Bone Clones® Pricelist 2017 2017 Retail Retail Product SKU# Product Description Prices Product SKU# Product Description Prices BASIC ANATOMY BC-182 Human Fetal Skull 40 Weeks (Full Term) $80.00 Basic Anatomy Skulls: Adult BC-182-SET Human Fetal Skulls, Set of 3 $225.00 BC-016 Human Male Asian Skull and Jaw $235.00 BC-194 Human Fetal Skull 20 Weeks $80.00 BC-031 Human Male Australian Aboriginal Skull $245.00 BC-194-SET Human Fetal Skulls, Set of 5 $375.00 Human Male Australian Aboriginal Skull (Painted to Match BC-195 Human Fetal Skull 29 Weeks $80.00 BC-031P Original) $275.00 BC-215 Human Fetal Skull 13 Weeks $80.00 BC-059E Human Female Asian Skull, Economy $140.00 BC-218 Human Fetal Skull 17 Weeks $80.00 BC-107 Human Male European Skull $230.00 BC-220 Human Fetal Skull 21 1/2 Weeks $80.00 BC-110 Human Male African Skull $230.00 BC-225 Human Fetal Skull 30 Weeks $80.00 BC-133 Human Female European Skull $230.00 BC-226 Human Fetal Skull 34 Weeks $80.00 BC-149 Human Female Asian Skull $230.00 BC-227 Human Fetal Skull 35 Weeks $80.00 BC-178 Human Female African-American Skull $235.00 BC-228 Human Fetal Skull 40 1/2 Weeks (Full Term) $80.00 BC-203 Human Male African-American Skull $235.00 BC-228-SET Human Fetal Skulls, Set of 12 $900.00 BC-204 Human Male European, Elderly Skull $295.00 BC-281-C Human Fetal Skull 40 Weeks (Full Term), Calvarium Cut $195.00 BC-211 Human Female Asian Skull $225.00 Human Fetal Skulls, Set of 4, Including Lesson Plan: BC- BC-281-SET BC-213 Human Female American Indian Skull $270.00 194, BC-195, BC-227, BC-281-C, Base Included $498.00 BC-253 Human Male Asian Skull $230.00 BCM-186-D Human Fetal Skull 40 Weeks (Full Term), Disarticulated $479.00 BC-253-C Human Male Asian Skull with Calvarium Cut $259.00 S-BC-194-SET Stand, BC-194-SET, Set of 5 Fetal Skulls $65.00 BC-287 Human Male Asian Skull, Robust $255.00 S-BC-228-SET Stand, BC-228-SET, Set of 12 Fetal Skulls $85.00 BC-299 Human Female Asian Skull $235.00 Basic Anatomy Skeletons: Adult BC-299-C Human Female Asian Skull with Calvarium Cut $279.00 SC-092-A Male Human Skeleton, Asian, Articulated $2,395.00 BC-302 Human Male Polynesian Skull $295.00 SC-092-D Male Human Male Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated $1,450.00 BCM-891 Human Female European Skull, from SCM-191 $249.00 SC-092-DH Male Human Half Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated $989.00 BCM-892 Human Male European Skull, from SCM-192 $249.00 SC-211-A Female Human Skeleton, Asian, Articulated $2,395.00 EZ-001 Magnetic Osteological Teaching Skull, 22-piece, Natural $349.00 SC-211-D Female Human Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated $1,450.00 EZ-002 Magnetic Osteological Teaching Skull, 22-piece, Color $379.00 SC-211-DH Female Human Half Skeleton, Asian, Disarticulated $989.00 KO-S02 Human Skull 1:4 Scale Model $39.00 SC-287-A Male Human Asian Skeleton, Robust, Articulated, Flexible $2,395.00 Scale 1:2 Human Male and Female Skulls, Set of 6: African, SC-287-D Male Human Male Asian Skeleton, Robust, Disarticulated $1,450.00 TSCOMP-120 Asian and European $625.00 SC-287-DH Male Human Adult Half Skeleton, Robust, Disarticulated $990.00 Scale 1:2 Human Male Skulls Set of 3: African, Asian and SCM-191-A