Annual Report 2019 For personal use only TRANSMETRO CORPORATION LIMITED ABN 45 001 809 043 METRO HOTELS Metro Hospitality Group operates a network of Having formed in 1997, Metro Hospitality Group’s pub accommodation hotels and pubs in key locations division is now in its twenty second year of operation. and major cities across Australia including Sydney, The flexibility and diversity of the Metro Hospitality Melbourne, Perth, Gladstone, Darwin and Groote Group, incorporating Metro Hotels and Pubs, Eylandt (NT). gives Transmetro Corporation a high degree of Year on year, the chain’s national portfolio of hotels confidence in its capacity to confront the present and apartments continues to attract a broadening and future challenges of a dynamic and ever- range of corporate and leisure guests, whilst the changing marketplace. group’s Palace Hotel Sydney and The Elephant The company is dedicated to building client British pub, continue to host tens of thousands of relationships and offers a unique range of long- Australians and visiting tourists annually. established and well recognised brands. Metro Hotels attracts guests from both the domestic and international markets for corporate and leisure stays as well as in select locations, conferences and As part of a strategic alliance, Argyle Hotel functions. The Metro Hotels group offers a unique Group (AHG) has been a gateway for Transmetro range of hospitality from fully serviced hotels to Corporation into the Asian market since 2007. AHG spacious self-contained CBD located apartments. is the premier Australian exporter of hotel and For personal use only resort services in Asia, with 3.4 billion USD in assets In addition to its accommodation hotels network, the under management and 140 hotels in all segments Metro Hospitality Group has interests in theme pubs of the market from 5-star hotels and resorts, mid- in Sydney and Adelaide. scale business hotels to serviced apartments. The The pubs division continues to support the broad Argyle Hotel Group also provides tertiary education expertise of the group and has enabled it to leverage and training in hospitality and hotel management its resources over a wider portfolio of interests. including partnerships with renowned universities It has also brought cross-promotional benefits. across China. Transmetro Corporation Limited ABN 45 001 809 043 - 1 - OUR OPERATIONS Metro Hotels Metro Darwin Groote Eylandt Gladstone Brisbane Perth Newport Adelaide Sydney METRO HOTELS AND APARTMENTS Melbourne Based in capital cities or larger regional centres, Metro Hotels are generally four star properties catering mainly for corporate guests, inbound travellers, and holidaymakers. The fully-serviced hotels include PUBS restaurants, meeting rooms, and business facilities. A unique range of pubs in capital cities providing Some properties include comprehensive conference beverages, food, entertainment, and in one location, and function space. gaming. For personal use only Metro Apartments complexes are located in major cities and cater for corporate and leisure guests looking The division operates The Palace Hotel since 1877 in for longer term stays. Properties are ranked in the 3.5 Sydney, and The Elephant, a British pub, in Adelaide. to 4.5 star bracket, and are fully equipped with kitchen facilities, separate living room and bedroom space as well as laundry facilities, making Metro’s apartment properties an ideal ‘home away from home’. Transmetro Corporation Limited ABN 45 001 809 043 - 1 - - 2 - THE YEAR IN REVIEW 2018/19 has been a successful year for Metro Hotels United States which impacts Australia at large, and a and the parent company with a number of asset depreciating Australian dollar. sales occurring. Leisure travel is steady although growth from our During the year the company disposed of its Ipswich biggest source of inbound travellers, China has slowed Hotel, which it had run for a little more than a decade. to 0.08% over the past year. Nonetheless China remains The hotel has been sold to an aged care operator and is Australia’s biggest source of overseas visitors, with 1.43 currently in the process of being converted to an aged million Chinese tourists visiting our shores in 2018/19. care facility. China offers Australia’s tourism sector significant potential in the future. Transmetro also sold some surplus land it owned adjacent to its Metro Hotel Perth. In the previous financial Metro Hotels maintains its marketing alliance with year the group disposed of its long-held interest in the the Argyle Hotel Group which now operates 140 hotels Metro Hotel Tower Mill in Brisbane. in China, in 93 cities. The alliance remains in place despite the New York stock exchange listed GreenTree Profit before interest, depreciation and tax from Hospitality Group taking a majority stake in the Argyle For personal use only continuing operations for the 2018/19 year was $2.89 group earlier this year. million. After interest, depreciation and tax the net profit of the group was $2.11 