Page TMr+y-Three Thundey, July 16, 1959 TORRANCE PRESS Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Salt 200 Automobiles for Solo 200 Automobile* for Sale 200 YU CATCH THE CHAFFEE MOTORS BIG ONES USED CARS at and USED TRUCKS GLEDHILL'S '59 FordGalaxie ....... .$2995 '57 Ford Fairlane'500'....$1995 Convertible. Crui*e-o-matlc transmission, radio, heater, power Victoria. Ford-o-matlc. radio and heater, power steering. 100 steering, white wUh red Interior. Low mileage. CHEVROLETS Ford Country Sedan. .$2895 '56 Oldsmobile "88" .....$1695 NEW '59 power steering. Crulse-q-matlc transmission, radio, heater, power steering. Perfect Hardtop. Automatic transmission, radio and heater, WILL BE SOLD! condition. CHECK OUR DEAL '56 Ford Victoria ........$1395 '57 Ford Country Sedan..$1995 2 to ehocv! from. Ford-o-matlc, radio and heater, power steering. BEFORE YOU BUY! Ford-o mstic, radio, heater, lueeaae rack, top condition. '57 Chevrolet V-8 Bel-Air $1995 '55 Ford V-8 .............$995 PRICES SLASHED NOW! Station waonn. Automatic transmission, radio and haatar. 'i ton pickup. Good condition. 2 to choose from. '58 FORD Ranch Wagon ........... $1795 \ 7 Radio, heater, overdrive. Beautiful red and white finish. ^ All '56 OLDSMOBILE "98" Holiday ..... $1495 \ Quality 4-door sport sedan. Radio, heater, hydramatic, full power. |a Trade-ins NO '55 FORD V-8 Country Squire....... $1495 \ At 139th St., Hawthorne heater, Ford-o-matic, power steering. Beautiful wagon. "§§ "Dealer's Warranty in Writing" Radio, Must Open Sunday 10 to A Week Days 'Til 9 OS 5-7175 MONEY '57 VOLVO Sedan ................. $1195 \ Lots of extras. Lilc» new throughout. § Be Sold DOWN '55 CHEVROLET Convertible ...... $1095 \ Equipped wirli radio, heater and powerglide. : Chet Rodgers '59 '56 CHEVROLET V-8 2-Door ........$ 995 New Radio, heater and powerglide. Very sharp. Chevrolets 1959 Losing \ '55 FORD V-8 Fordor ...............$ 695 is AV01 this one now. $199 Down "^ji Radio and heater. See Chevrolets '54BUICK4-Door..................$695 \ $1995 ^. Super sedan. R^dio, h«al«r, dynaflow. Sharp. Must Sell ALL PLYMOUTH MOT Low as \ '54 CHEVROLET Bel-Air Club ......$ 595 Stock Immediately PRICES $52 Up Radio and hnafftr. Nir« car fhrouqhout. Complete Inventory Now These prices ore so low you have to get per Month \ '53 FORD V-8 Station Wagon .......$ 595 Going Fast But Still K Radio and heater. Hurry for this wagon. Good Selection Underneath to read them! '58 Mercury Monterey Hardtop $1995 Hardtops 30 Years the Best Place to Deal 2-Doors '56 Plymouth V-8 Hardtop ............... $1095 CHEVROLET/ 4-Doors Station Wagons '55 Ford V-8 custom 4-dr. sedan $ 895 CHEVROLET/ FRED GLEDHILL 305 East Anaheim Wilmington '55 Studebaker V-8 2-dr. Sedan $ 795 TE 4-3491 _______________Open Evenings ond Sundoys The Chryilcr Corporation ha* great plans for us In the Oodot line The factory will not allow us to advertise the near-wholesale prices on '54 Oldsmobile "98"4-dr. sedan $ 795 Plymouth*. thete new 1W» '48 Cadillac 4-dr. $ 395 Low miles, original throughout. For the Deal of Your Life '57 Fiat "600" ................................... .... $ 995 TRY AND BEAT SIMCA See Us at Once '57 Alfa Sprint Coupe ..........._.. ......