CONTENTS. PAGE . the brethren , and but little is needed to ensure favourable con- LEADERS — sideration for the Memorial. The objects will, I confidentl The Kelly Memorial Fund ... ... ... ... ... 5'9 y Freem asonry in Cornwall ... ... ... ... ... 520 believe, commend themselves to you, for, while preserving Prov incial Grand Lodge of Cornwall ... ... ... ... 520 Provi ncial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire ... ... ... ... 521 a permanent record of our dear Brother KELLY , we are Provi ncial Grand Lodge of South Wales ... ... ... ... 522 at the same time instituting a means of exercising what he Prov incial Grand Chapter of Lincoln shire ... ... ... ... 522 Provinc ial Grand Chapter of North Wales ... ... ... ... 522 always strenuously advocated—the active principles of Bene- Grand Mark Lodge of Cumber land and Westmorland... ... Provinci al 523 ARTRIDGE A New Home for Keighley Freemasonry ... ... ... ... 523 volence and Charity." Bro. P then proceeds to Intere sting Extract from an "Old Masonian 's " Letter to the Secretary explain the purposes of the Fund , which are " to supple- R.M.I.B. _ ... ... ... ... ... ... 523 Freem asonry in Wiesbaden ... ... ... ... ... 523 ment the benefits of the great Masonic Charitable Institu- Lodges and Chapter of Instruction ... ... ... ... 523 tions by providing for such relief as these Charities may not be M ASONIC NOTES — , The Schools Elections ... ... ... ... ... 525 able to deal with promptly. Up to the present time," he adds Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire and Rutland ... ... 525 Charity Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire ... ... ... 525 " the Fund of the Province has sufficed to meet cases Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall ... ... ... ... 525 coming under its notice, but , having regard to the great increase, ... ... ... ... ... Correspon dence ... 526 locally, in Freemasonry, it cannot be expected that the benefits Masonic Notes and Queries ... ... .,. ... ... 526 Craft Masonry ... ... .,. ... ... ,.. 526 of that Fund will be adequate to meet future, claims, and it is Mark Masonry ... ... ... ... ... ... 529 that b Consecration of the Beach Lodge, No. 2622... ,,, ... ... 529 consequently hoped y the establishment of this Fund much Consecration of the Blackpool Rose Croix Chapter , No. 136 ,.. ... 529 Masonic distress may be alleviated." We trust that Bro. Masonic and General Tidings ... ... ... ... ... 530 PARTRIDGE S appeal will meet with the success it deserves, more especially as measures have been adopted to ensure the perma- THE KELLY MEMORIAL F UND . nency of the interest which the Leicestershire and Rutland lodges and brethre n may exhibit at the outset in the Fund h On the lamented death in 1894 of Bro.Wll.LlAM K ELLY , F.S.A., y I'. Prov. G. Master and G. Superintendent of Leicestershire and granting votes at each election held during the year of recipients Rutland , steps were at once taken to determine whether any, of the benefits conferred by the Fund to donors and subscribers and , if so. what kind of , memorial should be raised to commem- in proportion to the amount of their subscri ptions and donations. orate the many and valuable services he had rendered to Free- Thus a lodge or brother, who contributed five shillings will masonry, both generally and in the Province of which he had receive one vote at every such election. A donor of two and a been a member throughout his whole Masonic career. A special half guineas becomes a Life Subscriber and will receive two Provincial Grand Lodge was held on the 21st November follow- votes at each election for life ; the donor of five guineas becomes ing his death , and it was then and there unanimously decided a Life Governor and receives four votes for life ; while the donor that a memorial should be raised which should take the form of a of 10 guineas is designated a Patron and receives eight votes at Benevolent and Educational Fund and be known as " The Kelly each election for life. These arrangements concern individual Memorial Fund." A Committee was formed to take the necessary donors, but lodges, chapters, and other Masonic bodies obtain preliminary arrangements for the establishment of this Fund. the same privileges by paying double, that is to say, five and in due course a code of bye-laws was framed, which were guineas to become Life Subscribers ; 10 guineas to become Life unanimously approved and adopted at the annual Prov. Grand Governors ; and 20 guineas to become Patrons. Ladies and Lodge held on the 6th November, 1895. At the same meeting it Lewises who are minors become Patrons and receive eight votes was announced that the promises of support which the Committee on payment of five guineas and four additional votes in respect had received were very favourable, and Bro. S. S. PARTRIDGE , of every additional