Female European Skeleton, Articulated $2,495.00 TSCOMP-121 European $315.00 SCM-191-D Female European Skeleton, Disarticulated $1,595.00 Scale 1:2 Human Female Skulls Set of 3: African, Asian and Female Human Adult European Half Skeleton, TSCOMP-122 European $315.00 SCM-191-DH Disarticulated, with Calvarium Cut Skull $1,095.00 TSBC-107 Scale 1:2 Human Male European Skull with Base $110.00 SCM-192-A Male European Skeleton, Articulated $2,495.00 TSBC-110 Scale 1:2 Human Male African Skull with Base $110.00 SCM-192-D Male European Skeleton, Disarticulated $1,595.00 TSBC-133 Scale 1:2 Human Female European Skull with Base $110.00 Male Human Adult European Half Skeleton, TSBC-149 Scale 1:2 Human Female Asian Skull with Base $110.00 SCM-192-DH Disarticulated, with Calvarium Cut Skull $1,095.00 TSBC-178 Scale 1:2 Human Female African American Skull with Base $110.00 Basic Anatomy Skeletons: Child TSBC-253 Scale 1:2 Human Male Asian Skull with Base $110.00 Human Child Skeletons, 5-year-old Comparative Set, Basic Anatomy Skulls: Child COMP-183 Modern and Archaic (6,000 Years) $3,600.00 BC-256 Human Child Skull 4-month-old (3-6 Months) $225.00 Human Male Partial Skeleton, European-American, 13- BC-187 Human Child Skull 14-month-old (14-16 Months) $225.00 FM-509-SET year-old $1,169.00 BC-111 Human Child Skull 15-month-old (15-16 Months) $225.00 SC-116-A Human Child Skeleton 5-year-old Archaic, Articulated $2,190.00 BC-209 Human Child Skull 16-month-old (16-18 Months) $225.00 SC-116-D Human Child Skeleton 5-year-old Archaic, Disarticulated $1,150.00 BC-274 Human Child Skull 1-year-old (12-18 Months) $225.00 SC-183-A Human Child Skeleton 5-year-old (5-6 Years), Articulated $2,050.00 Human Child Skull 1-year-old (12-18 Months), Calvarium Human Child Skeleton 5-year-old (5-6 Years), Dentition BC-280 Cut $249.00 SC-183-D Exposed, Disarticulated $1,295.00 BC-216 Human Child Skull 1-1/2-year-old (14-22 Months) $225.00 Human Child Half Skeleton 5-year-old (5-6 Years), BC-275 Human Child Skull 2-year-old (2-3 Years) $225.00 SC-183-DH Dentition Exposed, Disarticulated $850.00 BC-210 Human Child Skull 3-year-old (3-4 Years) $225.00 Human Child Skeleton 14-month-old (14-16 Months), BC-247 Human Child Skull 4-year-old (3 1/2-4 1/2 Years) $225.00 SC-187-A Articulated $2,050.00 BC-116 Human Child Skull 5-year-old, Archaic, Dated 6,000 Years $225.00 Human Child Skeleton 14-month-old (14-16 Months), Human Child Skull 5-year-old (5-6 Years), Mixed Dentition SC-187-D Disarticulated $1,295.00 BC-183 Exposed and Calvarium Cut $289.00 Human Child Half Skeleton 14-month-old (14-16 Months), BC-188 Human Child Skull 5-year-old (5-6 Years), Calvarium Cut $269.00 SC-187-DH Disarticulated $850.00 Human Child Skull 5-year-old (5-6 Years), Mixed Dentition SC-301-A Human Adolescent Skeleton, Articulated $3,225.00 BC-189 Exposed $259.00 SC-301-D Human Adolescent Skeleton, Disarticulated $2,025.00 BC-190 Human Child Skull 5-year-old (5-6 Years) $225.00 Human Adolescent Half Skeleton, Disarticulated, with BC-268 Human Child Skull 6-year-old (6-7 Years) $225.00 SC-301-DH Calvarium Cut Skull $1,420.00 BC-276 Human Child Skull 8-year-old (5-9 Years) $225.00 Basic Anatomy Skeletons: Fetal BC-277 Human Child Skull 9-year-old (7.5-12.5 