_. ....$2295 '56 Zephyr ..................__.... ...$ 795 Complete service on ell Chrysler products, Including the Plymouth, as In THIS DEAL WE CAN'T me pesl U mrs. '55 Morris Wagon . ..........___...... .....$ 795 Sell a car with no down payment (unless you mort­ '55 Volkswagen Sedan ........................... ..$1095 gage your house and furniture). Inc. Brand New Sell you an $1800 car for $2.00 a week. Chet Rodgers, All Cars Are in A-1 DODGt-PLYMOUTH SINCF. 1933 '59 DeSoto 4-Door Sedan WE WON'T Mechanical and Appearance Insult your intelligence 17th and Pacific TE 2-4561 interior. Power steering, automaic trans­ Condition AH-white special Evade the facts Additional Location mission. Fully factory equipped, ready to be delivered Tell you anything but the truth 901 W. Anaheim, Wilminqion TE 5-6266 Down with Good TODAY. Nothing WE CAN - Low Easy Terms Give you the best, most courteous, professional, per­ USED CARS Credit *2995 sonalized sales consultation in the South Bay The best, most experienced service department in the WANTED South Bay Give you the honesty and dependability of 37 years honesty and community service Hi Trade-in of outstanding Allowance WE WILL or Sell you an outstanding car in any price class, new or used, at a reasonable price, with terms to fit YOUR 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. pocketbook. No Money Down Deal with the South Bay's Only SIMCA Salon (on Approval) Hermosa FR 4-0921 Brand New IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LINCH IMPORTED CARS ON NEW Open Sunday and Evenings '59 Plymouth Del. Sta. Wagon 350 N. Pacific Coast Highway REDONDO BEACH FR 3-2937 Solid Years of Fair Dealing Fully factory equipped, ready to b« delivered TODAY. 37 'Look for the Candy Stripe Awning" MRK ON NEW Pontiac '59 '56 Plymouth Belvedere rib. coe. powerfllte, STATION WAGONS $2395 Bonneville R»Hf w.w. tlrei. Rambler - Triumph Sport Coupe $1095 SEDANS and HARDTOPS Exactly 2277 mile* by elderly Glen- $395 dn. '58 Chev. ....$495 dn. dale genteleman who lu*t traded It '58 Merto. on a convertible. Not a mar or RIVIERA Hardtop. Red and white. Radio and Imeala coup*. Automatic transmis­ cratch anywhere. Power steerlne, '57 Oldsmobile heater. Like new. Low mileage. sion, r«dU>, heater, power stterln*. power brakes, electric window, big VOLKSWAGEN 4-dr. sedan. Motor Co. whltewall tires. Car­ Super "88" Harbor radio, heater, 2*01 Pacific Coatt Hwy. NO SUNDAY »fLLINO '58 Imperial $595 dn. ries full new car Mrvlca and guar­ Harmoaa PR 6-MM Radio, heater, hydramatic, '56Buick $1395 P.P. antee. Big discount. Priced dirt Wf NltD YOUR fRADB IN$ LARK SALIS and StRVlCB FOR HARiOR AREA Imperial So Hampton 5-door hatdttn. down, new ear lank local one Special Riviera coupe. Loaded and cheep. Iff power steering, 1230 W. ANAHEIM TE I-I3M Full power. White finish. A beautiful liberal trade. Inquire at financing, '53 Mercury Sedan, R1H, white walli, owner. ft Blocks last of Pttueroe) sharp.. car. N6W CAR DIPT., tOB 8KAVBR Merc-O-Matlc, 110 