committees – Issues to be raised by exception by Chairs of Committees Quality Paper 14:45 QIPP Finance and Performance Committee Paper Steering Group – 9th May 2013 – deferred until September 16. Any Other Business Verbal 14:50 Questions/Comments from the Public Private Agenda The Chairman to move the following resolution: - "That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting, having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest" (Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960). EAST STAFFORDSHIRE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BODY Minutes of the East Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Held on Thursday 23rd May 2013, Barton under Needwood Village Hall, Crowberry Lane, Burton on Trent, DE13 8AF Present: Dr Charles Pidsley Chair Tony Bruce Chief Accountable Officer Ann Tunley Patient and Public Involvement Lay Member Dr Wai Lim GP Executive Dr John Cleary GP Executive Dr Liz Gunn GP Executive Dr Catherine Faarup GP Executive Professor Mike Chester Secondary Care Consultant David Harding Governance Lay Member Sarah Laing Chief Operating Officer Lucy Heath Consultant in Public Health Heather Johnstone Chief Nurse(part only) In Councillor David Leese East Staffordshire Borough Council Attendance: Councillor Beryl Behague East Staffordshire Borough Council Paul Winter Head of Performance and Governance Katie Kidd Staffordshire Commissioning Support Unit(agenda item only) Denise Pidd Personal Assistant (minutes) MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EAST STAFFORSHIRE CLINCIAL ACTION COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BODY GB(05)01 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Dr Charles Pidsley welcomed all present to the first East Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Governing Body meeting held in public advising that there would be an opportunity at the end of the agenda for questions from members of the public. Dr Charles Pidsley extended thanks to Councillors Beryl Behague and David Leese for attending the meeting as observers. The Governing Body introduced themselves for the benefit of members of public present. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Michele Fildes, Dr John Tansey, Wendy Kerr and Dr David Dickson, Local Medical Council representative. GB(05)02 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 1 Professor Mike Chester – designs QIPP Schemes for CCGs. GB(05)03 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 28TH MARCH 2013 GB (01)10 amend ‘soft launch’ to ‘full launch’. GB (03)22 Action to be amended for Sarah Laing only and points 4 and 5 merged. GB(05)04 ACTIONS FROM MEETING HELD 28TH MARCH 2013 GB (01)06.3 Tony Bruce advised the Governing Body that he had undertaken the required action. Action Closed. GB (02)06 Full discussion and report at Agenda Item 6. Action Closed. GB (03)11 For discussion at Executive Directors Meeting. Action Closed. GB(05)05 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Dr Charles Pidsley stated that the report contained a summary of activity of meetings he had attended to date; no questions were raised. Dr Charles Pidsley drew attention to the heading in the report, ‘Strengthening Quality Assurance’, and sought Governing Body approval to appoint a former Non-Executive Director of South Staffordshire Primary Care Trust as a lay, non–voting member to the Governing Body and Quality Committee to further strengthen quality assurance in line with Authorisation requirements. The Governing Body approved the proposal. GB(05)06 ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER’S REPORT Tony Bruce stated that the report gave an overview of where the Clinical Commissioning Group was presently and gave assurance to the Governing Body that in key domains of work progress was being made. Governing Body members were invited to contact Tony Bruce with any suggestions regarding the format and future content of the report. Councillors Behague and Leese were invited to raise any questions during the meeting as they felt appropriate. As approval sought in the report had been proposed in the Chairman’s Report, the report was now for Governing Body assurance only. The Governing Body was assured: • That the key strategic matters faced by the CCG are receiving appropriate early leadership attention • That services commissioned by the CCG are currently assessed as safe and that quality issues are being acted on • By the CCG’s performance against national and local expectations and that remedial action is being taken where appropriate • That key corporate governance issues have been identified and are being appropriately addressed GB(05)07 AGREEMENT OF BUSINESS PLAN Tony Bruce stated that the Governing Body had previous knowledge/input into the report and invited any questions. There were no questions. The Governing Body • Approved the Interim Business Plan Priority Areas set out in Section 2 of the report 2 • Requested a progress update against these priorities, for assurance T Bruce at the September Governing Body Meeting • Requested a Business Plan for the period 1st November 2013 to 31st T Bruce March 2014 is approved at the September Governing Body Meeting. GB(05)08 PLAN ON A PAGE Tony Bruce advised the Governing Body that the CCG is required to produce this document for public consumption, detailing the key intentions of the CCG for the local population. Tony Bruce stated that the content of the document formed the priorities of the CCG. Dr Catherine Faarup raised concerns in respect of the wording and target outcomes, specifically chronic diseases; expressing the view that the targets may be too stretching for some Practices. Paul Winter confirmed that alternative wording submitted by Dr Catherine Faarup had been incorporated into a revised version of the document. In response to a question from Lucy Heath, Tony Bruce invited Lucy Heath to work with the CCG to devise a form of words and aspiration that could be articulated that clearly stated the CCG commitment to reducing health inequalities. Tony Bruce stated that it had been his experience that it was difficult to demonstrate a change in health inequalities on a short term timescale with measurable indicators to support outcomes at a later date. Councillor Leese stated that the concept of stretching targets was one that was regularly faced in the Council environment and that this was managed by reporting mechanisms that allowed explanation as to why changes had occurred. Councillor Leese further commented that targets consistently met would raise doubts and supported ‘stretching targets’. Dr Catherine Faarup stated she also had concerns regarding meeting the target set for dementia diagnoses within the current service. Tony Bruce proposed that the content of the Plan on a Page be finalised by Dr C delegated authority. The Governing Body agreed that delegated authority Pidsley; Tony Bruce; be with Dr Charles Pidsley, Tony Bruce and Sarah Laing in consultation Sarah with Dr Catherine Faarup for the approval of the finalised Plan on a Page Laing; Dr C document. Faarup The Governing Body approved the: • Plan on a Page, incorporating adjustments as subsequently agreed outside the meeting, to reflect the CCG’s priority deliverables for 2013/2014; specifically the “2013/2014 Outcomes” • Publication of the document • Agreed “2013/2014 Outcomes” for inclusion in the Interim Business Plan Priorities to 31st October and within the CCGs Performance Management Reporting. 3 GB(05)09 TRADE UNION RECOGNITION AGREEMENT Katie Kidd presented the report to the Governing Body stating that effective from the 1st April 2013 the CCG became an NHS recognised employer and therefore has the option to recognise trade unions. Katie Kidd stated that the agreement was a standard document and recognises the British Medical Association, Royal College of Nurses, Managers in Partnership and Unison. The Governing Body: • Approved the trade union recognition for East Staffordshire CCG Dr C and the Clinical Accountable Officer signs the trade union Pidsley recognition agreement • Agreed that the Accountable Officer for Stafford and Surround CCG chairs the quarterly partnership forum on the CCGs behalf. Patient Centeredness Questionnaire Professor Mike Chester advised the Governing Body and members of the public in respect of the tabled questionnaire for completion and review at the end of the meeting in evaluating the Governing Body’s deliberations being patient centred GB(05)10 QUALITY REPORT Heather Johnstone advised the Governing Body of further updates to the report since it had been originally produced which had been before the Clinical Quality Review Meeting (CQRM) had taken place. Heather Johnstone stated that the team were looking at the format of future reports in order that reports gave Governing Body members more comparative data within organisations in addition to the information highlighted as pertinent to the East Staffordshire CCG.
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