Years) $225.00 SC-181-A Human Fetal Skeleton, 32 Weeks, Articulated $669.00 Human Child Skull 12-year-old (11-13 Years), Dentition Human Fetal Skeleton, 32 Weeks, Flexible, Stand and Base BC-135 Exposed $259.00 SC-226-A Included $1,195.00 BC-270 Human Child Skull 13-year-old (13-14 Years) $225.00 SCM-186-A Human Fetal Skeleton 40 Weeks (Full Term), Assembled $1,950.00 BC-301 Human Adolescent Skull $230.00 Human Fetal Skeleton 40 Weeks (Full Term), BC-305 Human Adolescent Skull, Calvarium Cut $279.00 SCM-186-D Disarticulated $949.00 Basic Anatomy Skulls: Fetal Basic Anatomy Postcranial: Adult Miscellaneous BC-180 Human Fetal Skull 31 Weeks $80.00 FM-401 Human Adult Male Femur, African $66.00 BC-181 Human Fetal Skull 32 Weeks $80.00 FM-402 Human Adult Female Femur, African $66.00 Page 1 of 14 Bone Clones, Inc. ϵϮϬϬƚŽŶǀĞŶƵĞ, ŚĂƚƐǁŽƌƚŚ, CA 913ϭϭ USA Phone: 818Ͳ709Ͳ7991 Fax: 818Ͳ709Ͳ7993 January 2017 eͲmail: [email protected] website:www.boneclones.com Bone Clones® Pricelist 2017 2017 Retail Retail Product SKU# Product Description Prices Product SKU# Product Description Prices FM-406 Human Adult Female Humerus, African $62.00 C-4 Vertebra, Human Male, 13-year-old European- SC-092-F Human Adult Male Femur, Asian $56.00 FM-524 American $30.00 SC-211-F Human Adult Female Femur, Asian $56.00 C-5 Vertebra, Human Male, 13-year-old European- SCM-192-21 Human Adult Male Femur, European $62.00 FM-525 American $30.00 SCM-191-21 Human Adult Female Femur, European $62.00 T-5 Vertebra, Human Male, 13-year-old European- FM-526 American $30.00 FO-103-P Human Male Pelvis, Assembled, Asian $155.00 L-3 Vertebra, Human Male, 13-year-old European- FO-103-PD Human Male Pelvis, Disarticulated, Asian $198.00 FM-527 American $30.00 FO-103-S Human Male Sacrum, Asian $60.00 Basic Anatomy Postcranial: Child Miscellaneous KO-164-I Human Male Adult Tooth $9.50 KO-112 Innominate, 2 pcs., Human, 9-year-old Child $85.00 KO-164-SET Human Male Teeth, Set of 32, Adult $295.00 Human Child, 5-year-old Vertebral Column from C-1 Human Cervical Vertebrae Assembly, Occipital to C-7, on KO-323 through L-5, with Discs, Plus Sacrum and Coccyx on Stand $620.00 KO-249 Base $186.00 Human Child, 5-year-old Vertebral Column from C-1 KO-320 Human Temporal Bone, Hinged $210.00 KO-324 through L-5, with Discs, Plus Pelvis on Stand $690.00 Human Female Vertebral Column from C-1 through L-5 Basic Anatomy Postcranial: 5Ͳ6ͲyearͲold Child Modern KO-321 with Discs, Plus Sacrum and Coccyx on Stand $620.00 (from SCͲ183ͲD) Human Female Vertebral Column from C-1 through L-5 KO-184 Hand, Articulated, Human 5-6-year-old Child $98.00 KO-322 with Discs, Plus Pelvis on Stand $690.00 KO-185 Foot, Articulated, Human 5-6-year-old Child $98.00 KO-S03 Human Female Pelvis, 1:4 Scale $30.00 SC-183-61-H Humerus, Articulated, Human 5-6-year-old Child $48.00 LC-17 Human Male Hand, Right Life Cast, Adult $140.00 SC-183-61-HD Humerus, Disarticulated, Human 5-6-year-old Child $70.00 Basic Anatomy Postcranial: Adult AfricanͲAmerican SC-183-F Femur, Articulated, Human 5-6-year-old Child $50.00 Female SC-183-FD Femur, Disarticulated, Human 5-6-year-old Child $70.00 KO-178-FA Fibula, Human Female African-American $46.00
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