~aily Services, Initiated At Beth El, Have Continued For Eleven Years By LOIS A1WOOD first proposed the Idea to the With the blessing of their rabbi Brotherhood, and Robert Hoch­ and the moral If not the physical berg and Abraham Adelman, who support of the Brotherhood, a few were appointed co-chairmen of the members of Temple Beth El began service by the Brotherhood (Hyman on November 7, 1955, a service of Goodwin was president at the THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . daily worship almost tmlque In Re­ time). Also actlveoveralongperl­ form Judaism at that time, Al­ od of time In the dally mlnyan were VOL. L, NO, 20 FRIDAY,JULY 15, 1960 15c PER COPY 12 Pages though many other Reform temples Charles Silverman, Dr. Samuel have since Initiated a daily service, Morein, Samuel Goldin, Maurice Temple Beth El was pretty much Mosko!, Arthur Rosen, Ell Leavitt mapping Its way, Two Immediate and Archibald Silverman. and obvious obstacles were the The very first day the service fact that Reform congregations was well-attended, ' 'but after the Court To·Hear Vaad, were, and are, not accustomed to first week, when some of the men of such frequent services, and the dif­ the Brotherhood attended to give It ficulty sometimes fotmd even In a start, there was dismal at­ Orthodox synagogues of gt.ttlng to­ tendance." Rabbi William G. gether the 10 men needed for a Braude, who was very much In Sugarman Dispute mlnyan, favor of the dally service, had told Both obstacles were sur­ them six persons were sufficient motmted, and now, nearly 11 years · for a mlnyan, but they held the Says Eshkol To Talk later, as many as SO or 60 persons service evenlffewerwerepresent. may be present at Temple Beth El Over the years the daily mlnyan has With De Gaulle Soon on a summer afternoon. The grown, so that attendance now JERUSALEM - "Lamerhav," Kashruth, Tax Decision number necessary for a mlnyan, ranges from about 17 to about 35 the organ of Achdut Avodah Party, according to a statement In the persons practically every day ex­ reported that Pr!R1e Minister Levi tractate of Sotrlm, can be con­ cept Stmday. The fixed hour, not Eshkol will requests meeting with To Be Settled Monday strued as six. Since Reform dependent on the hour of stmset, Is President de Gaulle In the near Judaism cotmts women as well as much more convenient than the future to discuss France's attitude men, the daily mlnyan has been varying time fotmd In a traditional toward Israel's desire to become Agreement was reached on Wednesday afternoon between easter to collect. "Women came congregation, and this, too, has an associate member of the EEC. the Vaad Hakashruth of Rhode Island and Myer Sugarman of when they had a strong need, es­ drawn persons to the Beth El serv­ ls r a e I's Foreign Ministry Sugannan's Kosher Meat Market to halt further publication of pecially to say Kaddish. In the be­ ice. It has been publicized only sources would not comment on the advertisements or articles until either the dispute between the two ginning there were so m e v e r y by being listed at the Sheraton­ report. However, It was Indicated was settled or determined by the court. At a conference held faithful women (who) came for a Biltmore Hotel as a dally 5:45 P .M. that Israel will latmch a strong year," said one long-ti.me "mtn­ service. "A pretty good cross- political and diplomatic offensive ~esday in Barrington at the home of Superior Court Judge yanatre." 9ectlon, both older and yowiger ," soon In the capitals of the six Eu­ Frederick B. Perkins, where the Vaad Hakashruth was rep­ ( I (In New York recently NBC ra­ (Continued on Page 11) romart states resented by Isidore K.irshenbaum and Alfred Factor, Mr. Sugar­ ) dio received thousands of calls, man by Michael A. Abatuno and Vincent J. Chisholm, and the after an Interview with a conserv­ ative rabbi, Rabbi Aaron Pearl, R I. Herald by Archie Smith, it was ruled that a hearing would who said that women co u I d be Sh.ortage Of Men, Money Hampers be held on Monday in Superior Courl accepted for a mlnyan. Informed Myer Sugarman, doing business that his teacher, Dr. Finkel stein, World Union For Progressive Judaism Russians Not Told That as Sugarman's Kosher MeatMar­ opposed this, Rabbi Pearl replied ket on Hope Street, had filed an that It Is up to each Individual rab­ LONDON, England- Rabbi Ja­ bis by Israel's Chief Rabbinate." Israel Exhibited At Fair cob K. Shankman, president of the He noted that the seven con­ action, through his attorney.s •n bi to set up policy. He compared Superior Court against the Vaad his right to Interpret the law with World Union for Progressive Juda­ gregations