TENNESSEE CITIZENS for WILDERNESS PLANNING NewsletterNo. 194 July 16,1993 nnnrrrrrrrrrrnnnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrrrrrnnn 1. Big South Fork and Obed ............. , , . ................. , , . .. .. ... p. 3 A. Appropriations still possible D. Obed Management Plan B. Oear Creek dam proposal E. Obed site manager C Otter Creek dam update 2. Fate of bills consideud by 1993 Tennessee General Assembly.,, ........... ..., ., .p. 4 A. Clearcutting D. Non-game wildlife F. Septic tanks B. Forestry study E. Ocoee Olympics G. Deferred initiatives C Golf courses in parks 3. Protection of Tennessee lands., ....... p. 5 A. Lands abutting Pickett D. Stan Murray Memorial tract B. Permit for Fiery Gizzard dam E. Key upland habitat C. Dept. of Defense lands 4. Cherokee National Forest .. ..... ..... .......... ......... , •., , ........ .p. 6 A. Tellico and Hiwassee WSR studies C. Ocoee Olympics B. Nolichucky bill needed D. Red-cockaded woodpecker 5. Stripmine news ................... .......................... ..p. 6 A. State primacy study B. Will OSM improve? 6. TVA capsules .... p. 7 A. Two Tennesseans join Board B. No chip-mill permits 7. Public-land issues nationwide ..... ....... ....... , • , , ........................ p. 8 A. ANWR protection D. Wildlife refuges B. Bullets in parks? E. Canadian watershed saved C. Mining "reform" F. 'The Wise Use Agenda" 8. Other national news...... , .. ............. ..... ·····P· 9 A. Endangered Species Act D. National Biological Survey B. Clean Water Act E. New NPS head; other appointments C. Wetlands protection F. Revenue opportunities for fed lands 9. Oak Ridge issues .............. , , , . , , . .. .. .. ............... p. 11 A. Worthington cemetery tract B. Canoe trail C. Greenways 10. TCWP news . • . • . ................ p. 12 A. Annual Meeting preview C. About TCWP members B. Computer & printer needed D. Miscellany E. Volunteers 11. Activities and reading matter .. .... ... .... .......p.14 12. ACTION SUMMARY .•. p. 2 "Editor: Liane B. RussdJ.l)(lTabor Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Ph. 615,482·2153 Star in margin means "Action Needed." Don't be overwhelmed- check the ACTION SUMMARY! NL 194, 711&93 2 12 . ACTION SUMMARY tN Issue Contact MMessageiM or Action 1A Big S. Forkand Obed Sen.Sasser "Thanks; and keep wonting Jor lundsl" acquisitions Other Sens.; Rep.Coope "Support Sen.Sassar's eff011r 18 Obed (Clear Creek Dam) TCWP Join Friends of Obed Network and take action 10 ObedManagement Plan Natl. Pant Service "Add me to mailing listl" 3E Key upland habitat Fish & Wildlife SeN. Help identify valuable areas In Tennessee 4A TeiUco R., Hiwassee R US Forest Servic& Comment on Wikl & Scenic River studies 48 Nolichucky Sen. Mathews: copies t "Sponsor Nolichucky WSR billl" Rep. Quillen, yoor Rep. SA Stripmining Rep. Coffey "Thanks for amending primacy resolution!" 7A Arctic Refuge. coastal plain US Sens. and Rep. "Cosponsor S.39fHR.391" 78 Bullets in parks? Sens.Mathews & Sasser "Support S.21; oppose amendments to allow hunting in Mojave NPI" 7C Reform of 1872 mining law Your US Rep. ·s�port HR.322; oppose weakening amdmntsl" VaPres.Gore "Administration must stop patent plunderr 70 Wildlife Refuges USSens. and Rep. "Support S.823fHR.8331" SA Endangered SpeciesAd US Rep. andSens. "Support HR.2043fS.9211' 88 Clean Water Ad US Sens.; copyto Rep. "Pass strengthened reauthorization bill!" ac Wellands protection us Rep.. copy 1o cmte . "Co-sponsorHR.350; oppose HR.1330r 8F Public-land give-aways Pres. Clinton "Use all avenu&S!oendthese revenue lossesr lOA Annual Meeting TCWP Mark your calendar •• Nov.5-7 108 TCWP office TCWP Help us lind cheap compu!er and printer 10C Phone tree TCWP Volunteer lo be a caller. Senator John Doe TheHon. John Doe Governor Ned McWherter Unlled States Senate U.S. House of Representatives State Capitol Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515 Nashville, TN 37219 Dear Senator Doe Dear Congressmanfwoman Doe Dear Gov. McWherter Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, Respectfully yours, To call a Representative or Senalor, dial Congressional switchboard, (202) 224-3121 To find out about !he status of federal bills, call (202) 225-1n2 NL194, 7116'93 3 1. BIG SOUTH FORK AND OBED h A. There Is stlfl time lor you to supp ort �::::x�s��=::·� ecqulsltlon funds this and other Obed Issues, has grown and now Although the House Appropriations Bill has inc:Udesln:livWalst.