contribution of two and a half guineas. The P.A.G.D.C. England , Dep. P.G. Master, was appointed to act as scheme is an excellent one, and considering what manner of man our late lamented Bro. K ELLY was how able and experi- Steward in behalf of the Fund, while a grant of £2 *, from the , how enthusiastic funds of Prov. Grand Lodge was unanimousl y voted by way enced in every branch of Masonic work, , in of inaugurating the long list of subscri ptions which it is desired fact, how entirely he was what is commonly designated " the heart to accumulate. In fulfilment of this duty, Bro. PARTRIDGE is now and soul " of Freemasonry in Leicestershire and .Rutland for a issuing a circular letter to thc lodges and brethren in Leicester- full half-a-century, we have every confidence that when the time shire and Rutland with a view to obtaining from them such dona- comes to confer the benefits of the Fund on some deserving lions and subscri ptions as they may be able and willing to make, candidates, it will be found that Bro. PARTRIDGE 'S appeal has not hi doing this, he refrains from entering minutel y into the par- been made in vain. ticulars of our late Bro. K ELLY 'S services. He is content to speak of him in general terms as having been " one whom all FREEMASONRY IN C ORNWALL. flighted to look upon as the ' Father of Freemasonry '" in the rovince of Leicestershire and Rutland, and he rests " his con- It is to be regretted that Bro. the Earl of MOUNT E DGCUMBE , sent expectation that they "—the Masonic bodies and brethre n Past Deputy G. Master of England , Prov. G. Master of Cornwall, generally throughout the Province—" will liberall y contribute to was unable to be present in his place at the annual meeting of ake the Memorial an entire success " on the general tenour of Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall on Tuesday, the 22nd ult., ^°' KELLY 'S career rather on any individual act, however more especially as the cause of his absence was illness. How- J!lant or beneficial to the local Craft, which he may have done. ever, his respected Deputy, Bro. Sir CHARLES B. G RAVES-SAV\ LE , •«- untiring devotion and incomparable services of our de- Bart., ably presided in his stead and was in a position to assure parted brother," writes Bro. PARTRIDGE in this circular letter, the brethren that though their Prov. Grand Master had gone ' re too well known to even the youngest amongst us to render abroad for the benefit of his health, his illness had never been ) details of his services necessary for the purpose of this dangerous and he was being rapidly restored to convalescence. mm »nication. His name will continue a household word vvith This was subsequentl y confirmed by the Prov , Grand Secretary, who had received fro m Bro. Lord M OUNT Enc.ci'MitE a letter , been a member of our Order for some 40 years, and a few more in which he said he was getting on cap itally and should start for years of active duty will have the effect of confirming, rather than home in about a fortni ght. The programme of business at the of enlarging the obligations which Cornwall is under to him. meeting, with the exception of one item , was of thc usual The plate and clothing hc received on the 22nd ult. are tlm character, but the returns from thc several executive officers outward and visible, and enduring sign of tbe respect and were more than usually satisfactory. The Prov. Grand Treasurer affection with which he. is uniformly regarded hy thc Masons of was able to report a balance in hand at the close of the past Cornwall. That respect and affection has reached its culminalimr year of £194 as compared with £146 at the close of the. preced- point, and accordingly, we congratulate him on a recognition ing year, while the Prov. Grand Secretary reported an increase of his long and well-tried services, which is only less gratifying in the aggregate membership of the Province which raised that to the outside brother who equally admires all who conscien- aggregate to 1813, the highest return on record. But while con- tiously fulfil their appointed duties than if must be to Bro. gratulating the lod ges on this total , the officer in question—Bro. A NDERTON and his friends and associates in Cornish Masonry , H. D. ANDERTON , J.G.D. England—and subsequentl y the Deputy P.G .M. took the opportunity of uttering a salutary caution to the lod ges against anything like carelessness as to whom PRO VINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CORNWALL. they admitted as members. He pointed out that the fear was by no means groundless, that in their anxiety to add to The annual meeting of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held at 's Hall Penzance on Tuesday, the 22nd ult. In the absence of the their numbers, they should admit all who presented them- St.
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