million. GreenTree is a major franchised hotel operator in China having assembled more than 2,500 hotels under its wing. The current year which began on 1 July 2019 poses a number of challenges with a subdued economy, Metro Hotels’ continued alliance with Argyle, and heightening trade tensions between China and the through it GreenTree Hospitality Group, augers well for Transmetro Corporation Limited ABN 45 001 809 043 - 3 - REVIEW 2019 REVIEW Directors’ the group as it is anticipated that the Chinese market will continue to grow in the years ahead. The Metro Hospitality Group which comprises Metro New Zealand remains the next highest source of inbound Hotels, is also invested in pubs, and the company’s business for Australia, with a little over 1.4 million New locations in Sydney and Adelaide continue to cater for Zealanders visiting our shores over the 2018/19 year. their local markets. The Palace since 1877 has been hampered over the past two years by the development The U.S. and the UK rank third and fourth respectively of the Sydney Metro, however the work around the hotel as the next major sources of overseas visitation into has come to an end, and the hotel is back doing the Australia, however the eighth ranked India is the market good business it was doing beforehand. to have recorded the most growth over the year (11.1%). The group is appreciative of the support of those that The lower Australian dollar has been a positive for have patronised our establishments over the past year, the hotel sector. A lower dollar makes Australia as and the more than four decades the group has been a destination more affordable, and is a deterrent to operating. Australians considering overseas travel. In the past a For personal use only lower currency has boosted Australian hotel occupancies. The directors are also appreciative of the efforts and initiative of our Australia-wide executive base and our The company remains on the look-out for new colleagues that staff our hotels in the various areas in opportunities in the hospitality sector. There are some which we operate across Australia. interesting areas the company is presently exploring and if and when they come to fruition we will Our appreciation is extended to all of them, and to our announce details. suppliers and shareholders for their continued support. Transmetro Corporation Limited ABN 45 001 809 043 - 3 - - 4 - DIRECTORS’ REPORT 2019 Your directors have pleasure in submitting their report for the year ended 30 June 2019. DIRECTORS EARNINGS PER SHARE The names of the directors of the company in office Earnings per share from continuing operations were at the date of this report are: 15.79 cents per share (after interest, depreciation D Lloyd and tax) compared to 3.93 cents for the previous JAC McEvoy financial year. A Notley S Notley (alternate for A Notley) FINANCIAL POSITION P J Frawley The net assets of the consolidated group have increased by $4.12 million during the year ended 30 MEETINGS OF DIRECTORS June 2019 due to: The following table sets out the numbers of meetings Group net profit after tax attributable to members of of the company’s directors held during the year $5.46 million less dividends paid of $1.34 million. ended 30 June 2019 and the numbers of meetings attended by each director. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN STATE OF AFFAIRS Director Number Number Other than as noted above, there were no significant Eligible to Attended changes in the state of affairs of the consolidated attend group during the financial year. D Lloyd 11 9 JAC McEvoy 11 11 EVENTS SUBSEQUENT TO BALANCE DATE A Notley 11 8 No matters or circumstances have arisen since the S Notley 3 2 end of the financial year other than those disclosed P J Frawley 11 11 in note 32 to the financial report. As at the date of this report the company does not have an audit committee as the Board, consisting of four FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS, PROSPECTS directors, feels that all matters of audit significance can AND BUSINESS STRATEGIES Likely developments, future prospects and business be adequately dealt with by the Board. strategies of the operations of the consolidated group PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES and the expected results of those operations have not been included in this report as the directors believe, The principal activities of the consolidated group are on reasonable grounds, that the inclusion of such the operation of Hotels, Inns, Serviced Apartments, information would be likely to result in unreasonable and Theme Pubs. prejudice to the consolidated group. RESULTS FOR THE YEAR Profit before interest, depreciation and tax from ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES The consolidated group’s operations are not subject continuing operations was $2.89 million. After to any significant environmental regulation under interest, depreciation and tax the net profit of the Commonwealth or State law.
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