THE HANNA HERALD GRADE TWfljfe "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERT^ NEWS" HAS LAUDSIJ3E VOLUME XXXXIV — No. 48 Li-it HANNA HERALD arvl EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1957 S3.00 per year in Canada — 7c per copy CLASSROOM POLIT'^cYAILJH 1 APPLE SALESMEN THIS SATURDAY SCHOOL AS STUD^rkAMPAIGN FOR OFFICES; VOTE SEPTEMBER 27 7 HARVEST Grade Twelve Students Score Landslide In Electing All Officers in Union; Elizabeth Gourlay New Union Leader "Classroom politics" were in the air around thrr Honno high school lo$t week, as candidates-campaigned for .off ices in the students' Union for the 1957-58 term. Following the nomination of twenty candidates, and after aspirants had their NEARING END chance on the campus hustings, elections took place on Friday, HARVESTING RAPIDLY DRAWING TO D Sept. 27 from 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. "*•• Each grade had been assigned a VOTE AT OYEN PRESIDENT duty in connection with the elec- A CLOSE; WITH GOOD WEATHER 1957 SET BACK ONE DAY tion. Grade 8 prepared the.j>olling A change in the voting date booths, grade 9 the voters' list, for By-Law 297 in the village grade 10 the preparation of the CROP SHOULD BE OFF IN FEW DAYS of Oyen is announced this ballots, grade lt the tabulation week by F. J. Lydsman, sec­ and posting the results, while United Grain Growers Here Estimate retary-treasurer. In a long dis­ grade 12 supervised the voting. Eighfy-Five Percent Now Off The Fields- tance call to the Herald Wed­ Without losing a minute of in­ nesday afternoon, Mr. Lyds­ struction time, a record 142 bal­ Wheat Yield Estimate Six Bushels man stated that owing to the lots were cast with but one spoil­ fact that Monday, October 14 ed. The election procedure was By the end of this week harvesting in the Honna district was Thanksgiving Day, tha carried out in every detail as if will have been a thing of the past, in the opinion of the United vote had been set over to it were provincial or municipal. Grain Growers agent here, E. Blight. Judging from remarks of Tuesday, October 15. The rate­ ABOVE ARE MEMBERS of the Hanna Scout Troop with Scoutmaster Stan Curry. The Voters whose names had been om­ itted from the list or whose names farmers the Herald has contacted, the agent's opinion is ab payers will he asked to vote Scouts, assisted by the Cubs will be conducting their Annual Apple Day this coming Sat­ %"Jl*** "yes" or "no" on a by-law had been misspelled had to give a out right, althouah as per usual weather conditions will have urday. A week or so ago the boys conducted a house to house canvass taking orders for declaration showing their right- to whereby the village proposes apples to be delivered at a later date. This Saturday street sales will continue all day, and the deciding hand. to borrow the sum of $20,000 vote. Robert Shacker acted as re­ orders for apples by the box can also be given to Scoutmaster Curry by phoning 60. An turning officer and Violet Kelm as The past two weeks have seen for waterworks extension and improvement. Ratepayers are apple booth has been set up in the town offics, also. This Saturday the Scouts will apprec­ poll clerk. Junior students heard farmers working on a round-the- iate the public's patronage.."An apple a da', keeps a Scout on his way!" probably for the first time such clock basis, in an effort to rush asked to keep the change of ejection terms as "counterfoil,", harvest along, following several date in mind. "transferable vote." delays due to wet weather. The long hours have paid off and ac­ • Much credit is due fhe office'!' cording to the UGG report given ORGANIZATION OF SEA CADETS NOT October Meeting for conducting the election in such the Herald on Wednesday after­ an efficient style. When the poll noon, eighty-five percent of the Social Credit Miss Elizabeth Gourlay closed every student present en 1957 crop is now cut and threshed. FAR OFF; INTEREST MOUNTS AMONG Of Home & School Friday had exercised his fran­ . popular member of the Hanna chise Upon counting the bailout No final estimate as to acreage High "School, who was elected pres­ returning officer Shacker anno and grades have been made by lo­ Meeting Called ident of the Student's Union at el­ ced the results, which cal elevator men, and the United YOUNG LADS; MEETING SLATED Slated for Oct. 8 | ections in the school last Friday. some surprises. For the Grain Growers' report up to the Parents'ond Prospective Members Asked Inspector of Highway in several years a girl middle of the week was based on­ For Hanna Oct. 23 Traffic to Give Talk; STUDENTS' CHOICE