conduct regular re­ LONDON- Visitors to the re­ J ism, recently called upon the So­ ligious services, hold religious cent Israel! Pavilion at the Inter­ Hakashruth of Rhode Island, the the rights of the Talmudists, who Jewish Press Publishing Company, Interpreted the law In their time. viet Union to end the suppressions school classes for yotmgandadult, national Fair In Moscow were against Its three million Jews and have lectured on Liberal Judaism asked by Soviet guards to leave publishers of the R.I. Herald, Rab­ '1 He also told his radio audience that bl "Abraham Chill and Rabbi an Increasing number of Conserv­ to lift the restrictions which pre­ at schools and lclbbutzlm and have behind souvenirs they had picked vent the availability of adequate printed their own slddur, mahzor up at the pavilion, according to Emanuel Lazar, claiming great ative rabbis permit women to be financial loss In his business and cotmted for a mlnyan,) tools for their religious and cul­ and haggadah, reports. rural survival. Rabbi Shankman called the Israel's Invitation to partici­ the suffering of embarrassment, The second obstacle, the rarity humlllatlon, Indignation, disgrace of daily worship In a Reform tem­ Keynoting the 14th convocation movement's advancements in South pate In the Soviet International of the International Uberal Syn­ America "small but promising," Modern Agrlcul tural Mach In e ry and mental anguish, and asking that ple, was overcome by the devotion he be declared a member of the of a few who wanted the service agogue body at Guildhall, Rabbi though from "all parts of the con­ and Equipment Fair attracted con­ Shankman asked that the groupex­ tinent comes the cry, send us rab­ siderable speculation Initially. Vaad, In good standing, tmtll he has • to succeed and came faithfully had a hearing, that the Vaad be re­ every day to the temple. Those who press Its deep concern for the bis, lecturers, teachers, educa­ Later It was learned that while the plight of Russian Jews and "raise tional materials, and religious participation was widely publicized strained from refusing to return 1 want to pray daily have come, those his Kashruth card tmtll he has been who were not Interested In such our voice In the trlbtmals of nations texts." outside of the Soviet Union, there and speak before the liberal forums The Reform Jewish leader re­ was no mention In the Soviet Union expelled from the Vaad "after due frequent public worship do not. process of law," that the Vaad be Among those who supported the of the world, and arouse the con­ gretted that the World Union's ef­ about the Israeli pavilion. science of mankind and the sensi­ forts were Impeded by an acute It was also reported that des­ restrained from signaling any rab­ dally mlnyan were Norman Alper, bis to annotmce to their congrega­ no longer living In Providence, who tive moral spirit of the world to shortage of ftmds and manpower. pite the enthusiastic response to this threat of Jewish extinction," "If we had the money we could es­ the Israeli exhibits, particularly tions that Sµgarman Is violating The World Union represents tablish literally dozens of congre­ Irrigation and food-picking· ma­ any rules of the Vaad, that the Vaad 800 Reform, Liberal ·or Progres­ gations In Israel and Latin Amer­ chines, no sales of the machines be _restrained from Interrupting the Father Flannery Given sive synagogues In 20 cotmtrles ica and even here in E urope.," were made in Moscow. supervision of Sugarman' s Kosher­ with a combined membership of Meat Market and that all the de­ NCCJ Award For Book more than 1,500,000. The largest fendants be restrained from pub­ Reverend EdWard H. Flannery, body comes from the Union of lishing any articles or advertise­ editor of the Providence Vlsl tor, American Hebrew Congregations Runoff Farming System Of 440 B.C. ment which accuses him of of­ has won the top National Brother­ which represents 6 70 congrega­ fering for sale any meatorpoultry hood non-fiction award of the tions and one million members. that is not kosher, or from pub­ National Conference of Christians Last year a group of Orthodox Produces Succulent Negev Harvest lishing any statements concerning and Jews for the Book, "The An­ rabbis from the United States were BEERSHEBA, Israel- Fifty The clue to these amazing re­ any breach by Sugarman' s of any guish of the Jews: 23 Centuries told by Rabbi Yehudah Levin In foreign diplomats In Israel attend­ sults dates back to the ancient Is­ Jewish customs or tradition or the of Anti-Semitism." The award Moscow that permission had been ed a lecture by Prof.
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