-ilgin several staes.Weurge alreadybeen voted outo4 committeesand conlains * :i:�:i;:"e:����n�ne:=,:� noacq.JisHion lundsfor eHher the BigSouthForlt tear�lfformlson thelastpageolthisNL NatklnalRivef and Recrea!i::mMia or the CtJedWild and Scenic River. there is still a chance lor the C. Otter Creek dam update Senate bill (which has not yet moved). Senator Sassefhas twnsertl'NildliOta$3miion Two years ago, we !ought hard against the iXllmlGed proposal to l�nd upper Ot1er Creek, another appropriatiOnto some olthe needed acquire lands important lributal)';but anerwethtlugtt we 10 COmplete the BigSouth Fol1cNRRA; we don1 Obed know what he will try to do lor the Obed. If the hadsuc:c::eedecl , FarmersAdministration Home (!he Senate b�l ends up wnh the appropriations we federalfurldin;j agency) managed to sip I llwoogh wtile-weten'tlookir-g.We<idsucx:eedinalerting suppor1, U will then be up 10 the conference COfTVTiittee whose mentlefswe canattempt the state enough lo Include relatively strinoem House conditions In the ARAP (AquatiC Resource �-. Alerati::lnsPetmit). WHAT YOU CAN 00: (1) Thank Sen. Sasser lor his leadership role in seeking the acquisition Jus� a week ago. lotlowing a compliance * appropriations and urge Sen. Mathews (or other inspection that revealed a number of violations senators lfyou llve in another state) to support (partieulaz1ywithregardtosedimantdischargelrom Sasser on this appropriation. (Address on p.2.) the constiUCflon actlvily),the state tookstepsto Point out that the appropriations are badly needed enlorce the permh conditions. The Crab On:hard to purchase hlghly scenic ancllragile lands thalare UtilityDistrtchasuntitJuty30tosubrrltaplanand wHhin the authorized boundaries. but st�l In private sched.Jieforcompliance.The state isefllXlW&red ownership, and threatened wllh resource penaJtles up toStO,OOOperdaylorthe �� degradationssuch as bgging, roads,and residenUal developments. (2) Thank Rep Jim Cooper (address on p.2) for contacting the chairman ol lhe Interior 0. Dntft of 0/ud Genersl Management Plan Appropriations Subcommittee lo support BS FNRRA The Southeast Regional Olliceo1 the National land-acquisition lunds. Ask him to lobOy the Pal1cServiCe Is strn wol1cing on the Draft General Management Plan (NL188 tt; NL189tJA; NL190 conrerence committee,in casetheSenate binencts t2B;NL191 ttC:Nlt93t2B). The major issuethat up containing the appropriaUon. now needs to be resolved is the locatiOn ol the overlook. TCWP members Maureen Cunningham B. Opposition to Clear Creek dam proposal The Clear Creek is one of the two major and Bill Russell recently accompanied NPS trilutariesof the River,and �s Courcy persomeltosoericUiyBI.rflto assessthe�biity CtJed Morgan ol developing anoverlookthat wouldeliminatethe portion Is Included In the Obed National Wild & SCenic River. A proposal has been made for wm:ml severeof misuse the areaand would prot&d damming the Clear Creek, above its protected an endangered plantspecies. pol'liOn,to create a 100-acre reservoir to supply t water lor theCatoosa llliily Distr1ct (Newsle!ter191 * fi8;NL192f18;NL193t2A). An liSiof ��:1N���n;�a�0��:. ����sr;"R=�:� kf1Jressive ot!ICIJ, 75 Spring Street, SW. Atlanta. GA 30303, argumems against thlsproposal waslnclldedin Phone "04-331-5835) and ask 10 be placed on the NL19312A,ar.t•ls stltmelyloryoutotollowthe maUing. lis! lot any publiCations or announcements aclion CCll'tanedinlhai: . suggestions New$1e!ter pertairMng to !he Obed General Management Plan. Eventually, comments !rom TCWP members will A strategy committee of TCWP members and clearly be llfllOrtant. When the NPS draft doc\lment representaUves of other organiutlons has been Is issued,we plantobringyouour anatysisol �- formed and Is busy gathering Information and followingup leads. Fadsarebeiog collectedabout Naw Obed Site Mansger named the hydrology,ecology,and ownership patternin The Obed has been without a site manager and below lhe proposed reservoir area. One since May 1, when Don Forester, who had so abf-i irterestingpieceofintom'l3tionthalhasemerged is servedlor thepast severalyears,transferred tothe thatthe reservoir ls proposed tolle smacKinthe lillie River National Preserve in Alabama. Den's middleol a5000-acrelnldu.vnedbyalargeFlotida sua:essorwlbe.JoeKely,whowlcomeonboartl �lhathasateact)'�anadjaoenl toward the end o1July. Kely has beenworking at .... theSouheast Regional Oll ieeo1 NPS as iaison wlh NL 194, 7/1&'93 4 the US Forest Service. Prior to that,he held ranget" positions in a few National Pal1< System un�s. We The bill provides for the State Building have no! yet me! Joe Kelly, but we look forward to Commission and the Dept. of Conservallon to worXJng with him. convnissionfeasblilysbxiesontheprofdabilyof proposednewgolcourses,andto enterintoj::lint· venture agreements for construction of new courses at locations determined to be sell­ FATE OF BILLS CONSIDERED BY supporting. The expectatiOn Is that private 2. enterprise wilnot guaranteetinancialsupportlor 1993 TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE projects that shoW no prospects for being sell­ C/esrcuttlng on public lands to be studied �i"r;j. Because of !he defeat of HB.t 551SB.247, 0. To study non·gsme wildlife funding
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