elected as chief officer of tt ly on meagre information from To Turn Out: Area Officer To Give dents' Union. Likewise farmers themselves, as no new Annual Meetings of Two Of High Interest to All Constituencies Takes first time grade 12 was sue wheat deliveries have been made. Address; Organization to Follow Tbe October meeting of the in electing thc entire slate ol They are as follows I'yieltf per Place on Same Day licers. Elected were; President,**! acre): wheat 6 bushels, oats and .Organization of Sea Cadets in Hanna is not far away, Home and School Associaion, Oct­ C. K. French, president of the ober 8 in the school auditprium Elizabeth Gourlay; vice president, barley 10, and what is considered according to information given the Herald this week. Jas. Fos­ has an item on its program that Thomas Offen; secretary, Ann Ol­ a good yield for flax, eight bush­ Hand Hills Constituency Social ter, speaking on behalf of the interim committee, sponsoring son; treasurer, Patricia Mossey. els. Wheat samples brought in so Credit Association, announces this should be of interest to everyone. far indicate a grade of three and week the date for the annual con­ the cadets states that an organization meeting will be held in Maurice Jones, Inspecto • of High­ Room representatives were a* stituency convention. The gather­ the public schol starting at 8 p.m. this Friday. way Traffic and J. W. McKay, Dir­ follows: grade 12, Jim Engel; four, with much Of the samples ector of Safety Education for the showing signs of sprouting. ing is to take place in Hanna on I 1 grade 11, Shirley Riddle; grade 10, Mrs. Irena Bellagent* All parents and boys inte'reste*."*" — — Department of Highways, will ad- Wednesday, October, 33, .starting! T l 1 Karen Bentsen; grade 9, Gary Al- While the. overall 5 ttmaa ««• Trum^'nag. 4"Mao -eMesfcrM 4. ^eeea^amt..' >e*iiiti^.^gimte* '^f^pM*^* *-^' -im*-** tn the' movement tabe- twvHed «-• \ p—rwww±ka pjJ**|t'J"l lsyL" ' " ttB~"""*g**~fl'"*'**jt ratty Mnaiay • w placed at six bushels, there are oi Medicine Hat and tormgrly The meeting wfll serve a dual j attend t»f"f meeting. Included will be introduced by Cst. Hives reports well substantiated that of Hanna Has been installed as purpose itYtbst 1L4H11 also Include [ the program will be the showing* Gets "Face Lifting' Sutherland, RCMI', of the locU some wheat in various districts is Deputy Grand Regent ior Alberta the annualiKeefing of the Acadia of two films, os well as an address detachmert. yielding from 20 to as high as 35 in the Women's Order of The Federal Constituency Association. by Lt. C. A. Prescott, officer com­ The Farmers' Exchange, oppos­ Two films will also be shown bushels to the acre. Moose. Mrs. Bellagente's official The latterjwill\pen at 3:30 in the manding the western area. Also in ite the Capitol Theatre on Main on safe driving. One is entitled Voting Machinery On the completion of harvesting installation was made recently in Memorial Ha".",./ attendance will ne Neil Beaton Street is among many Hanna bus­ "Hit and Pun . the other is not which is likely the end of this week Spokane. Since taking up residence Dr. W. vtT Cross, former Minis­ C. Or of the Delia cadet corps and iness firms to undergo a "face lift­ known as yet. These films mty re­ the Herald will have another crop in Medicine Hat she has been very ter of Health, who retired "trow ex-officer Jack Smith of Hanna. ing" this summer. Workmen have veal something to all. even good Gears Up For 3 report from elevator agents in active in the women's division of his cabinet post in September will So far some 25 boys have signi­ removed the entire front, and a drivers, as thT is always some­ Hanna, which when initial deliver-, Ihe lodge. Prior to her marriage be in attendance in his capacity fied their inten'mn of joining the large portion of the main building thing to oe gjined from s'ich pic­ ies open should "tell thc tale" in! she was Miss Irene Elm, having of member for the Hand Kills con­ cadets, and it is hoped that 40 or and when completed the structure tures, hen^j the reason for show- October Plebiscite obtained her schooling in Hanna. a year that has been one of the stituency. more will be interested in joining will be considerably enlarged and ins them Proclamations Out Next most unusual in the history oi tbe A brother Mr. Clarence Elm res­ During the meeting a local com­ Mr. French stressed to the Her­ improved. Owner Ralph Shacker A quesivn period will follow to Week for Province-Wide district as far as grain growers are ides in Hanna.
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