down, $4 week. PONTIAC, fJl Pacific CMit HI way, 1432 W. Roiecrani, Cardena Weelc-End Special Wagon HarmoM, M 4-3443. DA 3-I2M FA 1-2171 '57 Ford 1955 dn. Country Sedan driven only 57 Cadillac $545 '56 Citroen $245 dn. $1895 original miles. It's a beauty wlrh TR-2 «2 DeVllle type coupe Power, air flna. white DS19. Runs 'S3 Chav. Bal Air, R4H, Auto., radio, heater, full vinyl 55 Chevrolet M week. Fordomatlc, conditioning wild, no down, Les Arkenberg, Inc. Interior, for vacation time fun Be- Immaculate condition Tonne.tu cov 1432 W. Rotacrani, Oardtna "Oardena Ford Dealer' The origi­ '/rton Pickup V-l Standard trans­ PA 1-2171 ll«ve me you'll like It. er. Sharp) '57 Pontiac $495 dn. DA 34222 you can '57 Ford 8 $395 dn. Sharp! Vermont nal owner was fuasy as Star Chief Cotnllna Full power. (I mission. 161st St. & wrmi vou come In lo InspKt II. Custom 300. Ford-0-m«tlc, radio and see to choose from). DA 9-1184 FA 1-0434 BIG SALE. $4» down or IW.90 per $10 Down heater. Extra clean. '52 M.G.-T.D. Rdstr. month with free S day trl.il en- (on approved credit) $10 Down ra­ Open Eves. & Sunday Cities Motor Co. Ped Interior, let black finish, chanee. This car carries Bob Bea­ Beach white wall tires. Owned "§uv FOR LIM dio, heater, and I.VOOO-mlle ouar- FROM LBS-' ver 15-monfh LAWNDALE LAWNDALE by wealthy Palot Verde* couple. antee. BOB BBAVPR PONTIAC, mark anywhere) MOTORS KAZAN RAMBLER Not a «pot nor Pacific Coast Hwy., Hermosa. Come and Inspect It today whether 00 234 S. Pacific Coast Hwy. at Torrance MOTOR* WS FORD "t ton P.O. A camper FR 4-4931 you buy or not, you are always delleht. Rani absolutely perfect. AUTHORIZ6O *IMCA 15019 So. Western Ave. AUTHORIZED SIMCA welcome. BIO SALT I W down. 110 down, 110 week. CM. OeVllle. RltH, Praa 51 CADILLAC Small payment* through bank. 163? W. Rosecrans, Garden* auto, tram., w.w original, HO IS400 Hawthorn* Blvd. FR 6 91888 Open Every Nit« 'Til 9 Redondo S-day trial exchange and U-mo., FA 1-2171 week. Garden « DA 4-4941 FA 1-1327 15400 Hawthorn* Blvd. available. DA 34122 down, t7 a 15,000 mile guarantee Roeecrani, Oardena BOB BEAVER PONTIAC, fOO Pa- 1M2 W. OS 9-2245 ft* FORD *« ton PU RAH, w.w. '53 MERCURY Convert*!*, RfcH. 1WS FORD " ten Panel. Runs per­ DA 34222 FA 1 2171 W.w. fires, exceptional clflc Coast Hwy., Harmoaa. PR 4- 19 week. tires. Must see to app-r"l»te. $10 ante. fr*ns OS 9-2245 *»31. fect, 110 down, cond $10 down, $« week. 1A.1J W RoMtrans, Garden* down, $10 week Take Over Payments (Take Over Payments Over Payments 195S OLDS Su»er N, 4dr Hardtop, 1132 W. Roterrans Gardena 1(37 West Rosecmns, Gardena OA 3-1222 FA 1-2171 Take lust like brand PA 34111 FA 1-JIJi Kconorr.y Car A raal 1fl1 PONTIAC SUM)., Auto, Tran»., '$4 MERCURY 2 door Monterev Hard­ full power, RAH, DA *n» FA HIM 'IJ CHfVBOLtT station wagon, beau ; r> Pontiae V« Catallna type, 3 door t«54 AUSTIN Mutt *et to appreciate. tlO W.W. tlrev original uphol. & finish. sedan, RAH, on* top Merr O Matlr, Radio and hnattr, new condition throughout Take Mdan, radio, heater, take ever for , economy -pedal RAH, gd.
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